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Everything posted by AleXandruAIO

  1. Common Roleplay Name: Alexander AIO Steam Name: AleXandruAI0 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:223454905 Your Current Playtime(3 days minimum): 1w 3d 9h and 34m Your Current Warns (10 warn limit, take a screenshot. Exceptions may be made.): 6 Why do you want to join MC&D?: I want to join MC&D as I have always found said group of interest a lot more interesting than anything else, I like the idea of a vendor job and I feel like it has lots of potentials if played well, overall, I am interested in joining the job because of its rather passive nature, lore, and of course above all, money. What do you know about MC&D?(50 words minimum): Marshall, Carter & Dark is a chain of exclusive clubs, initially started in the city of London, they provide their customers with the best, most lavish, experiences possible. Their employees are only the best, most experienced any manager can wish for, seeking worldwide for anomalies to be further auctioned and sold to their consumers, a majority of them have inner connections to other groups of interest throughout the world. They have an immense amount of power and virtually control the entire world economy, being able to crush down to the ground at any time their wish Why is MC&D different to any other GOI?: It's more passive than most other GOIs and does not intend to stir any public attention towards itself or anomalies, they're just trying to do their job simply auctioning anomalies, providing for customers, and generally making money. Someone has revealed that you are MC&D, what do you do and why?: I will kidnap them if the circumstances allow it, and try to extract further information as to how they found it, who told them, if anyone else knows, etc. If this is not possible, I will, in the worst-case scenario, kill them on the spot and make my leave. Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread? (One word is not a valid answer): Yes! I have read the job rules thoroughly and remembered them.
  2. Which Rank/tag do you need:VIP What is your RP Name on the server(only use one):Alexander AIO Evidence (A image of your name ingame with the said rank, or a image of yourself on the old forum. Do not post sensitive information such as emails/PayPal payments please:
  3. In-Game Name:Alexander AIO SteamID: STEAM_0:0:223454905 Warns(do !warns and take a screenshot): Playtime(3 days minimum): 1 week 3 days 9h and 34 minutes In-Game Level:50 Have you read the server rules and know not to be retarded?:Yes, I read the rules of The server. What job does the Manufacturing Department have on site?:Manufacturing Departament is a Divison in the Facility that makes ammuntion and supplies for the Mobile task forces and The Security Departamet on-duty. They can manufact Ammunition , Weapon Parts, Gas Masks and Ammo Types (Rifle or Shotgun). Why do you think you'll be a good fit for the Head of Manufacturing?: I am trying my best to get accepted in a whitelist job. Every person has a chance of being accepted and I think I am improving as Roleplayer. I stopped being a retard and didn't broken any rules as my last warn/ban was on 3 December. I wish i don't get -1 for being Romanian or not being known by some people. I hope for the best. Where is the manufacturing table located?: The Manufacturing Table is located at the Manufacturing Departament Spawn. The Yellow-ish Room in EZ Where can you find resources to craft items?:The resources can be Find in the Warehouse in the Lower Floor of the Facility( near Nu-7 and E-11 Spawn). The resources look like piles of garbage. When you press E on it spawns Plastic and Scraps and you can craft supplies with it. Explain 2 HoMD rules(rules are in the HoMD spreadsheet rules section): 1. Any restriction can by overruled by O5 Council except MicroHID. 2. All the supplies are for the Foundation. Giving any supplies to any GOI is restricted by any means, unless it was given permission by Site Director or a 05 Council member. 3. Do not supply any non-Combat personnel even if the have a weapon ex: Service Personel , Senior Researcher etc. 4. Ask id of any Personnel that wants to buy ammunition and supplies from you. This excluding Gas Mask and Normal ammo. 5.You can put any restriction on what you sell as HoMD but, do not make them stupid. 6. Don't charge more than the restrictions allowed on a item.
  4. Server you got banned from:Werwolf SCP-RPYour name in-game:Alexander AIOYour SteamID:76561198407175538Admins' name that banned you:Joe ConnerAdmin's steamID:76561198082557807Why did you get banned?:Speaking as 2295, tried to escape from the AdminEvidence(Un-necessary):Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:Well, firstly let me explain the situation. I was playing as 2295, as was speaking to 999 and the security guard.Joe Conner heard and seen me and tried to grab me with the physics gun. I run nearly the conference room and he catches me. I changed as another class, didn't work changed to afk and then try to release myself, Joe put me into the admin room, Says that i am Banned and BOOM banned for 2 days( a weekend).I understand that the escape try was stupid and from this moment to not speak as an SCP or try to escape from Staff members again Regards, Alexander AIOAnything else?:If i can't get unbanned, can I at least the ban time to be shorter or if not it's ok I deserve It.
  5. In-Game Name:Alexander AIO SteamID:STEAM_0:0:223454905 Warns(do !warns and take a screenshot):5 Warns Playtime(3 days minimum):5 days and 16 hours Have you read the server rules and know not to be retarded?:Yes What job does the Manufacturing Department have on site?:They are manufacturing Supplies and Ammunition for the facility. Why do you think you'll be a good fit for the Head of Manufacturing?:I think it's a pretty cool and unique job. I got a lot of experience with the normal one and it's fun and useful for the facility. Where and why would you put your shop/bench?:EZ BIG because, NU7 is not allowed in LCZ, and it's a location that it's pretty populated and available for everyone. Explain 2 HoMD rules(rules are in the HoMD spreadsheet rules section):Can only produce Supplies in the Facility even if I am kidnapped (Because Harland said so). Don't supply restricted items to People that don't have permision to have it.