
CWRP Manager
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Posts posted by Blaster

  1. Denied

    This request is a bit old, however I suggest you try again once the server is out. Time alone is not a guarantee for one to get unbanned, also I do not see how you would benefit from being unbanned as of this moment. In the meantime I would like you to go over the rules and make sure not to break any if or when you do get unbanned.

  2. Pending

    You were banned on 25/5/2021 for exploiting an ingame mechanic, which I will not go onto details. This was a long time ago, however exploiting does result with a permanent ban for a reason. Check here frequently for an update.

  3. Denied

    A conversion of the VIP/Plat VIP jobs to a regiment would first be wrong towards people who enjoy playing as those jobs without having the mandatory duties of clone regiments.

    Besides that, a clone regiment tasked to protect clones is really not needed and makes no sense. CG is the security regiment and is currently doing a good job. 433rd is a clone example of how such a regiment will die out due to lack of interest of their job and structure.


    This change will bring little to no improvement. It will instead make the jobs worse by having people to play those jobs in order not to lose them. Battalion Security and ABS are jobs in which people find joy in certain occasions, because their job is only rarely needed.

  4. Denied

    As people pointed out, staff can check if someone cheats. Outside of that, the "/roll" command is not going to affect anything if someone actually cheats. Besides 74th using it in passive RP, there has not been a single issue with it. Plus the specific way of fixing the method would affect the /roll, as the console would translate the command to what we'd set it to.

  5. Denied

    No reason to make this mandatory, as it would serve yet another thing for CE to keep track of. Like RM/RRM, the person using the vehicles of a job can always ask for help by CE or staff. Most people know how LFS works and those who do not can always try it out on singleplayer, or again, ask for help.

    Obviously if CE agrees to help them out they can, but it will not be mandatory.

  6. 21 minutes ago, Shaybandis Khan said:

    What your suggestion is: CTs getting a vehicle

    Scriptfodder/workshop link: 

    Any additional information:
    I think that CTs should have a vehicle like the AT-RT because every regiment have there special gem that they have unlike CT there is nothing special that we have. Like when we are pushing we could use a vehicle help us push forward, basically help us fight better rather than going in and dying every time we could actually stand a chance if we have a AT-RT to help us. It'll give us some extra fire power when we are fighting. It adds more versatility to CTs and we can help aid in more fights too, the only people that can have it is the SO and RH of the regiment because when you get that high up you are more trust worthy of using it because getting to SO in CT is hard so they look at how you are and at that time they usually know how you act. Plus it could help the regiment grow too because we have something that will make people grind for. 


    To correct your request, the AT-RT is no longer used as a combat vehicle, instead a scouting one. Giving such a vehicle, one that can be used by a single person and most likely the leading officer, will result in having him pushing the frontlines alone (again, not the primary objective of the AT-RT) instead of leading his respectful regiment. 

  7. Denied

    7 warns in 1 day is inexcusable. You are 7 warns away from a permanent ban, so I'd take the time off to read the rules carefully and stop messing around. You also failed to provide a steamid, let's hope you won't have to make an unban request again. The fact that you donated to the server does not make you immune from any punishments.

  8. Denied

    No link to check file size, as well as the fact that this model is not a hazard suit and it is not fit for your RP. If you find another model that goes well with your regiment's design (it's a plus if it's already on the workshop) feel free to suggest it.


    In addition, CE is not a regiment that would get specialised suits for snow, that would most likely be 21st. Your hazard suits are designed to withstand dangerous gasses, leaks and anything regarding your regiment's job. Basically a hazard suit made to be used in areas such as the Generator Room or a Core Room.

  9. Denied

    Big file size, textures are not the best and the map is one of the worst optimised ones I have seen. I am not sure where the "well optimised" statement is referring to, but from what I see is that almost everything is being rendered regardless of where you are:


  10. Denied

    While I see why this has been suggested, the current dropship is not a necessity for CG for two reasons:

    1. The chance of CG needing to immobilise with an air vehicle is extremely rare. If needed CE, RC, Battalion or any Commander and even some jedi may assist in transport.

