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Everything posted by Johnn

  1. +1 who cares if hes been messing around a bit as a ct? b dogg is legendary and was one of the best eps without a doubt
  2. +1 One of the best, if not the best, applicants right now imo.
  3. -1 Not that I play on the server anymore but I think the staff would be best without you. You -1'd Corn's staff application right 15 minutes after he -1'd your staff application. It's just childish and unnecessary.
  4. +1 327th with the T-21, Z-6 and the E-22 was hot. the T-21B doesn't sound so hot alongside the removal of the T-21 and the E-22. It's not really realistic to have all their ET and NCO to push with the DC-15A until they reach CO. It sounds like a worse gun, from what I've heard. Alongside that, there seems to be incredible backlash from 327th with regards to the T-21B.
  5. +1 I imagine it'd be a very small very quick thing, no reason to not if it's what 327th want tbh. Chatterbox minigun model is far nicer than the worms Z-6.
  6. Johnn

    VR mod

    "The addon (and module) are unfinished, so don't go in expecting a polished experience. You should not add this to PVP servers or where cheating or stability is a concern. There will be bugs and bad performance, maybe even crashes. It may not even work at all for some people." I havenn't experience with VR myself, however, I do believe you need a smooth framerate for a decent experience and with how the server shits itself sometimes in events, I can imagine it would be horrid. The addon for the server is impractical. -1
  7. Your ban was made perma by the console yesterday for attempting to bypass the original ban. Possible that you attempted to join to discover you was still banned and came to make the appeal now. Looking at the permanent ban records of SWRP, you (a Connor) was banned by (now Server Vice Manager) Torbjørn for "constant minging with 30 warnings" which matches your ban appeal and the information in game on the provided SteamID. That was the reason provided for the ban on the ban records sheet anyways. Your warns are quite old. There wasn't a date provided on the sheet so I am unable to accurately determine the date of the ban however considering the people who have warned you in the past, it has been a fair amount of time and it is possible you've matured since that time.
  8. Kinda this yeah. The idea is interesting with all the selling and mining and stuff however, the second a scavenger is spotted in the caves or the base, or whatever, they are just instantly arrested. Scavengers just run around from CG until they get cuffed because there is nothing that they can do. The structure of the server just makes it incredibly difficult to integrate a more intricate system for scavengers while still obeying the rules of the server in other areas. Once events start, scavengers might be KIA and they just lose all their shit and it'll be a waste of time. Scavenger only really works in a stealth manner. The only way to really fix this is to 1, remove the instant AOS or 2, allow scavengers to fight back. But once you allow scavengers to fight back, it becomes a base wide RDM. Removing the instant AOS would just make them effective refugees. The bank idea doesn't work due to the same aforementioned reasons. If the scavenger rules are overhauled and further depth is added to scavenger, then at that point, it comes back at what silent said.
  9. +1 Everything seems good other than the mandalorian pack and the IG droid which are both considerably large.
  10. The blast radius is formidable, you should know this "Because CTs steal AT-TEs, that must mean I can do it too as a CE", essentially what you're saying. If others do it, it doesn't mean you are meant to do it too and use that "others do it so I can" as an excuse. You are the 212th EXO, it is quite literally your job as part of the 212th regimental command to make sure your 212th are respecting the rules of the 212th equipment usage alongside that you are meant to control your troops.
  11. -1 The clip is linked below. In this clip, you can see me engaging you in a 1v1 fight. When I engage you, you begin to retreat due to the combat superiority I have with my health and my Z-6. As you retreat, you take a lot of fire from me and you get quite low on health so instead of just me killing you and me suriving the engagement fine, you suicide; you killed yourself with your RPG before I could kill you. 212th aren't a suicide squad. There is a lot of benefit from suiciding with explosives. When you kill yourself when low on health with the RPG, you massively damage those around you and as such, you've put more value to that life you died in, damaging more hostiles before you died which is a positive for the clones on the