Nathan Dixon

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Posts posted by Nathan Dixon

  1. Yes, I did create something like this a while back. I've just come to say it again, and I'm gonna change a few things from last time.

    hey hey people

    With more low level players playing PD recently, it has come to my attention that PD has lost its title as OP and is more of a joke of a faction which metagames the Foundation, raids it and then gets wiped by GOC and Foundation multiple times over. 

    Step 1: Reduce retardation - Make police officer level 20, SWAT level 30 w/ VIP, chief level 40 and Mayor level 50.

    1 at a time. Police officer is probably the main job for idiots. Typically it's level 10-15 with a failRP name who go around and arrest people for no reason or attempt to raid the Foundation. I'm sure everybody has seen them before and has had some 'RP' with them so they know how bad they can be. They normally end up being demoted or warned for RDM/RDA. As with other jobs, my suggestion is to raise the level. This is to take it from being a job which you can go straight from XP machining to. Level 20s typically have played security guard for a while and are now playing engineer in order to progress and notice that if they spend all their time playing SG, they will get nowhere. It is also the threshold for typical minge removal and most minges will be banned before they get to this level due to MRDM as a security guard, so they won't do it as PD.

    SWAT officer is level 30 instead of 25 because most SWAT are braindead, and don't do anything especially when the mayor is kidnapped. Making it slightly higher will make people playing it, on average, slightly better at their jobs and forcing them to playing police officer for longer before becoming SWAT. The reason for VIP is to simply make people play police officer if they are a user and do not have VIP yet. Reduces retardation and makes those who have VIP more likely to play as PD, or PD players more likely to get VIP.

    Chief should be level 40 due to them getting a taser. This isn't a major increase and with the 2 previous jobs is heavily designed to force people to play other jobs and be more experienced on the server. Reasons are explained.

    Mayor should be level 50 to simply put it. Why should a site advisor, a basically useless job, be level 50 but the mayor who controls the entire PD be level 40? PD consists of 8 people with guns and the mayor if he chooses to buy one, which is bigger than E-11 (7 people including the flamer, and the commander which is 8). 

    Step 2: Buff SWAT unit, but not other jobs.

    SWAT unit, as I said before, will become level 30 and VIP. Accordingly, I suggest to give them a G36C. This is a mid-tier assault rifle which isn't too OP, but still better than the current gear. Remove the MP5 from their loadout.

    Swap out the M3 super 90 with an M1014, due to the M3 being way too under powered compared to other shotguns. M1014 is not too OP, it is not pump action unlike the M3 and offers much more damage. 

    The reason for only the SWAT unit being given better gear is due to the MP5 still being decent but not good enough to fight against factions such as MCND or Foundation. It is good in close range situations and can beat an AR15 user in the right hands but in mid range surface combat, it isn't as good. However, an unarmed target can still be easily dispatched if they are running away and resisting arrest making it still a good choice for the weaker units. Another reason is due to PD being 8 slots and all of them having mid tier assault rifles will make them a formidable force in most ways due to their weapons being too balanced and they will be good in every situation (long range, mid range, short range, guerrilla, raiding, CQC) while the MP5 only offers good combat in guerrilla combat, CQC, short range and maybe mid range which forces them to perform surprise attacks and makes them not so suited to full raids on places such as GA. With only having 3 people at max with decent weapons, it makes them more likely to not be too OP.

    Step 3: Stop random Foundation raids from PD

    Most PD raids will have the reasons:

    "This blue door is suspicious."

    "Somebody told me there are prisoners down there."

    "We have a search warrant."

    "Why would a military base be in the subway? Let's investigate."

    Hopefully you can tell that all of these are massive BS and have no meaning behind them. 

    So, it should be added to the rules under raiding rules that

    PD may only raid the Foundation if they have a valid reason and have witnessed a Foundation operative commit a crime and can confirm their location in the city.

    This means:

    A field agent disguises as PD while impersonating an officer is a crime, and the PD find out IC (by watching them disguise etc). If the field agent gives the location of the Foundation and it aligns with what the officers find, then they MAY raid due to the PD knowing that the Foundation (doesn't matter if they know the organisation's name) disguises as PD and is possibly a threat to the city.

