
Rez's Unban request

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Yeah but do you have two pages in your signature?

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I remember doing the SIM league against GM in which we got destroyed by GM, and after winning the first round I remember you saying EZ after winning the round which was pretty toxic already and then later seeing you being banned for cheating against RC makes it hilarious. This one match ruined the whole sim league experience for me personally and did not inspire me to take part. 
Thanks for the fun read though, always funny to read these

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The only experience I have of you was pretty toxic during the sim league when you won a match.

At the time I gave you the benefit of doubt and didn't think you hacked but by the way you behaved after and what people are commenting here gonna have to -1.

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Well using cheats in a tournament is cringe, especially in gmod swrp. and Pingu said it all what had to be said.

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40 minutes ago, Cameron said:

Rez I thought you said you wait longer to make this, also I can't take this shit seriously like "I want to accomplish my life long dream to join RC" 

and "spades really wanted me gone as I am hated on the server so that has some influence of why spades was quick to jump to conclusions" also "I would like to get unbanned so I can play on the #1 SWRP server."

Every part of this is really condescending in my eyes and no effort has been put into it. Guilt tripping wont get you anywhere either by saying you're "hated" which influenced your ban. The clip was bad and Spades from what I heard asked so many people to about the clip and he had to make that conclusion there. Idc about about the hacking anyways, your attitude after the ban and some of the shit here is just so shit its funny


Really good response that sums it all up and especially since you dont even seem apologetic about the situation / doesnt even want to admit that he did cheat. You were being very toxic towards everyone and with this unban request I can imagine that you would have improved much with your responses and answers.

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Personally never had an issue with Rez and was a good lad to play with despite what others have said about you being toxic.

I do also have to agree that the evidence isn't too great but it is a little bit suspicious.

I think if you were to be unbanned, you should still be perma banned from the sim league, if the league happens again, along with this you should be on a one strike system.

Changed my horrendous sentence structure.

Edited by SixSeven

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In the appeal you don't own up for anything you did and instead try to use Spades' supposed hatred towards you as the real reason. When you know that really isn't the case, as we told you when banning you we went round and showed the video to all staff who were online at the time, Your hierarchy (Who if anything wouldn't want to get you banned seeing as you are winning for them), other WG SMT and even CAT. He spent hours asking other peoples opinions before doing it as he wanted to make sure it was the right decision, even sat in the channel with you for at least half an hour after you were banned because you were in tears and begging him to unban you.


From certain parts of the appeal you can clearly see that it's not serious this being a good example, "I want to accomplish my life long dream to join RC". The main point you tried to make was spades' apparent hatred towards you which clearly wasn't the case. 

You also decided to then go to general talk and start being toxic to staff and other members in there, dont understand why you would do that if your intention was to make an unban appeal.



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