
Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand"

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The Elite

Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 is a task force that reports directly to the O5 Council and is used in situations that require the strictest operational security. The task force consists of the Foundation's best and most loyal operatives. They hone absolute loyalty above everything and are ready to give up anything to fulfill their duty. The elite of the elite. Further information regarding MTF Alpha-1 is classified Level 5.




Applications are CLOSED




In-Game Name(s):

Playtime (Minimum 3 days):

Amount of Warns (Max 5, exceptions can be made):

Have you ever been severely punished before? Why? (3 day+ bans):

Why do you want to join A-1? (Minimum 250 words):


What is the purpose of A-1?:

What can you contribute to the Task Force?:

What would you do as A-1 if there are no O5 members on-site?:

The safety of Site Administration is ALWAYS number one priority, unless you are ordered otherwise, do you understand?:

Going rogue as A-1 is the biggest mistake you can make on the whitelist and will always result in immediate blacklist, do you understand?:



Edited by Epithax
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SteamID: STEAM_0:1:218981513

In-Game Name(s): Felix Crimson

Playtime (Minimum 3 days): 3 days ans 6 hours, actually i started to play 3 weeks ago but i don't have so much time to play. On G-Mod like, 78 hours i don't remember..

Amount of Warns (Max 15, exceptions can be made): zero.

Have you ever been severely punished before? Why? (3 day+ bans): Banned for 1 day, it was my first time, i get banned cause i opened an SCP chamber without knowing that was SCP-076 chamber.

Why do you want to join A-1? (Minimum 250 words): First of all, I'm in love with MTF groups! I made a word file with all the squad of MTF! The Alpha-1 (Red Right Hand) is my favorite one, cause, having contacts with the O5-Council it's super cool! And the honor of protect them, is the most rewarding of all. The first time i played SCP:CB i wasn't so excited, but, i learned to love the SCP world, I'm Italian, and on YouTube Italy we have this youtuber that makes only SCP argeuments, he's name is DR D Ferdinand. I started to learn all the procedures of containment.  Alpha-1 is an important role, with responsibility that must be ready to respect! If A-1 Agent, was a real life job...well,  i'd do that as my job until i die. (sorry, i only put 135 words)


What is the purpose of A-1?: Report information regarding the inside and outside of the S.C.P. Foundation. Defending the Site Administratiors, even if it means risk A-1 agents lifes!

What can you contribute to the Task Force?: I'm a person/agent who executes orders when given and instantly! i am a good negotiator. I am also capable of give good feelings to my companions. I'm never rude to the oders.

What would you do as A-1 if there are no O5 members on-site?: Protect the SA, SD HoEAA, EoAA.I would help in situations requiring MTF unites help, and of course help the Foundation staff!

The safety of Site Administration is ALWAYS number one priority, unless you are ordered otherwise, do you understand?: Yes, SIR!

Going rogue as A-1 is the biggest mistake you can make on the whitelist and will always result in immediate blacklist, do you understand?: Sure, i'm responsable of my actions.

Edited by Swordy
I played more
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SteamID: Steam_1:1:175074031

In-Game Name(s): Nico Ardweldo

Playtime (Minimum 3 days): A Week and 6 days

Amount of Warns (Max 15, exceptions can be made): 9 all regretted

Have you ever been severely punished before? Why? (3 day+ bans): No

Why do you want to join A-1? (Minimum 250 words): I used to play A1 alot before its whitelist and would like to be able to play it again I was a good A1 who had good experience protecting the O5 and other administration I believe i am an asset to people I protect and generally I am good at guarding people i know this because of the time i spent playing A1 when it wasn't a whitelist I find the job enjoyable and fun while at the same time knowing my responsibility's and how to enact them I beleve myself to be usefull to all im protecting as i can defend relay info I do not discriminate people based on jobs if you are being shot at you should get backup as the likely hood i am near someone i need to protect is likely I am devoted to my job and will die for people i am protecting I concider my RP to be good as i handle most situations with my best knowledge I always wish to do the best for the people who are commanding me I used to play alot of A1 and saw the flaws of it and now with those flaws fixed I wanted to join A1 and be apart of the group as a usefull member of the MTF team I love protecting doing tasks and generally being a tool for people around me to use it is very fun for me to play I love A1 the entire job is really fun for me and I think that I will be A very usefull member of the A1 MTF Squad

