
Rez's Unban request

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My In-Game name: Rez

STEAMID: 76561199047620283

Steam Name: Fame

What is the reason for your ban: 'Cheating'

How long were you banned for: Perma

Name of the staff member who banned you: Spades?

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: Ok First off all i would like to apologize for my actions and my attitude towards some members of the community when i got perma banned i am sorry. I want to get unbanned so i can play the #1 Global Garrys mod server and i want to accomplish my life long dream to Join RC, You might say 'nah u hacked why did u hack' i dont have anything to prove that i didn't cheat during the 5v5 its up to u to believe me that i didn't cheat ik its only been like 2 months since but i would really like to join back SWRP and have a good time again. I

I also felt it was a bit unfair that i got banned as the clips that was given to Spades wasn't my POV however in Little Jhons case it was his POV however mine was 3rd person its not the best proof in my opinion however spades really wanted me gone as i am hated on the server so that has some influence of why spades was quick to jump to conclusion of perma banning me,  a member of the community i am not going to name said that 'Spades and others wanted u gone and didn't want you in the community' so he was waiting for me to do anything wrong and did his best to get me gone which he has so fair play, Ik i have been annoying and immature when i was playing not long ago however i believe i have matured and learnt from my previous mistakes and i would like to get unbanned so i can play on the #1 SWRP server. 

Thanks for reading please take this into consideration 

Evidence: Sadly N/A as i didn't have a clipping software when i was playing Garrys mod.

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2 minutes ago, Rez said:

I also felt it was a bit unfair that i got banned as the clips that was given to Spades wasn't my POV however in Little Jhons case it was his POV however mine was 3rd person its not the best proof

Well I mean, yes? but if you've seen the clip you would have seen the absolute cracked aim you had, so much that it snapped onto 3 people's head in a time frame of something like 3 seconds.

I mean I don't have a particular objection to letting you back in, but people probably wont like/trust you because of what you did. But fair play for waiting a couple months before applying.

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2 minutes ago, Victor said:

rez hacking.jpg

fair play that u went through the effort into making that, pretty funny but not true.

Edited by Rez

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21st Jr Medic 2nd LT

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i agree with barry

+ if you come back jenson will since you two are like fucking bumming each other during your spare time

EDIT: In my opinion you made this unban request way too early.

Edited by ethan

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25 minutes ago, Rez said:

i want to accomplish my life long dream to Join RC

This alone makes me think you arent taking this unban request seriously


26 minutes ago, Rez said:

however spades really wanted me gone as i am hated on the server

I was literally in the channel when Spades was trying to find out what happened, It even took everyone in the channel re-creating the scenario to try and find out whether it was legit or not. 

You can say that Spades really wanted you gone however as you put it "Spades was quick to jumping to a conclusion to perma ban me" I can say that it took a solid 2 hours to decide whether to ban you or not. He even went through the effort of asking multiple people, showing them the footage and asking if they thought it was hacks. 

I don't think you are that bad of a person, I don't hate you like many other people do however one thing I can say is that if you are trying to get unbanned from a server don't go saying that the Manager wanted you gone

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After the shit you said to me, I don't think you deserve a second chance.

Just embarrassing yourself more making an unban appeal, genuinely tragic. WG lives in your head rent free and you're just mad you got caught. Didn't admit to cheating so honestly don't think you've changed.


Edited by [W-G] JH



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you hacked on the server, and its pretty early still from the time you got banned maybe wait a bit longer, and maybe people will be more forgiven for you, but in the mean time i dont think you will be unbanned as people propaply still hate you for what you did as you ruined the ARC eval, but good luck though

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19 minutes ago, Cameron said:

Rez I thought you said you wait longer to make this, also I can't take this shit seriously like "I want to accomplish my life long dream to join RC" 

and "spades really wanted me gone as I am hated on the server so that has some influence of why spades was quick to jump to conclusions" also "I would like to get unbanned so I can play on the #1 SWRP server."

Every part of this is really condescending in my eyes and no effort has been put into it. Guilt tripping wont get you anywhere either by saying you're "hated" which influenced your ban. The clip was bad and Spades from what I heard asked so many people to about the clip and he had to make that conclusion there. Idc about about the hacking anyways, your attitude after the ban and some of the shit here is just so shit its funny

pretty good response if you ask me



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Just now, BeastTheNinja said:



you hacked on the server, and its pretty early still from the time you got banned maybe wait a bit longer, and maybe people will be more forgiven for you, but in the mean time i dont think you will be unbanned as people propaply still hate you for what you did as you ruined the ARC eval, but good luck though

Aight thanks for your response however it was a 5V5 Tournament thing not an ARC eval

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literally cried over GMOD shouldnt be allowed back



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Pingu said it well, spades went through the effort of checking all angles to see if it was hacking and got multiple perspectives he didn't just jump to a conclusion and ban you.



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Tbh, hacked or not, your attitude is questionable and really you were being a dickhead to many people including me. If somehow you were not hacking, then i am sure you aren't welcome back as stated above you were being a dickhead


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