
Rhino's Staff Application

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RP Character name(s): 


Steam Name:


Steam ID: (https://steamidfinder.com/😞


Age when applying:


What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone:

 Indonesia, GMT +7

Can you speak and type English fluently:


Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time):


IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on HL-RP:

IC N/A / OOC User

Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak:

Yes, I do have a working microphone but I rarely use it because I prefer typing and I can type quite fast.

When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since:


How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums:

 I am always on Teamspeak 3 and on the forums everyday.

State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to http://imgur.com/ or as a steam community screenshot and include the link). Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. (Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen):


State the role of staff on the server:

 To ensure that the server is in a good condition and making sure that the players are having fun in general and obey the rules. Staff also has to obey the rules and to help guide new players into understanding the basic of the Half-Life Universe and rules that apply on the server. They also need to keep their attitude clean and respected because having a bad attitude as a staff can lead new players into not having enjoyment on the server and will leave a bad image towards the community itself for not taking things seriously.

Give some context about setting of C24 within the Half Life universe (150 words+):

City 24 in the Half-Life Universe is located in Geneva, Switzerland. It is a City where large building structures are half the size of the Citadel. City 24 is heavily guarded by the Combine 24/7. Resistance and parasite activities are to be seen in old buildings and deep beneath City 24. It is linked to City 17 by the railway, this city is crowded by Citizens from all over the world and harsh dictatorship is used to control the Citizens that's why the city resembles whispers of the old world via its fake posture of prestige and comfort, its road and street buildings remain well kept and relatively clean. The Combine took over Earth in Seven Hours and is in the hands of 'The Administrator' so called, his name is Wallace Breen, a corrupted dictator that has tortured lots of people with his army. Life in City 24 or any other Cities is harsh. Citizens will receive a light/severe sterilization depending on what their action presents to the Combine since they do not tolerate Anti-Citizen activities whatsoever.

Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them?

 Yes, I have read them.

Have you read the punishment list and are familiar with it?:

 Yes, I have read them.

List of all previous server staff experience:

I have staffed on a few communities such as Icefuse Networks CityRP. I was an Elite Admin at that time and I had a lot of fun playing there since, besides CityRP I have also staffed on a couple of non RP servers such as TTT but it didn't last long since the community was short on players and had to shut down for some reasons.

List of all previous RP experience:

I have played DarkRP (Icefuse), CityRP (Icefuse), PoliceRP, 1945RP, SCP RP, HL2RP (Nebulous) during the Clockwork ERA and IX ERA. Nebulous itself for me was an amazing server to play on although events weren't happening that much but I had so much love for HL2RP, so much that I've stuck around until the end of Clockwork ERA and stayed around for a while on IX ERA, to me It was one of the most amazing experience I've every played on an RP server and I hope that this community can do it too.


Have you added the Manager on Steam? If not, add him (http://steamcommunity.com/id/RUN_YOU_FOOL)

Yes, I have.

Have you added the Vice-Manager on Steam? If not, add him (https://steamcommunity.com/id/thatgardentool/)

Yes, I have.

Have you added the Staff Manager on Steam? If not, add him (https://steamcommunity.com/id/UNJoe/)

Yes, I have.

Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?:

Yes, I understand.


Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:

1 ) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people:

I would firstly bring the person that has reported this player into an OOC room and the person that is getting reported as well. I would then proceed onto asking the victim what happened by listening to his/her side of the story and after that I would then ask the person being reported his/her side of the story. After hearing both of their side of story I would then proceed to check the Damagelog to see if the person is actually RDMing other people, if the person did RDM someone then I would have to give the RDMer a fair punishment since that person has just broke a rule. If the person DID not RDM or try to RDM anyone then I would have to drop the case and tell the victim that this person did not RDM anyone and I would tell the victim next time to record or screenshot the incident so that if this does happen again and it doesn't show on the Damagelogs I would have proof to give a severe punishment depending on the server rules for lying and RDMing. If the RDMer decided to leave before or after I've brought them to the sit then I would take a screenshot of the Damagelogs for proof that the person has RDMed someone and left for no reason whatsoever and will receive a ban for (LTAP + RDM).

2 ) You are asked by a player about how to join a faction:

I would firstly teleport this player into an OOC room/ Admin room and explain to the new player every faction as detail as possible and tell them the way to join a faction, etc. These consist of Civil Protection, OTA, Resistance/Rebels, Zombies/Headcrabs, Civil Worker Union, Proselyte. Of course not all faction can be joined freely, you would need to have either VIP or Platinum VIP to join Civil Protection, and other faction that requires you to have VIP or Platinum VIP to join this faction. If the player is wondering on how they can pay, I would give them the link to our store and tell him ways on how he can donate to gain his rank.