What is the purpose of A-1?: A-1 are a task force used in situations that require strict security and they are required to be the foundations best and most loyal MTF Unit they report directly to the O5 and help run the site and protect the O5 and help keeping the site running along side with site administration and protecting them at the same time

What can you contribute to the Task Force?: I can contribute alot of skills ranging from combat to terminal commands with combat I can help in the termination of breached SCPs (with an order from site administration I can assist) I can guard administration in times of breaches or raids saving on firepower to contribute to the breach I can carefully put together a plan on what to do in a hostage situation if I get onsite and one is going on or if someone who does not fall under Site Administration gets kidnapped. 

What would you do as A-1 if there are no O5 members on-site?: Overseeing the MTF, ensuring that security is running optimally, attending to raids acting as a commander to an mtf squad without one ensuring that other site administration are safe during times of breaches or otherwise.

The safety of Site Administration is ALWAYS number one priority, unless you are ordered otherwise, do you understand?: I Understand this statement and agree with it entirely

Going rogue as A-1 is the biggest mistake you can make on the whitelist and will always result in immediate blacklist, do you understand?: I understand this statement and agree with it entirely 

Edited by Niconami
Spelling, Failed to meet Word limit and wanted to change some answers
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SteamID: STEAM_0:1:432557277

In-Game Name(s): Azazel Keenan

Playtime (Minimum 3 days): 1 week 2 days and 7 hours at the time of this application.

Amount of Warns (Max 15, exceptions can be made): 1 warn only.

Have you ever been severely punished before? Why? (3 day+ bans): No. i try my best to not be a minge or troll in the server.

Why do you want to join A-1? (Minimum 250 words):I would like to join A-1 to give myself more of a variety of roles to play in the foundation. Being able to join A-1 will give me a wider selection of roles to play in the server and give me a chance to learn more about how each job works in the foundation. With my time played on the server increasing everyday i am learning from playing different roles ranging from Class D all the way to MTF E-11 learning how they work and what to do and what not to do and with everytime i encounter a new situation i gain increasing knowledge on what to do in those situations in the future. I am confident joining A-1 will help me with understanding more as to what to do and how to act in certain situations with the role being more strict and revolving around a different area as opposed to other MTF units as they are there to protect the O5 council and if not there the site administration from anything that could potentially cause harm to them such as breaching SCP's, enemy GOI's, etc. With joining A-1 i believe it can help me with learning more about the foundation and SCP itself and help give me a chance to see how situations begin and end from a different perspective other then a lower clearance level job such as a guard or a E-11 and it will help keep my interest in the server as i will have more to do in the server as opposed to just the same jobs everyday.


What is the purpose of A-1?:The purpose of MTF A-1 is to protect the O5 council members on site or the site administration when there are no O5 on site. MTF A-1 is the most strict unit due to them reporting directly to the O5 council. they are held to the highest standards due to the unit members being the best and most loyal out of the entire foundation.

What can you contribute to the Task Force?: I can contribute loyalty,respect, and intergrity to the task force. With my respect of members already in the task force and my respect of those in the council. My loyalty to the foundation and it's administration. And my intergrity to keep the law of the foundation and the council safe above all else.

What would you do as A-1 if there are no O5 members on-site?:If there are no O5 members on site my next immediate task is to protect the site administration and help keep the security in check unless otherwise stated by commanding officer/site administration.

The safety of Site Administration is ALWAYS number one priority, unless you are ordered otherwise, do you understand?:Yes  i understand the safety of the site administration is my top priority. Any and all threats to the site administration will be handled smoothly and swiftly to ensure the safety of them.

Going rogue as A-1 is the biggest mistake you can make on the whitelist and will always result in immediate blacklist, do you understand?:Yes i understand going rouge is the worst possible thing i can do as A-1. I can assure you my loyalty to the foundation is undying and there will be no attempts to go rouge at all.

