Joe Conner

Junior Developer
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Everything posted by Joe Conner

  1. Jack Bowman: "/f AOS JACK BOWMAN SECURITY GUARD" *Runs from everyone* *Repeats every 5 minutes*
  2. 05 I mean, it said explain 2 but copy pasting every rule works too Eh sure why not, Accepted @AleXandruAIO Get the homd role on discord and when the infamous harland decides to release v7, ask me, keter, or someone capable of whitelisting to give you homd wl
  3. @Jack / Malte I request that you make your signature larger since it's too short
  4. I saw a leaked footage of him touching grass with his hands, can confirm he white
  5. He from the future, I say unban him so that he leaks v7 release date
  6. ... Reason and date for his permaban at bottom of list
  7. Who's fin fisch? Clearly someone that's not active within HoMD community
  8. -1 - Super short event (it's supposed to be a big event, not a 10 min event whr u open box, shoot shit in box, go about with day)
  9. There's gonna be more stuff besides only ammo types added to manufacturing
  10. Ask your local manufacturing department to make you up some JHP
  11. Reason: MassRDM: Killed multiple Foundation personnel without a valid reason. Also prop blocked high traffic areas. Caused problems many times before.