
Platinum VIP
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Everything posted by Dyno

  1. +1 If added, could spice up some events. For example, the enemies could leave MB and run out into the Rishi wilderness. At that point, CE or CG could go out and search with these LAATs.
  2. +1 This guy is extremely inactive, incompetent, and unfunny. If this man gets battalion, I would be extremely grateful that I do not have to deal with him on a day to day basis in DU. Jokes aside, he is very active, hardworking, competent, and good at leading. His confidence is admirable and he is honestly one of the best picks for battalion. I would also like to say, just because DU is a "defensive regiment", does not mean that we are always on the backlines defending. In DU, we generally always have two squads, a frontline and a defense. From my experience, Jared is incredibly good at leading the frontline squads. On multiple occasions, DU has received battalion recommendations in debriefs for Jareds work. He truly is one of the unsung heroes on the server.
  3. +1 Literally always on plus, he's a trusted commander! On top of that, he is a funny man who is, from what I can tell, extremely unbiased and level headed.
  4. +1 This guy is one of the best I have ever seen. He's competent and active. Plus what Navas said.
  5. I have actually fixed the TeamSpeak issue.
  6. To be entirely honest, this kind of reply shows a lot of maturity. To clear it up though, I don’t think this is how you act all the time. Hierarchy can be stressful but the role of battalion will be similar but I do believe that you would be fit for the role. I’d say it’s a +1.
  7. +1 Ban is still slightly fresh. However, I do believe in reform and I speak to Razor on a daily basis so I know he has changed. Besides that, he is more than competent, active, and experienced. His leadership ability is amazing and best of all, he currently holds the logging record for DU at 44 loggings. Within DU he is held in high esteem for his character. He is fun to be around, extremely approachable, and friendly/mature. I have not met a single person who hasn't hit it off with Razor to this day. If he did not have a ban I would wholeheartedly and genuinely say he would be one of the better candidates for Battalion.
  8. Honestly, I do not personally know you but, the one interaction I had with you was horrendous. You said some things over OOC which directly disrespected me and a member on the server when you were CG VC. Plus, that behaviour set an example for a high ranking member in CG. Later on after the initial incident, in IC chat, the member in question disrespected a member of DU hierarchy but, we decided not to retaliate. Now, I must admit, we did play a part in the altercation but, what we did was no where near large enough to warrant a reaction like that. Either way, it must have been a bad day or something of the sort as I see some good things being spoken about you in the thread. One slip-up should not be what stops you from getting into battalion but, I felt that it must be acknowledged.
  9. Out of Character Section - Steam Name: Dyno Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:221776883 Current rank on the server: Platinum VIP Age:17 What is your playtime: (1 Week - Minimum) 2W 6D (I have around 4 to 6 weeks on another account but, I sold the steam account.) Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: I have a microphone and it is good quality. Have you read and looked through the Battalion Handbook: Yes, I have. Do you meet the requirements: I do meet the requirements. Quick summary about you: I am a 17 year old from the United Arab Emirates. I am a Junior racing driver and a psych/bio major in my first year of uni. I love Star Wars, Formula One, and a lot of other things. You may have read that part and thought, “This guy has a few responsibilities that would inhibit his activity or performance as a member of battalion.” However, this is not the case. Corona has put a hold on my racing career and my uni is online. This gives me quite a lot of free time to spend on GMOD. Also, despite being from the Arab region, I speak English very well. I do not have an accent as I am extremely white washed. In Character Section - In-Game name: DU Colonel Dyno Highest rank obtained: 35th Executive Officer (Plus DU Temp EXO) What current rank do you have: DU Colonel What is your current regiment: Doom’s Unit Why should we pick you for Battalion: I honestly believe I am a good fit for Battalion because, I am extremely active and competent. I have been a high ranking member on the server for quite a while. Not to mention, I was a CT Major for about 2 months in 2017. I have also had the opportunity to learn how to truly be a commander from some of the best commanders this server has seen. For example, Hoxton, Ford, Hank, Maze, Voidy, Omega/Jacks, and Marcus. I understand the role very well and believe I could perform extremely well. Additionally, my role as a member of the temp hierarchy of Doom’s Unit was met with much appreciation from the current hierarchy. I would also consider myself to be a fair and unbiased person. I understand how to separate the personal from the professional. However, I must acknowledge my flaws. Not many people know who I am. That is because I generally like to stick with my regiment and try to boost cohesion as much as possible. I also believe activity is a big thing. I do average around 50-70 hours a week. I always meet and surpass my minimums as well. This shows my commitment and dedication to my roles. I have also been told on many occasions that, no one really dislikes me. I try and make sure that everyone has a good time by helping them if they lack information in basics/mandos or, if they have an issue with another person, I try my best to get them to resolve their issues so it won’t affect anyone else’s experience. Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion: (100 Words - Minimum) The roles and responsibilities of Battalion are as follows. On Defcon 5, they are meant to be doing trainings or simulations, granting or denying requests, and generally keeping the base and its troopers on top of their game. Essentially, they are the people who run the base. They must also act in a professional manner. When they are assigned to supervise a regiment, they must ensure that the regiment is healthy and active in trainings. In the event of an attack on the base, they must lead the regiments and ensure victory. In the event of an attack on another base/planet, they must devise a plan that is clear and concise, to secure victory. Have you ever been demoted, banned or kicked: Unfortunately I have. About 3 to 4 years ago now, I was Comm Banned for player pulling. Please note, I was 14 at the time. I was an immature child and since then I have matured and not received any of the other punishments listed. Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank: I do and I will strive to keep the image and stature as distinguished and respectable as I possibly can. What do Battalion do during Combat, when they are not leading? When a member of Battalion is not leading, they must either be Co-Leading if asked, they could also be supporting the regiment they supervised or, supporting a reg assigned by the leader. They must also be careful not to act as a personal battalion member to the reg or a member of their hierarchy. However, it is alright to inform them of what they are meant to be doing or telling them to be in a certain position. What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted as part of his mentoring session? Host a mandatory training which assesses the ability to perform faces, formations, and questions. Conduct a debrief. Lead an event. What is the job of the Co-Leader during events? The Co-Leader of an event’s responsibility is to assist the leader of the event as much as possible. This can be by granting/denying requests in advert or informing them of the situation in other sectors of the map. Additionally, in the event of the leader crashing or suddenly becoming unavailable, the Co-Leader is there to take over. Anything else: That is everything. Thank you for taking the time to read my application. All and any feedback or criticisms are encouraged and will be taken into account. Also, I appreciate honesty, if you have something to say but fear it could be hurtful, I will not mind.
  10. +1 EP and CE EXO. Does amazing snow facility events!!!! Plus he has a good reputation!
  11. +1 From what I hear and see on this thread, he seems to be mature. He is also a high rank and has been for a while. Additionally, I have not heard anything bad about him. I would say he is a good candidate!
  12. +1 ARC Colonel and now EXO. I have not heard anything particularly bad about him either. Seems like a good candidate!
  13. -1 Bruh. The entire post screams to me that you are not trying to get your ban removed. Not to mention, in my time in DU I have not heard one person say anything good about you, only negative. Lastly, Camby's -1 is a MAJOR red flag to me because, it takes someone/something special to get him to speak that way.
  14. +1 I've had the pleasure of having Bobby in DU for the longest time. He's been there for everyone and is extremely helpful. He is active, experienced, and competent. He deserves a go at Batt. -Dyno
  15. Which Rank/tag do you need: Plat Vip What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): DU Major Dyno Evidence (A image of your name ingame with the said rank, or a image of yourself on the old forum. Do not post sensitive information such as emails/PayPal payments please:
  16. +1 I may have not been around during his time as Batt, 433rd CMDR, or DU VC. However, I have had the pleasure of being in the same reg fighting alongside him for a few weeks, in which time, I have been able to get a good perception of his character. He is a good guy, knows his shit, but does have some concerning views on statues. In my opinion, he is an amazing fit for battalion.
  17. +1 As a member of DU, Jared has always been there to help me when I've failed trainings or needed the knowledge to get past a training. He does genuinely have a caring vibe and he is a role model in DU for ETs/NCOs and the like. It may seem like I am just +1-ing him because I am in his regiment but, he really is a nice guy, he can lead well, and he really does look out for his people. Not to mention, he has done way more cadets than probably anyone on the server, and has been MOTW in DU for 3 weeks in a row now! This may not mean much in the grand scheme but, this is what Jared's like once you get to know him. Overall, would be sad to see him leave DU but extremely exciting to see him as a member of Battalion. -Dyno