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OOC Section:

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:98270386

In-Game name(S): Clancy Colbert / Commander Colbert

Playtime (Minimum of 3 days): 5w

Amount of Warns (Max 15, exceptions can be made): Only 1 for MRDM (wasn’t on purpose)

Have you ever been severely punished before? Why? (3 day+ bans): Permanent ban for MRDM, killed Class-Ds without warning (hadn’t read rules at the time)

Why do you want to join A-1? (Minimum of 250 words): Alpha-1 became more and more interesting once I began to learn about it. After watching many roleplay as Alpha-1 I’ve decided that I would like to have a chance to play the job and understand and learn as I go. This will also grant me the chance to stick by site administration more to see how they operate as I usually am playing as jobs that are not around site administration as much as I’m hoping. This will also expand my opportunities of roleplaying and will allow me to play a different MTF job than E-11 and Nu-7.
As of currently, I only have one whitelist and granting me A-1 will give me something to play as when I’m up to nothing on the server. Through my minimal time of being alongside Alpha-1, I’ve watched them do their jobs and met some of them who were chill. I would simply like an opportunity to do what I’ve seen Alpha-1 do and I would like to expand my knowledge on site administration by getting this whitelist. My activity will be decent, I will follow orders given to me from higher ups without question. I will commit to my job and fulfill my duties as much as I could. This will become more clear once I begin playing the job. Any mistakes I make during my duty I will most likely learn from and understand how to act once I’m met with the same situation. I believe I’ll be a great part in Alpha-1 and I’ll do my best to show that.

IC Section:

What is the purpose of A-1: Alpha-1 are high classified MTF that are essentially “Bodyguards” for site administration such as the O5 Council. They report directly to the O5 and are used in the strictest operational security.

What can you contribute to the Task Force?: My commitment to the job, including following higherup orders and fulfilling my duties by protecting Site administration with my life and standing by their side in any situation. I will ensure their safety no matter what situation it is and stop any assassination attempts at all costs.

What would you do as A-1 if there are no O5 members on-site?: I would protect any other site administration such as the site director. If there are none I’ll most likely be overseeing E-11.

The safety of Site Administration is ALWAYS number one priority, unless you are ordered otherwise, do you understand?: Yes.

Going rogue as A-1 is the biggest mistake you can make on the whitelist and will always result in immediate blacklist, do you understand?: Yes.

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In-Game Name(s):Arnold Mcdonald

Playtime (Minimum 3 days): 5d 3h 6m

Amount of Warns (Max 15, exceptions can be made): 0 Warnings.

Have you ever been severely punished before? Why? (3 day+ bans): I never got, punished before.

Why do you want to join A-1? (Minimum 250 words): I would like to join the Alpha-1 Unit, cause I saw them mostly at the site walking and guarding, so I became interestet in joining the A-1. I learned many things of guarding an VIP, HR, SD so I wanted to join the A-1 with my experience. I got a talent by guarding an VIP, etc thats why I wanted to have the job. It became kinda better and cooler in the past Months, so I became interestet by joining them. I ever wanted to try other MTF job's like A-1, B-7 and some other units, sadly I got never whitelisted, so I wanted to start my first one and beginn applying for jobs. I talked with some A-1 personnel ones, and had fun by playing with them, they we're friendly and helped me sometimes. I would like to improve to a better position in the Site, to make sure its protected, I would try my best to act like a real A-1 and making sure to protect Higher Ranks with my life. I am playing kinda daily, and have a big knowledge about RP rules and many more. I would like to understand many things in an higher spot and try to help them as good as possible. there are always things that interestet me about this job, and wanted to learn more about it and the purpose. I would like to expand my knowledge and make out of myself an perfect personnel.


What is the purpose of A-1?: A-1 personnel's are needet to guard O5's

What can you contribute to the Task Force?: I would help them as good as possible and to make sure everything is alright. I will perform my fully respect and loyality to this unit. I would risk my life for protecting an O5 member, to make sure hes fully protected.

What would you do as A-1 if there are no O5 members on-site?: I would start patrolling around the facility at EZ, and wait for an new O5 to come, or if no one is coming, to patrol and respond where units are needet.

The safety of Site Administration is ALWAYS number one priority, unless you are ordered otherwise, do you understand?: Yes, Sir.

Going rogue as A-1 is the biggest mistake you can make on the whitelist and will always result in immediate blacklist, do you understand?: Yes, Sir.