    A Nu-7 kidnaps a CI in the city and runs back to the subway with PD following. The PD witness him go back through the blue door, and know that a hostage has been taken inside the building. The PD do not need to know who the Foundation are, but know that a prisoner is inside and must be rescued, giving them a reason to raid.

    A CI works closely with the PD through a deal and slowly manipulates them towards working with them and performing their goals. The CI, after gaining trust of the PD, can lead the PD towards raiding the Foundation. With the Foundation being framed for some minor crimes like murder and kidnappings, and no 'monsters' or slave rings being mentioned, the PD might actually believe them and raid accordingly.

    This doesn't mean:

    A CI comes to the PD and tells them about the Foundation and all the things they do, so they PD raid it. This is due to it being very unrealistic and not producing any sort of RP. The police department would never believe a random stranger come up to them and ramble about aliens and human test subjects in an underground facility. They would probably be shrugged off as an area 51 loony person with psychosis. There is 0 chance the PD would believe somebody like this immediately and raid the Foundation, making it FailRP.

    The PD see a Nu-7 kill 2 people, so they go to the blue door with no knowledge of him going there. This is metagame but not FailRP due to the Nu-7 committing crimes but the PD not knowing where he went, so they raid the Foundation. It would not be, however, to AOS Nu-7 on surface or AOS any known relations (such as E-11 if they went to surface together)


    • All of these are 'separate' but are on the same theme so they are listed together.
    • Feedback is appreciated greatly, any questions or your feelings on this are all welcomed.
    • Please stop crying about PD being a secondary faction or not important. Some mayors are decent while others are worse, and most of the bad views of PD are from how retarded/mingey they are which this suggestion aims to fix.
    • PD should be given more to do with GOIs as currently the surface is a massive TDM half the time between CI, Foundation, MCND and GOC and should have more RP with other, non-aligned factions such as civilians and PD.
    • More basic criminal jobs should be added in the future. Drug dealer didn't work because the drugs did fuck all and killed you half the time, the only useful one, cocaine, is probably the only one bought. This killed any sort of RP gained from it as they never were able to sell. Drugs should give a sort of boost which is worthwhile. Might suggest adding this in the future if this gets accepted, as 1 slot job.
  2. 173 definitely needs a rework, but this won't solve it

    As Lorex said, SCP SL has put a bad image on basically everything SCP wise, such as 096 walking around the site and all SCPs being terminatable. Which is obviously wrong, because you can't shoot 106 to death. 

    173, in lore and in CB, cannot move when being looked at by 1 person, and will theoretically never be able to move if 3 or more people are constantly looking at him. That's another reason why NTF squads come in groups of 3 or more. If we stuck to the lore and put this in the game, 173 would either be extremely overpowered, flying by everybody, sneaking up on them and instantly killing them. Or extremely underpowered, and 3 people just immediately walk up to it and contain it as soon as it breaches. Remember: anybody can look at 173, so if 3 service personnel come along they can just stand and look at it until containment units come. Point is: you can't really change it so that you move around while not being looked at, or it will be very unbalanced in one way or another.

    Unless you use that system, it is completely unrealistic and turning the server into a breach server. This will be painful to code, and it's easier to just lower the cooldown of his primary or secondary to make it better. Turning it from 8, to 7 or even 6 seconds to move around will make it a lot more OP than it currently is, and put it on a higher level such as 966 and get a decent breach yet still be containable.

  3. needed

    for some bizzare reason, every single HoS does a 'debrief' every 2 minutes, basically a reason to just arrest those pesky level 50 security officers who cant be asked to attend them, and die in the process. 

    would be cool to have security comms so security can be more organised and not spam the public comms with 'all security to lcz armoury' every minute

    so +1

  4. -OOC Section -

    Steam Name: LemonArmageddon

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:35881919

    In game level: 50

    Playtime(At least one week): 6w 5d 1h

    Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: image.thumb.png.4e4314de1b3850faad65f943018c1e44.png

    1st and 9th warn: No idea how I got either of these, I don't even know if I was online when I got either but I was never pulled into a sit for them so I don't know why I got them at all.

