
Voyles' SD Application

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In-Game Name: Dustin Voyles

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:198967729

Age: 16

In-Game Time [Proof Required]: 1d 21h https://prnt.sc/11rr3cn

Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: I often play as HoS, Site Advisor, or B7 Commander whenever they are available. I have been leadership and high command on a couple MilitaryRP servers. I owned a MRP server and ran the Air Force on there. I have also been an officer on Icefuse MRP lots of times in multiple branches and positions.

Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: I am a good leader and can stay calm in rough situations. I do well at managing people and having them do their job and things like that. I know a pretty good amount of things about the SCP Universe and have been interested in in since middle school. I am good at following orders from those higher than me as well as giving orders to those below me. I have the best interests of the community and the foundation in mind. I will always do my best to represent the community, game, and foundation in a good way. I am pretty active on the server and I play a lot. I try to be on as often as possible.

What role does the Site Director have on the site? To manage the operations of the site and to make sure that all branches are running smoothly. They should give orders to department heads and make sure the site is secured, safe, and functioning properly. They work with the 05 Council to make sure operations are going smoothly. They make sure that SCPs stay contained and are used correctly for research. They are essential personel.

What is the O5 Council?: The O5 Council are those of the highest rank within the foundation. They have top clearance to all documents and information. They are sometimes important people outside of the foundation and have access to things like weapons and people. They control the foundation and make sure directors and other high ranking members are following orders.

Edited by Voyles
Fixed a misunderstanding and a spelling error

🏳️‍🌈 Jessica Voyles | She/They See the source image

 | SCP-RP Ranks / Roles |
Head of Manufacturing Department
Nu-7 Private First Class

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13 hours ago, Voyles said:

The 05 Council


Tbh, I've never seen you on server since you only have a day's worth of playtime. Hence I have no way of knowing how you normally behave on the server.

I'd say get known more on the server before applying for a role such as this out of the blue.

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic

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Good application

No past experience on this server and no proof of any other leadership roles however if you have had them then that is a good sign

Very low play time

I recommend that you try and play some roles such as Site Advisor, B7 Commander and Head Of security to get a feel of each department before going straight for Site Director. Yes you can say what the site director needs to do but due to your small amount of playtime I cannot be guaranteed you know how every part of the foundation works and how run it correctly. 

My advice, get more playtime on the server (like 4 days or more) and play different Administration roles, research roles, MTF roles like B7 or E-11 and Nu-7. Then try some of the GOIs so you know each of there purposes and what they do and also even SCPs so you can give correct orders during a breach.

Nevertheless, good luck on your application.

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3 hours ago, Nio Deppilf said:

I recommend that you try and play some roles such as Site Advisor, B7 Commander and Head Of security to get a feel of each department before going straight for Site Director

I do play a lot a site advisor and whenever HoS is available I try and play on it.

🏳️‍🌈 Jessica Voyles | She/They See the source image

 | SCP-RP Ranks / Roles |
Head of Manufacturing Department
Nu-7 Private First Class

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13 hours ago, Voyles said:

I do play a lot a site advisor and whenever HoS is available I try and play on it

You didn't mention it in your app.

Since it looks like you said all your leadership roles on other servers except this one and claimed you haven't been on any leadership roles on this server...

On 4/21/2021 at 1:24 AM, Voyles said:

I haven't been leadership on an SCPRP server before, however I have been leadership and high command on a couple MilitaryRP servers. I owned a MRP server and ran the Air Force on there. I have also been an officer on Icefuse MRP lots of times in multiple branches and positions


Still I don't remember seeing you on the jobs, maybe it's just the time zone difference.

Edited by Joe Conner

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic

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3 hours ago, Joe Conner said:

You didn't mention it in your app.

I fixed my app to reflect it. I didn't know it meant positions like HoS, SA, and B7 CO counted.

🏳️‍🌈 Jessica Voyles | She/They See the source image

 | SCP-RP Ranks / Roles |
Head of Manufacturing Department
Nu-7 Private First Class

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Low Playtime 

i never saw you in-game 

Good app 

 never saw you play a leadership/High Ranking positions

B7 commander isnt a really High Ranking position 


Get a bit more known in the Community and Reapply when you have 1 or 2 weeks of playtime not after 1 day



I try my best that somebody like me

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