3 ) You catch somebody not performing RP and messing around:

I would firstly teleport them into an OOC room and give this person a warning to stop messing around and not performing RP. If he doesn't want to comply with me then I would have to give them a punishment depending on the rules stated, but if he does comply I would then return the person back onto IC world and silently spectate this person for a while maybe around 5 minutes just to see if this person is still messing around or not. If this person does still messes around I would then teleport them back to the OOC room and give this person a punishment for not obeying the rules.

4 ) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly:

I would tell the person to start RPing correctly or else they would be receiving a warning or worse a rank demotion if they are not taking it seriously, after that I would inform their Hierarchy and tell them about this person's action and how they are not roleplaying as their current rank.

5 ) A player is prop spamming:

I would firstly delete their props since prop spamming can cause massive lag and potentially crash the server after that I would warn this person and tell him to stop prop spamming or else he would be receiving an even bigger and severe punishment.

6 ) Somebody does not agree with the outcome of an RP situation therefore he decides to break RP and act OOC:

I would firstly interfere into the situation and get someone to explain to me what is happening and why this person decided to break RP and act OOC if this persons action is not corresponding on how the RP situation is suppose to be then I would have to tell this person that he has to accept the IC outcome no matter what. If this person still doesn't agree with it then I would have to tell Hierarchy to solve this situation or I can ask this specific person to bring it up onto the forums since other people RP is getting ruined too.

7 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish him however he does not agree with your decision and keeps arguing:

If this player does not agree with the punishment I gave to him then I would show him the rules and the punishment IF you break that rule specifically. If he still denies it then I would kindly ask him to complain it onto the forums under the "Report Abuse" section and I would contact one of the Hierarchy and tell them about the situation that I am in.

8 ) Someone commits FailRP but claims the specific instance of FailRP you warned him for is not explained in detail within the rules: 

I would bring this person onto a sit and explain to him in full detail on how he has broke FailRP even it is not explained in detail within the rules. If the person still does not agree with me then I would have to contact Hierarchy since I cannot do anything about it.

9 ) A player evidently breaks a rule however he makes a good point in his defence by abusing loopholes within the rules:

The first thing I would do is contact Hierarchy and explain what this person has done and I would bring this person onto a sit room and explain to him that abusing loopholes within the rules still counts as breaking the rules and his action will be sorted out by Hierarchy once they get into this case since I am not eligible or high enough rank to deal with these kind of situations.


Answer the following questions in detail:

1 ) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments:

Tier I rule-breaking and punishments are punishments that are given out to new players that just joined the server this could be because they are still unaware of how things work on this server or hasn't read the rules yet.

Tier II rule-breaking and punishments are punishments that are given out to normal players that play on this server occasionally. They have played on this server for quite some time and will obviously know the rules already and they will be given out a more severe punishment since they are a common player on the server and should know better.

2 ) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming in relation with the two:

IC stands for In Character. It means that you are currently roleplaying in the server as the character you are now. Metagaming cannot really be used in IC since you are in Character and you only know things that you are meant to know unless someone decides to PM you via non roleplay way and tells you detail about stuffs that you aren't meant to know or haven't yet to discover In Character.

OOC stands for Out of Character. It means that your are not roleplaying in the server and OOC is often by going AFK or communicating to everyone else on the server via OOC chat and can also be when you are in a sit or communicating with an OOC character (staffs). Metagaming in OOC can be done by typing the location or the event that will happen at this place in the OOC chat where everyone can know when that incident will occur before it actually happens ICly. Or people can also use OOC chat to gather a group of people onto a secret location for a meetup, etc.

3 ) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP:

Serious RP is when you are straight up just RPing as your character the whole time and you are unable to communicate via voice chat but only via chat and always do what a normal human would do in their daily lives. Admin sits will not be happening or seen in areas around IC.

Semi-Serious RP is when you are just RPing normally you can talk in voice chat and kinda goof around a little bit RPly, and staffs can sometime pop out of nowhere.

4 ) Explain the difference between PassiveRP and CombatRP, explain your view on their importance in our gamemode:

PassiveRP is when you are just roleplaying normally and you just go around and talk to other people and do some work via /me this will be used most of the time in Half-Life roleplay since you are living in a place where most things are not happening and to make it as realistic as possible.

