
Doot's battalion application

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Steam Name: Nopuh

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:419437356

Current rank on the server: Sergeant.

Age: 17 and turning 18 in August.

What is your playtime: 2 weeks and 2 days

Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: I'd say it's a fairly good quality when it decides to work.

Have you read and looked through the Battalion Handbook: Several times and even taken notes from it.

Do you meet the requirements: Yes I do.

Quick summary about you: I'm a 17 year old guy born in Germany, raised in the UK. I'm currently in college for mixing and mastering and English literature on top of that. I strive to make myself a better best and reach as far as I could possibly go before I end up burning myself out. I've spent about 3 months on the server and have only taken one break because I just love the people in the server. I've had my hiccups of toxicity and I'm changing myself for the better.

I've taken advice from my past applications and using these as a ground to go off when improving myself. I like speaking to people about things and help them with troubles they have. I've even helped a few people with their NCO trainings that were in other regiments because I wanted to see them go far as well. I'm hoping that my past isn't forgotten but it is forgiven. I'm sorry for any past issues and if you wanna speak to me about these issues my discord is; Dootie#6563. Message me there.

In Character Section -

In-Game name: 41st SGT Doot

Highest rank obtained: CT Temp executive officer.

What current rank do you have: Sergeant but I am off cooldown I just need to train one cadet. (Battalion members that see this. Send me to train cadets, I love doing it.)

What is your current regiment: 41st Ranger Platoon

Why should we pick you for Battalion: Because I've shown a large amount of capable leading ability. I've dealt with the mingy CT's and even got a few minges to learn and take part. I've been told to have quite a demanding voice which makes leading easier for me. I've been learning how to lead from watching other battalion members lead and even taking notes on good ways to do it. I've been leading for as long as I can remember from small things like games as a kid to leading group projects into getting good grades. I've always loved being a leader to the fact I love the strategy behind it.

The other applicants look great and I love all them but I believe I do have a good chance in getting into battalion even if I don't have a very good track record. Give me a chance and you won't regret it.

Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion: The roles of battalion are to lead the GAR into battle and be a good role model to all the troops and train and help them out. The jobs of a battalion are to be able to make sure things run smoothly like base attacks, planetaries and during defcon 5 just granting a denying requests and permissions to do things.

Have you ever been demoted, banned or kicked: No, I've never been demoted, banned or kicked but I have been warned once for RDM as a Jedi Youngling.

Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank: If they weren't the GAR would collapse and everything would be chaos. They need to be respected to make sure the troops listen to what they say and follow there orders. They need to be disciplined to be able to stay calm in dire situations.

What do Battalion do during Combat, when they are not leading?: They're to be assisting the regiment they supervise or just helping the leading battalion member with giving them information on what's going on at the frontlines so the leading battalion can make appropriate decisions on what to do. They can also help with denying and granting things.

What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted as part of his mentoring session?: A training with faces, formations etc, just a basic training really. They also need to lead an event with a debrief afterwards just to see if they're able to do the job of battalion effectively.

What is the job of the Co-Leader during events?: Granting and denying requests and also giving orders if the leading battalion is AFK, crashes or is just unable to. They're also to assist with callouts on the frontlines and to be assisting the leading battalion member in anyway they possibly can.

Anything else: Nothing that I can think of, just thank you and if I can do anything to prove tell me in discord.

Edited by Doot
Mistake on colouring
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Serious Battalion App

Low Playtime (Which Can Be Improved)

Great Lad

Has Gotten In trouble for Toxicity 

High Rank In CT

Current Ranks


Past Ranks

-=Redacted=-| -=Redacted=- | -=Redacted=- | -=Redacted=-


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After some people are giving you a simple Neutral your keep dm'ing them calling them faggots and what not, you're simply a man child and should be held back from both staff and battalion.

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-1 reasons stated

Current Ranks : IRP Senior Administrator, ISB Member

Previous Ranks Fleet Warrant Officer, Sith Lord, ISB Agent, Trooper EP,
Sith EP, Jedi Warlock, JT Commando Medic Colonel, Purge Sergeant Major HMO 1402, Jedi Historian, 74th DMO, 501st VC, Jedi Lead Honour Guard [Master], Wolfpack EXO

Meme Thread - General Discussion - Werwolf


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Just to clear things up, The things that ice cube said where untrue. I've spoken to goblin about it and cleared it up with him. The situation he's speaking about it me messaging paradox a joke and it being taken the wrong way. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

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- You have shown signs of being toxic to other people and minging on VIP jobs / being toxic which isnt something a battalion should do. 

- You dont take critique well and dont listen well to others in my exprience. 

- Even if this situation, a very similiar situation happened when I -1 your staff application where you decided to accuse me of doing something I didnt (Just me when I didnt even do anything much in the said situation). I also dont think calling someone that after they leave negative feedback and then calling it a "joke" is  appropriate.

Current Ranks


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We unfortunately don't think you are the best fit for battalion. For more information about your denial message Battalion command.
You may re-apply again when apps reopen

Current Ranks

- General

- SWRP Vice Manager

- Caesar Stabsfeldwebel

- Iniquity Revenant



Past Ranks

- SWRP Event Manager

- Grand Admiral

- 501st EXO

- 212th EXO


- CG Temp Vice Commander


- CG ARC Colonel

- Jedi Watcher

- Jedi Agent

- Jedi Consular

- Hauptamt Köningsplatz Oberbereitshaftsleiter

Finance Oberbereitschaftsleiter


- HLRP Senior Discord Staff



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