Lorex Krato

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Everything posted by Lorex Krato

  1. There are cases where you are literally there but still cant see em disguise. Those cases staff will be more gentle as they understand the mistake taking place can often be ignored or not seen at all. However, if the rule was to be changed on any way, it would go from. Yeah, only guy in room, bang! To Yeah, only guy over here, bang! To Yeah, only guy in this side of site, bang!. The rule can be annoying at times, but it was intended so that people can disguise and become someone different. If people are actively using this fact to get away with kills, an example would be to nade EZ big, the redisguise, then repeat. If hierarchy sees it being abused, they may implement things that would make this difficult or not able to be done. Like setting a timer between disguises (there is a 5-10 minute cooldown to change into a new disguise) Or that there is a set limit of disguises each life (Can only disguise 3 times per life). But as of right now, I dont mind the current state of it. The counter for this is just to stay in the armory.
  2. +1 I like it But the stability of the server may not But I'd still like it if we could
  3. Once I resigned because my work at that point was taking up more time than expected. So instead being a staff only able to be 1 hour on I resigned. The kick/blacklist are the same. I wasn't kicked, I transferred to event team. When event team got wiped and I asked to get my staff back if it was possible, I got blacklisted. The blacklist was removed not long after it was issued by Rex.
  4. Name: [Not going to disclose over forums, can disclose to hierarchy through Discord] What country are you from?: Norway How well do you speak and understand English?: I believe i am able to converse in English to a high degree. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:67543918 In-Game name(s): Lorex Krato, David Mortimer, Lars Wildfire, Dr Crimson/Dr Zyber Filk Age: 19 Play Time. Must be atleast 3 days. No exceptions(SCP-RP): About 17 weeks and 5 days Are you a VIP/GoldVIP?: Platinum VIP (This question is'nt updated to current ranks is it?) Do you have a microphone?: I do Do you have TeamSpeak ( Required )?: I do Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum): I believe I should be picked to become staff because of my previous contribution as staff to the server. I am a daily member wishing to have a fun time and will gladly help others new to the game as well. My previous staff time should count for my competence in this job, and i hope my interactions with other members are'nt negative in such a way i would'nt like to be treated myself. I am focused, approachable, friendly and open towards any question. My work has proven unable to stop my addiction to this game and this community and with no problems in the future i can play daily and make sure everyone can enjoy themselves in this community and feel accepted for who they are. I know when fun is fun, and at what point something becomes disruptive towards Roleplay. I will allow fun as long as it is within the rules. While i may be strict at times, i only wish the best for the players coming here to get immersed or play with their friends. Members of the community as well as current and previous staff members have seemed to evermore encouraged me to reapply for staff. From time to time they insist i should apply for staff and go for it and as i wholeheartedly wish to help the community, i of course wish to do so. If my help can be of any assistance, i will gladly help the server and it's current and future members. How long will you be able to play per day?: I think 4-5 hours each day. (Since i now have work) Any past experience as staff?: 2x Being Administrator on this Server Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.): 2 warns 1 for RDM I think (I took matters into my own hands to stop a mass minge, by shooting him once) 1 Metagame (The circumstances was sorta unfair, as the warn reason also states) Do you know the basic ULX commands Yes/No: Yes Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions): SCP RP is (Prepeare for an essay of words) The world, war and conflict plagues the people while the politicians struggle to get grasp of power seeing if their solution wont de escalate the previous politicians work. Under it all, corruption, pacts, blackmail and struggles for the everyday man. However, should you dwell deeper you shall find The world of the anomalous The SCP Foundation, A organization funded by every superpower in the world with utmost secrecy. Their goals; Secure the anomalous, Contain the anomalous making it no longer a danger towards normalcy, Protect the anomalous