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Basic Information:

Steam Name + Profile link: ⚡Flash⚡

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): 501st Major Flash

Teamspeak Name: Flash[Joel]

Playtime on the Server: anywhere from 3+ been on the server through many resets (2018)

SteamID ( STEAM_0:0:120902698

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: TTT Mod, GTM Senior Mod, DarkRP Head-mod, CWRP EP all on W-G

Current Age: 18

Warns/Bans:  DTS, Pac3 Abuse x2 and Not listening to staff (all really old)

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes I have a working fine microphone device

Event Plan:

Clone Event


Map:   Mustafar


Enemies, HP, Amount: 

9-10 ECs with around 1.5k HP all CIS Droids ranging from b1s-b2-commandos


Passive, HP, Amount: R2 Unit (R2 Unit captured who needs rescuing because it has intelligence from the Republic ). 

This R2 Unit isn't meant to die as he is why the Republic is on Mustafar and fighting for the Droid.


Republic's Execution:

There has been intelligence intercepted by the CIS that is being transferred by an R2 Unit which is very crucial to the Republic. The Republic need to get this back because it could lose them the war. They know that it has been taking to Mustafar to be dismantled to get the information out of it so they need to get it back. They will work together and get it back.


Each regiment will be taking part in this event in their own way. 


501st: Pushing and front lining.


212th: Using their explosives to try to create entrances by breaking barricades for the rest of the regiments to push in.


GM: Using their Flamethrowers to blind and create openings. Also, use their Grapple hooks to get over barricades and mountains.


CG: Using that fat ATTE if space is available and if the correct ranks are on. If not defending Batallion and helping them see what the current situation is like.


41st: Sniping from the mountains and trying to scout out and find the R2 Unit through windows and so on.


CE: CE will be set on transporting and setting up turrets to create an opening for the Republic to push in. 


442nd: Making barricades and placing them down for their fellow brothers so they aren't gunned down. 


104th: Using their Jumpacks to their advantage as this is an open map there will be no sore heads from hitting many rooves and so on so this will make it fun for them to do their work.


CT:  CT will do what they do best and be the backbone of the Republic and fight to the death. 


RC: RC will be focussing on trying to get the R2 Unit out as safe as possible so that means using all their equipment to their best. 


Event Character Execution:


B1s: Front lining on the barricades that will be supplied to them and shooting at clones. There will be around 5 of these B1s with around 1.5k HP.


B2s: There will be around 2 of these as they are usually pretty strong and we don't want to make it to op. They will have around 2k HP and will be supporting the B1s however they can. They will mainly be on barricades providing support.


CIS Sniper Droid: This will be a Commando Droid this has been thrown in to challenge OS and 41st there will only be that one so that he is discrete and make it more of a challenge. He will have 1.2k Health as it will only be him and it's hard enough to see so we can't make it too high of HP. He will be on the mountains of Mustafar and just shooting at 41st and OS.


After the Republic has pushed the CIS Droids back to the top room to HQ which is their final point and where the R2 Unit will be held, it will be their last life and when they die their spawn point will have already been reset so they are no longer in action.


There will be a couple of trump cards added if I feel it is one-sided to either side. For example, if it's real republic sided there will be mines placed on the floor to slow them down or gas, this will also mean more RP for 212th or RC rather than bam blasting.


If it is CIS-sided their HP will be changed or if the sniper droid is too much he will be swapped to a B2 and will continue as the rest of the B2s are. 


There will also be dupes made for the map so that there is bridges and forts made for the event.

Jedi Event


The Jedi will sense a disturbance in the force when landing on Mustafar and that feeling will bring them to a path with then will lead to a Sith lair! They will begin to talk to the Sith Lord and when they are talking to them they will be intercepted by the Sith Apprentice. 


The Sith Lord has a Sith Holocron which will cause havoc throughout the galaxy if he uses that power stored within the Holocron. So the Jedi must capture this Holocron and put it in deep storage so it won't be used against the galaxy. 


Sith Lord HP: 200k (may vary depending on the amount of Jedi)
Sith Apprentice: 100K (may vary depending on the amount of Jedi on)


When the Jedi eventually defeat these Sith they will find out… That the Sith hasn't got the Holocron on him and he has hidden it on the planet. They will then need to use their force powers to search the planet and find this Holocron. 


There will be two options for this:

  • If the Sith surrenders they will then tell the Jedi where the Holocron is stored.

  • If he fights to the death there will be hints on the map such as rope or marks on the planet that leads to the Holocron.


This Jedi event will mean that there is more than just one person at a time fighting the Sith rather than 1v1 constantly and Jedi having to wait their time. If the Jedi are smart enough they will send out people to search the rest of the planet for the holocorn. The Sith health will be big enough so that it lasts long enough for the Clone event to end as well so that they end around the same time.


It will also mean everyone gets to partake in this event whether Jedi or clones they will all have their own job.


There will also be dupes made for this Sith lair so that it is more intreging for the Jedi.


If that was too hard to read on here please find it here:


Event Information:

This is a Mustafar planetary event where a R2 Unit with important data has been captured and he needs rescued.

Have you ever Done an Event Before?:

Yes I was previously an EP back in 2019 and peacefully resigned.

What was your event and was it successfully executed?:

I have done many events but here's some feedback:

Do you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?:

Yes I understand them quite well. They need to be able to book events meet mins and make these events enjoyable for the server rather than people hating them and leaving because of them. If there is no event booked for a time slot they will take it if they are free as the server needs events to stay active. 

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes I completely understand!

Anything else?: W-G E-PLANNER


The One and Only Community SEP
F37 > F77


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Very mature and responsible and is trusted. 

Edited by Vengeance
Put more thought into reasoning.

Current Ranks:

CT ####

Previous Ranks:

CWRP DS Commando F-80 "Scorch"

CWRP 501st ARC Colonel

CWRP 501st Temp EXO

CWRP 41st Temp ARC Major 

CWRP Jedi Operator 

TRP Arturo Huevos "The Huevos Family"

WW2RP Kompanie Caesar Gefreiter and Pionier

CWRP Event Planner

CWRP  Senior Mod



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Congratulations! Event Management have decided to accept your application. Poke or Message me on TS/Discord when you are ready for the Interview!

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