battlefield. It is like Silent said, an attempt to cause as much damage as you can before you die. However, you are still committing suicide. It is FailRP and as such, extremely unrealistic. Even if it was accidental, you shouldn't have used that RPG on the one EC that was engaging you. I believe there are rules against RPG engagement on singular hostiles, are there not? There have been countless reports that I've heard of 212th suiciding or performing extremely risky maneuvers, which they survive by stroke of luck, with explosives but I have not seen these myself in game. That is why I pulled you almost instantly, after the fight. I hadn't expected it to come from the EXO himself. I have consulted with various other staff members and all who have seen it believe it to be a warrant and just warn. This is the clip in question.
  12. You said it was for revenge.
  13. Name: John TS Unique ID [Tools -> Identities -> Go Advanced]: Gi4PQqm7Rp8VDU4lp0cjUAmA34E= Requested Medal: Community Service Medal Evidence: My steam account is TONY STARK™ Extra Information: Former 327th Commander. Current SWRP Senior-Mod, Event Planner and CE ARC Colonel
  14. +1 Nice additional B1 models to have and quite small size too However I don't think the tactical droids are necessary as the tactical droids in events for negotiations and the like are very rarely used. Nonetheless, they're pretty cool
  15. +1 i'd say definitely worth a chance and could be a great ep
  16. +1 amazing guy and insanely experienced, not a single doubt about him
  17. What your suggestion is: To add this additional Deathwatch model pack. A lot of the models in the pack are models with variants of the face but there's also quite a few completely new helmets and armours in the pack too. The new armours, like the mandalorian super commandos and various others, just opens up a lot more potential RP opportunities and I'm sure people would appreciate the different armours rather than the same blue and red ones we have currently on the server. It might be considered unnecessary since we already have a few Deathwatch models already however those current models are pretty much all the same models with slight colour differences on the armour and a few without helmets. This pack is also not as large as the other previous Mandalorian/Deathwatch packs suggested, with some others going as much as 300MB whereas this offers quite a few high quality and fairly different models for a far less 40MB. Scriptfodder/workshop link: - 40MB Any additional information: Screenshots of some of the included models in the pack in game Keep in mind there's also head variations of the other models. Higher quality of the standard Deathwatch infantry model.
  18. Posted just now +1 he would do bitis i nb akttiow as he has done in 510wst but fuck me i twoidl ne a sjame to wsee je gihm leave 501wts as ai shfear fr owif whaeahshth ehean yeah si ahcuakkt ufciing goolduk lasd
  19. -1 Harassed 327th continuously on teamspeak until we could get someone to ban you.
  20. 4 people stripped you in the prisoner diamond formation. -1
  21. +1 Good app, insanely active and quite experienced No reason to not have the guy.
  22. Neutral, largely the same as Camby. Your voice isn't my concern nor is your age or any of that, I have confidence that if you were to gain that position, you would execute all of it's duties to the best of your ability. Alongside this, every interaction I have had with you has been extremely polite and respectable. But I am unsure for how long you would be in that position of Battalion. After you resigned from 501st COL, you said you resigned from the server then went straight to 327th immediately for a few days and left for a while then to 74th -- to which must be noted that you did gain a relatively high rank again -- but then resigned again, where you stated you wouldn't be going above ET for the remainder of your time and went to 501st a while later. From 501st, you resigned again and said you really wanted ARC and that 501st would be difficult for ARC and went to 327th for it, where you are a CPL now. However, you've made two battalion applications this month. In essence, I am unsure of how much you want the particular role you go out for and your commitment for it. I am not Battalion nor have I had experience in it so I will not say much about Battalion itself but I do believe that Battalion wish to have members that stay a long time, considering the inherent nature of Battalion's ranking. Nonetheless, Corn, I wish you the best of luck on this application and if Battalion is truly what you want and will stay in, then I hope you get it.
  23. +1 yes lad, shag a bottle of water and get the batt
  24. The screenshot is not forged. This is the reason provided for your permanent ban.