    2. We are still looking for a speeder which will fit CG's needs as a quick way to catch or transport someone. In the meantime, I am sure the regiments I specified above will be more than happy to help.


    In addition, 501st has the dropship to get to the frontlines first and take the hits with their boosted HP and close range weapons. CG is meant to either stay in the backline and defend key areas of the base or in rare cases build barricades, if DU & CE are missing. CG is not meant to be a transport regiment and if were given the dropship, would be asked to use it only in arrest/prisoner transport. I also assure you that the speeders which CG had were of most use to those who could use it.

  11. Denied 

    While I would be more than happy to add this, there are no good models on the server and most likely would not be implemented as an actual regiment.

    They were a 4/5 member squad which most likely would fall under RC, meaning a new squad, meaning more RC. 10 are enough. If models are found, we might add them to the server for the sake of them being used in events. You also failed to use the given template, please do next time.



  12. Denied

    After being an Event Character for an insane amount of times, most of which I received standart EC Equipment, I must say this is so far from truth. I will be speaking from a perspective on which I did not receive special equipment.


    First of all, being an Event Character is not mandatory. People will ALWAYS prefer to play their main jobs in order to progress the ranks. Unfortunately, most regiments do not account their member's activity if they are playing as an EC. This heavily discourages people to volunteer and help with the event.

    Secondly, events are mainly focused on entertaining both sides and bringing a balanced force between them. This is all up to the Event Host, where he may give out almost any type of weapon, vehicle, equipment or barricade. Clones are restricted to what their job/regiment has, unless a Rear Admiral+ intervenes into breaking the Bronze Rule and allowing any republic personnel to use equipment outside their regiment or training. This means that it is up to the Event Host to put down barricades, give you weapons, find safe spawns and assist in any way he can. This does not mean that he will constantly be giving you overpowered equipment. Only when needed.

    As a counter point to the equipment, all Event Character weapons are heavily buffed to match clone one, and even outmatch them at times. This includes your mentioned RC weaponry. With the addition of increased health, support from an OOC source (Event Host), which has access to most actions otherwise classed as powergaming, event characters are easily the most powerful group in an event, depending on how the Event Host wants to run it. EC Jobs have equipment that match their role. For example, a Bounty Hunter has a GH, a B2 Droid has an arm rocket and a B1 Sniper has a sniper (obviously). 

    Moreover, having to be a job that is distributed and made equal to usually 10 clones (Usually an EC is counted as equal to 10 Clones), you should expect 10 times the amount of force. Also, events are most of the time a victory for the Republic, with last stands being the most usual victories for Event Characters. This is a Clone Wars server, heavily focused on events where clones gain the upper hand.

    Last but not least, I have done a survey myself between November 12th and December 23rd, to find the main causes of lack of Event Characters. This included me constantly being an Event Character without any advantage over a standard EC, asking and monitoring Event Chat/Communication and finally comparing Event Flow. The 3 main causes were:

    1. Spawncamping. This is when an EC or Clone, in this case EC, is killed almost instantly out of spawn due to lack of cover.

    2. Flamethrowers. This was heavily mentioned and the causes were the constant red screen from afterburn and in connection with spawncamping.

    3. Lack of special equipment. This included weapons, equipment such as the Grapple Hook, turrets and vehicles in order to counter clones.


    Event Character Jobs are also under work and some clone weapons will be rebalanced to fit their category. In the end, an explosive must do more damage than a laser shot, a single shotgun shot must do more damage than a single SMG shot and a regiment such as RC, where there are only 10 members (not always on at the same time), being the elite regiment of special forces, must have access to the best weapons the Republic has to offer, in order for them to be most efficient.

    Nonetheless, thank you for your suggestion, and as mentioned above, job rebalances are already being looked into.