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Everything posted by Rich

  1. +1 Just got commander Good when it is late night cool dude
  2. In Game Name: Rich Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:195859678 Are you currently staff on any other server or WG server: I am not. In-game rank (VIP and 501st SGT): Platinum VIP and GC Commander, Jedi Padawan (Padawan is subject to change). Have you got experience in staffing RP servers: I helped out on a friend’s server for a short period of time. (I know it sounds cliché or like I am trying to big myself up). Age: I am 16, 17 in just under two weeks. Playtime: 15w 4d 5h As I am posting this. Predicted time on server per week: 45-50 depends on college and work. Warns/bans: I have one of each. One warn for mic spam from 2018 and one ban for LTARP from 2017 Do you use a microphone: I do. What do you aim to achieve in our staff team: I aim to assist the current and future SWRP community and staff team by helping to get rid of those who are constantly acting up and have no intention to play on the server properly. I also play late night quite frequently when there aren’t many staff members online so I will also do my best to help the server during those times as well. Why do you stand out among other candidates: First of all, I have been on the server for around 3 years on and off until April last year. Due to this I am quite familiar with the dos and don'ts of the server. I have also read through the staff guidelines so I am already familiar with the types of punishments to hand out when needed. Why should we pick you to staff our server(200 words): First of all, I feel like I have greatly improved since I have been commander and now that I have settled down with college I can get on a lot more than I have been able to recently. As I have stated I have already looked through the staff guidelines so have a decent amount of knowledge on how and when to give out punishments. Another reason why I should be picked is that I have a good amount of knowledge of the server rules due to my time playing on the server. I am already familiar with the most used ULX commands currently used by server staff members. As seen with my time in Green Company I am fairly dedicated being in the regiment for almost a year and a half which a vast majority of people would not do. Additionally, I try to give everything 100 percent whether it is a training I am taking part in or trying to reach the minimal amount of claims if I were to be accepted. When dealing with people who I know I aim to be as unbiased as possible which is needed for both my IC rank and for people who are staff. When people come up to me for help I am always willing to give it. The only times I do not is if I do not know and even then I will try and find out for the benefit of myself and the person asking. Do you understand that if you are unsuitable as a staff member your rank may be removed: With the limited numbers in staff now I fully agree with this. Only the most hardworking and trusted people should be made staff. If a trooper didn’t salute to you, what do you do as a staff member: If I was playing as SOD for example, I wouldn’t do anything because staff is not in character. I shouldn’t be near the RP at all really. You haven’t done your duties as a staff member as much as you should one week, how do you handle this: I would apologize to the deputy staff manager and staff manager and will try my best to at least double my minimums the following week to make up for missed claims the week prior. You don’t like a staff member, how do you handle this: Talk to said staff member and try to resolve whatever is wrong. I don’t have any problems with a member of the staff team or the server as far as I know. Anything else: Good look to all of the other candidates. wgswrp
  3. What he said Helps with mingy CTs late night
  4. +1 Legend Active Battalion Works well with others Good luck you fekin beast
  5. +1 Absolute legend!!!! Great EP Good if ARC from what I have seen Best of luck dude
  6. +1 He does well in GC. Good activity despite being in Jedi. Also mature when needed
  7. I was on about us actually being told to scout instead of standing still the entire event
  8. What he said. Let GC do the job we are intended for!!!
  9. +1 I mean the server doesn't follow lore tbh
  10. +1 looks cool when I looked at it on single player
  11. +1 Had a play around with it Quite cool
  12. NGL I missed the part where hierarchy was asked first plus from a year + experience in GC we don't really need anything else
  13. +1 Seeing Puggo run around in pajamas or some EC playing as an obese slug would be funny.
  14. +1 Battalion should send regular patrols outside of MB to keep an eye on the "locals" as sort of a challenge so it isn't just make > sell with no hassle.
  15. +1 The overall idea is great however if it was to be added, HC should speak to each reg hierarchy individually to make sure they are ok with the load out etc
  16. Rich


    +1 Make bits of rubbish spawn randomly around the map for the janitor to clean up. Do what they do on SCP RP with the service people