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Everything posted by Fixer

  1. Why the fuck would new players decide to join the discord on forums? I didn't start using the forums until I had played for like a week when I first joined. He is right it's not in the rules or at least I couldn't find it then again I can be blind sometimes. However he was told by staff not to do it and still did it. Ban is deserved just whether it should be a perma or it should be lowered can be debated about.
  2. What I said on the previous thread and shit does not change in a day or two. It's better for your own sake you stay banned. Especially since there are retards who want to use you as a source of entertainment. Fuck those people.
  3. All I honestly keep seeing are excuses. He is a kid, he is new and he has mental issues. But how does that exempt him from rule breaking. He has 18 warns as well. I was a dumb kid when I joined Gmod and I didn't get in nearly as much trouble as you did. I view everyone as equal despite their status. The rules are the rules and if you break them you should get what you deserve. At this point the perma ban is turning into a joke. Best case lower it down to a month but having it removed right after he just got it how the fuck do you expect him to learn and improve from his fuck ups? If anything it's better for him he stays banned and has time to ''reflect'' on what he has done. Unless someone presents some proof of his innocence then -1
  4. Patience is a virtue. I leave these in the sun for a week max.
  5. Your application for site director has been ACCEPTED The O5 section is lacking and you should at least have full stops at the end of your sentences. But seeing as you have the basic understanding of what the job is and have played it in V5 and V6 I am willing to give you a chance. O5-5 "The Survivor" (Contact me Fixer#5863)
  6. Your application for site director has been DENIED I was not convinced by your description that you would make a good SD nor do I feel like giving you a chance. Explanation of what the SD does lacks details and explanation of what the council does is limited to in game knowledge. You may reapply in a week. O5-5 "The Survivor"
  7. You're text is incoherent, you haven't mentioned which staff you are accusing, you haven't provided any proof and there is a section for reporting abuse.
  8. Even if you were drunk that's on you. Next time just don't play while drunk.
  9. -1 says himself that he does not deserve to be unbanned. Kinda counter productive but if you say so yourself.
  10. I only now noticed that another three Vs have been reached so I have to continue my personal tradition. The original The long delayed sequel. Can't wait to post the next one after three more Vs. God knows I can't leave.
  11. Your application for site director has been DENIED Quite simply I want more details in both what is the SD and O5 council sections and you will be good to go next time. You may reapply in a week. O5-5 "The Survivor"
  12. Your application for site director has been ACCEPTED But you were close to not being. I was not exactly satisfied with most of the application however you do appear to have experience with leadership roles so I willing to give you a chance Don't disappoint. O5-5 "The Survivor" (Contact me at Fixer#5863)
  13. Your application for site director has been DENIED Lacking details in the SD and O5 sections. Have some experience but it's minimal. If you want to improve the ''why I would be a good SD'' you can add an example or two to make it more convincing but it's okay more or less. You may reapply in a week. O5-5 "The Survivor"
  14. Your application is being DENIED. No real experience, minimal effort in all sections and ''05''. If you plan to reapply for SD you may do so in a week but your app will have to be way better than this and getting experience in a leadership position might help. O5-5 ''The Survivor"
  15. Part of the whole SD experience is avoiding death. You are administration and you should assign more units to defend yourself because that's their job. Just unnecessary. I don't even have an ability as O5 because part of the fun is seeing how long you will last.
  16. People can still be judged for their past actions especially if you don't believe they have changed. And captona (not even worthy of capital C) brought jack shit to the server and was a plague that thank god is dead. Now fuck off and let me have my opinion and you have yours.
  17. Jacobb Wright your application has been DENIED Firstly as mentioned before staff does not count as a leadership experience. Secondly your app is lacking details in O5 and SD explanation sections. Now about the screenshot it self. It is completely out of context and I have no idea what assumptions I am to make of it. If you show things as evidence against someone applying provide some context. I personally mess around from time to time as well so for all I know this a haha funny he did for like 5 seconds. I am not saying I doubt that he could be a minge but I am gonna need more than a screenshot. An additional note to any future applicants as well. If you apply without any proper leadership experience then you application has to prove you want the whitelist and you know what the job does. So I expect more detail from such applications. And this is the case if you have absolutely no leadership experience. You may re-apply in a week. O5-5 "The Survivor"
  18. Was keeping the replies away until I sorted the Directors and shit so sorry for the wait. Wilhelm Jager your app has been ACCEPTED While I am not too happy with the lack of additional details in the role of the SD part and you also have weak leadership experiences overall the application is alright. I am however making most decisions based off the applications though so time will tell if you deserve the WL. O5-5 "The Survivor" (Contact me on discord Fixer#5863)
  19. I remember the time when I would have killed for a SCAR-H instead of MP5.
  20. This is sad. So sad. Getting banned on two servers. I dunno Hanz kinda suss.
  21. I still honestly have no idea what O1 does and for me they are just kinda there. A1 is mostly camped by people who know what the job does and if I ever have a problem with any of the A1 I just get them demoted. Your suggestion is really lacking any details and you haven't even bothered to give a single example about A1 like you did with O1. You haven't presented any alternative or really convinced me that this a better than having them.