    Other warns: Probably really old, all except 1 are before I got level 50 (new player and probably didn't know rules, especially the metagame 4 people banned one which I do remember, and I didn't know metagame rules back then).

    -IC Section-


    CC: (blank)


    Subject: Internal Security Department CV




    Working in the Foundation for 17 years. Wide variety of skills for working in the Foundation, such as working as a team and also training in things like CBRN and espionage.

    Currently working as a field agent for the Foundation looking out for new anomalies. Extensive knowledge of GOIs within the vicinity of the facility and how to combat them. Lots of experience in using weapons and specialised equipment.

    Basic Information

    Name: Dennis Carter

    Age: 46

    Education: University

    Occupation: Field Agent, member of field research department

    Work Experience

    Lab assistant | Cambridge University | 3 years | Part time | Helped within the labs at the university while also collecting information for their degree. Gained skills which would bring them into the SCP Foundation such as working in a lab environment, as a team and work etiquette within a laboratory.

    Researcher | CERN | Full time | 8 years | Worked in anomalous research department on finding logical solutions to seemingly improbable events and objects. Knew about the anomalous, to an extent, from a young age. Trained within chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN) hazards.

    Junior Researcher | SCP Foundation, Site-19 | 1 year | Part time | Began working in SCP Foundation from 29 after being recruited at CERN. Spent a lot of time learning about the Foundation and its operations while also researching on the anomalous.

    Senior Researcher | SCP Foundation, Site-19 | 5 years | Full time | Less orientation seminars meant more time working within the the research department and experience within the Foundation, and getting to know it. Knowledge of the site's layout, basic Foundation law and also research ethics.

    Trainee field agent | SCP Foundation, Site-19 | 6 months |Full time | Chose to work within the field research department. Gained skills such as basic gun training, espionage and basic first aid. 

    Field agent | SCP Foundation, Variable location | 13 years | Full time field agent who has finished training. Experience in knowledge of GOIs, espionage, using guns and anomalous happenings.


    Secondary School | St. Joseph Academy, Yorkshire | Basic education in most subjects, passed with 3 A*, 4 A, and a B. 

    College | Kingston College, London | A-Level in English, Physics and Chemistry

    University | Cambridge University | Degree in Theoretical Physics | Upper Second Class Honours 


    • Working as a team
    • Knowledge of basic anomalies and how to document and report them
    • High standards of education and general knowledge
    • Experience in espionage, disguises and blending in
    • Basic first aid
    • Basic Foundation law
    • Long serving member of the Foundation, loyal
    • CBRN trained
    • Experience and training in combat and usage of weaponry


  5. good idea, but scripting required

    also this might cause a couple problems, people might not be able to get all their stuff and away from armoury in 30 seconds. Generally takes 10 seconds to get to surface armoury (most other jobs spawn in their armoury) and even longer to get gear, attachments ammo and a disguise sometimes. 

    beneficial to security in their spawn, attempting to avoid d class who are getting ammo

    also good for not letting people deal damage when they immediately spawn, can get annoying as a D class yet again

    some jobs should not have this, such as SoD or D class

    i like the idea, should be considered

  6. Alright, I know I've already stated my point, but I think SMT will be a bit confused about the thread and that the rules already exist.
    These 2 rules contradict:


    Are people still spawning when they are in the armoury?

    I can kidnap people in the armoury, no matter what? (what this thread is meant to deal with)

    If somebody spawns then walks around the spawn for a minute and talks to people OOC, are they still spawning after they go towards the armoury?

    When do people 'stop spawning'?

    No need to reply to this, just adding to main thread but didn't want to edit it massively without telling anybody.


  7. Recently, it came to my attention that somebody whom I will not name was having a lot of trouble with the current spawnkill rules on surface, and that the current rules are a major loophole which it is pretty much impossible to warn people for. You are able to spawn and within 1 minute be cuffed and dragged into a GOC or Foundation base on surface if you aren't careful and the people you are hostile with are very aware of the rules.

    Introduction aside, let me get straight to the point. 

    There should a grace period from when somebody spawns on surface to when they are back 'in RP' and can be cuffed, killed, shot or whatever. This generally should fulfil 2 things:

    • The person in question is capable of defending themselves at the very least, despite it being unsuccessful or not, at defending against a hostile force.
    • The person is not currently in any risk directly after spawning and is able to get to their base, or any safer location without being shot.