for research or other motivations unknown to most. As SCP Foundation stretches far in the world, so does their forces The Research and Scientist departments in the Foundation, the smartest and brightest people alive (and undead). They study these fenomena in their aims to understand it and figure out how it works. With their research comes knowlegde that may save humanity from itself. Should Research stop humans from killing humans, the Foundation's Mobile Task Force will do the job. These MTF's are specially trained to handle and endure the specific event or situation the MTF was made for. Some examples would be MTF-E-11. Nine Tailed Fox, a taskforce unit veteran in their works. They know the unknown and how to handle it, from men on fire to creatures of the dark, a Nine Tailed Fox makes quick work of it. Aiding them in these prying times are the Adminitrative personell, with their Clearance Level 4, their access to information and resources allows any move to be twice more strategic than the other. From Clearance Level 1 to 5 the Foundation ensures secrecy even in itself. Some things are better not known, hence why only very few people ever get a Clearance Level 5 keycard, and survives. Should The Foundation cause a ceasefire between humans there is one group sure to break it. Not being shy of their warcrimes, a previous MTF from the Foundation, The Chaos Insurgency works to undermine, sabotage and steal any SCP's the Foundation may have. Their motives being unknown, their ever dangerous precense can be felt even in the deepest sites the Foundation can dig. Limited, not so. With the anomalous world, comes anomalous groups, or at least those around it. The Serpents Hand Is a organization wanting to free anomalies. Feeling their containment and inhuman treatment is a violation of every right, they have taken the task to themselves and works to liberate any SCP's fitted for society. Be it political, or by gunshots. MC&D Is the answer to "What if i sold this?". The answer is a superpower exeeding the SCP Foundation in resources. Monopolicing money itself by their sales, they have so many ties, everything is rigged by them, all except your few choices you still make of your own. Yet there are so much more to know, and to do The SCP Foundation will be sure to let you experience some of this world. And should your interests take you somewhere else, there is a group for everything. (I know its sorta shabby explanation, but really there is so much that either its a 25k word essay or just a 1k confusing one.) Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP(1 word is not an answer).: Seeing as i frequently check them, and ask admins for feedback and their opinions on specific matters involving certain rules, and seeing that i did enforce them earlier. Yes, i believe i understand the rules a lot. Additional: Thanks for reading this application. Remember to state a reason behind your feedback so i can know how to improve. Feel free to DM me questions, and otherwise have a very non-anomalous day Lorex did this (No gucci colors this time boys)
  5. If you are new or not, there should have been something telling you "This is an RP server, and I just died. Am I allowed to know who and where I was killed by?" Neutral
  6. I've got many moments 1. When I was new to the server and was Nu-7 on the surface. I interacted with John Biggs (The old TCS owner) and got recruited into the WL group on the spot because he wanted "to train me himself". 2. When Extreme accepted me into the Sarkics. This was at the time COTBG and Sarkics would have open streetfights with each other. 3. The moment Ash was RPing as a dying A-1 in an office with other A-1's and a O5. He ragdolled himself (fell unconscious) and a completely random combat medic heard our shrieks of grief and came to see if were alright. He then comes into the room, sees Ash's body and fucking chucks out a healing grenade onto his body. The whole room started laughing hysterically.
  7. By how it sounds to me at this point Throwing ammo boxes around could be annoying, not against the rules. "Changing" voice or actually using a voice changer is the only thing I'd see as a warnable offence. However, if he acted in such a manner that encouraged OOC talk and discouraged RP wherever he went I would see reasoning in a warn. Still, you receive a permanent ban. So either you stopped a big RP moment and then minged around making it look like you were NH2RP by the spectators. Or there is some other story to this which you are choosing not to mention. Neutral for now.
  8. App, fine. But we need to know who you are for us to trust you with this. As the others have stated, get known. Don't overdo it though, no need to push yourself. Good luck!
