
Max Staff request

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What country are you from?:Germany

How well do you speak and understand English?:i speak english and understand it 

SteamID: SteamID [ STEAM_0:1:552693746 ]  SteamID64 [ 76561199065653221 ]

In-Game name(s):Bob Malin

Age:14 (will be 15 soon)

Play Time. Must be atleast 3 days. No exceptions(SCP-RP):3 days and 16 (i will have more but i had a break from scp RP)

Are you a VIP/GoldVIP?:i am Platinum Vip

Do you have a microphone?:no 

Do you have TeamSpeak ( Required )?:sure 

Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum): so i am Max i am soon 15 years old and i really love scps and the Werwolf Gaming scp rp and yes i dont really know if you need my in your team but i will be a got mod i am wanna get more active on the gmod server and i wanna support this team because i really like it so i can react really fast i have a lot of time and know the rules know  what is allowed and not allowed my weakness is i have not the best PC 

How long will you be able to play per day?: 17 hours 

Any past experience as staff?:no not really i was test mod on a lot of over servers but i dont play these servers anymore 

Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.):so i have 3 warns 
 1 warn.RDM
 3warn.didnt remove props from a scp cc

Do you know the basic ULX commands Yes/No:
                           Yes i notice all
!gag (Stops player from speaking in Voice Chat)
!mute (Stops player from speaking in Text Chat)
!kick (Force disconnects a player from the server)
!xban (Brings up a menu, in which you can fill out info to force a user to disconnect and not return for a certain amount of time, if not permanent)
!ban (Same thing as above, but you must type the info out in the text box)
!unban (Allows a player to rejoin, if they have been banned)
!bring (Forcibly brings a player to you)
!goto (Teleports you to a player)
!return (Returns you or a player to your previous location, pre-teleport)
!jail (Puts a player in a box, made out of 6 fence/gate props)
!jailtp (Same as above but tps you to the player)
!warn (Adds a warn to a rulebreaking player's !warns menu) 

Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions): SCP rp is a server from werwolfgaming in the server is a secret foundatin under a city the city is known as Oviscity the pepole in the foundation or on site keeps secret monsters the monsters are known as SCPs ,scps are creatures that can destroy the world or want to destroy it the scps are in 3 classes 1 class SAFE: safe scps can walk around the facillity like 999 EUCLID: researchers dont have much informations about it and make tests on them to get more information KETER: dangerous scps that definitly go to kill you. But outside of the facility are pepole that dont know what the foundation is and try to get in with hack tools through gate a or the secret door in MT

Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP(1 word is not an answer).:Yes,i have read the ruley and totally understand them and will not break them 

so i think i dont have the best application but i think i can get a chance as Test Mod i mean you can remove mod from me if i make a bad job so please give me a chance

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1 hour ago, mcmax08 said:

SCP rp is a server from werwolfgaming in the server is a secret foundatin under a city the city is known as Oviscity the pepole in the foundation or on site keeps secret monsters the monsters are known as SCPs ,scps are creatures that can destroy the world or want to destroy it the scps are in 3 classes 1 class SAFE: safe scps can walk around the facillity like 999 EUCLID: researchers dont have much informations about it and make tests on them to get more information KETER: dangerous scps that definitly go to kill you. But outside of the facility are pepole that dont know what the foundation is and try to get in with hack tools through gate a or the secret door in MT

lol -1

Had a bunch of WL but the cool ones are that I currently have.

Marshall, Carter and Dark Salesmen (Current manager)

Alpha-1 Commander

O5-8 "The Gangster"

Director of the Department of External Affairs

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7 minutes ago, mcmax08 said:

why are you just respond my stuff

You are not that interesting.



- Inmature behaviour,

- Bad Application,

- Doesn't even know what SCP:RP is.



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Couple things I wanna mention:

- only 612 words, ( whole applications needs to be atleast 1000 words )

You only have 3 days of playtime, which is enough but you're just not known in the community, I'd recommend getting more known and reapplying in the future, just play more interact more with people etc.

Also, at the "Why should we pick you (250 word mininum) question, you only wrote 94? 

personally, I don't think you're ready just yet.


im max

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Blacklisted from SD because he directly copied from the wiki as one of things. Although the app is small I wouldn't be surprised if something in it is copied from somewhere else.

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10 minutes ago, Fixer said:

Blacklisted from SD because he directly copied from the wiki as one of things. Although the app is small I wouldn't be surprised if something in it is copied from somewhere else.

To be fair if I was gonna copy a staff app I would at least copy a good one 

Edited by Nathan Kennedy

I am here to launder money

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5 minutes ago, Nathan Kennedy said:

To be fair if I was gonna copy a staff app I would at least copy a good one 

To be fair to be fair I have seen people copy the shit ones before. Ones that have been denied as well.


Edited by Fixer
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12 minutes ago, Avery Winters said:

To be fair to be fair to be fair what happens if he actually wrote this himself. 

I mean he probably did and I just pointed out my past with him which I think is only fair to point out. Never did I claim that this app is 100% copied. Even if it isn't such actions reflect what kind of a community member he is and what he has done. Even if this app was not copied it does not invalidate his past.

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3 minutes ago, Fixer said:

I mean he probably did and I just pointed out my past with him which I think is only fair to point out. Never did I claim that this app is 100% copied. Even if it isn't such actions reflect what kind of a community member he is and what he has done. Even if this app was not copied it does not invalidate his past.

I know~ i just wanted to join the to be fair train ^^

Edited by Avery Winters


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Current Ranks: ICRP Admin, 41st 2nd LT, Senior Assassin, 201st  Sergeant, Heavy Weapons Leader 

Previous Ranks: Sith Sub-Path Leader, Battalion Lieutenant Colonel, 501st Vice-Commander/Lieutenant Commander, DarkRP Admin, Deathrun Admin, CG Colonel, SCP RP Super Admin. SCP-096, The Serpants Hand, CI Delta, IJAMEA, O5-3. Site Director, GOC, Echo-14, MC&D Salesman, Anderdon Robotics Robot, Sarkic Karcist/Vice-Manager, SCP-1048 (When WL), Head Researcher, MTF E-11 Commander, Ethics Committee, Church of the broken God Maxwellism/Orthodox, Harrow-23 Manager And NU-7


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