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Everything posted by Dyno

  1. What your suggestion is: Giving DU NCO Tool & PhysgunScriptfodder/workshop link: N/AAny additional information: I think this is a beneficial suggestion because, currently it is a pain in the ass for DU NCOs and ETs to build in events. I understand ETs not getting them as they are not trusted, however, me and other members of hierarchy would not promote someone to NCO if we didn't trust them with basic tools. NCOs are generally the ones who will be asked to build in events as we want to see their building abilities and help them improve. Having to ask an admin for tools every time is just a massive waste of time.
  2. +1 Ive known Jared for quite a while now, and I can definitely say he is quite trustworthy. He is very creative and he knows how to lead an event from a battalion POV. I feel that this would tie in well when creating an event. Additionally, he did go far with this event plan last time, I see no reason for which he couldn’t do it again. He’s returned from Brazil with determination. And while he was in Brazil, he picked up a Clone Wars lore book!
  3. Sorry, -1 Have not heard much about you but, 8 warns is quite high. 5 weeks and only reaching captain is not the best. Additionally, in your app you mention Fleet. This may have been a little slip up but it could signal something larger. Either way, I would suggest you build up some trust, get to a high rank, and try not to receive any punishments in that time. Good luck!
  4. -1 No. Scavs are already annoying. Don't make them AIDS by giving them this. #RemoveScavs2021
  5. + Fucking 1 Oh yes. Where do I begin? Razor is easily one of the most fun and nice guys to be around on the server. He’s always been there for me and DU when needed. He’s shown dedication many a time. Came off a week long ban and smashed logging records in DU, which was a feat as we had sweats like Jared in the regiment at the time. Continued to serve DU to his best for as long as he could. If this guy doesn’t deserve battalion, no one does. His leading ability is immaculate. I find him to be of the top candidates in this round of applications. Only issue is, his nose is quite large. Also, Happy Hanukkah!
  6. +1 Perfect Grammar Clearly matured after his fat 3 minute ban
  7. +1 EP, VC, Active, Lad, knows how to lay down the law when needed and can also be funny the other times. Plus, what nathan said.
  8. -1 Pedophile Never heard of the guy in that screenshot you sent whereas, I have heard of the staff member that banned you. Plus, it doesn’t look very good when you accuse a senior staff member of forging an image. I don’t really trust some random guy, who could very well be one of your friends, saying “I know him! He’s not a pedo!” rather than a trusted staff member. If you wanna be sexual with little kids I’m sure these guys can help. https://www.police.uk
  9. Dyno

    discord unban

    I’d say +1 for getting the ban reduced but -1 to getting it completely removed. You did break the first rule and their is no denying/fighting it. Yea alright you were in knight channel, yea it was late at night. However, the rules are rules and Omegle is known to have this sort of shit on it. The situation is clear and I think the message has come across.
  10. Huge +1 This guy basically raised me. Without him, I wouldn't have even stayed on the server for more than 3 days. His leading ability is immaculate and his personality is the same. Had to deal with SEER for so fucking long as well. Although he is currently a low rank and resigned because he didn't have the time anymore to be DU commander, he has been working his way back up and his activity has been alot better. He is one of the best candidates for Battalion. He is one of the nicest and level headed people you will meet. He can lay down the authority and also be calm at the same time. Also, one of the most mature people I know.
  11. Neutral Out of the people I know from CG, you are one of the better ones. High rank in CG. Missing a little bit on the About me section. CG is currently in a bit of a state, could spiral into something worse if one of their better SOs leaves. Good luck!
  12. Neutral Some people can reform themselves. Just need a good push and time. Don’t believe it’s been enough time for you Sahid, sorry.
  13. I don’t think he was looking to get anything changed, I think he was more trying to understand why NCO’s don’t get certain things while other NCO’s do.
  14. It may seem like he stepped down because he doesn’t want to help, but there are genuinely more uncontrollable personal reasons to it. He stepped down so someone else could step up and do what he was doing as he couldn’t.
  15. +1 Reasons stated above and the last +1 I gave him.
  16. -1 Reading what Barry said, yikes. Sorry dude, dodging mandos does not give someone a very a good image. However, giving an excuse and then hopping on another game is worse. On top of that, the activity thing is another yikes. Then, replying to Barry like that, especially considering that Barry is not a person to lie about things. Cant say I see you having a chance at battalion.
  17. -1 Reasons stated above. However, in time I’m sure you can clean up your image, mature, and become a little more respected.
  18. +1 Victor is extremely active, competent, and an all round chill guy. Would love to see him as battalion!