
Pendings 1st Battalion App

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Out of Character Section (OOC) -

Steam Name: Pending

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:212722298



Current OOC rank on the server and / or in other communities (e.g. Plat VIP, Mod, Event Planner):

Plat VIP/All Servers Bundle


Age (Must be 14+): 17 



What is your playtime (2+ Weeks Minimum): 1mo 1w 3d 11h



Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: Yes to both



Have you read through the Battalion Handbook, and extending documents from it: Yes I have



Do you meet the requirements: I do



State all previous OOC punishment (Kicks, Bans and Warnings | Including Discord / Team Speak) and provide a screenshot of your list of warnings (Go in-game and do !warns) then provide a screenshot:

Perma Banned from the Discord for bypassing a mute(Has been resolved)

In Character Section (IC) -


In-Game name (Regiment, Rank then your name): GM Major Pending

Highest rank obtained (Including previous):
DU Executive Officer/DU T Vice Commander
501st Medic Colonel
212th Captain
GM Major
DU Medic Colonel

Have you ever been demoted or striked in any regiment (If so explain the reason):

I have not

What is the Battalion Motto:

"Lead your men to death. Honour is better than surrender"

Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion (100 words minimum):

Battalion main role is leading the clones during events, and giving out orders to each respective regiment, so that the event runs smoothly and without too many mishaps. They are tasked with devising strategies and ideas to produce the best results and obtain a victory for the republic. Although this is the main role the responsibilities are not only limited to this. They must also maintain balance within main base by doing tasks such as granting/denying clones, and watching over base to make sure that everything is operating as it should. Battalion should also lead by example, and act with a level of maturity most clones do not have. Another responsibility given to battalion is the task of supervising a regiment to make sure that the regiment is performing well and that there are no reprehensible actions taken. To add onto this, battalion are entrusted to host trainings for the regiment they are supervising as well as open trainings for any clone to partake in.

Why should we pick you for Battalion (200 words minimum):

I believe that I should be chosen for battalion because I embody the qualities needed in a good battalion member. I believe I possess the maturity and leadership skills needed to be an exemplary battalion. I believe that my former hierarchy experience in DU would help me lead efficiently. I was the EXO during the inactive period of DU, but we pulled it back and got a steady member count for a while. Unfortunately our hard work was not noticed and 104th was kept instead. I have achieved SO in three regiments and Captain in the 4th one. Although I took a break from the server after DU got deleted, I am back now and I plan on staying for awhile. The permaban on discord may lower my odds of getting picked, but I would just like to say that it was very stupid and I have grown since then. I am able to stay calm during situations and think clearly without the pressure getting to my head. I am having a great time as a GM, but I feel that battalion is the right place for me, and I will strive there. In the eyes of some battalion isn't in the greatest position right now, but I would love to join and help bolster the ranks of battalion. Overall, I believe that I am a great candidate for battalion, and it would mean a lot if you can see my passion for wanting to be a battalion member.

Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank?

I completely understand

What do Battalion do during combat, when they are not leading (In detail):

Battalion are not only useful in combat when leading, they can also assist the regiment they are supervising whether that be helping whoever is leading the event, giving precise callouts to help locate the hostiles, or simply pushing with your regiment. Although the main orders come from the leading battalion during events, if you notice something happening on a smaller scale, you can give orders so that the clones around you have the best chance of survival. For example, if a small number of clones were caught in a corridor, a quick thinking battalion could order 442nd to cover the flank with their shields as everyone else retreats. This is not taking away from the leading battalions role, but rather taking advantage of the cards you were dealt.

What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted?

- Host an Open Sim

- Complete a debrief

-Lead a Planetary event with the Voice Amp.

What rank can Battalion Brigadier Promote and Demote up too:


Anything else?: Nope that it 🙂

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Been really active in GM and doing good.

I think he would be a great addition to battalion because hes really active and he can be both chill and serious depending on situation.

Current  Ranks

RC Vice Commander

CWRP Super Admin

Past Ranks

OS Squad Leader x2

Temp OS Squad Leader

GM ARC Colonel

Temp CG ARC Major

Temp 41st ARC Major

Temp 501st ARC Major

Temp 501st Vice Commander


Jedi Blade Warrior

Jedi Warden

Jedi Aegis

Jedi Chief Of Security

Jedi Spectre

Jedi Paladin

Jedi Phantom


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Big Plus one, He's a sound guy and in my past with him in DU he was a good EXO And a Good SO I do believe he would be a great battalion. 


Edited by Paradox

Current Ranks


Past Ranks

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+ Good Application
+ Lots of experience in different regiments and has achieved several high ranks before
+ Is active and mature

Good luck!
- Cheese

Current Rank(s):

Rear Admiral

Previous Ranks:

Head of Battalion, 501st Executive Officer, Senior Medic, 74th Advanced Medical Officer, Doom's Unit Captain, Jedi Senior Consular


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I've known pending for quite a while now. He's achieved many high ranks in the past and has had a lot of time to learn responsibility and how to lead. He is an amazing person and from the looks of it fully understands what he's applying for.
He has a fantastic app, good experience, and is overall a good person for the role



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has had many high ranks in a variety of regiments 


nice guy 

Current Ranks:


Past Ranks: 501st Commando Squad Leader - Battalion Captain - DU Lieutenant Colonel  -  Jedi Sentry - Jedi Scout - 104th Colonel 


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very good person who kows his stuff

good playtime 


                                                                              DU EXO - CT LCPL - CG MJR104th CPL



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Current Ranks
  Yoda - DS Commando F-91 CWRP Senior Event planner - CWRP Discord Staff Manager
Past Ranks
CT 2459 - CE PFT MEDIC COLONEL CG Detainment Droid - Battalion Sand - Battalion Colonel - GM LT Colonel 5x Regimental Medic Jedi Ace CWRP Senior Event Planner Jedi Watcher 501st Colonel Jedi Paladin - Jedi Phantom - Jedi Beast Tamer Jedi Lorekeeper CWRP Jedi Event planner - 501st Gamma ARC Colonel Obi Wan Kenobi Plo Koon - Mace Windu




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+1  having reached SO in several regiments makes me believe that you  bring deeper  knowledge of regiments that not many others have.


Your application was detailed and you seem to have matured greatly since the discord ban. I wish you good luck!

Current Ranks: None

Former Ranks:                                                   Started Playing WG SCP-RP in 2016                                                 

COTBG Deacon [2017] | Head Researcher  [2017 - ???] [SCP-RP] (Major changes to the job annulled my WL)

212th EXO [2018] | 212th Vice Commander [2020] | 212th SO + 74th Member + CE Member [2021] |

212th SO [2022] | Battalion Officer [2022] | 212th SO [2023] | 41st Captain [2024]

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