
Ban Request by Kabasch Cashew

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Your name in-game: Kabasch Cashew

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:147357128

Person's you report name: Big Floyd and Dababy less goo

Person's you report SteamID: 

Big Floyd: STEAM_0:1:560225541

Dababy less goo: STEAM_0:1:512723148

Why do you want him banned?: Both of them were constantly trying to cuff, kill and overall annoy people over and over. Most of them is self-explanatory in the Video that is available below. Later they tried to Crash the Server by propspamming / propkilling people. 

Evidence(It's a must. If not provided, request is denied.): 


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Bro the amount of blood don't look sus to anyone in the room?


Evidence is clear

Alongside the fact that the Lt/HOS kept killing him (Taking matters into own hands)
And same for the B-7 that burned him


Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic

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3 hours ago, Joe Conner said:

Bro the amount of blood don't look sus to anyone in the room?


Evidence is clear

Alongside the fact that the Lt/HOS kept killing him (Taking matters into own hands)
And same for the B-7 that burned him


In their defense, as soon as they would stop with that, they'd wait fpr their NLR to end, get pew pew's and shooting everyone going o a mass murder spree. Later they actually surrenderd, hopped on Staff Assistant and tried to crash the server by spawning in a massive amount props that caused the ping to go up to 500-700.

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