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 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:526464741 

    In-Game Name(s): Ace Woods 

    Playtime (Minimum 3 days): 4d 22h 43mins ( i know it is low )

    Amount of Warns (Max 15, exceptions can be made):  6

    Have you ever been severely punished before? Why? (3 day+ bans): i think i have been banned once for rdm because i killed a d class that had a keycard for 2 or 3 days

    Why do you want to join A-1? (Minimum 250 words): I want to join Alpha One because i can give my tactics and my hours to make sure that we can protect the foundation and every person within the foundation and i can be a good member of Alpha one if you let me try i can be on the site 5 to 6 hours a day i have good aim and i am fluent in English i can tell you all of stuff about the foundation main doors like Gate A Glass Gate, Heavy Containment Zone/Checkpoint, Maintenance tunnel, Heavy Containment Zone Armory, Nuke room ect i also know how to contain most of the SCPS i will never go rogue because i am really loyal to the Foundation and the Site admins let's say if there is a rouge guard i would talk to them then tactical cuff them wait for backup then elastic cuff them so he does not pull out a weapon when i try to cuff him with elastic cuffs let's also say that there is a massive hack with 10 or more ci i would sent two TRO or other type of combat units threw MT and then i would order them to wait until the first line of defence gets engaged in combat what i would do is put one person to gate a ( must have a shotgun ) and i would say go to where the elevator shaft is and wait down the ladders because when you go down the ladders you can't shoot so the shotgun unit can open fire on them and if they die i would order the men guarding GG to move back to EZ café and the hallway near EZ café i would send the NU-7 Scouts down the hallway in sniper position and order them to open fire on the enemy once they run out of ammo i would make the people in EZ café flank them and open fire on them and then i would try to capture one of them then i would interrogate them then let them go but i would get scouts and FA to follow him to his base then order a raid to take them out. (sorry for no full stops)

What is the purpose of A-1?: Alpha one is used for the strictest ops/missions and to protect Site admins.

What can you contribute to the Task Force?: I can tribute my time and my tactics to this Task force. I will never put other people's lives before mine and I would sacrifice myself for the Site admins.

What would you do as A-1 if there are no O5 members on-site?: i would try and protect the other Site admins that are on site but if there is none on. Site i would guard around the Foundation and if there is a hack going on near GG or GA i would try to ambush them from behind.

The safety of Site Administration is ALWAYS number one priority, unless you are ordered otherwise, do you understand?: yes i would put my life before Site admins and i would die to save them.

Going rogue as A-1 is the biggest mistake you can make on the whitelist and will always result in immediate blacklist, do you understand?: yes but i would never go rogue because i will always protect the Site admins.

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SteamID: STEAM_0:1:218981513

In-Game Name(s): Felix Crimson

Playtime (Minimum 3 days): 3 days ans 6 hours, actually i started to play 3 weeks ago but i don't have so much time to play. On G-Mod like, 78 hours i don't remember..

Amount of Warns (Max 15, exceptions can be made): zero.

Have you ever been severely punished before? Why? (3 day+ bans): Banned for 1 day, it was my first time, i get banned cause i opened an SCP chamber without knowing that was SCP-076 chamber.

Why do you want to join A-1? (Minimum 250 words): First of all, I'm in love with MTF groups! I made a word file with all the squad of MTF! The Alpha-1 (Red Right Hand) is my favorite one, cause, having contacts with the O5-Council it's super cool! And the honor of protect them, is the most rewarding of all. The first time i played SCP:CB i wasn't so excited, but, i learned to love the SCP world, I'm Italian, and on YouTube Italy we have this youtuber that makes only SCP argeuments, he's name is DR D Ferdinand. I started to learn all the procedures of containment.  Alpha-1 is an important role, with responsibility that must be ready to respect! If A-1 Agent, was a real life job...well,  i'd do that as my job until i die. (sorry, i only put 135 words)


What is the purpose of A-1?: Report information regarding the inside and outside of the S.C.P. Foundation. Defending the Site Administratiors, even if it means risk A-1 agents lifes!

What can you contribute to the Task Force?: I'm a person/agent who executes orders when given and instantly! i am a good negotiator. I am also capable of give good feelings to my companions. I'm never rude to the oders.

