
SCP Group Manager
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Everything posted by Kvisten

  1. 3rd demotion?! Anyways +1, better than the majority of staff & eps
  2. you live in poland, therefore, it is true
  3. +1 Unfortunately plays War Thunder, and he is a femboy
  4. +1 Been a long time, and I believe you should be unbanned.
  5. +1 - I mean yeah, the things that happened with all the shenanigans was a bit to much, however, I still think Puggo should be unbanned as he has not touched the server for quite some time, and he has changed overtime.
  6. +1 Like flamey jamey said, drakan also left after how he was treated by the community.
  7. Nigga, I thought you left the community entirely. Anyways neutral.
  8. Neutral/+1 He is trusted, knows his stuff, chill guy Only bad thing is that the event is not that "unique", and I feel like the event will most likely end up bad because the mindset of CI and Foundation, except for the wl/competent players. I just hope that you have better events in mind for later usage.
  9. Name: Kvisten / David Hayes / Sergeant Major Kvisten / Captain Kvisten TS Unique ID [Tools -> Identities -> Go Advanced]: 9hm9MNcQXYMw7PbPMeQIJEUa3s4= Requested Medal: 3 Year community service Evidence: Extra Information: As seen on the screenshots. I have joined since 2018. Been staff twice. And it shows that I have played for more than a year.
  10. pls dont say a word until you learn how to make a fucking pizza
  11. No one wants to hear you stutter while rapping
  12. Three Moons Initiative Overview The Three Moons Initiative is an extradimensional human organization based in SCP-2922-C, an afterlife also known as Corbenic. The Initiative was founded approximately 14,000 years ago for the purpose of establishing organized human colonization in an afterlife. Through the Initiative, the sins of the deceased are put through a rigorous judging process, and punished and rewarded by a two-thirds majority vote of the Perdition Committee. Through the Humanity Defense Corps, their military branch, they act as a multi-dimensional security force for the protection of the human race. As such, they monitor Earth and carry out covert military intervention for its defense, often regardless of nuance or long-term consequences. Organic matter is incapable of leaving Corbenic. As such, the majority of objects associated with the Three Moons Initiative are drones and other machines remote-controlled from Corbenic. These objects gain access to our world through a dimensional aperture on the dark side of the Moon. While Initiative personnel believe that they're operating in humankind's best interests, military overreach, poor communication, issues with internal bureaucracy, and other factors — combined with their disproportionately high military strength to our own — have made them a potential liability to public safety in our dimension. An uneasy peace is kept between the Three Moons Initiative and the SCP Foundation via the Treaty of Cagnazzo. Breach of the treaty is to be treated as a potential XK-class end-of-the-world scenario. "YOU ARE WATCHED - YOU ARE PROTECTED - YOU ARE LOVED".
  13. -1 ban evaded which is a big no no
  14. hahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaaahhahhaahahaa -1 You won't get unbanned, go back eating cold chicken.
  15. This is so sad to see the infamous "Nathan Kennedy" being in the reserve list, very big minge. He should be permabanned right now! -1 Apparently blacklisted on bunch of jobs, not cool dude very haram.
  16. I know you are, but what am I?
  17. Calm down there buckaroo, not his fault for being addicted to SCPRP, that server is like crack for him. -1 minge (somehow bigger minge than @Bread)