
Class-D Supplies Update

How do you feel about this suggestion?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Good idea?

    • I like this idea
    • I don't like this idea
    • This idea could use some work
    • Didn't even read it

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What are you suggesting? -

Part A: (Bare with me I'm setting the scene) When a Class-D finally escapes due to either a staff assistant spamming open the airlock or guards being blind, getting to a supplies crate only to be met with a shoddy pistol and a smoke grenade is a common yet ugly scenario when facing the whole foundation and tens of players in between. By introducing some change in the way supplies work will give the D bois a chance to escape past LCZ and even to the surface. Here's a couple ways the supplies could deal out weapons and equipment:

1. Every 30s the Class-D can refresh their supplies. This would allow the Class-D to chose their equipment as well as their gun with enough tries, also making it possible to refresh their only magazine making it somewhat viable for the Class-D to get a kill without being left with empty mag.

2.  The Class-D can chose 1 weapon and 1 equipment from whatever is in the supplies. This would lower the luck involved when it comes to escaping as the Class-D doesn't need to worry about the chance of getting equipment they dislike or a weapon that is less preferable. It would still leave the Class-D with a single magazine which would be balanced in this case as they have the weapon they want. 

Part B: Add a supplies box to LCZ armoury; it only makes sense for one to be there. This would make a high risk high reward scenario for the chancers who want to get their weapons next to the ammo and armour right where there are bound to be a couple guards.

How would this change better the server? -

Part A: An advantage of option 1 is that it would also fix how when a Class-D is stripped of weapons, they cannot get supplies again. This would effectively be fixing a game bug or the logic behind how the supplies is empty for only you once you have taken from it. An advantage of both options is that it gives the Class-D a higher probability of escaping which is basically the main objective other than not dying. The main benefit of this is that it gives the Class-D an incentive to escape knowing they won't get met with terrible tools even if the odds are against them having no armour and just a pistol being alone and KOS.

Part B: It would make the challenge of getting to a supplies box and then having to get ammo for the weapon unnecessary for a Class-D escaping straight from D block. It also makes sense for one to be in the armoury.

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. -

Part A: Some could argue that it forces the guards to deal with Class-Ds escaping (even though that is literally their job) as they are more of a threat if they are familiar with their choice of weapons even though they are only offered pistols.

Part B: Guards being killed multiple times in spawn. Class-D killing guards on NLR in spawn should be punished however if the guards are not on NLR the Class-D should be allowed to kill them.

I hope I didn't come off rude or anything I just really like the thrill of nearly escaping as a Class-D and I get so annoyed when I die just because I didn't have a specific tool.

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17 minutes ago, TommyB said:

1. Every 30s the Class-D can refresh their supplies. This would allow the Class-D to chose their equipment as well as their gun with enough tries, also making it possible to refresh their only magazine making it somewhat viable for the Class-D to get a kill without being left with empty mag.

This was actually normal back a few versions ago up until it was removed for some reason that I have no idea. I wouldn't really support this suggestion at all mainly because if you're out, you've got one shot at getting out. Can't just spam away at a supples crate while you're hiding in a corner.

19 minutes ago, TommyB said:

2.  The Class-D can chose 1 weapon and 1 equipment from whatever is in the supplies. This would lower the luck involved when it comes to escaping as the Class-D doesn't need to worry about the chance of getting equipment they dislike or a weapon that is less preferable. It would still leave the Class-D with a single magazine which would be balanced in this case as they have the weapon they want. 

Focusing on the 'luck' part here; Escaping as a D-Class is supposed to be lucky. Guards are already brain dead and would probably accidentally release you and Researchers (Mainly junior's) have the chance to actually say 'fuck it' and attempt to leave with a D-Class even if they're a CI or not. Though in general, the main objective of a D-Class is not to escape.

22 minutes ago, TommyB said:

Part B: Add a supplies box to LCZ armoury; it only makes sense for one to be there. This would make a high risk high reward scenario for the chancers who want to get their weapons next to the ammo and armour right where there are bound to be a couple guards.

I don't really see anything wrong with this, as it's probably better for a high risk/ high reward like you've stated.

23 minutes ago, TommyB said:

Part A: An advantage of option 1 is that it would also fix how when a Class-D is stripped of weapons, they cannot get supplies again. This would effectively be fixing a game bug or the logic behind how the supplies is empty for only you once you have taken from it. An advantage of both options is that it gives the Class-D a higher probability of escaping which is basically the main objective other than not dying. The main benefit of this is that it gives the Class-D an incentive to escape knowing they won't get met with terrible tools even if the odds are against them having no armour and just a pistol being alone and KOS.

As pointed out, this isn't a game bug, it's a game feature. I'll have to dig around and see why it was changed like that. In addition, we shouldn't be giving D-Class incentives to escape in any form. They already have enough incentive in the first place. 

25 minutes ago, TommyB said:

Part A: Some could argue that it forces the guards to deal with Class-Ds escaping (even though that is literally their job) as they are more of a threat if they are familiar with their choice of weapons even though they are only offered pistols.

Part B: Guards being killed multiple times in spawn. Class-D killing guards on NLR in spawn should be punished however if the guards are not on NLR the Class-D should be allowed to kill them.

For these parts, Part A is useless improvment because the guards will shoot D-Classes when they utter a single microagression and for Part B, pretty sure this is already a rule. Will have to check on it. 

All in all, I will -1 this because D-Classes shouldn't be given a leg up because of their status. They're supposed to be tested on, not given the opportunity to escape with better luck.

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