Lorex Krato

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Everything posted by Lorex Krato

  1. +1 only if; You dont get demoted for cussing at an ECM You dont get demoted for arguing with ECM ECM cant offer "immunity" to ISD when they deny facescan. Just sign the NDA. Otherwise, ECM was neat to have around when they weren't taking controll over the Site.
  2. +1 Sounds like a fun change. Its like V3 Sarkic or Atlas, just not forcing infection or kidnapping on people.
  3. Though your intention of the suggestion is good, and if it was possible, could definitely make things interesting The enforcement of the rule will take time, causing many to be warned or banned because they were unaware of the new rule. It also brings light to a new problem, What exactly counts as running/fleeing Neutral for now
  4. I liked the V4 map a lot, not saying I dont appreciate the work that went into V6, but I am saying I would pick V4 surface instead of V6. However, this will either way require rework, and will this be too much? Previous map suggestions/additions were cancelled for reasons, one being the map couldt get more map. If there is a limit on how much stuff you can have, then it may not be possible unless sacrificing some stuff inside the Foundation. +1 for the suggestion Though how this will actually work is still foggy
  5. Please use the template provided on top of the unban thread Threads lacking the template will be denied You can choose to edit this post with the template or make a new one with the template. If you have more questions, feel free to open a ticket in the discord to talk to staff
  6. Maybe a command you can type in chat could be done? While "surrendering" you cant equip anything, and doing /unsurrender activates a 2-3 seconds cooldown before you can equip weapons again. Maybe to top it all off, it should say as a popup message that (Name,Surrenders) so people can see it in chat as well as on the person Added onto this, when a person is doing /unsurrender it also appears as a popup saying (Name, is no longer surrendering) Cooldown on the command could be 1 minute to prevent Class D's spamming it +1 for the suggestion
  7. Why you gotta bring Willrick into this? He is young, but he still acts mature enough. And your point is? That you shouldn't be in charge of groups if you are below a certain age? Other than the almost blatant player targeting, decent ish Neutral
  8. Neutral I know you, you can be a good player at times, but given that Xhorinhas doesn't trust you, I'll leave it at Neutral as I have slight trust in his statements.
  9. This isn't really my field to dwell in, but I think this Admin Abuse thread was made to stop abusers. Admins that would no clip, use their rank to get advantages and ruining RP for others or being malicious with their powers. Saying he is abusing by him arresting you In Character for something others say could have been punished OOC'ly, eh. We're talking about a jump here. You reported him because he jumped higher than you would think he could. What if he noclipped? Noclipped to a guy to IC punish him instead of OOC'ly punish him. All in all, I say this is a vague report and given the minΓΉte impact on the general RP at the time, can't you just drop it and realize you didn't get warned for anything.
  10. Norra is an alright dude who can be friendly and helpful towards those who needs it. He takes time and effort to assist people when he can, and doesn't minge with the minge crew, so he is an OK guy. +1
  11. From experience he is a person quite ordinary, having few if any flaws. I don't connect you with minging or being immature, so you're good in my book. +1
  12. I mean, this thread may be in the wrong section, but is speaks truth For far too long has the intercom tested us with pizza that was never there. Adding just a meh-ish pizza food item for cafeteria worker should clear the debacle. +1
  13. +1 to the ability. It may be handy to have on the server for events or for extra. -1 for the group
  14. Maybe make it so its signed? As of now there is no signature of important personal who approve this. Not directly impactful, but handy to have them approved with appropriate signatures. Or people could point out the fact and treat the laws as redundant
  15. I can agree that at points some ??? characters were good for the RP, but some were not. People with mingy names having abilities that is newly implemented which causes chaos due to balance. If you dont already have access to server codes, this will just be nagging hierarchy about implementing stuff into a group continuously. It was good, but I suggest we wait until we feel like these people can fit in the RP. -1 from me.