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Three Moons Initiative Hub - SCP Foundation

Three Moons Initiative


The Three Moons Initiative is an extradimensional human organization based in SCP-2922-C, an afterlife also known as Corbenic. The Initiative was founded approximately 14,000 years ago for the purpose of establishing organized human colonization in an afterlife. Through the Initiative, the sins of the deceased are put through a rigorous judging process, and punished and rewarded by a two-thirds majority vote of the Perdition Committee. Through the Humanity Defense Corps, their military branch, they act as a multi-dimensional security force for the protection of the human race. As such, they monitor Earth and carry out covert military intervention for its defense, often regardless of nuance or long-term consequences. Organic matter is incapable of leaving Corbenic. As such, the majority of objects associated with the Three Moons Initiative are drones and other machines remote-controlled from Corbenic. These objects gain access to our world through a dimensional aperture on the dark side of the Moon. While Initiative personnel believe that they're operating in humankind's best interests, military overreach, poor communication, issues with internal bureaucracy, and other factors — combined with their disproportionately high military strength to our own — have made them a potential liability to public safety in our dimension. An uneasy peace is kept between the Three Moons Initiative and the SCP Foundation via the Treaty of Cagnazzo. Breach of the treaty is to be treated as a potential XK-class end-of-the-world scenario.



Corbenic is an extradimensional realm of undefined volume. The human population of Corbenic believes that it is some form of afterlife. For all intents and purposes, it is an extra-dimensional area that can be temporarily accessed through 42-Humbaba. Whether or not it is a form of afterlife is not important. Gravity, air, and temperature readings are all similar to that of Earth. The sky maintains a pea-green color. Weather is generally unchanging, the temperature is usually breezy cold. There is no sun, but the light is sustained over the area by three moons. There are no day or night cycles. Only two major areas of Corbenic have been determined to exist. 




In 2329 the Sarkic Cults in that timeline summoned Grand Karcist Ion. Which they thought was their leader however, it was soon decided that Ion was not their leader. Which further resulted in an impending end of the world scenario. Also classified as an XK-Class end-of-the-world scenario. Earth had 5 years until the creature arrived on the planet. The day before the creature arrived the current Site Director of base-198 named Girard Sebastien Niang stumbled upon the file of SCP-3319 after all the files had been declassified. SCP-3319 which was a Global Occult Coalition or GOC in short was a project that could potentially teleport the earth far away to the Crab Nebula more specifically in another solar system. This item has never been used before with a theoretically 30% success rate to teleport the earth to the solar system located within the Crab Nebula. Girard activated the device which did not end up successfully. Instead of transporting the Earth to the supposedly solar system located in the Crab Nebula Earth, the earth was transported to Corbenic instead. Which resulted in the entire population of earth dying.

After the arrival of Corbenic, a war broke out. Something called Striders, which are giant primate natives of Corbenic, launched an attack on the arrivals. Gerard used the remnants of the SCP Foundation, the central government of the earth, and other armed factions to fight against the Striders in the first harvesting war. After the war, Gerard became a hero and Jalakåra himself paid respect to Gerard due to the fact that Jalakåra despised the Striders.

A partnership was then created with Jalakåra which resulted in the creation of the lunar dawn initiative. However, this name was later changed to the Two Moons initiative when another earth from another timeline arrived. Which further resulted in another war also known as the second harvesting war. Later on, third earth showed up which led to the third harvesting war, and the name once again changed to The Three Moons Initiative. Each and every earth represents one of the moons.

Now Gerard acts as the human leader for the military and the civilians. However, the local media is accusing Gerard of abusing his powers as a leader for his personal gain. Because of this Gerard undergoes annual humbling sessions which are very secret. These humbling sessions are carried out by none other than Jalakåra himself. These sessions include excruciating psychological and physical torture. However, even though these sessions have been carried out the media accused Gerard of ineptitude and indecisiveness. 

There are 13 other individuals that are allowed to address Jalakåra. These 13 individuals are also known as “The Central Cabal”. The 13 members have been granted a small portion of power directly from Jalakåra himself. However, these 13 members primarily work as advisors for Jalakåra.

