Chonk - Jack

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Posts posted by Chonk - Jack

  1. Basic Information:


    Steam Name + Profile link:  Nebula -


    Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): Vice Admiral Jack


    Teamspeak Name: Jack or Jack1


    Playtime on the Server: 3mo 4w 1d 15h 1m.


    SteamID (😞STEAM_0:0:460385312


    Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: Previously Admin


    Current Age: 17


    Warns/Bans: Many

    -1 perma ban
    -Several minge bans
    - 4 Warns

    However, they are all old (over 1½ years ago).


    Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes


    Event Plan:


    Map: Christophsis 


    Enemies, HP, Amount:

    - 4 Standard B1 Battle droids 1.25k HP
    - 2 B2’s 1.5k HP
    - 2 B1 Heavies 1.25k HP
    - 2 Enforcer Droids 1.25k HP
    - 1 Sniper EC 1.25k HP (depends on how many OS/41st)
    (May vary depending on pop of the server/how many EC’s I get)
    - 2 Jedi Hunter Droids 40k HP


    Passive, HP, Amount:

    -CIS Tactical Droid 500 HP


    Republic's Execution:

    Battalion Will know before the event and must brief the following

    -CIS Crashed after battle
    -CIS tactical Droid is needed
    -Hackable area in the middle must be used to get explosives
    -Failure to complete in 30 mins means failure
    -212th and CT (with their numbers and explosive experts) will help transport the box’s of explosives to the rock’s obstructing the republic’s path.
    -501st will stay close to the frontlines assisted by 212th and CT when not dealing with explosives
    -RC, 41st will try and get to high ground to shoot down

    -GM  104th will try and flank and split up the CIS forces
    -Jedi will attack Jedi Hunter droids that have survived the crash or help with the Clone advance

    -442nd, CG, CE will stay towards the back lines. Setting up ATTE’s/turrets when needed. (and 442nd placing barricades (obviously) to help the advance

    Event Character execution

    -Ec’s will try to hold off for 30 mins. 

    -All Droids will be moved back continuously as the republic advances.
    -Sniper EC will be scattered every time they are killed and will try and fend off snipers



    (On Document) 

    Event Information: 


    Have you ever Done an Event Before?: No


    What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A


    Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?:  Yes, to produce good quality events through thorough planning, which hopefully improves people's time on the server.


    Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes


    Anything else?: Hopefully this is formatted properly...if not then I do apologise to you eyes.


  2. +1


    -good application
    -EX Vice commander x2
    -Been on the server a long time


    -Previously demoted for inactivity

    With being devoted to the server for years as well as having a good image on the server I Believe that scales has got what it takes in becoming a staff member. The demotion was also ages ago and therefore shouldn't be looked on harshly.

    Good luck

    -Jack H


  3. -1


    -High Ranking
    -good application


    -Many Issues in past
    -demoted and striked from Batt
    -current Image on the server

    Hello Tay. Just to start of I like you as a person however dont believe its your time to become staff. From the negatives below I believe you need to repair your image on the server before applying. Also If you did just resign from EP because lack of time maybe its best just to wait.

    Good luck

    - Jack H


  4. +1


    -Extremely active
    -good application
    -has handled situations as commander very well




    Although apps have only opened recently. Looking through I think that Lauritzen is a great candidate. He is calm and collective and handles all situations I've seen him in impeccably. I would love to see Lauritzen be staff as I know for a fact he will do well.
    Good Luck Lauritzen 

    -Jack H

  5. +1

    -reached a rank showing dedication
    -No previous issues

    -Good image on the server

    Camo was one of the best SO's on whilst I was GM, Helped me hugely to keep the regiment active and his activity and maturity really show that he deserves a chance of Staff. 


  6. Neutral 

    -Good app
    -Good activity 
    -Good EP

    -Some issues on how they are viewed
    -Multiple High ranking/Long term players showing evidence of Issues of how situations were handled poorly (which weren't too long ago)