CombatRP in the other hand is where you are currently fighting other players it could be in a gun fight or fist fight this is where most people just avoid doing /me most of the time and just start going into combat with other players until they have either won the combat or lost the combat. It's pretty much just action for gun fights but for fist fights they tend to use /me most of the time since just spamming punch would not be realistic in the Half-Life universe you would have to explain how you start the fight until how the fight is suppose to end without Powergaming.

5 ) Define the term of Combat Baiting:

Combat Baiting is just essentially finding a target to bait them into dueling to you for example you're peaking out on the window and you started firing on random people and you go back into hiding and start repeating it again until the person decides to fight you. This can also be called as FailRPing because you don't have a point of combat baiting you're just looking to mess around. For example: a Civil Protection tries to sneak into the Resistance base and tries to bait one of the Rebels into a gun fight.

6 ) Define Power Gaming / Power RP:

Power Gaming is when you perform an action without the other person agreeing with it for example /me takes out a knife and cuts both of his hands off. That is not allowed since you would need to let the person react first before doing all the action on a single /me command. Other meaning is that you cannot do that just because you feel like you want to.

7 ) Define the term FailRP:

FailRP means that you are not doing roleplay seriously and just messing around this could be either mic spamming or just shooting random people or spawn random prop and start swinging it with your physgun or just not complying with IC and just do whatever you feel like and can also be done in /me for example : /me nukes the entire planet or /me kills the entire combine team. That would not be possible. 

8 ) Define the term FearRP: 

FearRP is when you are not obeying what other people are telling you to do even if you are at sake of being killed on the spot for example. Someone points a gun at your head in front of you and this person tells you to give him all of your cash and you just disobey his order and just pull out your weapon and kill him on sight or ran away. This can also lead to FailRP as it would not be realistic.


Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words):

 There are a few reasons as to why I think I deserve staff more than other applicants. One of the main reasons is that I have a lot of experience with ULX commands and what I must do most of the times and what I MUST not do as a staff in general and obviously I understand how rules work most of the time and I have been playing this game for more than 6 years with over 12.000+ hours spent in this game alone. I have also staffed on RP servers so I would obviously know what to do as a staff since I already have experience as a staff member. I know that I might be fairly new to this community and I am not that popular amongst other candidates applicant but I can assure that I will do my best as a staff, in general, to make sure the people around me get to know me better and that I can show my potential on the server in general. Most people tend to apply when they are longer on this community to have a better chance but to me, I think that that's not the point for me. For me being responsible, honest, and loyal towards the server and staff is what I tend to achieve the most whether I am a staff member or just a normal player on the server. Another reason is that I can be on the server every day, I also live in Asia so that makes me available at night since it would be daytime for me and most staff would either be sleeping or doing other kinds of stuffs. That would be all of the reasons on why I think I deserve staff more than other applicants hopefully, I can be given a chance to prove myself that I am suitable in the staff team and get to know people better.




- You must be 15 years in age or older.

- You must be able to speak and type English fluently, quickly and correctly.

- You must have at least four (4) days of play time.

- You must have 10 or fewer warns.

- You must not be banned when you apply.

- You must not advertise your application in any way.

- You must not copy anything from other applications.

- You may not edit your application without permission from a Hierarchy member.

- You may not copy-paste parts from a previous application that you have filed.

- Only reply to your application if you need to specify something. Unnecessarily spamming/bumping your application will get it denied. Do not engage in grovelling under your application (posting thank you for reading my application every time someone posts etc.)

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21 minutes ago, rhino said:

Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them?

 Yes, I have read them.

Have you read the punishment list and are familiar with it?:

 Yes, I have read them.

These havent been released yet so imma doubt.

You were in CE when I was a Colonel there and if I'm not mistaken you were kicked for a continued failure to listen to orders and abide by rules, your answers are fairly good but it is your attitude in that I would question more than anything. I won't -1 this because since joining 501st you have ranked up significantly and may have changed but in my past experience this has been the case.


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In CE, you were just a minge. You had terrible behaviour and couldn't listen to basic orders to walk forward. Also kicked from DU i believe. as said by Donny you have recieved the rank of SGT, though it is a easy rank to achieve it shows a little bit of dedication when it comes to Cadet Trainings.

I can't see you being staff at all also some of these questions are not answered correctly, if someone is breaking charcater and ruining RP, you bring them to a area that doesn't and wont interfere with RP of other players and sort it out there.