Jalakåra uses his power to give the initiative to resources and energy. In return, the initiative will worship Jalakåra as a deity. They even allow Jalakåra the final say in every single administrative matter. The SCP Foundation doesn't really trust this group. The reason for this is that the foundation does not think that Jalakåra is a non-human entity that runs a group that has humanity's best interests at heart



  1. Protect and safe-keep humanity from threats that could happen in a way that TMI thinks is the best way. 

  2. Deal with humans who put a threat towards other civilians.

  3. Deal with GOIs that try to harm civilians.

  4. Gather intel from other GoI’s to keep them in check and prevent calamities.

  5. Any Object or entity that endangers human life must be liquidated or Destroyed on the spot.


Jobs & Loadouts:


HDC CMD 1 slot (WL)


Elastic / Tactical restraints
Orbital strike / Railgun swep 



Orbital strike / Railgun swep

Essentially NU-7 Foundation Assistance, but with a few differences. Instead of having the option of calling in a care package containing ammo, the other options such as barrage/cannon will be tuned up in damage and cooldown. Thus, resulting in more easily dealing with threats against humanity.

Hacking device

Anomaly Detector
Immune to 008 & 016


SCP-4922 1 slot (WL)
LMGs and/or assault rifles

Riot Shield
Hacking device

Immune to 008 & 016
Elastic / Tactical restraints
250 hp preset
100 armor

HDC Scout Unit 4 slot (WL)


Elastic / Tactical restraints

Anomaly Detector
Hacking device

Immune to 008 & 016



Playermodels: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=686233970
The white one is for SCP-4922, while the rest are for HDC Scout Unit & CMD


Job Rules:


1 . Follow the server rules.

2. Adhere to the chain of command

3. Do not act stupid nor minge on the job.

4. Do not ruin relations with other GoI's purposefully.

5. Do not attack anyone randomly and without a valid reason.

6. If you see an anomaly endangering human life, engage.

7. Any Object, Entity, and/or People that endanger human life must be liquidated or Destroyed on the spot.




Owner: Kvisten/David Hayes

Manager: PostTac/Bruno Woodston

Vice-Manager: Serrt/Cameron Stoker



Will make it IF the group gets implemented.


Edited by Kvisten
Had to fix somethings, as it seems some parts were forgotten, whoops



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+1 I agree

Current Ranks: 

MTF A-1 Agent | CI Reserve Manager | MTF E-11 Agent | HoEA | SCP Staff

Past Ranks:

SCP Moderator | MTF E-11 Commander | UIU Agent | CI Delta | HoEA  | MC&D Salesman |  Nu-7 SGT | GM SOF Colonel | Medic  x2  | 501st SOF Colonel


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On 12/10/2021 at 7:23 PM, Kvisten said:
  • Protect and safe-keep humanity from threats that could happen in a way that TMI thinks is the best way. 

  • Deal with humans who put a threat towards other civilians.

  • Deal with GOIs that try to harm civilians.

  • Gather intel from other GoI’s to keep them in check and prevent calamities.

  • Any Object or entity that endangers human life must be liquidated or Destroyed on the spot.

I simply don't think TMI has a place on the server with pretty much the same purposes as half the other GOIs that already exist on the server. Just going to be another neutral faction that makes some pointless allies and dies after 2 weeks. 

I think TMI is a very cool GOI but there simply isn't the right climate on the server at the moment and 99% of the players simply don't have the capacity for a job like this. 


Cool writing tho

-1 💩

I am here to launder money

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7 hours ago, Nathan Rigga 10 said:

I simply don't think TMI has a place on the server with pretty much the same purposes as half the other GOIs that already exist on the server. Just going to be another neutral faction that makes some pointless allies and dies after 2 weeks. 

I think TMI is a very cool GOI but there simply isn't the right climate on the server at the moment and 99% of the players simply don't have the capacity for a job like this. 


Cool writing tho


Posttac 10 rigga street

Current Ranks: 

MTF A-1 Agent | CI Reserve Manager | MTF E-11 Agent | HoEA | SCP Staff

Past Ranks:

SCP Moderator | MTF E-11 Commander | UIU Agent | CI Delta | HoEA  | MC&D Salesman |  Nu-7 SGT | GM SOF Colonel | Medic  x2  | 501st SOF Colonel


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Firstly, I looked at the loadouts and they make me think this ironic because of how much stuff you want. 4 guns, lockpick, hacking keycard. And I don't even want to know what the railgun SWEP is. Seems a little overkill. Secondly, this won't work for the same reason GOC doesn't work with the Foundation on the server. Both are powers that want to assume some level authority and meassure their dicks in who gets to be in charge which inenvitably leads to some shitty war that the SMT has to break up. And then the GOI gets removed a few months later ultimately having contributed nothing to the server and just caused more headaches. Reason why something like UIU works is because they are not an equal authority to the Foundation so yeah this will just be another complete shit show. Thirdly the purpose you have described feels like a near copy paste to whatever the GOC would do. It also very vague and general. This is just another GOC disguised as something else.

P.S. Fuck new gen lore GOIs.

Edited by Fixer
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