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Everything posted by Royal

  1. Nice suggestion but SMT look here every blue moon so it will probably be forgotten( or stay pending for 2 years). +1
  2. i already told him in discord!! you are late!
  3. why not ask the nu7 managers about it before suggesting the model
  4. hope you get unbanned pal i will pray for you
  5. Don't listen to Randy! Don't turn to crime!
  6. Would server even be able to tell if it is same PC I doubt they log HWIDS or something
  7. how much are u selling this piece for?
  8. did u know u can edit messages :OOOO
  9. yoo i won't tell anyone but tell me what cheat you were using but yeah you traced maurice
  10. Did you know you can say you are taking money for charity and make people pay more! Cool fact
  11. You don't get a perm ban for releasing an SCP -1
  12. Ask HOMD management (Xunt too lazy to edit template). Or alternatively you can wait and see if I'm talking out of my ass.