Guest Heavy Dakka Mech

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RP Name: Norden Jorden or SCP 999 THE BLOB


SteamID:  STEAM_0:071390426


Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or Above] 4 days


In-Game Warnings [reasons and amount. type! warns in-game to find, must have fewer than 20 warnings. (exceptions can be made)]: 

Have you read the rules of SCP-RP, and do you understand them?  Yes i have read them and i also do understand them.


Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? Demonstrate your understanding*  Something you can’t do is going on mass killing ( which makes sence sentence because the SCP is not just about killing people if you want to go and kill people you will go SCP-035 or SCP- 457),  you can’t use PAC 3 look through SCP 096's containment chamber ( which makes  sence because it is not RP if you can see through and see people out of your chamber) , i cannot kill other SCP's , once some one looks at my face (like the photo) i will go and kill them no matter what and when i kill them i will not move from the place where i kill them then sit down in a position where i am not making people look at my face, i will be careful when using the swep so i don't accidentally kill the people who did not look at my face, the level 5 key card will only be used when i breach or someone looks at my face then run 


Are you able to play SCP-096 often when the job is not full, and give good RP to other players who encounter you?: i want to play SCPs that are  not as aggressive ( not killing all the time so like SCP 096) so yes i can play SCP-096 often 


What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?*(Explain in full detail)  If SCP-096 has breached his Containment Chamber because of the door will malfunction or something went wrong in a test, everyone would leave his CC and E-11 or CS will enter the room without looking at his face. when everyone has evacuated the room and if E-11 or CS is not in the room then they will enter the room with their backed to SCP 096 and begin walking till they walk into a obstacle, when they have found them self near SCP 096 they will be careful, then they will slowwly take a bag or something that could cover his face completely they must cover his face completely, when they have the bag over his face they will tie him up with and make sure the red Elastic Cuffs to be able to drag SCP 096 back to his CC, When SCP 096 is in his CC they will firstly remove his cuffs after doing that has been done they will face backwards and do /me takes of the bag, and then they will walk out of his CC with their backs away from SCP 096 until SCP 096 CC is closed    


During research, a Class D looks at your face and manages to escape the Containment Chamber, he runs towards the Entrance Zone. What is your course of action while chasing 096-1, and what do you do once you have killed them?*:  i would breach ( if the door is closed i would use the key card ) i would chase him all the way to  EZ ( and if the EZ door is closed i would use the CL 5 key card)  till i find him and then i would kill him then after i kill him i would stop in the spot and sit down and not positioning my face to anyone.


While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why? *: It is good RP becuase that is what SCP 096 would do in SCP lore he would go and kill every one of them like he was documented to do. That is just what he is like and why SCP 096 is an amazing SCP 


If SCP-096 bag had come off or if some Escapee Class d ran past and grabbed it, as E-11 or CS would you chase the class d or proceed on to recontain SCP-096?* if some class D would run past and rips the bag of the E-11 and CS will both look away from 096 and depending on how many CS / E-11 they will inform the other staff about SCP 096 breach and one will go and find the D class and the other CS / E-11 will re-contain SCP 096 


A GOI has managed to enter the facility, and they open your Containment Chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but tells you it was an accident, and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why? *: Because of the rule (failRP) i will have to kill the GOI and i cannot do anything about that or i risk getting warned then after i kill him i won't move frop the place of the murder 


Anything else you may need to tell people reading this application:  i am quite good at Role Play because i do drama at school and i think this will help me play this character

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RP Name: Jordan McClair

SteamID: STEAM_1:1:444375932

Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or Above] Yes

In-Game Warnings [reasons and amount. type !warns in-game to find, must have fewer than 20 warnings. (exceptions can be made)]: I only have 6 warns

Have you read the rules of SCP-RP, and do you understand them?: Yes, i did

Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? Demonstrate your understanding* : I can't go on a Massive killing spree at all, even if someone is encouraging me to do it. I must not use my Level 5 Clearence card to open my containment chamber, i only have to use it when im chasing my 096-01. I cant use my PAC3 camera to see outside my cc chamber, When im in the containment chamber i must not be sitting down staring upon the door, but i have to watch a corner or a wall. If i am SCP 096 and a friend of mine has looked at my face i dont have to grant him to stay alive. When i kill my 096-01 i must sit down, i cant move around and try to catch other people. If someone is purposely trying to breach me from my containment chamber, I must report this to staff as it is classed as a rule break of the server. Make sure when a player has looked directly at me, that they are actually looking at me, as sometimes it can be accidental when i have killed someone who i may of throught looked at me. Make sure when I'm chasing my 096-01 that i dont accidentally kill someone else while i'm clicking my swep weapon.

