
Toxic's EP APP

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Steam Name + Profile link:

Roleplay Name: JT Commander Toxic

Teamspeak Name: Toxic

Playtime on the Server: about a week i would say

SteamID ( STEAM_0:0:142208398

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server (Not Essential): yes - EP moderator, Senior Admin on JVS 

Current Age: 21

Warns/Bans: 0

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: YES

Have you ever Done an Event Before?: Yes

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: a few events in my time of being a IRP / TRP - Event Planner

Do you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: 
 Yes, to provide entertaining events for all EC and Troops / Sith (to also control his EC so then don't become mingy ). to help out other EPS when needed and to help staff when needed.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?:  yes - and have done this before

Event Plan:

Map: Rishi Moon

Enemies, HP, Amount:
(e.g. BH, 6000, 3)
5 - 6 x Infected rebels - 750 
1x Infected Brute - 1500 - 2000
1x Scientist - 400 - ll-30, Gas Grandes - and an optional EQ

Passive, HP, Amount:
1x Transporter - 2000

Imperial Execution: Government allow the Prisoner Transport of "high Ranking Rebel official in cuff"

Event Character Execution: all Infected in disguise are dropped off at the MB, once they have had a check up they will spread out and spread the infection - possible last stand depending on player count


Event Information:
>Fleet will get word of a prisoner Transport on Rishi moon, where we will be sent to help out.
> Rebels will be infected before they land on Rishi Moon but wont begin changing till the Interrogation.
>Once arrived Fleet will inform troops to set up defences / prepare for the prisoners.
> SF / Shock will attempt to interrogate the hostage when they become en-raged and begin to transform.
> they then attempt to take out the key points of the base whilst the scientist attempts to bargain with whoever is in charge.
> If it fails the scientist will send in a brute to come and attack to help his Creatures push through there lines of defence.
>  once  the Medics Detain a Creature they will begin to analyse it to make a cure at the med bay.
> med bay will begin to go under Siege until the cure is Created.
>  when the cure is Created the Fleet will order it to be dispersed around the base / planet where the infected will slowly turn back into the Troops.
> then Debrief and home to Vardos.


PME Plan:
Character/s:  myself - Demons head leader of the order of Assassins. + 3 - Associates 

Background Information (if applicable): The syndicate and Marcus previous had set up an agreement however the Fleet Commodore would not up hold his end of the bargain which meant he violated the Treaty and is now KOS

Who is the PME target at: Fleet commodore Marcus

How will the PME run: The Syndicate would infiltrate MB as normal ST's which would then once set up there cover would then ---> go after the commodore. the highly recommended ST's would then find the location of the commodore. with there one goal in mind they would eliminate him - leaving behind one man who would be capture by Special forces for them to interrogate

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