Henk - DutchDavin

Henk's Unban request

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My In-Game name:
CE PFT Colonel Henk

STEAMID: (http://steamidfinder.com)

Steam Name:
What is the reason for your ban:
MRDM x5 AMRDM x11 
How long were you banned for:
1 week 3 days (10 days)
Name of the staff member who banned you:
Why do I believe that I should be unbanned:
So the shooting rockets part has happen before but every time it has happen it was on a PFT. It is a glitch it happens sometimes when I tab out and tab back it starts shooting the secondary cannons ( it is also completely random so it didn't come to my mind that I should have checked if it was glitched it happens rarely) . but this time when i tabbed out and back in I was still in the front of the briefing and i had my keys in my hand. So I didn't notice it was glitched until I got in the ship and when I got in the ship the damage was already done.
i only have a video of the rockets getting shot at the debrief. (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457898344111407135/861263833100582932/Laat_Debrif_killing.mp4)
i understand that the admins can't prove that it was a glitch and they are just doing there job.

but the only thing i could defend myself with is that i never got warned or banned before and looking to my rank why would i do this? i also got Plat VIP and pac-3 why would i get that stuff and then commiting MRDM that is just throwing away money and time.


At last i would like to apologize to everyone that i have killed it wasnt my intension and i will try to make sure it doesnt happen again. 

I hope the warns can get changed to accidental because it was an accident.

[Edit]: apparently i had attack+2 on i didnt know it existed and what it was but it is turned off now


Edited by Henk - DutchDavin

Current Rank's:
Resident of the CWRP Retirement home
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CE Marshal Commander
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In my experience, I do find the LAAT bombs very sensitive. Also Henk would have no gain as with what he stated, he has spent money on the server and has reached a relatively high rank. I also find it unfortunate that the LAATs were facing towards the MHB but all-in-all it was an accident. 

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The only wrongdoing here was the facing of the LAATs, i’m sure we can rest assured that won’t happen again. 

Henk’s a good man, this was entirely unintentional and I can promise he wouldn’t dream of  doing this again, albeit a glitch.

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This man has done nothing And The LAATS where facing towards MHB I think this is just a honest mistake But i would think the cause of this is +Attack2 But Idk 


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Idk something
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Idk if it was a glitch or not but you got off lucky it being so little time could of been much longer but also LAAT should not face debreif as well incase something like that happens

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Name: Warden

From rank: CG Executive Officer

To rank: CG Colonel

Reason: Destroying a LAAT and killing the 5 people in it with a gunball turret

Date: 06/01/2021


Neutral but could seem unfair as previous people have done the same before and still faced punishment.


Edited by [W-G] JH



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Accident or not should still be punished imo. Lucky for it to just be 10 days as it is.

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43 minutes ago, Barry said:

Yeah my bad on the LAAT placements, but i wouldn't call that a "wrongdoing" as 99/100 debriefs wouldnt end up getting blown up.

In all honesty though yeah the guy obvs hasn't done it on purpose, honest mistake and doesn't deserve a ban.

Good point, sorry about that just used the wrong wording.

Edited by Ben Rafferty

Current Ranks

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23 hours ago, [W-G] JH said:


Name: Warden

From rank: CG Executive Officer

To rank: CG Colonel

Reason: Destroying a LAAT and killing the 5 people in it with a gunball turret

Date: 06/01/2021


Neutral but could seem unfair as previous people have done the same before and still faced punishment.


0 -- I stay neutral purly because it would be bias for me to give an opinion on this subject.

Difference is Warden didn't do it by accident, he took control of the ball turrets and purposfully shot down the the other LAAT in the air, as well as attempting to take another one down. The reason I am so sure on this is I was the one that banned him and his companion, thus causing said demotion.

Edited by Toon
Spelling Error





Credit to Loki for this.



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Ok I am going to explain why I am giving you a -1.

Now I understand that accidents can happen and they happen quite a lot, but the difference here is that you shot 4 times killing 4+ people in the briefing. Even if it was done by a bug (never happened to me), you still got off pretty fine as I mean for MRDM x5 AMRDM x11 you would have received a lot higher punishments normally.

The other things is that you stated that you knew about this bug and that it sometimes happens when you tab of the game while getting into the LAAT and then tabbing back in. I mean if you knew about it why would you even consider tabbing out at that moment, it would have been safer to just wait those 2 minutes. Also that attack2+ being on, yeah I am not really buying that as even if you played jedi a lot and AFKed for levels with attack2+ every jedi always turns it off once they are done and I highly doubt that you forgat about it and discovered it only once you started shooting.

As unfortune as it is staff still couldn't just let you go without a punishment and in your case 1 w and 3 days for all of that is pretty damn generous of staff.


Edited by Klavigar

Current ranks

HLRP Trial mod



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39 minutes ago, Toon said:

0 -- I stay neutral purly because it would be bias for me to give an opinion on this subject.

Difference is Wardon didn't do it by accident, he took control of the ball turrets and purposfully shot down the the other LAAT in the air, as well as attempting to take another one down. The reason I am so sure on this is I was the one that banned him and his companion, thus causing said demotion.

Fair enough, but I thought the time Warden did it, it was accidental. 



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I've done the +atk2 before on Anaxes(luckily only firing into mountains) Henk is a chill guy and I don't think he'd ever MRDM, he was always the one stopping us from minging and he's a sensible dude.

Free this man.

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Incident does not match the general behaviour of this user, no prior incidents that share similarities.
Banning a regular who also subscribed to the server to support it for a potential accident without clear evidence of intent would be a poor judgement call in my opinion.

Even if the ban expires before this thread gets its final judgement, if considered innocent, should be pardoned after the fact on principle.

Edited by Kenway

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Why the fuck did you get banned. Bobby RPGED the entire Ct line and didn't get a warn. You should be unbanned, because its by accident and you are not a useless member of the community. 

Punishment is not needed he will learn from this obviously. Keeping him banned won't prove anything.


The Boys


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4 hours ago, Silent said:

Why the fuck did you get banned. Bobby RPGED the entire Ct line and didn't get a warn. You should be unbanned, because its by accident and you are not a useless member of the community. 

Punishment is not needed he will learn from this obviously. Keeping him banned won't prove anything.

I agree and i am also for a unban, theres better known Players that got away with worse Stuff beforehand and nobody of them got kicked/banned/warned. 

spacer.pngSeth was here

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It was a mistake and people have gotten away scot free for much worse mistakes. 

He didn't mean to do it, he's not some random no name CT #### that just came on the server with the intention to fuck around and should either be unbanned or have the ban time reduced to just 4 days or a week or smthing instead of 10.

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Your excuse was a bit wank but if any high member on the server had done this no action would've been taken from so I think the length of ban was harsh.

You are a bit in the wrong yourself but its a short ban so I wouldn't complain too much. I see both sides of it. GL

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When you talked to me before, you didn't really have a real reason why it happened. As you have found out that it was because of +attack2 and you have a lot of positive feedback on the unban. You will be unbanned.

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