    Alright, now we know what we need to do, some form of system must be created to make sure these requirements are made and, it is generally a very simple solution.

    Add a 2 minute 'grace period' in which people cannot be killed after they spawn

    • No intelligence from their uniform before disguising can be gained, unless they disguise as a friendly towards you (PD see a CI disguise as police in front of them)
      • For example: GOC see a CI in armoury. He disguises as a field agent. GOC cannot know that was a CI before he disguised, even if they knew uniforms
    • People cannot be shot, killed or cuffed during this period, however it is only theoretical and in the rules so no scripting is required
    • If the person shoots during their grace period, it ends immediately
    • Logs to note when the person died or switched jobs will be used to tell when somebody has broken this rule
    • If somebody leaves the armoury/spawn area and their grace period is nearly over (such as 1 minute, and they are safe and with equipment), their grace period ends

    I know this is really confusing, and only some of it needs to be written down, but once you grab a hold of it and know the general idea it makes a bit more sense. It is designed to prevent people immediately getting cuffed in armoury due to it being not a spawn zone (which it will remain as, but newly spawned players will be protected for 2 minutes while inside of it, giving them time to get equipment and run away.)

    Most people I know generally do have some honour and ask people in armoury getting equipment if they just died before cuffing them. But it should be make an actual rule instead of good will to allow people to actually spawn and play the game instead of being spawn camped because somebody was standing in the armoury and saw a CI change disguise while getting equipment, then immediately go after them and cuff them.

  8. I think this would be better without the captain shenanigans, but I do like the idea of it

    HoS could be one of your 'entry level whitelists' if you would call them that, such as 096 or HoMD. Nothing too crazy, application is rather simple, little to no background required.

    The HoS is given so much authority yet never gets to use it, because half the time its just a level 40 acting like a security guard on it, last bit 90% of the time.

    Professionalising security by cherry picking those who play it a lot is guaranteed to work but it hasn't happened much so far in the sever (apart from maybe old Nu-7).

    HoS gear should be improved alongside this if it is becoming WL, a HK416 is not good. I suggest an AR-15 as it is a 1 slot job (not too overpowered then, won't get an army of them rushing at you). Should also be given a wide variety of pistols and carbines/SMGs, pistols as: M1911, PM, glock 17, glock 18, desert eagle, MR96, M9. Carbines/SMGs being: G36C, VSS vintorez, HK416C, etc.

    All of this should be fine and dandy. 

    5 hours ago, Lorex Krato said:

    When HOS is on, order and things happen. 

    When there is no HOS on, chaos. 

    To compensate, I do think that HoS should be an easy WL to obtain, especially for level 40+ who currently play HoS a lot. 

    Security do fine currently, and I think it will remain this way when there is no HoS, but when HoS is on site I think it will be slightly more organised/better.

  9. -1

    app is incredibly short

    you only play SCPs from what I have seen, try playing jobs which can get more RP out of them

    get more well known on the server, try getting more whitelists to jobs and get more involved

    although only 3 days is required, this is the bare minimum and is probably why nobody knows who you are.  getting 1 week is a good start

    weak or little to no knowledge on ULX commands, SCP-RP and the rules

  10. 20 hours ago, ZonkedHobgoblin said:

    Evidence(It's a must. If not provided, request is denied.)

    as the other 2 said, no evidence, and as stated in the app if there is no evidence it would have to be denied

    however, I do expect somebody with evidence such as a video or logs to come forward soon enough, but until then -1 as we cannot confirm anything

  11. neutral, i guess?

    we could just nerf it down to a 913 level SCP! (for legal reasons this is exaggeration)

    this is one of those quintessential SCPs which you couldn't go without, imagine SCP RP without 173

    i think this SCP is hard to contain because A) only containment units can contain it and are immune to it nearly completely, unlike things like 682 and B) nobody knows how to contain it well

    maybe a new method of containment, because currently this one makes 0 sense and is practically impossible to pull off

  12. 4 hours ago, Lorex Krato said:

    I mean, could just make it 1 slot.

