Avery Winters

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Everything posted by Avery Winters

  1. Among the active researchers on the Server. (All of the HR's and some Seniors that actually perform ReseachRP, i mean) They have already tested the SCP's to death and know what to expect or that they are dedicated to one project or profession. Like if you can come up with a application for mathematics on 173. I would really like to hear it. (Cuz my Researcher Char is aiming for a HR position to be the Head of Mathematics/Physics) Now if i do get a suggestion for 173, i'm going to spending all my time on 173. Ignoring all of the SCP's, so that's only one person getting RP. My time is limited. If its a really good one, i'll spend days on it. On the other hand, if it can be done within mere hours. The SCP will only prolly get half an hour of screen time. ----- Now if we go lower.. Which is the average researcher, which can range wildly in their creativity to come up with elaborate tests. Hence the common test of throw D-Class at it till to dies or thought provoking experiments. You can't fault a person's creativity. ----- What i have been doing the past is watching over newer researchers, seeing how they go about and giving them suggestions for more creative tests/experiments. But I don't partically main Researcher, due to having obligations for Whitelisted Positions like Alpha-1 or ???. ----- In short, ResearchRP is highly inconsistent unless someone is willing to spend hours at a time. Constantly watching over new researchers and guiding them.
  2. Ctrl + Shift + I annnd presto one fake discord message. (Ya gotta give more evidence than that.)
  3. I know~ i just wanted to join the to be fair train ^^
  4. To be fair to be fair to be fair what happens if he actually wrote this himself.
  5. Armour does have a huge effect on damage. Refer to: https://www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/50qz8f/how_is_damage_calculated_in_half_life_2/ TLDR: Armor aborbs damage percentage wise, hence the more you have. The better off you are. So imagine 150HP-250HP players with 200 armour from cog anomaly. They will be literal bullet sponges.
  6. Ya know, most of the combat is balanced accordingly to most of the playerbase having 100hp and 50 armour? (ish) Kinda like a tactical shooter rather than Borderlands bullet sponges. Combat is pretty intensive when you know you can drop a guy in a second, whlist the same can be done to you. Soo imma say no to anything above 100hp and 50 armour. Also if we're going with your current story about Nikolai Tomilinski i would summaize he would have basic knowledge on the Foundation's Mission. "Secure, Contain, Protect". Soo what would his reaction be if on one of the raids he led resulted in aiding an hostile SCP to escape onto the surface. Would the lives of that hostile SCP took weigh on his conscience? If not, that would make the leader a hypocrite. "He cares for the lives of the imprisoned, but not the general population?" Hell.. some people of the C.I.V. might desert/defect knowing they are attacking the entity thats keeping the world safe. If you're gonna write lore.. i'd develop it a bit more. Cuz you're gonna attract people who are going downvote this suggestion for not being established lore from the SCP Wiki.
  7. I think attempting to appeal your Blacklist was the most appalling decision you could have made. As you have highlighted the community's opinion of you. As Ace said, your only way outta this is to actually earn an actual leadership position. Go play Nu-7, Field Agent or even a Security Guard and learn to follow others. As well as take responsibility for what you have done because as a leader you're the last link in the chain. There is no-one else to blame but yourself. "Before you can order others, you must know how to follow orders yourself"
  8. Server you got banned from: SCP ServerYour name in-game: Avery WintersYour SteamID: STEAM_0:0:87998391Admins' name that banned you: Unknown. Admin's steamID: N/aWhy did you get banned?: I believe for a PAC3 Issue. However i would like to open a discussion on this again. Evidence(Un-necessary): Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Will elabroate on this later, if a line of discussion can be made on this.Anything else?:N/a
  9. I just got unbanned. I would still like an explaination tho..
  10. Server you got banned from: SCP ServerYour name in-game: Avery WintersYour SteamID: STEAM_0:0:87998391Admins' name that banned you: ConsoleAdmin's steamID: ConsoleWhy did you get banned?: Exploits? (I'm puzzled)Evidence(Un-necessary): Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: As i'm unsure of my ban, i would like to open a discussion on this.Anything else?:
  11. +1 I honourably accept death by pinching.