Also just adding you have lied on your staff application which shows that you haven't even checked if there was any, so well done to you

Unless i see better behaviour in general in SWRP this -1 will stay the same.


Edited by Bansheey






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11 minutes ago, Bansheey said:


In CE, you were just a minge. You had terrible behaviour and couldn't listen to basic orders to walk forward. Also kicked from DU i believe. as said by Donny you have recieved the rank of SGT, though it is a easy rank to achieve it shows a little bit of dedication when it comes to Cadet Trainings.

I can't see you being staff at all also some of these questions are not answered correctly, if someone is breaking charcater and ruining RP, you bring them to a area that doesn't and wont interfere with RP of other players and sort it out there.

Unless i see better behaviour in general in SWRP this -1 will stay the same.


I wasn't kicked from DU, I left but, I will try to change myself thanks for your opinion.

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- you have some previous staff experience

- you have some lore knowledge but in the question regarding C24 it seems like you put some filler sentences in to reach the word minimum

- I am not sure but I think the microphone question is there because it is preferred having staff with mics, so if you are only typing that could lead to problems, but I am not sure

- you have not applied for any role on the server yet, which doesn't really show great dedication and actual interest in the server

- your answers on the scenarios are at the first ones good and detailed but some of them tend to be very short

- other people are replying, saying that you tend to be mostly a minge on SWRP which I cant confirm myself but I also cant say anything against it even though we were in CE together for some time

- both the server rules and the punishment list are not finished/public yet, so you ever lied on this one or read something different which both would not be good

Overall I would say Neutral, also other people applying might be fitting a lot better for staff right now.

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5 hours ago, rhino said:

I would tell the person to start RPing correctly or else they would be receiving a warning or worse a rank demotion if they are not taking it seriously, after that I would inform their Hierarchy and tell them about this person's action and how they are not roleplaying as their current rank.

Well there are a few mistakes here, Zombies / headcraps wont be a joinable faction, more like sth for events. Also you dont need to have VIP or PLAT VIP for civil protection, only for OTA for my knowledge. 

5 hours ago, rhino said:

I would firstly teleport them into an OOC room and give this person a warning to stop messing around and not performing RP. If he doesn't want to comply with me then I would have to give them a punishment depending on the rules stated, but if he does comply I would then return the person back onto IC world and silently spectate this person for a while maybe around 5 minutes just to see if this person is still messing around or not. If this person does still messes around I would then teleport them back to the OOC room and give this person a punishment for not obeying the rules.

Good answer on that one to spectate how he is behaving, but the rule he is breaking is still fail RP so yeah, you could´ve said this but if you are not staff on duty ( the staff whitelisted job ) I would recommend you not to watch him for that long as you tped to him out of an inc. situation .

5 hours ago, rhino said:

I would tell the person to start RPing correctly or else they would be receiving a warning or worse a rank demotion if they are not taking it seriously, after that I would inform their Hierarchy and tell them about this person's action and how they are not roleplaying as their current rank.

The only thing you could do, to my knowledge is warning them for failRP and talk to them but you cant punish them incharacter as rank demotion

5 hours ago, rhino said:

I would firstly interfere into the situation and get someone to explain to me what is happening and why this person decided to break RP and act OOC if this persons action is not corresponding on how the RP situation is suppose to be then I would have to tell this person that he has to accept the IC outcome no matter what. If this person still doesn't agree with it then I would have to tell Hierarchy to solve this situation or I can ask this specific person to bring it up onto the forums since other people RP is getting ruined too.


Like I already said you cant punish them incharacter ( still to my knowledge ). 



5 hours ago, rhino said:

There are a few reasons as to why I think I deserve staff more than other applicants. One of the main reasons is that I have a lot of experience with ULX commands and what I must do most of the times and what I MUST not do as a staff in general and obviously I understand how rules work most of the time and I have been playing this game for more than 6 years with over 12.000+ hours spent in this game alone. I have also staffed on RP servers so I would obviously know what to do as a staff since I already have experience as a staff member. I know that I might be fairly new to this community and I am not that popular amongst other candidates applicant but I can assure that I will do my best as a staff, in general, to make sure the people around me get to know me better and that I can show my potential on the server in general. Most people tend to apply when they are longer on this community to have a better chance but to me, I think that that's not the point for me. For me being responsible, honest, and loyal towards the server and staff is what I tend to achieve the most whether I am a staff member or just a normal player on the server. Another reason is that I can be on the server every day, I also live in Asia so that makes me available at night since it would be daytime for me and most staff would either be sleeping or doing other kinds of stuffs. That would be all of the reasons on why I think I deserve staff more than other applicants hopefully, I can be given a chance to prove myself that I am suitable in the staff team and get to know people better.

