Negative Neggiekins

Adding a Visible Timer for SCP breaches

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What are you suggesting? - Adding a Visible Breach countdown to SCPs screens

How would this change better the server? - There is no timestamps on this servers chatbox making it hard if not impossible to track when your going to breach. This would make it a bit easier for scps to know how long till breach.

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None. Only real disadvantage is it might require coding. If a visible timer can't be added, at least make timer announcements (like every 10 minutes it tells the SCPS how much time is left)


Edited by Negative Neggiekins
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I am not really an SCP player, but I know how it feels to stare at the wall in your CC waiting for when you finally get to breach (or tabbed out on youtube and then missing out the Y | N request for a breach). 


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6 hours ago, Kabasch said:

I am not really an SCP player, but I know how it feels to stare at the wall in your CC waiting for when you finally get to breach (or tabbed out on youtube and then missing out the Y | N request for a breach). 


That is the exact reason why this has been denied several times before. If you know when you are gonna breach, you can just tab out until you are about to breach.


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18 hours ago, Maurice D Biggs said:

Even if its clearly not working, there still is an attempt to encourage RP, this just encourages being AFK.

If there is no testing at all going on, and there are allready 5 other SCPs, maybe you should be switching jobs instead of just staring at a Wall.


Hello Maurice,

I absolutely disagree with you. If there is 5 scps on and no testing is going on, that is a problem because there should be scientists interacting with the SCPS. People AFK because they aren't getting any interaction not just because they're waiting for the timer. (Though, the Devs clearly expect you to be AFK because you get pinged 8 times anyways when your breach timer pops.). There is just no good reason to not have a way to track the time aside from starting your 40m iphone/android timer when someone breaches. All it would really do is ease up the wait on people.

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Among the active researchers on the Server. (All of the HR's and some Seniors that actually perform ReseachRP, i mean)

They have already tested the SCP's to death and know what to expect or that they are dedicated to one project or profession. Like if you can come up with a application for mathematics on 173. I would really like to hear it. (Cuz my Researcher Char is aiming for a HR position to be the Head of Mathematics/Physics)

Now if i do get a suggestion for 173, i'm going to spending all my time on 173. Ignoring all of the SCP's, so that's only one person getting RP. My time is limited. 

If its a really good one, i'll spend days on it. On the other hand, if it can be done within mere hours. The SCP will only prolly get half an hour of screen time.


Now if we go lower.. Which is the average researcher, which can range wildly in their creativity to come up with elaborate tests. Hence the common test of throw D-Class at it till to dies or thought provoking experiments. You can't fault a person's creativity.


What i have been doing the past is watching over newer researchers, seeing how they go about and giving them suggestions for more creative tests/experiments. But I don't partically main Researcher, due to having obligations for Whitelisted Positions like Alpha-1 or ???.


In short, ResearchRP is highly inconsistent unless someone is willing to spend hours at a time. Constantly watching over new researchers and guiding them.

Edited by Avery Winters


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heres a quick answer for that-
-SCP gets on job, saws the breach timer, goes off
or- SCP gets on job, saws timer, Alt tabs and stays AFK for the rest of the timer.

now we know that allmost all of the SCP get on job to breach, right?
but the thing is, if they see the timer and think its too long, they will go off.
research rp dies (most of the junior ones) after that cuz no SCPs to research.


THE john stance


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On 4/11/2021 at 5:27 PM, Negative Neggiekins said:

Hello Maurice,

I absolutely disagree with you. If there is 5 scps on and no testing is going on, that is a problem because there should be scientists interacting with the SCPS. People AFK because they aren't getting any interaction not just because they're waiting for the timer. (Though, the Devs clearly expect you to be AFK because you get pinged 8 times anyways when your breach timer pops.). There is just no good reason to not have a way to track the time aside from starting your 40m iphone/android timer when someone breaches. All it would really do is ease up the wait on people.

I think that you can't really blame other Players on the server for not Testing on SCPs - when you still go play an SCP, while allready knowing there are too many SCPs online.

What we rather want to happen, is that those people switch to other Jobs, to RP as something else.

We don't want SCPs on just because they are SCPs, at the end we want SCPs on to be tested, which also means, if there is no testing going on, we would rather want you to switch to researcher.


Also just as a reminder: It is allready disallowed to actively go AFK on a job, you should only really be AFK on a job if its unavoidable, so this proposal can have 2 results: A) People leaving the job, only to join a few mins before the breach timer ends  or B) Helping People be AFK on a job, aka assist in actively Breaking Rules.

Summary: Go off the Job if there are no interactions, if you keep being on the Job you are litterally making the issue even worse.

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23 hours ago, Maurice D Biggs said:


What we rather want to happen, is that those people switch to other Jobs, to RP as something else.


I apologize but this is an SCP RP Server. You do not want people to not be on SCP jobs. If you have no SCPS then whats the point of it being a SCPRP Server? All this does, is add clarity where there is currently none and ease up some things on people who prefer to play it. There is nothing wrong with people playing on SCP and infact, you want people to be on these jobs. I'm not saying that SCPS are the only focus, but its absolutely wrong if you don't want individuals on these jobs.

To be honest, one of the bigger issues is the fact that only 1 SCP will ever be breached at any time which causes the immense amount of waiting per breach if there is more then 1 SCP on, but thats another issue entirely. All I'm suggesting is some clarity where there is none. If people AFK on the jobs as they are at the moment, this change isn't going to do anything other then make it simpler for people to know when stuff is occurring. If nothing else, add chatbox time stamps, so there isn't a guessing game.

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4 minutes ago, Negative Neggiekins said:

If you have no SCPS then whats the point of it being a SCPRP Server?

The expansive lore the SCPs are just the tip of the ice berg

Had a bunch of WL but the cool ones are that I currently have.

Marshall, Carter and Dark Salesmen (Current manager)

Alpha-1 Commander

O5-8 "The Gangster"

Director of the Department of External Affairs

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