    Yes, that would fix it... technically

    There is only 1 173, 682, 106 etc., but there are at least 109 known instances of 939, and got knows how many 966 (although only 9 939 instances are kept, and 4 966 instances)

    it only makes sense to have multiple of these SCPs and it does make for some quite interesting breaches. if every SCP has a certain trait you gotta be careful of (such as it being invisible or being indestructible) having 2 of them is probably it

  13. We all know by now that if 1 of the 2 aforementioned SCPs get contained, both get contained? Well if you didn't, now you do. So, why is this a problem?

    A) Unrealism

    B) 939 is a very weak SCP and is only slightly better by having 2 slots

    C) If one of the SCPs is in a bad situation when the other is in a great one, it is unfair that both die when only 1 should

    This bug has been around for a very long time and I have no idea why it hasn't been fixed yet. We all know how underpowered 939 is and it would be much more popular if this was fixed

  14. wrong place for this app, it goes in scp meme thread




    13 warns, not 1

    isn't 17 holy fuck

    blacklisted from basically every job


    robs mayor as mcnd

    doesn't answer questions in detail

    doesn't even have 'good' rp skills

    a month of playtime? you are literally level 30, i doubt you have even a week

    no steam ID given

    no RP name given

    is supposedly a 'LT focusing on saftey [sic]'

    can't even describe what O5 are


    lets see how many things we can list of why this is -1!

  15. B-7 are already immune to 008 last I checked about 2 days ago

    They don't need to be immune to 049. Even in SCP:CB the E-11 are cautious around 049. Their armour or any hazmat suit isn't going to save them from 049.

    B-7 commander doesn't have clearance 4 as they don't need it, clearance 4 only opens the EC control room door and maybe player-placed ones. Clearance 3 already opens basically everything, including checkpoints, GG, MT, GA, EZ lower, which is all B-7 need to open. Just play an armed unit commander if you want clearance 4 and a gun.

    Having B-7 commander being whitelisted might actually be a good idea. E-11 already exists making the commander for it basically just a rip-off E-11 flamer. Some better guns and you might actually get B-7 using comms and doing actual things. Something to make a job suggestion for, I guess.


  16. In Game Name: Nathan Dixon

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:35881919

    Age: 14

    Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: First high ranking position was Nu-7 commander. I was in the old Nu-7 commander for many months and soon promoted to the vice-manager of the job. During the old Nu-7, you could have up to around 6 people under you to be commanded. Held the vice-manager position for nearly 4 months, and continue to hold it in the new Nu-7.

    In the new version there are a lot of people under you who have to be commanded. I can see up to 10 people who see me to get orders. Dealing with bureaucracy off site such as managing people's activity, ranks, performance etc. and making sure lower ranks are doing well.

    Another high ranking position I have (although not foundation) is CI delta, I've had the WL for about as long as CI was un-WL. LOTS of experience in managing people, especially retards,  and organising people well so that things can get done well and efficiently. Working in teams with other people (which may carry over to SD and working with other foundation administration).

    Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: Firstly, I have lots of experience in managing others and making sure things are running smoothly - as you can see above. I know the basic chain of command and who gives orders to who so I can efficiently hand out orders to those who need them. I also think I'll do good because I have played site administration before in the past and know how to play it well. 

    What role does the Site Director have on the site?: His job is mainly to oversee the site and everything inside it, as well as some external affairs reported in by the HoEA which needs the SD's approval. He gives orders to higher ranking personnel such as the HR, SA, Nu-7 commanders, HoS, E-11 commander so on so forth. He can demote people in higher ranking positions such as an SA if they have done something wrong due to his higher-up position.

    What is the O5 Council?: The O5 council is a council comprised of 12 members, plus 1 extra for breaking tie-votes between them (known as O5-13). They are the highest-ranking members in the site and all hold equal power (which is pretty absolute). They have nobody above them who they take orders from, and give orders to the Site Director, being the only people who can. They have their own MTF, Alpha-1, who protect them and carry out their orders and come from the best of the best.

  17. mk sure... you know, you can get the information from describing it in your own words rather than copying a whole page off a wiki and not even bothering to edit the formatting? apply again and improve grammar imo, but if this gets accepted i don't even know how