What would you do as A-1 if there are no O5 members on-site?: Protect the SA, SD HoEAA, EoAA.I would help in situations requiring MTF unites help, and of course help the Foundation staff!

The safety of Site Administration is ALWAYS number one priority, unless you are ordered otherwise, do you understand?: Yes, SIR!

Going rogue as A-1 is the biggest mistake you can make on the whitelist and will always result in immediate blacklist, do you understand?: Sure, i'm responsable of my actions.

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The votes are counted, and the results are in.


im happily to tell that;

Clancy, Berny, Nick and Azazel are Accepted for their Trial Period.


The others who applied sadly didnt make the selection, Try again in the next application cycle.

Those who are accepted, Join the O5 discord and tag Commander Dutchman or Commander Kozak for your roles.

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6 hours ago, Epithax said:

I voti vengono contati e i risultati sono presenti.


sono felice di dirlo;

Clancy, Berny, Nick e Azazel sono accettati per il loro periodo di prova.


Gli altri che hanno fatto domanda tristemente non hanno effettuato la selezione, riprovare nel prossimo ciclo dell'applicazione.

Coloro che sono accettati, unisciti alla discordia O5 e tagga il comandante olandese o il comandante Kozak per i tuoi ruoli.

When will the next auditions start?

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SteamID: STEAM_0:1:62272239

In-Game Name(s): Jeff Bazinga

Playtime (Minimum 3 days): 3w 4d

Amount of Warns (Max 15, exceptions can be made): 6

Have you ever been severely punished before? Why? (3 day+ bans): No

Why do you want to join A-1? (Minimum 250 words): A-1 is very crucial and protecting the Site Administration is a very important job that i want to be apart of, i never really play MTFs since there is either nothing to do or the players do not take RP seriously and A-1 seems like something i would enjoy because it consists of good and serious RP players there is always something you can do as A-1 ranging from defending against intruders to protecting the O5 and i will be able to interact or be near an O5 giving me more knowledge of what the O5 actually does since the only interaction i have had with an O5 was when i was part of CI and assassinated O5-7, i have never been part of a group where you have higher ups telling you what to do which gives me a real feeling of RP. From my experience O5s play more when there are more A-1 on because without them the O5s are very vulnerable and i want to see more O5s on and joining the A-1 is a step in the right direction to making this wish a reality. A-1 seems like a hard job compared to the other MTFs because Nu-7 and E-11 doesn’t really have that much repercussions for example if there is a 008 breach and it goes on for to long an admin cleans it up for them and Nu-7 are most of the time large in numbers when there is a raid and they usually get assistance from other MTFs meanwhile A-1 doesn’t have a backup and always need to be on their guard making a good challenge that i think would be really fun.



What is the purpose of A-1?: A-1s purpose is protecting the O5 Council, when there is no O5 on site their primary objective is protecting Site Administration and when no Site Administration is on site they oversee E-11 or roam the site

What can you contribute to the Task Force?: My undying loyalty and dedication to the Foundation and the O5 Council

What would you do as A-1 if there are no O5 members on-site?: Protect other Site Administration on site, oversee E-11 and roam the facility to assist other MTFs

The safety of Site Administration is ALWAYS number one priority, unless you are ordered otherwise, do you understand?: Yes, it is the reason i want to join A-1

Going rogue as A-1 is the biggest mistake you can make on the whitelist and will always result in immediate blacklist, do you understand?: Yes, seems kinda boring to go rogue as A-1


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SteamID: STEAM_0:1:242419537

In-Game Name(s): Viktor Svetsken 

Playtime (Minimum 3 days): 1 week 4 days 8 hours 19 minutes

Amount of Warns (Max 15, exceptions can be made): 0, currently clean on warns and plan to keep it that way

