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Posts posted by MS.

  1. -1

    However, if this change is put into effect, i'd ask that the thermal detonators go up to CO, as 212th have literally claimed themselves it can lead to friendly fire, and having someone who is in the regiment for about 5 days with access to a grenade is pretty dumb.

  2. -1

    While personally I've never had a bad encounter with you, other people have clearly stated their opinions of you which arent the greatest.

    Also, CT isn't in the best of places right now, which isn't your fault but it obviously needs help.

    Also provided a fairly low-effort application with wrong answers; doesn't offer the best impression of you to others.

  3. Neutral

    Good Idea don't know how it would work in practice.

    EPs would have to spend more time giving each separate person the guns, and then remove them once the event is over.

    I personally have a bind that just gives everyone 5+ guns, so a-lot less effort to press that instead.

  4. +1

    Seeming as it is the most important part of the base, you would assume that it can be well defended.

    With the limit of turrets, it means that every event the EP pushes GR, the EC's nearly always overtake it.

    Adding back no limit allows CE to actually stand a fighting chance once again.

    (From the perspective of Ex-CE, CE Supervisor and EP)