
Tropical Outpost | Base Map Suggestion

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This is a suggestion for a new base map. This map looks the same as the current Rishimoon Map, however, there is a lot different. All is enclosed in this document if you are interested to know more.



Also the document progressively got more and more shit as it is 3 am and i want to go to sleep.


Edit: I think its probably best, if you are interested in the map, to download it and look around yourself because I describe it terribly and do it no justice whatsoever.

Edited by Navas

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The suggestion for seasonal rishi was already put on pending. And the summer edition requested there is much nicer than the one you have linked. So I would rather the other one get's implemented instead.



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6 hours ago, Kids said:

The suggestion for seasonal rishi was already put on pending. And the summer edition requested there is much nicer than the one you have linked. So I would rather the other one get's implemented instead.


I would prefer Navas suggested map to be added because Space's map Main Base is overcrowded with trees at the point which it does not look good (see image below), but Navas suggested map just has grass textures inside MB.


Also, Navas suggested map has some optimizations made to it as well. 

Edited by DarkerBlue

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9 hours ago, Kids said:

The suggestion for seasonal rishi was already put on pending. And the summer edition requested there is much nicer than the one you have linked. So I would rather the other one get's implemented instead.


To add to what Darker said, the seasonal Rishimoon maps dont have half as many changes as this one does. It also has multiple optimizations that the seasonal ones do not have. This means it will run considerably better than the seasonal ones. The seasonal maps are good but all they add is a different varient of the current Rishimoon, while this map takes the base of Rishi and has expanded it a tonne. As Darker mentioned, the trees are only outside of MB instead of inside as I also thought them to be slightly over-crowding MB due to the amount of them on that map.

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+1 This map is better in every single way than the ones that Space suggested. A lot easier to navigate without the rainforest surrounding you, as well as a lot of new features which are really beneficial to all. Would love this to be a added to the map rota.

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Good Map

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+1 i like this map over the other ones

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Elevator music and the map looks like it'd run properly

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yes add please

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I swear these kinda of maps have been suggested before. Infact, I'm pretty sure this exact map has been suggested before.

I don't mind if we got an improved map to rishi, and normal rishi is pretty lifeless unlike some of these other maps. However, if this is or the seasonal maps are added, then Rishibase needs to be replaced by them as it's the same map (with a few improvements in the same way unity base improved on the rp_starwars_base map).

Edited by Freeman
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The main problem which people see about these kind of maps are that Rishimoon isn't meant to be a forest, snowy or desert. Whereas, this is a custom map for another community so the map name doesn't contain anything about Rishimoon. 

The map is more optimized and holds a lot more featured which would help us. It is a lot more colourful which may help people to enjoy it. It is something different as we don't really have a map which is so packed with cool content. +1

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I believe this map should be implemented into the server. If it should replace the original Rishimoon im not sure tho. 
Navas document summarises the new features very well.
- I reallly like the bigger CC Room and the extended Bunks. Would help out a lot.
- The flat SIM Area floor is much better than the current rishi one.
- Overall just more features that can enhance both Passive RP as well as actual events.

- The only part I dislike is that the sky or skybox whatever you wanna call is dark/ its night like on the current Rishimoon.
 I believe it would look a lot better if it was actually bright/ day but thats just personal preference:

Overall +1

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