
Platinum VIP
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Everything posted by Johnn

  1. +1 Basic stuff that ARC should just have. CE ARC have all of the ships that CE can spawn at all. No reason for any other ARC to not have it.
  2. +1/Neutral Largely same as the above. I think you'd be a super battalion and your experience and maturity would live right up to that expectation. I don't think you'd disappoint. I agree with what Pingu said, that being you're probably the best applicant right now imo. However, you'd be a huge loss for DU right now. They've a temp and a trial. Though, once the hierarchy is more stable, you'd be solid.
  3. +1 No more spamming binds in events to give weps pog Literally no reason to not.
  4. All you and Whitehill did was cause disruption. I banned Zebb for a few days. He will be unbanned very soon automatically. No one is judging him or anything. If Mat ever did anything to you then you should've called for staff. You've not the greatest history but it doesn't mean staff wouldn't help you. Yet what you and Whitehill (and Zebb now for some reason) decided to do was to cause shit for Mat in general; as he logged on yesterday, I immediately received a complaint of you two disrupting his cadet training and I watched you for a little while. I had approached Toon informing him you both were playing as CTs when you were both in CE at the time and also gave him a little heads up about you two considering your ABS incident. Mat also had a word with Toon and it's up to the Senior Commander on what course of action he takes. He deemed it fitting for you to be kicked and blacklisted, considering all. That's that. Yeah, why you did it was because you thought it was the "funniest thing you've ever seen". 01:30 on the video. You don't regret any of what you have done; you're essentially enjoying yourself at the cost of others RP. That's pretty much enough for me. If you really think this to be true, that you don't deserve another chance, why are you both appealing the ban? I don't understand. Yes, it's a game. Yes, it's Gmod. However, it's not the general minging that I'm really talking about. It's your fucked actions. It's that the new players would be getting demoted and kicked out of their regiment for following the orders of someone that immediately arrested them for following those orders. Yes, after looking into it more, they weren't demoted/kicked but you had attempted to do so to them. You're a new player, who's just joined the server and you hardly understand the ranking system. Someone cool looking comes along and tells you to do something, it's more than likely you'll just follow the orders because they seem high-ranking. This is what happened. If you do not regret any of it and don't think you should get another chance, why are you appealing the ban at all? It was rather uncalled for, so that's my bad on my part. Nonetheless, all I said still stands and is valid.
  5. -1 No. For the record, here I am speaking about both Komet and Whitehill as they seem to be an inseparable duo and are both permabanned together. You are, quite frankly, one of the worst people I have ever met on this server. Brandon permabanned you today and I've permabanned (after consulting with a senior staff and another admin) your friend Komet too. Both of you have no intent to actually play. "Instant de-dunk." Yes I've nothing of you saying anything of the sort since you've been unbanned but you've definitely confessed to it as you can see below. So your "de-dunk" means very little if you've done it before in the past. Komet is evidently speaking for both himself and you; "every time you get mad, it amuses us". It's not difficult to figure out you're his friend. Mat and many others are here to rp. You, however, quite literally admit to opposing that in every way. You've been banned before by Navas for baiting low ranks into high clearance then arresting them as ABS. You'd even baited my trial trooper, who was very new to the server at the time, into a high clearance then arrested him. You'd also did this to another 212th TRP and others I believe. But when I, as a hierarchy, walked nearby you doing it, you'd stop -- acting all well and good because you full well knew that what you was doing is fucked and anyone with knowledge of the server knew that, not these new troopers. You've been permabanned before and unbanned. On your second chance, you decide to fuck about some more. You've only done it to yourself. Your mate "Remember Whitehill", or rather, Zebb I believe, tried to provoke Mat and with Komet. You've also harassed Mat in the past for which you was banned for 100 years by CE SCO Toon, I believe. It's no secret after your blacklist from CE essentially caused by me and Mat that you hold some hate towards us. You and Komet are the definition of 'No intention to RP'. There is not even an aspect of NH2RP here; you both have no intent whatsoever to rp. If any of this wasn't enough, perhaps your 30 arrests and 12 warns in the past 3 months might be portarying of your "trying to RP". 8 Active warnings.
