
Platinum VIP
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Everything posted by Silent

  1. +1 I have never engaged with you on the server (I think) However I read your staff app and I believe you I think what other people have been saying and also your rank in game it shows that you are fit for staff
  2. -1 Low experience on server Plus playtime is very low Play a lot more and you should know the right time to apply in the future
  3. -1 IMO you are pretty active However you are very new and there are other candidates who are more deserving of staff and will also do a better job by the evidence that they have created for themselves. I have no doubt that if you carry on playing the server that you will become staff in the future. Just not this time
  4. +1 Your Playtime could be better, however seeing as you are very dedicated to the server, that will come with time. You are Active Clearly mature and experience IC as you are in RC's scopes
  5. Neutral TBH your rank is completely baffling to me by looking at your playtime, you say you will be on 30 hours a week and you only have 2 weeks 5 days playtime which in this day of age is rather shite compared to other candidates. This means that your 30 hours a week are probably wrong and your actual activity will be much lower. However if you can manage to get to master it must mean that you are pretty trusted Plus I have never met you so I can't be certain on your character
  6. Neutral/ +1 Very Very Active However Slightly unknown to me as I don't think I have ever spoken to you on ts Ok Playtime
  7. +1 IMO one of the best canidates Very Active Great Battalion
  8. +1 Good Lad High Ranking IC Ok Playtime
  9. +1 Good guy in ts OK Activity Been on the server for awhile
  10. Very Low playtime Somewhat ridiculous weekly playtime Play more of the server and apply when you become more well known -1
  11. +1 Very High Rank Active Lots Of Experience With Players Can Speak good english
  12. +1 This guy is 14 years of age But he sounds like he is 20 People will follow him without question Active
  13. +1 Complete mong Active Mature Got experience i think
  14. Top Bloke Very Active Mature +1
  15. +1 Have a completely different view on Unlucky I believe that he is quite active recently Also his appreciation for the server is much better, In addition i think that he is doing well as Battalion
  16. Personally I feel abused by Battalion each and every day, Frisby will come up to me everyday and will remind me how big my arms are. In addition Fcrice keeps asking me to +1 his forumn shit.
  17. Which Rank/tag do you need: Deathrun MOD What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): Silent Evidence (A image of your name ingame with the said rank, or a image of yourself on the old forum. Do not post sensitive information such as emails/PayPal payments please:
  18. Had like 30 +1s on the old forumns so ye +1
  19. i like the scp that has 2 arms and looks like a peanut
  20. crumbling since solaire left
  21. +1 EP Experience Nice CG CO Active