Auster Schumacher

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Everything posted by Auster Schumacher

  1. I mean the evidence is a bit loose to interpret and this could just be anyone's roles on discord, but I would interpret this as both people being the same and so making this request valid.
  2. Both screenshots provide valid proof of claims and that he is apart of our WW2 community.
  3. I can confirm that the screenshot shown is indeed for this player and that he is apart of our WW2 community. I apologise for the long wait, and hopefully this will be reviewed soon.
  4. Template needed for this to be reviewed properly and accepted with tags issued afterwards.
  5. You need to use the template in order for this request to be valid.
  6. Evidence provided provides clear proof of claims. I can also confirm the claims personally from my time on SWRP. Hopefully your roles will be issued soon.
  7. Evidence shown proves request is valid. Screenshot shows player with Plat VIP tag. Hopefully a developer_+ will review your request soon.
  8. Clear evidence from both old forums and TS showing you have the rank you are requesting. I hope this is viewed soon and even though I shouldn't and don't need to apologise, do.
  9. I can confirm this is a player on our WW2 server, and the screenshot shown is true. Apologies for the 2+ day wait, but you'll be waiting a bit longer.
  10. Evidence can be seen as clear. Hope this is viewed soon as the wait for you has been long.
  11. Both images clear proof. Apologies for the 2+ day wait. I hope this is viewed soon !
  12. Clear evidence provided. Apologies for the wait, those who can give tags have been busy with other matters. Shouldn't be long now, I hope.
  13. Evidence clear. Apologies for the very long wait, but you'll have to wait a bit more.
  14. Evidence clear, and this can be seen on teamspeak too. Apologies for the wait, everyone is preoccupied as they are either devs doing this forum & games or CAT.
  15. Clear evidence. Apologies for the wait, only 8 people can complete these requests and they are all preoccupied currently !
  16. Evidence Clear. Apologies for the long wait, only 8 people can issue tags at the moment!
  17. I can confirm the screenshot speaks the truth!
  18. Amazing Evidence. Sorry for the wait, but when 8 people can give roles, takes a while.
  19. I can confirm that the person in the SS is "Hendrik Scheppert" and has Plat VIP & PAC 3 on the WW2 Server.
  20. +1 Good playtime, good rank, good answer to questions.
  21. Just because the SWRP SMT haven't uploaded the rules from the old forums yet, or made new ones, doesn't mean they don exist anymore...
  22. I can confirm that this screenshot speaks the truth !