  12. Sure, if someone is willing to write up, format and document everything. There have already been attempts at guiding new players in other sections of the forums. (Look below this comment) However you have to consider Effort vs Reward. Who knows, it may aid a select few that can be bothered to sift through an article or it could jump the playerbase to max population. But there have been cases where newer players don't even pay attention to signs when spawning as D-Class to change their names. Are they really gonna sit down for wiki article? Also wiki pages range from general fields of subjects or really detailed analysis of a certain topic. Does the new player need to know that breaching charges are made of C-4 which composes of " 91% RDX, 5.3% dioctyl sebacate or dioctyl adipate, 2.1% polyisobutylene and 1.6% mineral oil". No, they are more likely to remember that Breaching Charges are one of the louder and faster alternatives to getting past a locked door making using a wiki page somewhat redundant. I mean, you can use a wikipage for simpler reasons. But you'll end up with a pretty shortpage like this. The same can be achieved with a forum thread (like the ones below). Closing remarks: I mean, I don't think theres nothing stopping you from learning and documenting everything about Werwolf Gaming SCP RP. Go be the change. (I need to stop procrastinating, reeeeee)
  13. ISD underwent a shadow nerf to increase CSI cooldown from 20 seconds to 125 seconds. Initally on behalf of management (as i was management at time) we complained. Once we got rejected by SMT, we let it go and adapted. Cause i taught my members to make maximum use out of their gear. If you are as you claim to be, I do believe you can adapt to this nerf.
  14. Honestly i am in favour of second chances however you have to understand that staff have to draw a line in the sand. When they ban, they mean it. Whats the point of standards if they aren't maintained. Regardless of the outcome of this appeal, i do hope you move on positively. As well as, in some cases a little honesty goes a long way.
  15. Nope, its invite only. You'll have to play senior researcher and be recognized by a Head Researcher.
  16. Ya know, i'm quite tempted to measure the speed of cocaine on a scientist character to see if it actually exceeds 45 Km/h
  17. https://streamable.com/v9802w Good times~ Also 42 days isn't quite three months... TheRedSpy. 2021. unban request. [online] Available at: <https://web.archive.org/web/20210318192635/https://werwolfgaming.net/forums/topic/5148-unban-request/?tab=comments> [Accessed 20 March 2021].
  18. Adding a Q/A gate doesn't truly guarantee quality. What if i publicly share the answers in a forum thread or people will just share the answers with each other (more likely). The answers will have to multiple choice which would trivialise the system. (Making the answers more easier to share) Using a text input may result in possible applicants entering the correct answer but it will be missed by the system. The root of the problem isn't with leadership. I've have seen HoS's despite being competent at their jobs are still forced to purge their entire security team. (See images below) If really wanted quality, I'd make the entire of security whitelisted but have fun convincing SMT to do that. As well as convincing the general playerbase to fill out the roles, run the WL and enforce quality. But that would negate one of the points of Security. Which is to be starter job for newer players, those newer players can range from being lore experts in the SCP universe to those that don't even understand the concept of SCP. In my opinion, HOS and LT doesn't need a WL. The Level Requirement is already a hurdle big enough. (That is if you didn't spread your wallet for Harland) HOS is mostly filled at peak times and Site Adminstration can always demote troublesome/incompetent HOS's. The leadership roles should be easy to access, so that they can be filled. In most cases, a retarded HoS actually inspire those lower on the ranks to get HoS and do better. (I've actually seen it happen a rare few times) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lastly, regarding your Tactical Response Unit (TRU) Sure, if you can get it past SMT. But they'll be like "Why do we need Nu-7 clone that allowed in LCZ?" Also D-Class have it hard enough to escape as is. Imagine Security and this "TRU" on at the same time. As well as, CI raiding mostly ends in a faillure when Nu-7 is organized.
  19. I think a minor possible amendment/clarification to the rule should be that. "You may refer to Erotic Scenes in passing, however not perform Erotic acts publicly/large groups/actual kids" Most of the actual proper use of "ERP" on the server (which is non-existent on the server by my standards) is that is referred to in conversation. Such as "She went down him last night, uwu". If an actual sexual scene was acted out. It would be pretty awkward for the participants resulting in laughter, cringe and not actually getting into the mood. However there is an edge case of if an Event Planner (by some miracle) can justify ERP in a public setting. Then the current rule of "don't abuse it" is a good catch-all. I mean you're ERPing on a Gmod server. You could literally google better alternatives