Kaneki Fujimoto

Kaneki's Event Planner Application.

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Event Planner Template:


In game Name: Kaneki Silverhand

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:229303029

List of warns: (I think there will be a picture somewhere here.)

Any previous or current staff experience: Unfortunately Not, but I'm a quick learner!

Why should we pick you?(200 Word Min):

 I think you should choose me, because I always find myself a little bit different than others. I find myself a bit more creative, and a clever person, you can always have a little conversation with me, no matter the situation, I'm an open-minded person, thoughtful, patient and a motivated individual that always tries to reach their dreams. Of course I am quite sure there Is more, but I'm trying to keep it good and simple. With that In mind I think you'd be happy to have me, at least, I highly hope so. I always try my best to help others, and I'm always determined. With that being said, you can see here that I'm a simple, straightforward easy-going person. Usually when I join the SCP-RP, I'm usually having fun, but sometimes It doesn't seem like anything fits for me, when I heard about the Event Team, I immediately wanted to try to apply, the reason is that If I were to apply, I can start to get really creative, my mind has so many things It can think of, making opportunities with the Event Team, thinking together, and making amazing small, and or big events. I'm reaching the end here, and I really really hope you consider having me as an Event Staff. I hope you have a good day. 

Your event plan: It's a very normal day at the foundation, everything's going smooth as always. But something Is up, foundation personnel claim to keep hearing a strange sound, some kind of light-flickering or electricity. This sound continues for a few minutes, but then all of a sudden, the lights shut down! It's very dark In the Foundation (Opportunity: "A few containment cells start opening, letting various SCP's out! With, or without a breach warning.) Foundation personnel try to find a place to hunker down and try to figure out what happened. They all started getting flashlights and continued on with their day. (And or, they fought off the SCP's.) 

(With this small event Idea being said and mentioned. I don't think It's the BEST, but It's something to make players feel ecstatic! I've tried my best. I can start thinking for anything at anytime. Good day!)

Schermopname (101).png


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Few things: 
- i never saw you in game so like get more known in the community but might just be me.

27 minutes ago, The Holy Peanut said:


cool surename where did you get it from mate?

28 minutes ago, The Holy Peanut said:

a little bit different than others.

in what way?

28 minutes ago, The Holy Peanut said:

I'm an open-minded person, thoughtful, patient and a motivated individual that always tries to reach their dreams.

This is event planner application not a therapy session i dont need to know that you are trying to catch your dreams or something.


30 minutes ago, The Holy Peanut said:

Your event plan: It's a very normal day at the foundation, everything's going smooth as always. But something Is up, foundation personnel claim to keep hearing a strange sound, some kind of light-flickering or electricity. This sound continues for a few minutes, but then all of a sudden, the lights shut down! It's very dark In the Foundation (Opportunity: "A few containment cells start opening, letting various SCP's out! With, or without a breach warning.) Foundation personnel try to find a place to hunker down and try to figure out what happened. They all started getting flashlights and continued on with their day. (And or, they fought off the SCP's.) 

AKA I cant write a good event so i will steal the storyline of CB game and then put it in simpler words for retards to understand.


31 minutes ago, The Holy Peanut said:

I've tried my best.

try better

Sorry mate hard no from me.


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the most important part about being an event planner is doing good events and executing them well and professionally

this event sounds like a mass breach with extra steps, when you are around level 30 playing 173 you would always wish for a mass breach event so you would get some time outside your CC, but eventually you realise that events don't go like that

SCPs are breached in events with not them as the subject but the people doing it, think about this example:

- CI infiltrate the facility using anomalous means
- They need to have a distraction so they decide to breach an SCP
- 682 would take a long time to contain and cause a hassle so they breach it
- 682 rampages across the facility while CI gain valuable time to get across the facility and maybe assassinate some administrative personnel who went to the breach shelter

You should also involve more factions than just Foundation in your event, there are many such as PD, UIU, Sarkics, CI, Civilians and MCND. You could even make your own little event job GOI and get people to come on event job to create a completely new threat (such as in previous events, GCIR or just improved versions of existing GOIs such as CI)

for now... -1

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Thank you for the advice and response Nathan Dixon!

The replies seem to be really quiet now so I'll just work hard and try to be well known and come up with better Ideas.

Have a good day! 

(I'm still not sure If I'm denied or accepted. :C)


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