
Zane's Sith Ep apply

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Basic Information:

Steam Name + Profile link:Darkarjan https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198212295059/

Roleplay Name:Zane

Teamspeak Name: Zane

Playtime on the Server:1 week and 5 hours                                                                                                                             
SteamID (http://steamidfinder.com/):STEAM_0:1:126014665

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server:

Current Age:21

Warns/Bans: 0

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?:Yes

Event Plan:

Create an event plan, this is what we will use for your first training event. Make it easy to understand and original(Use the Template):

Map: Rishi Moon

Enemies: disguised jedi, HP 10.000, Amount: 1 personage                                                                                             Enemies: jedi thief, HP 15.000, Amount: 1     personage                                                                                                               
Passive:pilot , HP10.000.000, Amount:1 personage
Imperial Execution:They were told from the sith communication that there is someone who has caught one and wants to take him to the temple.

Event Character Execution: Alle EC will be drop off 
each EC is delivered by a ship to the temple landing site through which they must enter into a conversation with the highest rank in charge of the temple.
While they fly the pilot in the ship away and the EC have to wait for more info.                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Event Information: 2 jedi have a plan to inflight the sith temple to steal holocrons from the sith. They want to do this by disguising one of him as a sith and the other as a captive.
By killing one of the siths they got their hands on a uniform and his comms.
After long planning and buying information, the day has come that they will do it.
They have hired a pilot who will take them to the temple and pick them up again.
After they land at the temple, the plan begins, first the disguised jedi speaks to the arcane present in the temple.
he is told that they have a prisoner that he would like to have interrogated by them.
After surrendering the prisoner, the disguised jedi go through the argieves to take as much as possible there.
While the one in disguise is trying to escape the prisoner, he succeeds and starts a fight with the sith that are there.
While the fight is on, the disguised Jedi returns and tries to help his friend in the fight.
This fight doesn't go well for both of them and they get killed as a result.
A few minutes later the pilot they have heard comes back to get and finds nothing, this person then immediately leaves and does not get any money for his rice.                                                                                            
Have you ever Done an Event Before?:no, I never hosted him an event myself, but helped as an EC

Do you understand the responseabilties a event-planner has? If so, what are they?:
yes, I company you have an example.
make sure you can do a fun and cozy event for everyone.
You don't have to abuse your offers and use them wisely.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?:
I understand that it is necessary to have training in it.
And I have nothing against it and I think it's great if it is

Anything else?:No

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EC HP shows you dont have a massive understanding of Sith events
The passive for pilot looks like something you threw in so you wouldn't have to think of a passive part of the event, the disguise idea isnt bad.
Difficult to read
Dont really know who you are so i cant speak for your personality

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- Sorry man but I have no clue what I just read
- Messy event plan, written down in a chaotic way. Put in some more effort please
- Show more dedication and competence

Current Rank
501st Commander 

Past Ranks
501st EXO & Colonel | 327th LT Colonel | Battalion 2nd & 1st LT | CT Medic Captain | 41st Captain 
Jedi Shaman | GM & 501st SpecOps Colonel  |  CWRP Event Planner
ST VC & Storm Commando SL | Sith Spectre | IRP Senior Event Planner

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neutral the interaction ive had with zane have been good 
he good alright understanding what sith in tales 

the app is very messy and its quite hard to read or understand what your story and plan is 
not to sure if you would be fit for the EP team 

Current Ranks
Past Ranks

EX-IRP Ranks -  Sith temple guard - Fleet SNR LT - DT commander - EX-SCP ranksSenior-Moderator - nu-7 SGT with med and support spec - Alpha- 1 agent - MC&D salesmen 💰


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 With limited slots in the event team, we unfortunately have made the conclusion that you wouldn't be the best candidate for a spot in the EP team.


You may reapply in 2 weeks

Current Ranks


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