
Uber's 4th Exotic Event planner Application!

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Ubers Event planner Application

Basic Information:

Steam Name + Profile link: Your_Uber /

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): Battalion Major Uber / Jedi Sentry Uber

Teamspeak Name: Uber

Playtime on the Server: 1mo 3w 2d 12h 39m

SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:449944215

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: Yes, on Dark rp server

Current Age: 15

Warns/Bans: 0

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?:Yes and yes

Event Plan:

Create an event plan, this is what we will use for your first training event. Make it easy to understand and original(Use the



Event Information: In doc

Have you ever Done an Event Before?: N/A

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A

Do you understand the responseabilties a event-planner has? If so, what are they?:
Create Fun and creative events for everyone and never abuse your ULX powers

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes, i do understand

Anything else?: W-G Event Planner

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+1, Active, Trusty Member and the Fucking Event Plan is Amazing

                                                               Current Ranks                                       

  • IE Captain
  • IRP Junior Dev
  • IRP Event Planner

                                                               Previous Ranks 

  • Imperial Head Medical Officer
  • Pyke Syndicate Elder
  • T-RP Administrator
  • CE Colonel
  • Jedi Guardian/Consular
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Event Plan looks very cool 

High ranked and Trusted 

Very creative and will bring a lot to the EP's

- Toast 🙂 

Current Rank:


Past Clone Wars / IRP Ranks In / Out Character:

CT ARC Colonel / Temp EXO | 41st ARC Colonel / Temp EXO | Battalion 1st Lieutenant/Major | CG ARC Colonel / Temp Vice Commander 442nd Major IE Commander DT SGT Event Planner 

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Current Ranks
  Yoda - DS Commando F-91 CWRP Senior Event planner - CWRP Discord Staff Manager
Past Ranks
CT 2459 - CE PFT MEDIC COLONEL CG Detainment Droid - Battalion Sand - Battalion Colonel - GM LT Colonel 5x Regimental Medic Jedi Ace CWRP Senior Event Planner Jedi Watcher 501st Colonel Jedi Paladin - Jedi Phantom - Jedi Beast Tamer Jedi Lorekeeper CWRP Jedi Event planner - 501st Gamma ARC Colonel Obi Wan Kenobi Plo Koon - Mace Windu




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Very detailed event plans.
Experienced with ULX

- Old [CWRP] Ranks (Look how OG I am) - 
CT Commander | CT ARC | 212th ARC | CG ARC | 104th ARC | 501st Commander | GM PVT | 41st SGTM | Jedi Mystic | 2x Event Planner | 2x Jed Knight | CWRP Admin | Jedi Teacher | Sith Arcane | Iron Fron 2nd Deputy | Scaletta Kingpin | Scaletta Don | Stellvertreter Direktor der Propaganda | GD Oberschutze


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+1, High Rank and amazing event plans!



Previous OOC rank
Senior Event Planner

Previous IC rank
CT Drill Sergeant-Major
CE Captain
CG Vice-Commander
Battalion  Colonel

Jedi Scout


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+1 a brilliant application 

[Past Ranks]
Trial Vice Admiral | Rear Admiral | Jedi Agent | STV Voistender des Gaugerichts | CT Trial Exo | 501st Major | RRD ResearcherGalactic  marines  Captain |  Lambda LARPER  Star wars modDark RP Senior Mod | Deathrun Senior Mod


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Has put a lot of effort into all EP applications, this is extremely detailed and the amount of effort put in is very visible. Again, just as your last application this story is absolutely mental, events could really use this right now. 

Current Ranks

DS Commando F75 
CWRP Vice Manager

Past Ranks

Flight Show Extraordinaire
CE ARC Colonel
Jedi Ace
104th Temp Executive Officer
CT Temp Vice Commander


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Im gonna try and do this as unbiased as i can

MEGA +1 
-i mean just look at that monster of a plan
-is a very high rank 
-and  is very dedicated to get that rank 
-all in all is a swell lad
[Good luck uber ]



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The fact that you wrote another customer story line for your app shows that you have dedication and determination to get EP


Current Ranks

442nd Siege Battalion Vice Commander | Jedi Ace | Senior Moderator

Previous Ranks

Clone Guard Vice CommanderBattalion 1st Lieutenant Combat Engineer Captain | 501st Legion Lieutenant Galactic Marines Advanced Recon Commando Colonel 

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wrote Custom Story line for the App

- Old [CWRP] Ranks (Look how OG I am) - 
CT Commander | CT ARC | 212th ARC | CG ARC | 104th ARC | 501st Commander | GM PVT | 41st SGTM | Jedi Mystic | 2x Event Planner | 2x Jed Knight | CWRP Admin | Jedi Teacher | Sith Arcane | Iron Fron 2nd Deputy | Scaletta Kingpin | Scaletta Don | Stellvertreter Direktor der Propaganda | GD Oberschutze


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Ngl thought you would be a spastic at first but as it turns out you're genuinely competent and is a decent batt with a very impressive EP app. I believe if you keep up this creativity in your events you'll be one of the better ones.

[Past Ranks]

104th EXO Dark RP T Mod | 327th LCOL | CT T EXO | Lambda Man 

GC Major | DU Major | Jedi Champion Shed CG Colonel | Battalion Warrant Officer DT 2nd LT

pop art 3d GIF by Dax Norman

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Your last EP app was amazing with its story and this one follows in the same footsteps as that which is good to see. The way you conduct yourself in battalion is amazing and for your age it is even better (I was retarded at your age). If you show this much commitment to EP as you have with battalion and other ranks on IRP then you will fit in and maybe get SEP before many others.

Good luck,


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The Event Management Team have taken your application into consideration and we think that you are the right person for a position in the EP team. However we will wait until we believe that you and the EP team are ready.

Camby or Stack will contact you when we are ready for an interview.


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