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Everything posted by Havoc

  1. Name: HavocTS Unique ID [Tools -> Identities -> Go Advanced]: gtvnpIxrEt0c9HR9Po7FfpfPSE0=Requested Medal: 5 Year MedalEvidence: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1242761425Extra Information: I stopped playing for 1 year in between but came back.
  2. +1 Good guy Chad "Hazard you're lituanian? I thought you were Jewish" - Sleepy 2k22
  3. Basic Information: Steam Name + Profile link: Havoc Kebosmi https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198261645485 Roleplay Name: JT JNR Medic MJR Havoc, Sith Snr Sorcerer Sanguine TeamSpeak Name: Havoc Playtime on the Server: 1w 4h 47m at the time of applying SteamID (http://steamidfinder.com/): STEAM_0:1:150689878 Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: Past experience about 2 years ago for a short while but other than that no, Current Age: 15 Warns/Bans: None on IRP Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: For the most part yes i do. Event Plan: Create an event plan, this is what we will use for your first training event. Make it easy to understand and original(Use the Template): Map: Rishimoon Enemies, HP, Amount: Jedi Padawan 250k x1, [depends on sith numbers] (e.g. BH, 6000, 3) Passive, HP, Amount: Wounded Jedi Masters 10k x2 Imperial Execution: Sith will be alerted by a crashing ship and several open comms Mayday messages Event Character Execution: 2 Wounded Jedi Masters and a Padawan will be in the wreckage of a ship and will beg any passers by for assistance. Story: Event Information: Sith will hear several Mayday distress calls which will inform them of the location that the shuttle will be crash landing. Spectres will be sent out to find the shuttle and bring a report back to Lords/DC. Once the report is received the Order will go investigate who they are and what was meant to happen. There will be two outcomes for this depending on what the leading Sith wishes to do with the Jedi they find. Outcome 1 : The Sith can choose to intimidate and show hostilities towards the crashed Jedi and attempt to neutralise them, the Master will stand up for the Padawan in a last selfless act but ultimately be defeated. The Padawan will rush at the Sith attacking them in attempt to gain revenge for his Master but will be cut down or cuffed and taken to be interrogated/tortured by either Spectre/Conjurer respectively. Option 2 : The Sith can feign sympathy for the Padawan in an attempt to recruit him into the Order, to do this the Sith convince him that they will help the Jedi master by channelling hate into the Padawan to make him stronger and able to heal the master, and after channelling their hatred into the Padawan he will become corrupted by anger, hate and the dark side and is instantly ordered to murder his Master as an initiation into the Order, which the Padawan does with ease and without hesitation. Have you ever Done an Event Before?: I have not What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A Do you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: I do understand all the responsibilities of becoming an Event Planner. Event Planners are meant to create enjoyable and entertaining events for both the EC's and the players through the usage of combat or passive RP and make sure the event is running like it was planned with minimal/no deviations from the plan. EP's also are to assist with staff claims when there are only a few or none online on the server. Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes I do understand I will do all that is necessary Anything else?: I'm not sure if the options are ideal for the event but I'd just like there to be things that the leading Sith can choose to do from. Thank you for reading my application! Edit : Attempt to fix strikethrough text, Perm from Nesta
  4. +1 just makes it easier for us
  5. Havoc

    Nerf JT

    Neutral Maybe dont extend jump pack timers but definitely make the Dualies a more close range weapon then they are currently
  6. -1 pretty toxic and low playtime, not mature enough for staff after having a babyrage after people saying neutral
  7. EDIT : Ignore this i didnt realise i had already replied
  8. Template Out of Character Section - Steam Name: Havoc Kebosmi Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:150689878 Current rank on the server: Plat VIP Age: 15 What is your playtime: (1 Week - Minimum) 11W 0D 8H Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: I do have a microphone and it's semi-decent Have you read and looked through the Battalion Handbook: Yes, I have read it twice for good measure Do you meet the requirements: Yes I do. Quick summary about you: Hello, I'm Havoc, I'm from Northern Ireland and it's about what you would expect, the weather is bipolar as fuck e.g. yesterday it was sunny and warm and today there is snow everywhere. In April might I add. I'm allegedly always drunk but trust me I can assure you this isn't true I'm only drunk SOME of the time. [To Clarify this was sarcasm] I joined the server back in 2017ish I think and I was in the old medical corps along with 501st and GM getting semi high ranks in all 3. I then went to Jedi and became master. I left the server in about 2018/19 to actually socialize [I know it sounds crazy but I used to have a social life], my hobbies tend to be just going out with mates, I did boxing and karate but not anymore due to the clubs both shutting down because of covid. Love life is about what's expected and my mental health has been at an all time low this year so hopefully corona buggers off so I can try work on that. I play other games such as WarFrame, Sid Meiers Civilization 6, The Elder scrolls Online and much more. In Character Section - In-Game name: 74th D Havoc/Jedi Scholar Havoc Highest rank obtained: DMO/VC/Master What current rank do you have: 74th D [AKA SGT] What is your current regiment: 74th What should we pick you for Battalion: In my opinion you should pick me for Battalion because I've been on the server for quite some time and I know how battalion work and how they are supposed to lead events etc. I wish to become battalion because I really want to help the GAR advance in the war against the Separatists. I want to be able to push our troops capabilities and strategies to the absolute maximum I can. I believe I am able to do this through rigorous training and brainstorming with other battalion to think of the prime strategies to defeat the CIS and end the War one and for all bringing peace back to the Galaxy. I believe our troops can under the right leader ship become the most fierce and strongest warriors in the Galaxy. During my time in 74th I was able to lead our Medics into the harsh war field and make sure our frontlines, backlines and middle lines were in top fighting condition. As 74th it can be either very hard to lead or a breeze to lead depending on who and where you are leading. There have been tough battles against infections and even tougher against the CIS but in the end we have pulled through and gotten even stronger from these victories. Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion: The role and responsibilities of Battalion are to lead the troopers in any and all combat scenarios along with advising troops on what to do with a passive event situation. Battalion are also what the other troops should aspire to be and they should aim to be like Battalion members and some day even join battalion themselves! Battalion is also supposed to supervise and observe the goings on of their regiment or hosting SIM's/Trainings for regiments to partake in or sending NCO+ to do Cadet trainings when needed. Have you ever been demoted, banned or kicked: Demotion - No Ban - I don't believe so? Kicked - Probably just for being AFK on a full server. Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank: Yes I do. What do Battalion do during Combat, when they are not leading? When a battalion is not leading they would listen to the leading and co-leading battalions orders and act upon their own instinct. If they are supervising a regiment they may assist them in their task and also advise them on certain situations. What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted as part of his mentoring session? Host a Mandatory training for a regiment. Successfully call and host a debrief Successfully lead an Event What is the job of the Co-Leader during events? The job of the Co-Leading Battalion in Events is to Grant and deny small requests that the primary leader of the event shouldn't need to worry about to focus on the main attack. The main Leader should be the only one to give major orders. Anything else: Thank you for reading my application! EDIT : Editing questions back to the colour i put them in idk why half of them just didnt get coloured when i posted it X3
  9. Neutral, Dont really see you too much but other reasons stated above
  10. -1 Dont have much against you but you literally just came back, give it a while
  11. It sounds like a good idea to me personally but i feel like this would just turn into the equivalent of a hitman job.