Are you able to play SCP-096 often when the job is not full, and give good RP to other players who encounter you?: Yes, i am

What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?*(Explain in full detail) If scp-096 has breached his Containment Chamber, due to some malfunction with his door, or something went wrong during Testing everyone who isnt E-11 or CS must leave the room without looking at his face. When everyone has evacuted the room safely without incident, E-11 or CS must be called to deal with the situation when they arrive they will open the door with there backs turned and begin to walk backwards till they walk into a obstacle. When they have found themselves either near to SCP-096 or beside him they must carefully begin the procedure slowly to make sure they dont make a mistake. They will begin by slowly taking a plastic bag or something that completely covers SCP-096 fix completely, they may also blindfold him if completely needed, when they have put a bag on him and tied to make sure it cant come off, they then use the red Elastic Cuffs to be able to drag SCP-096 back to his containment chamber. As they are dragging SCP-096 back they must also be careful if cases where SCP-096 isnt near his containment chamber when he has breached depending on where he had killed his 096-01, that people around them may try to take the back off in Roleplay situation depending if they are were CI also When SCP-096 has been dragged back into his cell you must firstly remove his cuffs, and after that has been done you must face backwards and do /me in game to take off his bag then you must walk out of the containment chamber with your back to the containment chamber till its doors are shut completely. Only E-11 or Containment Specialists or any GOI can cuff SCP-096, But only foundation personal who have Clearance Card Level 3 or higher may bag the SCP-096 

During research, a Class D looks at your face and manages to escape the Containment Chamber, he runs towards the Entrance Zone. What is your course of action while chasing 096-1, and what do you do once you have killed them?*: First i start to get up, then i start screaming, crying, and after that i start running and haunting for my 096-1, after i kill him i sit down.

While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why?*: it is good RP because it follows scp-096 lore, obviously first i have to stay sure that first i kill my 096-01, then i come back and i kill the other people that looked at me, after that i sit down.

If SCP-096 bag had come off or if some Escapee Class d ran past and grabbed it, as E-11 or CS would you chase the class d or proceed on to recontain SCP-096?* : First of all if a D class ran past and grabbed scp-096 bag, i would make sure that scp 096 is being recointained because its more important than going to take the D class, after that i go for the D class and i punish him.

A GOI has managed to enter the facility, and they open your Containment Chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but tells you it was an accident, and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why?*: I should kill him because scp 096 doesnt care about accident or something else, if u looked at scp 096 you have to certainly die.

Thank you so much for reading, hope you like it. 😃

Edited by Gesualdo
didnt write steam id
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Containment is missing 1-2 details.

You've committed a cardinal sin.


2 hours ago, Gesualdo said:

Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or Above] Yes

That's not a valid playtime me boy. Sure, you may have 4 or more days played but "yes" /=/ time

Viktor Svetsken

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4 hours ago, bigbrain said:

What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?*(Explain in full detail)  If SCP-096 has breached his Containment Chamber because of the door will malfunction or something went wrong in a test, everyone would leave his CC and E-11 or CS will enter the room without looking at his face. when everyone has evacuated the room and if E-11 or CS is not in the room then they will enter the room with their backed to SCP 096 and begin walking till they walk into a obstacle, when they have found them self near SCP 096 they will be careful, then they will slowwly take a bag or something that could cover his face completely they must cover his face completely, when they have the bag over his face they will tie him up with and make sure the red Elastic Cuffs to be able to drag SCP 096 back to his CC, When SCP 096 is in his CC they will firstly remove his cuffs after doing that has been done they will face backwards and do /me takes of the bag, and then they will walk out of his CC with their backs away from SCP 096 until SCP 096 CC is closed    

a) understand how 096 breaches

b) you cant use red elastic cuffs to re-contain SCP'S



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Harold Daroldsonn is my role play character. My character will mainly focus on researching. A lot of people interfere with my work and with this role i can focus on researching without any interruption. With this role i could help the community by researching more scp's. All the research funds that i collect will go right into researching.  I hope i can get this promotion. Thanks for reading this apply, Have a nice day!


From Harold to Foundation

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