  9. He's up for the RP, and can adapt to situations. +1
  10. Common Roleplay Name: Lorex Krato Steam Name: Lorex Discord Name: Lorex SteamID: STEAM_0:0:67543918 Your Current Warns (15 warn limit, take a screenshot): 2 warns (Can send SS of warns) Your Current Playtime (1-week minimum): 17 weeks and 5 days Tell us your back story: Lars Wildfire is member of the Wildfire family. Known in the anomalous world for having powerfull offspring in terms of abilities. However, Lars is not one of these offsprings. To compensate for his disadvantage, the Wildfire family supplied Lars with resources which he requested. After becoming quite spoiled with the near infinite riches he had aquired from his family, he had a thirst for more. The family realized what Lars had turned to and saw it fit to teach him a lesson and stopped fulfilling his many requests for money and materials. Nevertheless, he was not going to give this feeling of power go away. He struck down with his roots of what he had on hand at the moment and started an organization. All around stealing and selling illegal wares. Lars would have otherwise perished a long time ago by the local mob bosses for trying to impede on their territory. But as all members of the Wildfire family, the gift of undying was present. Many would consider the many assasinations on Lars Wildfire a success, but they never achieved the goal of making a man stay dead. This fact became rumors and gossip around Lars's cartel. This further boosted his manpower as more wanted to join the "Undying Man"'s cartel. And so his operations continued, stretching far and grabbing whatever values he could. Through extortion, blackmail, murder, corruption, kidnapping and torture there was only one clear goal to Lars. He wanted everything he could see. Anything in the way of this goal was nothing more than just another body. He was by all accounts, gone mad. Until one not so enjoyable day. He had yet to meet resistance in his movement. The regular cop could usually be bribed, and the regualr mobs tends to die when shot at a lot. But when he encountered anomalous groups, his operations halted to a stop. His men could'nt shoot what they could'nt see. Slowly but surely, UIU, The SCP Foundation, GOC and The Chicago Spirit was taking everything away from Lars. Raiding his warehouses, killing his men. He had reached the bottom. Locked inside a shabby office, outside standing many men with guns and symbols on them. They were'nt here to kill, but to contain. Lars knew he would be living in a 4x4 for the rest of his life possibly. Door was blown up, and with little resistance from a man struggeling to comprehend his actions, cuffs. In the van, on the way to the rest of his life, He thought. He tried to think, to ponder, to wonder. He was so focused on thinking he failed to notice the convoy had come to a stop. The men around him was still, holes and red everywhere. The door to the van dissapered, from reality. And as a hand was stretching forward to offer a new life, Lars had figured out his question he had been asking himself for a long time. How he would do everything, better. (Must include appearance, personality, methodology, attitude, motives ,and profession.) Why do you want to join Marshall, Carter and Dark?: Money, and now that surface got a redo and i think surface RP will prosper once more. I wish to return MC&D to what is was before. I want to help making MC&D the power of the surface. Why should you be accepted into the MC&D?: My previous involvement in the group as owner, then co. I think i would be more than what is required as bare minimum. Explain what MC&D is and their profession/purpose?: MC&D Is the answer to the question "What if i were to sell anomalies?" Through pretty much being the biggest anomalous trade organization in the world, MC&D deals with anything you might desire which is anomalous or not. They can supply, as long as your wallet is packed to the brim. With their goal being wealth, they deliver, sell, resell and run their operations in whatever way allows them to continue earning. Purpose in short, make money, not war. Explain what the jobs in the MC&D do (Bouncer, Agent and Salesman): Bouncer, the brawn. He will, guard the club and the salesman. He will do as ordered and without hesitation. Moneyprinting, assasination, security and pretty much a handy man. He will be whatever the Salesman requires him to be. Agent, scanny bois Though not higher in command, the agent has a second task outside guarding his boss and place of work. He will look for artifacts and alike to sell. Aquiring them through sweeping the city. And he shall respect the code of anomaly hunting. Salesman, Lvl 100 Boss This guy, is really good. He runs the club, and the arms trade, and drug trade and pretty much any word with trade in it. His motives, money. His ways, plenty. Charismatic? Maybe. But efficient, YES. Gaining money for MC&D, attending "Meetings" to boost moneygain and pretty much, your regual mob boss, but better in 1.000.000$ ways. Give me an example of how will you advertise that you sell drugs/weapons/anomalies: Well, il start with bribing the mayor to allow sales of guns. Then i will make my men put up posters about weapon sales. I'll recruit some people to sell drugs on the down low for me, if they get caught, they loose their heads. And with anomalies, i will do a "Google" and target my adds to the groups i think would be the most interested. CI would like COG or Key, as do the Serpents. Church, i would overprice the shit out of the COG. Orb for civs who pays plenty. How should be the relations of MC&D with other groups be?: I shall try to keep relations as neutral as they go, without impacting how much money i can gain. I cant make money if im using it on killing people. Explain how would you deal with a situation where there is a possible raid situation against MC&D?: Depending on who they are; COPS: I would try to contact the mayor. I'll let the cops inside so they dont have to hack, then tell my boys to drop em dead while they aint watching. CI: I'll wait for their boss to kill them. However if they actually do wish to raid, i'll respond with firepower. Serpents: If firepower is'nt enough, i'll see if the Cops or CI can't help me out. Worst case scenario, The Foundation will happily kill these grasshoppers for me, for a price of course. Foundation: "/surface Foundation raiding club", as i continue to watch CI and Serpents crawl out of their corners to get some neat ol comms. Church: Firepower, and Foundation possibly. Anyone else is either dead before the door is opened, or dead as soon as they step a foot outside. Give me an example of your ideal method of managing MC&D/Unwhitelisted jobs as a Salesman: I am a generous god I'll ask if they want to money print, and supply em free gear. I'll tell em to help costumers and look for anomalies. And il pay them bonuses on every "bad" deed done. Agents would be mostly out of the club, without comms looking for goodies. Bouncers would mostly be printing or guarding me. I as a salesman, will be wherever money can be gained.
