Lando Lovelace

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Everything posted by Lando Lovelace

  1. swear every time i look on this thread or the entire SCP-RP forum section i die again
  2. fucking hell, great app deserves a second chance +1
  3. +1 Nice guy, has a lot of decent Whitelists and ISD chad. Also nice app
  4. The fuck. lad do it in Job Suggestions and follow the Template also you've just copy and pasted this : /
  5. Ok, I see the warn and its Validity, but like.. its kinda Petty for what it is. He was trapped in a room and i don't see the point in the warn +1
  6. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm k
  7. no, i remember you for the wrong reasons. 1: detained u at least 5 times a day when i was a beta-1 unit 2: You screamed at me when u punished u and lost your shit at me 3: Toxic -1
  8. yeah, misunderstood orders/were given some by a braindead monkey, also a reminder if your LT is chatting shite ask your HoS or even the SD +1
  9. In-Game Name: Lando Norris (warrant officer norris chad name) STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:526501347 Current In-Game time: 2 weeks 3 days Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of your warns in game): [IMPORTANT INFORMATION] 1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?* The Ethics Committee oversee the Ethicality and general running's of the foundation, for example acting as an Ethical Site Advisors to the likes of the SD or O5 Council members, More questions the better as we don't want any O5 Members deemed unethical...That would be quite bad, The ECM prevents that. The ECM can oversee inner working of the Council and infact ALL foundation administration, Making sure FA aren't mistreating "Prisoners" Dclass or general SCP Mistreatment. The SCP's (well most of them) are still alive and deserve to be treated with ethicality, the ECM enforces that along with "Prisoner" Dclass Living style and Mental Health. ECM Also act as secondary enforcement higherups (In Police talk), Commanding Omega-1 and enforcing the law themselves, Deciding punishments and making sure their own units are following proper protocol, Acting as Secondary enforcement should. All the ECM want to do is make the Foundation an Ethical and worth working living place for all, making sure EVERYONE is happy and making sure EVERYONE is working at their best happy where they are, Although the ECM can be Ruthless themselves in their punishments and INCREDIBLY strict law and Enforcement protocols that their Agents follow and Rule over. The ECM overlook the running's of the foundation and its inner groups like MTF's Research teams, STF's and foundation administration. The Committee makes sure research and testing is kept ethical for both D-Class and SCP's Living or infact dead. Making sure MTF's like Nu-7 or E-11 are doing their job without causing derogatory problems that can result in detainment of units on all MTF teams and divisions 2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?* 1, Enforce that The foundation are not a group of people who carry out terrorist like acts among "innocent" people, if anything the foundation wants to restrict this and the ECM plays a huge role in that. we are not monsters who want everyone to die and suffer the ECM merely are the in-between line in the role they play. With the help of everyone they can achieve that goal. We don't Torture we accept and punish only if needed. We don't "Own" the earth, we ae merely part of it. The GOI's and people who want to take us down do not realise the danger they will put themselves in "They Don't Listen to our shouts" is the reason we are not public, the reason we don't shout too loud, we are all afraid we are all in danger. We don't want the fucking world to end due to a GOI's stupidity that is why we are seen as monsters as we kill those who know and tell. The ECM want that to change and are a big part in why more and more GOI's want peace or to have Friendly written on a relations spreadsheet. Protect. Protection of the Earth and every living thing on it is number 1 priority. Like said above "We do not own the earth", The foundation does not and never will. We do not want to "Take over the world" we would be taking over ourselves "The Earth is not mine yet" -Dr Evil Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged me. Is what people think of us, they think we want the world when all we do is protect it from things that genuinely Want the fucking earth to be there's "Workin 9-5" to enforce that the ECM does. 3. Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?* I believe i should be accepted because Although i do not play a lot of Foundation administration, with a fuck ton of Omega-1 Experience and now O-1 Commander work available to me along with Alpha-1 and FA interaction i have a great knowledge of how it works. I like to think im somewhat "well known" within O-1 and the ECM and its member due to my activity on the jobs and server in general. I dont like to punish people harshly, i enjoy giving people second chances and with old Beta-1 experience i know the foundations law, inner working and general Activity of FA, Id love to be part of the ECM, its a very prestigious job and the members i respect very fucking highly 4. Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.* SCP [Secure Contain Protect] contain and house Anomalous Creatures ,items and people. Housing them in Top Secret foundation locations. The foundation only being known to very few OOFC (out of foundation circle) and being held and run by the infamous O5 Council, Filled with 13 Members and the 2nd highest classified information it holds are only known to a few people across all sites. The ECM play a huge part in the foundation. While the foundation doesn't only Contain these Anomaly's, it also has a huge researching team following it, for every SCP deemed "UI" [Under Investigation] have teams of hundreds on them, whether being old SCP's to Newley found ones. 5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do? Immediately Inform Omega-1, fill out a warrant,if said warrant if approved order Omega-1 to detain ASAP, bring to cells and organize a court date and case subjects, appoint witnesses and a judge and carry out a court case. The Council member being "Deemed Unethical"Omega-1 will deal with the prosecution of law and punishment of the O5 6. You hear that the Site Director and Head Researcher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such ass 500 and 2295), what do you do? Again fill out a warrant for the HR only, meanwhile detain the SD on side of Omega-1 units, if said Warrant is approved follow same steps as above and if found guilty of "gross misuse of SCP items, Get Omega-1 to follow protocol and prosecute 7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do? (question kinda void cos funny feeding allowed "RP they said") 1 get O-1 to detain for wasting foundation resources and prosecute accordingly. 8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why? Save the Researchers, although the death of an Omega-1 unit and fellow ECM is a sad and gruelling with to do, But There's good reasoning The O-1 is heavily armed and at least stands a chance against an SCP unlike 5 helpless Jr Researchers who only have key cards to poke SCP's with. Also saving 5 lives instead of 2 is bit more ethical also at least there's a chance the ECM and O-1 survive Hello, Hope you enjoyed the App, to avoid cluttering the Thread contact me here Tacocatzzz#6969 if you have any thoughts on my application, I love feedback from apps and your always welcome to tell me : ) Have a great day! -Lando
  10. GIVE THIS MAN EVERY WL IN THE GAME apply using threads Have a good day! -Lando
  11. ehhhhhhh, app is great but never seen you on sadly sorry but its a -1 from me Have a good day! -Lando