
Jedi Stamina

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What your suggestion is: Stamina

Scriptfodder/workshop link: Already on the server its just disabled

Any additional information: So as things seems fun, but could be more fun and challenging when dueling, is to enable the stamina function, because that will make sure we can't just spam, and its easy to understand, and then you can get more familiar with stances that needed to be done correctly, it will limit heavy spams and some stances have lower stam reduction cuz of the stance used, but mainly because i feel like in jedi that its easy to win all duels, by just spamming 1 button, and to make it more skill based and more fun, would be enabling the stamina, there is propably alot of people that dont feel like this is neccesary and i feel them, but if you only understand how to use 1 button rotation are man really a good duelist? yes we do teach people to not spam certain things and all that, but it would just make it more fun, and if it does get enabled i can legit teach people how to maximize the use of Jedi stamina as i have played countless of JVS with this enabled, so my experience in it is big. 

if you dont feel like this is needed please change my mind on why because im really curious

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Heavy spam is not the way to go, would be more fun if you actually had to carefully do your attacks so you don't run out of stamina instead of button mashing w,a,s,d, shift and right-click.


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Make Aggressive and Relentless cost all of your stamina to make wiggle spamming completely unviable please for the love of god. Make dueling more skill requiring.

Edited by Bean

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I don't think it change much, you'll still have people just spamming 1 move and then just jumping out. All this would really do is just make fights end quicker with people just running away, another problem I could see is that Sith ECs would just run out of stamina before they run out of health.

The only real way to change up the jedi "meta" is limiting multi blade hilts and certain stances.

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5 minutes ago, Geovani said:

I don't think it change much, you'll still have people just spamming 1 move and then just jumping out. All this would really do is just make fights end quicker with people just running away, another problem I could see is that Sith ECs would just run out of stamina before they run out of health.

The only real way to change up the jedi "meta" is limiting multi blade hilts and certain stances.

No people can't spam 1 button because heavy attack uses 100% stamina so you have to think about what you are doing

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Man crying cause he gets shit on with aggressive 3


-1 if you can’t beat them join them

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2 hours ago, BeastTheNinja said:

No people can't spam 1 button because heavy attack uses 100% stamina so you have to think about what you are doing

I'm not sure you understand my argument. It wouldn't stop aggressive 3 users from just spamming directional attacks since they're not heavy.

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41 minutes ago, Geovani said:

I'm not sure you understand my argument. It wouldn't stop aggressive 3 users from just spamming directional attacks since they're not heavy.

that is true, but i do believe you can code the stamina to cost more of what stance you are going to use, but yes normal stam reduction is actually 100% to 80% with just 1 Aggressive 3 i believe as the standard is, but yes i do get the point, but that dont really matter to much, as they will run faster out of stam if they spam it, thats why you have to be smart on how you use it

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Why? just adds more jank and forces people to use moves they are not familiar/good with and makes it harder for Initiates, Apprentices and Padawans to duel the ECs, which is their main focus in 99% of events.

Also messes up the Sith ECs when they run out of stamina and are forced to get dicked on cutting the event short.

I'd rather have better Jedi events than more stuff added to the dueling part. Dueling is already the most boring and largest part of the event, why complicate it further?

4 hours ago, Silent said:

I say make Jedi EPs a thing (only do jedi events)


Completely unrelated just a good idea

Or just let Master+/HC only do events for Jedi instead of EPs. Quality would most likely improve. 

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This was already looked at when WiltOS2020 was coming, got Denied, ik that just saying "get good" sounds like a poor argument but it kinda is, there is ways to counter the different types of meta there currently is in dueling, dueling trainings should be teaching this.


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4 hours ago, Mort said:

there is ways to counter the different types of meta there currently is in dueling

Forcepull spam in the hopes that you target them and actually pull them towards you is the only viable counter at the moment to wiggle spamming that doesn't involve avoiding them and trying to lure them into a tight area or having a longer saber. The whole "if you can't beat them, join them" mentallity Fusion mentioned is unfortunately true as abusing aggressive 3 and relentless heavy seems to be the most effective way to counter wiggle spam right now as forcepull spam just pisses people off more. It ruins the whole dynamic of dueling if everyone is encouraged to use the same dumb stance that isn't fun to play against at all.

I don't even really care about the stamina part to be honest, just want something implemented to either add more viable counterplay to or nerf wiggle spamming because it honestly just ruins the fun for 50% of what you do in Jedi. And i know i'm not the only one who thinks this too.

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Been spoke about before and Stamina would only massively slow down gameplay for Jedi.

You'd be in a fight with a Sith and "Oh i've ran out of stamina time to backpedal for 5 mins till I get it back" if you ask me this fixes nothing and creates more problems instead of fixes them.

And to be honest, not many people heavy spam. It's not that big of an issue.

Everything has a Counter if you learn it. 

I know that Pikes and Aggressive 3 wiggle spam is annoying, I myself hate it but there is ways around it and it's been shown using even a single saber. It is all down to how to person duels.

Another thing is parrying is a thing.



dance yoda.gif

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What solaire said, I do not need to expand on the topic further

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The large majority of Jedi would not want it and most people would hate this if it was added. There will always be moves that are better than others but there are other ways to counter them such as force powers and blocking.

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