  11. I mean, they could "fix" the orb by giving it a non-spherical shape. If it's a fridge sized prop it wont manage to slip into the holes in the map. But that would also change other stuff with it. So kinda yeah, I agree sorta.
  12. The orb is fine. It rolls around doing its own thing. The map, the map is the issue. Some spots on the map are not really collided, so props tend to go through those holes and disappear. The orb, which rolls around tends to find these spots more often than props which don't move.
  13. I may be wrong, but Weren't you the Admin which abused his powers and got banned? Or I could be wrong. Would love it if you were to state your ban reason. -1/Neutral Edit: In light of what Jason told me, I'm neutral to this as no reason has been given of the ban, so there may be facts he does not wish to disclose.
  14. -1 Though it could make it less boring waiting as 913, it would definitely ruin RP, and therefore seemed unnecessary. If 913 gets it, why shouldn't 035 get it? What about 049 if he wants to listen to operation music? RP wise sure 913 would have a radio, but actually giving it to him would cause the following problems "How to enter 913's CC to turn off his music without being bitten?" "913's music is so loud the Class D and RS cant hear each other " "I am at 457, and can still hear his music". My advice, use spotify.
  15. Neutral While I agree that Nu-7 should probably have access to this equipment rather than E-11. However, my experience with the shield tells me it's too OP. You can survive anything except flames, explosion and melee. As long as you run backwards, the entirety of COTBG (With the exception of the Construct) cant kill you. SWAT already have these bullet sponges, and rarely use em. I think if this was given to Nu-7, they would be unbalanced. With the sheer amount of forces Foundation *can (*Not always do we even have a filled MTF job) have, there would be a need for anyone else receiving this gear.
  16. Neutral While I agree there is no valid points to disprove he had enough evidence to kill you However There could have been a real Paramedic there, had you cuffed the person, then weapon checked, you could have been 100% sure.
  17. I would choose Operator being able to strip guns instead of Infiltrator. This being if they were to be added . And use 005 or new players to open doors
  18. I could see this working for Foundation as a trial. Foundation Personnel will notice if the SD demoted someone for no reason, and staff can be quickly called over to sort this out. FailRP already covers this possible feature, as abusing it is classed as Failrp. In short, Anyone watching can call staff over a illegitimate demotion The demoted person can also call a sit +1
  19. Adding a limit would make things difficult for jobs that need/has use for multiple comms, mainly Administrative Foundation Staff. Hoea as a prime example. I dont feel it is necessary, you can use the Teamspeak now, and he only needs to die once to loose it all.
  20. This sounds more like a misunderstanding/mistake than a intentional act +1
  21. Um, this recording shows Noe gave you about 4 to 5 chances to stop before he dropped you in. The only evidence here is you minging in a staff sit/wasting staff time
  22. Though the idea sounds good for the RP in itself for infiltration, those who chose to use this as a combat advantage would have a field trip. I have to disagree with this purely because this will be used for combat. If I knew or was promised it would not be used for easy kills and combat, then I would really like this idea. Unfortunately I doubt such would happen. Maybe make it so some CP's open by Infiltrator and Delta keycards? EZ Lower, SCP-096/035, LCZ Guard Spawn. (Loose idea, just throwing it out there,not really gonna back it up)
  23. Is this a suggested replacement for Beta 7, or is this a suggestion for a WL'ed group? The way this is written, makes me think it's a suggestion to replace Beta 7, because it's not really informative about whatever is suggested here.