Have you ever been severely punished before? Why? (3 day+ bans): No sir

Why do you want to join A-1? (Minimum 250 words): The reason I want to join Alpha-1 is because I find myself in the heart of combat most of the time within the facility and most of the Site Administration on site go without protection sometimes. This being due to lack of Alpha-1 Units or Alpha-1 Units helping out with the raid/threat. I want to join Alpha-1 because I thrive off of making sure everyone is in one piece and still able to put up a fight while allowing those who can't to get back. This being the role of Alpha-1 has caused me to come here. Alpha-1 is a highly active unit that is always alert of danger no matter the situation. Their objective is to protect the Site Administration without fail and with extreme efficiency. The Unit is comprised of those who have constantly in combat and know how to handle tough situations and I feel like I reach that field of expertise. I also feel that I find myself putting others out of harms way for the time that combat persists so I can weaken the enemy's ground so the rest of the defending force can move in a finish the work while the others who can't fight stay back, being protected by other armed units. In other words, the reason I want to join Alpha-1 is that I feel like I can contribute not only combat experience but the will to lay down everything in the interest of the Site Administration no matter what the situation is, be it a raid, breach or rouge member of the Foundation.


What is the purpose of A-1?: The purpose of Task Force Alpha-1 is to protect the Site Administration, primarily the acting O5, with overwhelming power to ensure nothing will come to harm them. No one in, no one out. That is the purpose of Alpha-1 and the O5 is who they stand for, through and through. 

What can you contribute to the Task Force?: I can contribute a number of things, most important being my loyalty. I am willing to lay down a number of combat skills, defense/offense tactics and my absolute being. I am willing to lay down my life for the O5 as his life is required for the Site's absolute operation. I will only give my absolute best to the Task Force, no matter how hard it is, how long it takes or how much it costs.

What would you do as A-1 if there are no O5 members on-site?: As an acting Alpha-1 Unit, I would go on to protect the Site Director. Under no circumstances does this call for under performance, I will put forth the exact same will that I would with an active O5, lay down everything for their safety. If there is no acting Site Administration, I would move on to assume a "Commander" Role of any local MTF Squad. 

The safety of Site Administration is ALWAYS number one priority, unless you are ordered otherwise, do you understand?: I understand that the safety of Site Administration is number one priority and I will never let that priority fall below anything else. The O5 is to be protected at all times, regardless of the situation.

Going rogue as A-1 is the biggest mistake you can make on the whitelist and will always result in immediate blacklist, do you understand?: I understand that if I go rouge as an active Alpha-1 unit I will be removed from the job immediately without the chance of possibly returning. I would rather die than betray this unit.

Viktor Svetsken

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SteamID: STEAM_1:0:434255022

In-Game Name(s): Edwards Freeman

Playtime (Minimum 3 days): 2w 3d 

Amount of Warns (Max 15, exceptions can be made): 25 (Haven't gotten any since last year. I don't really minge anymore) 

Have you ever been severely punished before? Why? (3 day+ bans): I don't know but 1d Bans for RDM, but that's pretty much it, at least that's what I remember.

Why do you want to join A-1? (Minimum 250 words): Honestly I really want to get somewhere in the server, so I choose MTF Alpha-1 as my first go. Before Alpha-1 Became whitelisted I really enjoyed and was quite good at the role. Since doing the tryout resulted in failure because of... Well I won't get into there, but reason is that I want to join A-1 is to that I like to help out others and work as a team and become a useful asset to the team. And I am willing to do my duty inside A-1. MTF Alpha-1 as pretty much been appealing to me but has been severely inactive before the tryouts came, but I want to try to solve that issue and at least try my best to put into that Issue, and addition I know quite a lot of lore knowledge and how most of the Mobile Task Force works and the SCP Foundation itself. MTF Alpha-1 has always the most crucial and hard goals in the SCP Foundation, giving off a hard challenge, which hence I really love challenges that force you to do the most crucial acts that can effect other things harshly. Mostly I want to Join Alpha-1 for a more interesting Role Play experience and more challenging game play, and explore more of werewolf gaming than what it is usually. 

Secondly, I am quite good with leadership roles but I doubt I'm the best out there, but I'm willing to take leadership into my hands and make responsible of my actions. Another thing is that I mostly focus of peoples safety and how people go about things, though exceptions are made to make risky moves that need to be taken in order to complete the job. In addition I want to make smarter moves with others and contributing more to the team. 

Lastly, In conclusion I really want to get into something more Important and possibly make A-1 Better then it is already but I seriously doubt it but I'd try my best doing it as well giving out Ideas to my fellow comrades that would probably be a smarter choice than what others would usually do. 


