
completely false warn

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apparently refusing to train a cadet is disrespect?

Jezis was his name, i came on after a 10 hour shift, dude brings me twice within 10 minutes, brings me while i'm mid disciplinary for not training the cadet, i reported a dude for being immensly racist the other day and that was handled in RP why wasn't this? i don't have anything to attach because my fucking clip didn't save, really wish it did because it made my claim concrete. 


im genuinely pissed off about this, and i know money can't buy power but holy shit i did not invest as much as i did into this server to be fucked about. if a CPL doesn't wanna train (and isn't reaching his mins) that's an RP problem, not a staff problem. 


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So I brought you to the cadet area as the lowest ranking NCO on who I did not pull to train yet. It is your job, to train them, thats why you are NCO. 

When you said the stuff about your shift, I was like ok, lets get someone else who would actually like to train him. The guy was waiting for someone to come and train him for quite some time.
Then batt ordered you to go train the cadet, you did not do it. (thats IC stuff, so I obviously did not intervene)

After the event, I tried it with you once more. When you refused to do it again and walked away, I asked more experienced staff (my mentor) who told me to warn you so I did. 

I feel like this warn was justified, you feel the other way. Let's see what other people has to say about this.

Attached are chat logs to support my warn.



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Unless I’m stupid there is not disrespect at any point + if the warns was for not training cadets surley that is an IC matter which should be dealt with via demotion?

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As a follow up, I’d like to add that I stepped down from NCO, call it what you want but I am a absolutely unwilling to train cadets, it’s not what I play for, I come on for an hour or two a day and it’s expected that anywhere from 10-30 mins depending on cadets experience and compliance is taken up training cadets? It for me personally who works 7 days a week is just a waste of time, hents leaving the position.  

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i dont see any DTS so warn seems to be  unjustified unless he said more things in voice chat and as stated before by people not training cadet is IC matter and should be dealt with in IC punishment not OOC.

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I agree that maybe you didn't disrespect the staff member in question but when you are being told to train cadets, you need to listen to him. Because of this, the warning has been changed to 'Not listening to staff'. The staff member in question will not be receiving any punishments.

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