  6. Star Wars: Revenge of the SAHID
  7. -1 I'll explain myself. There is a clip at the bottom of this post. I was standing on main gate, watching out for the scav headed outside MB. I turn around looking towards MHB, after hearing in TS CG are pursuing with a speeder and turn around again facing outwards of MB, where the GC are prepping for a training I believe. You speed boosted where you see GC, missing one GC and ramming into another. Nonetheless, I honestly do admit it's my bad that I hadn't started a formal sit and I do apologise for that but it would've consisted of me informing you you're getting warned. It shouldn't be the GC's duty, or anyone, to be wary of speeders ramming into them if they're just standing at MG. It's generally considered, I believe (after speaking with some GC myself), that you should be heading a patrol speed until you're certain it's clear. I'm not exactly a GC, CG or RC myself so I don't work with speeders myself but I do know you -- a CG Captain -- are trained to work with them, after looking on the CG spreadsheet. But anyways, the end wouldn't have been any different, I'd still have warned for you VDM. Ramming into someone and killing them is still ramming into someone and killing them. You can see the GC in time with the large FoV but yet you speed boosted, driving dangerously, and it resulted in VDM. You can see here you saying you speed boosting your way out of MB because it's an "easier way out", where there are quite a few GC. of gc being granted and taboo being vdm'd.mp4?dl=0 Here at 00:18, you can also see GC being granted on comms so, considering you're on a speeder, you should've also been wary of GC outside. The main gate is open the whole time too so everything is clearly visible. You asked for perm after MG was already opened, not before as you say so in which case you're able to see everyone ahead in the large field of view provided by the third person camera on the speeder. You're PST, police speeder trained.
  8. Use this template for your unban appeal Edit your post with this template properly filled in
  9. +1 Can’t comment on your past or whatever but I can say this much. I’ve not spoke to you much but the few interactions I’ve had with you as an EP, IC and OOC have all been positive. I’ve never had any problems with you. You seem mature and competent, and so I believe you to have potential for Battalion
  10. +1 Cool guy and mature, definitely potential for staff. Also is RC as mentioned before so he's obviously already quite trusted
  11. +1 is a VC now and deserves a second chance. Grown mature and learned from his mistakes. Honestly a great guy
  12. Has worked hard and has proven his determination to get staff with four apps, give him a chance +1
  13. In Game Name: 327th Commander John Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:96485225 Are you currently staff on any other server or WG server: No In-game rank (VIP and 501st SGT): Platinum VIP, 327th Commander Have you got experience in staffing RP servers: I do not have any experience in staffing RP servers but I am constantly willing, and wishing, to learn. Age: 16 Playtime: As of writing this, 4 weeks and 2 days. Predicted time on server per week: Minimum would likely be around 40 or so but this would only be if I was extraordinarily busy with college for whatever reason. Usually around 60 hours. Warns/bans: No warns, no bans. Do you use a microphone: Yes What do you aim to achieve in our staff team: I wish to achieve an environment in which players are aware that they'll be treated fairly and accordingly. This is the case right now but I do think that I could help further this even more so. In staff, my only goal would be to consistently help all where I can and however I can. This is already required of me in my regimental hierarchy position and I do try my best as much as I can. This somewhat leads me to my next point. Why do you stand out among other candidates: Considering my playtime, I may seem inexperienced or to be naive. However, even with my age and playtime taken into account, I've quickly proven myself to be mature and competent as shown by my rank. Consequently, among other candidates, I do think I've what it takes to be staff. To elaborate on what I said before, my role as a hierarchy does involve assisting people with basic things daily or dealing with internal conflict between members, punishing and just generally anything to do with people. However small or however big, I know that I will try my best to deal with it and I will not be afraid to ask for help knowing that there is a full team of staff surrounding me. Why should we pick you to staff our server(200 words): I believe you should pick me to staff because I think I could contribute to the staff team. I feel that I'm the type of person who is just generally good with people. All in all, I like to think that I've built a positive reputation and have made many friends with all sorts of people and subsequently, my capability to communicate with people is a trait that is what I believe is considered ideal for a staff member. Generally, I consider myself to be an articulate person with the form in which I talk. From my position as a regimental hierarchy, I know I can deal with tough situations with people, be it with new ones or even older friends I have to punish. In conjunction with the aforementioned, it is important to note that staff does not involve only punishing. It inherently requires one to be effectively able to discuss and formally speak to another without speaking incoherent, misplaced accusations and to seriously listen to both sides. It may be a new CT 4 numbers that are being accused of disrespect, however, it does not matter if it's a CT 4 numbers. It doesn't matter if it's a new player; either way, I am ready to listen to the accused and accuser. Be you a Battalion Major or a 212th Captain (ranks I chose for pure example), I will treat you both the same. I will ― without a doubt ― speak to and listen to both of them professionally, in a respectful manner and clearly; I aim to be fair and just. With my communication skills, alongside