What is the purpose of A-1?: The main mission of MTF Alpha-1 Is to ensure the safety of Administrative personnel, most importantly O5 Council members, as they are the most top priority of Alpha-1. As MTF Alpha-1 Is under the direct rule of O5 Council members, A-1 As well ensures the safety of the SCP Foundation and it's comrades and there ruling commanders and O5 Council members. 

In addition MTF Alpha-1 Is the most loyal task force to the SCP Foundation, and will always ensure the safety of O5 Council members out of harm at all times. 

What can you contribute to the Task Force?: Leadership, better Ideas, and little more of addition to bring A-1 more active. And I will admit I am no Commander or anything but If I was I would take extreme responsibility and try to bring A-1 Active and more discipline, and make smarter moves of there own actions against the enemy and other situations such as hostage situations. 

I've also forgot to mention that I have a quite good skill set for attacking hostile GOIs to prevent too many casualties and to get the job done right. 

What would you do as A-1 if there are no O5 members on-site?: Move onto guarding and ensure safety of the Site Director, Head of External affairs, Site Advisors, External Affairs. Or if there is absolutely no Administration on which Is unlikely, and then to move on to Oversee MTF Epsilon-11 to ensure the containment of SCPs and prevent any huge mishaps like surface breaches or knowledge of the SCP Foundation in public. Or prevent massive breaches that are too much for E-11 and other Mobile Task Forces that require Alpha Warhead as I would would choose any other alternative option than use a nuclear device on a city. 

The safety of Site Administration is ALWAYS number one priority, unless you are ordered otherwise, do you understand?: Yes I understand. 

Going rogue as A-1 is the biggest mistake you can make on the whitelist and will always result in immediate blacklist, do you understand?: Yes I understand that going rouge will result in permanent removal and never come back to A-1. 

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SteamID: STEAM_0:1:225759688

In-Game Name(s): Jackson Ehpet sometimes Jonathan Lee

Playtime (Minimum 3 days): 1w 0d 18h at this time

Amount of Warns (Max 15, exceptions can be made): 1

Have you ever been severely punished before? Why? (3 day+ bans): No

Why do you want to join A-1? (Minimum 250 words): I wish to join the A-1 for one is that roleplay is sometimes in the low clearance aka normal security, e11 and nu 7 is just bad and sometimes just does not exist and people fuck around too much to my liking,i enjoy MTF's so i usually play as MTF's, but its usually not so good of a rp experience and i would want a better roleplay experience, and because of A-1 Being lvl 4 clearance it is and would be most likely/usually a nice, and good Roleplay experience.

The second reason i wish to join A-1 Is that i enjoy Guarding/Bodyguarding And reporting to a single person alot.I love playing as security jobs and MTF jobs and A-1 Combines everything that i like from the both of them. I like the mentality and idea/lore that A-1 has and requires, Like extreme loyalty,Ideas and the elite of the elite. The A-1 Just sticks out to me for some reason and for that reason i would like to join it.

The third reason i would love to join A-1 is just purely experience,I have sometimes situations that i dont know how to solve. As i still consider 1w as not a lot of time i feel like i should have some way to gain experience,Is it then me watching someone do something well or me doing something well and learning from that, I feel like A-1 has many many spots or situations i could learn from and that could teach me new things allowing me to roleplay better.


What is the purpose of A-1?: The purpose of A-1 Is to protect foundation Administration of course prioritising O5's and to be used in top security missions and situations

What can you contribute to the Task Force?: I can contribute Loyalty,My knowledge and skill and someone who is willing to sacrifise myself for foundation administration safety

What would you do as A-1 if there are no O5 members on-site?: I would protect the next highest ranking foundation administration,And other foundation admins.If there are no foundation admins i would roam the facility and manage the Nine tailed fox

The safety of Site Administration is ALWAYS number one priority, unless you are ordered otherwise, do you understand?:
Yes i do.

Going rogue as A-1 is the biggest mistake you can make on the whitelist and will always result in immediate blacklist, do you understand?:
I understand that going rogue as A-1 is the worst idea as A-1 i could make.

Edited by fairgamer
Fixing some spelling mistakes
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