Sounds good but you should keep in mind that this server is probably more serious than the city RP server. You have a good knowledge of the ULX commands and your normal staff duties.

To come to an end, I have no clue what the others meant with CE from SWRP but you application seems decent with a few minor mistakes, the fact that you arent in a faction is no - argument at all because maybe you just want to play as a citizen but you are right that no one is really knowing you, so start to interact on the forums aswell as on the discord to people so we start to know you because its hard to get an opinion of you just by your staff application. 
And thats why I am going with neutral. You can re-apply ( or get accepted now ) later but the community should get to know you a bit better before trusting you with that responsibility 

Anyway good luck to you

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4 hours ago, Sooth said:


- you have some lore knowledge but in the question regarding C24 it seems like you put some filler sentences in to reach the word minimum


Yeah I'm sorry about this one I didn't have much knowledge about C24, since I've only played on that map once and didn't really know much about it and I had to do some research to gain some information about it.

4 hours ago, Sooth said:

- I am not sure but I think the microphone question is there because it is preferred having staff with mics, so if you are only typing that could lead to problems, but I am not sure


I've asked Joe he said that it is a recommended thing if i talk instead of typing but I just feel more comfortable with typing.

5 hours ago, Sooth said:

- you have not applied for any role on the server yet, which doesn't really show great dedication and actual interest in the server

- other people are replying, saying that you tend to be mostly a minge on SWRP which I cant confirm myself but I also cant say anything against it even though we were in CE together for some time

I wanted to apply for either CP or Lambda but I realized that it was full so I decided that I would wait until the applications are re-opened, since I much prefer to engage more into combat scenarios rather than passive RP. 

Me being a minge on SWRP was true. I know that my actions in the past would have an effect on me in scenarios like this but, hopefully, I can redeem myself in the near future if I do get a chance to reapply again.

5 hours ago, Sooth said:

- both the server rules and the punishment list are not finished/public yet, so you ever lied on this one or read something different which both would not be good

As for this one I thought it meant the rules on the discord since that was the only rule I saw that was remotely close to HL2RP but I was wrong and for the punishment list I will admit that I didn't know if there even was one so I just decided to say yes anyways, I promise to read the questions carefully and answer them correctly in the near future.

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4 hours ago, Feymous said:

Well there are a few mistakes here, Zombies / headcraps wont be a joinable faction, more like sth for events. Also you dont need to have VIP or PLAT VIP for civil protection, only for OTA for my knowledge. 

Good answer on that one to spectate how he is behaving, but the rule he is breaking is still fail RP so yeah, you could´ve said this but if you are not staff on duty ( the staff whitelisted job ) I would recommend you not to watch him for that long as you tped to him out of an inc. situation .

The only thing you could do, to my knowledge is warning them for failRP and talk to them but you cant punish them incharacter as rank demotion

Like I already said you cant punish them incharacter ( still to my knowledge ). 

Sounds good but you should keep in mind that this server is probably more serious than the city RP server. You have a good knowledge of the ULX commands and your normal staff duties.

To come to an end, I have no clue what the others meant with CE from SWRP but you application seems decent with a few minor mistakes, the fact that you arent in a faction is no - argument at all because maybe you just want to play as a citizen but you are right that no one is really knowing you, so start to interact on the forums aswell as on the discord to people so we start to know you because its hard to get an opinion of you just by your staff application. 
And thats why I am going with neutral. You can re-apply ( or get accepted now ) later but the community should get to know you a bit better before trusting you with that responsibility 

Anyway good luck to you.

I did not know that Zombie/Headcrab wasn't a faction that could be join. When I said that they would receive a punishment such as a rank demotion I didn't mean that I would be the one giving them a demotion since I am not apart of their faction nor I am high enough ranking to demote them what I meant was that if they keep this behavior up they would potentially get a harsher punishment or worse a rank demotion by their Hierarchy.

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3 hours ago, rhino said:

I did not know that Zombie/Headcrab wasn't a faction that could be join. When I said that they would receive a punishment such as a rank demotion I didn't mean that I would be the one giving them a demotion since I am not apart of their faction nor I am high enough ranking to demote them what I meant was that if they keep this behavior up they would potentially get a harsher punishment or worse a rank demotion by their Hierarchy.

Stop replying to your apps unless it's nessacary, you are just arguing with everyone that gives you a bad rating







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