that is my maturity. I may be 16 which is considerably young but regardless of that, I hold the opinion that I have shown that I am mature. I am someone who, I think myself to be, is of the ability to demonstrate and show maturity whenever needed. This is not to say I am incapable of being relaxed and fun to be around. Do you understand that if you are unsuitable as a staff member your rank may be removed: I understand. If I abuse my power in any way, act unprofessionally, it is a given, and entirely warranted in fact, to be demoted or removed from staff. If a trooper didn’t salute to you, what do you do as a staff member: For one, the trooper should never see me as a staff member, only ever as my clone job. Henceforth, it does not concern me as a staff member, so I merely do nothing. Staff should only deal with OOC problems. IC is not an issue of staff unless there are serious problem in the RP (metagame, powergame and the likes). I simply do not act on it as a staff: I'd merely remind him, as my clone role, to salute to 2nd LT and above. There is no need for any sort of further escalation whatsoever. You haven’t done your duties as a staff member as much as you should one week, how do you handle this: Should this ever happen, or if I anticipate it to be so for whatever reason (exams the next week, vacation, etc), I'd let SMT know in advance with regards to being potentially being unable to fill out the minimum requirements. If, for whatever reason, I do not then I'd take whatever punishment comes my way as it'd be completely justified; for the next week, I would try even harder to meet the minimums at the very least. Nonetheless, they are just minimums and one should go above and beyond that. You don’t like a staff member, how do you handle this: Depending on the nature of it, I'd attempt to sort it out between us like the two mature people we are or speak to a higher-up if it's something regarding a dispute over a staff-related matter. I am not one to sit on a problem and let it brew. I'd much rather sort it out straight up. Anything else: WGSWRP
  14. +1 Pretty cool dude, Absolutely no question in his experience nor his capability as a potential batt.
  15. He was on TS with us for a while earlier. Definitely works, no problem there. With regards to his batt app, +1 for sure. Great guy and strikes me as one I can definitely see as future batt.
  16. Which Rank/tag do you need: Platinum VIP What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): 327th VC John Evidence
  17. Neutral/+1 Razor is a reliable, trustworthy and confident sort of guy. There's not any question about that for me nor his leading ability. His ban is a thing though. Put bluntly, it doesn't look too great hence my neutral.
  18. +1 He's EXO now, he's been ARC COL for a long time, he's mature and got the right attitude. He is the one to pick. He's a great guy, love him and he just has those perfect leading skills that you'd expect from Battalion. He is capable of managing people and is just that person. He doesn't collapse under stress and I believe he can handle leading the entirety of the clones. It's all been said above.
  19. Yeah it'd be super quick to just hop straight into BHB and retake it rather than going down the elevator and so on but it's also just failRP as blaster said. People would probably run down there even on defcon 5 either through intent to minge or by accident. Not really worth it. Elevator is a fun aspect in events with it being such a huge chokepoint. I think it's better to keep it used like as is. We can still go down the BHB through LAATs and this also just gives CE more to do and I'm sure they'd rather be flying and transporting rather than standing around.
  20. You was already unbanned for this on the WW2 RP server by the staff manager Schumacher. Your unban was accepted already. This is also the SWRP section btw
  21. I don't know how to quote two things at once but yeah, he did mention it. It's just difficult to see cause of how he did it. I didn't notice it at first but before posting, look through it more thoroughly. I'll just copy and paste it here. He did it right under responsibilites. Have you ever been demoted, banned or kicked: (If so, explain why)Demoted for many past mistakes which were my own but I take complete responsibility for and to blame no one but myself however I feel I have reformed from these mistakes.
  22. +1 There isn’t really any question about this for me. Speaking as his EXO, I do not see someone more fit for the role. Revis carried and managed the regiment on his shoulders for a good few weeks all the while keeping it active, healthy and dealing with all the shit that would come with it. Alongside that, he is always leading events. He is just that kind of person designated for the role of a leader, giving clear, concise and useful orders. He does not get overwhelmed or unsure about what to do in a combat situation. He’s the type of guy to analyse what’s actually happening and respond accordingly and appropriately. Speaking as his friend, Revis is a genuinely great guy. If you’ve ever any problems, if you spoke with him he’d try to sort it with the best of his capability. He listens to feedback, is open to discussion and all. A friendly and approachable person. It’s as Pingu said, he’s talked about battalion before but he was the only hierarchy of 327th for a while. He hasn’t just left his regiment behind, he’d made sure it was in a position of being self sustaining with bringing in a full hierarchy. Now that he’s got an EXO and VC, he can join battalion if he wants without leaving 327th to shit. If he wants to join Battalion, I will support him all the way as he’s supported me all the way in 327th. It’s the least I can do.
  23. +1 looks like a nice take on rishimoon sorts. would really like to see in game.also the colours are refreshing
  24. Johnn


    +1 an absolutely useless weapon, not worth considering in actual combat. it doesn't fill the role of having a b ackup weapon, if you run out of ammo, considering the terrible fire rate
  25. so why do the other maps have it then? it's really not that much