
The Serpent's Hand

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The Serpent’s Hand


"The Serpent's Hand is sort of the yin to the Coalition's yang. The Hand is a movement springing from opposition to the Coalition's whole… Big Brother thing. And to the idea of containing or suppressing the anomalous community.


They're the radical activists of the anomalous community… but also the ordinary people who don't take to their equivalent of Big Government. The Hand takes all types, anyone who wants to join. So there's a lot of decent folk and a lot of death cultists, too. There's heavy overlap between the Hand and the fringe communities, obviously, plus movements, like religious cults — or the occasional full-blown religion, like the Church of the Broken God — and anartist groups."


Welcome Letter




To anyone willing or able to read this: This is for you.


We are the Serpent's Hand.


We are a movement, unified by a common belief:


That humanity and all the other peoples of the known worlds do not deserve to be kept in darkness and ignorance.


The Serpent's Hand doesn't coordinate as a group. We are a loose collection of splinters. Our enemies tend to misunderstand this — for instance, the Foundation's obsession with L.S., a person most of us have never met. Or the Serpent's Nest, with their shifting identities. Yes, they are all leaders, because they are people we respect, people we take advice from, and some of us will follow their plans. But they aren't all of us.


There's no special way to join the Hand. There are no secret rituals done in basements or closets. We hold no elections for our leaders. If you want to become a member of the Serpent's Hand, all you have to do is decide you are a member of the Serpent's Hand.


Most of us are ordinary people, though our enemies do not understand this. We are ordinary people who embrace the anomalous, the supernatural, the ethereal. We oppose its suppression. How can we not? Our friends, family members, and sometimes we ourselves fall outside of the bounds of normalcy. Every single one of us has experienced the anomalous. We are the things in heaven and earth that were not dreamt of in your philosophy.


To the heralds of traditional power such as the SCP Foundation, the Global Occult Coalition, and most world governments, the anomalous is a slowly spreading poison, threatening to destroy everything civilization has worked so hard to create.


But anomalous people are people, and the anomalous itself is not a threat merely for existing. Yes, it presents danger, but so do germs and meteors and forest fires. Suppressing knowledge of something will only make it more dangerous, and keep all of us huddling, frightened, in the dark.


When normalcy starts hurting the people who have to live under it, to try to cure a 'poison', normalcy is itself the poison.


The SCP Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition are playing the role now that the Catholic Church played when they imprisoned Galileo for discovering that the world revolved around the sun. Their practices and beliefs are the death of knowledge, the death of science, the death of light.


Take the Wanderers' Library as an example, the place where the Serpent's Hand makes its home. The Library is the largest repository of knowledge the worlds have ever seen, the Holy Grail for those seeking to understand the preternatural. And yet, both the SCP Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition have been thrown out of this place that welcomes all. Why? Because they tried to destroy it, or take it for themselves so no one else could have it. Because of this, they are condemned to blunder in the dark.


Everyone reasonable agrees that people should defend themselves against supernatural threats. But how can you protect yourself if you burn and bury the books and imprison or execute the people who could tell you how? Would you try to protect yourselves against nuclear weapons by telling everyone to pretend they don't exist?


The Serpent's Hand were barred from the Library too, once. There was a reason we could not re-discover it until 1967. But no more. We've learned from our mistakes.


To any members of the GOC and the Foundation who may read this:


We are growing so large because of you. We were more like you, once, just one more inbred secret society hoarding occult knowledge to ourselves.


Then the Foundation began increasing its scale. There have always been Jailors, but not like this, not in millennia. Yet, still, they kept themselves in the dark, with only their leaders ever knowing the full extent of the world on Earth outside the everyday. So they were tolerable, for a time.


But then came the Seventh Occult War, the Foundation Civil War. The rise of the Global Occult Coalition — the Bookburners, the Big Brother — and the grand-scale campaign against the paranatural community that followed. The Coalition became the oppressive shelter to which the cowards of the paranatural community fled. A shame that there were only 108 slots, and only for human-dominated organizations. Or perhaps not a shame at all. Our old selves did not seek membership then, and we are fortunate for that.


So the Serpent's Hand rose up. Not out of desire, nor fear, but out of clear and pressing need. To keep all peoples from being chained forever in the dark.


We, the Serpent's Hand, ask both of you this:


How many KTEs does the Global Occult Coalition catalog? It must seem like the supernatural is a vast hydra — two new heads sprouting for each that is cut off. How long will you keep cutting?


How many SCP items does the Foundation contain now? Two thousand? Three thousand? Five? More? How long before there is no more room for prisons to be constructed? Will you put the whole world in a containment cell?


You admit it to yourselves, privately. The anomalous is on the rise. You cannot hold back the future forever.


You are the monsters you are so afraid of. Let go of your fear, and join us in the light.


And if you will not… if you keep imprisoning and killing innocents, if you keep forcing the world to stay in the dark… then you will meet the fate of all the slavers and murderers in the worlds' history before you.


We will free those you keep imprisoned. We will rescue those you try to kill.


The Garden is the Serpent's place.


We are the Serpent's Hand.


~ M.

The Wanderer's Library, 2014


Foundation Report #1


The Serpent's Hand is a small but formidable organization responsible for several security breaches. At least three different individuals have been encountered, all of whom used possible or confirmed anomalous items for infiltration purposes (including SCP-268, which was stolen from the Foundation, who had in turn recovered it during a raid of a Chaos Insurgency facility). The total number of members belonging to this organization is unknown, as is their level of technology, number of possible SCPs held, or total level of threat. However, it is clear they are highly coordinated and possibly dangerous. One of their leaders is thought to be a figure known as "L.S.", who is considered to be personally responsible for two security breaches in Foundation sites.


The Foundation currently has very little information about the Serpent's Hand, and almost all known information about the Serpent's Hand has been leaked from the GOC intelligence. The group seems to embrace the use and existence of paranormal items, and in particular seems to embrace humanoid and sentient SCPs. The Serpent's Hand has been highly vocal in criticizing the containment and destruction of these SCPs, especially those which are fully human and are not particularly destructive.


The group seems to have unfriendly relations with the Chaos Insurgency and the ORIA, and an extremely hostile relationship with the GOC. The only recorded cases of unprovoked violence by Serpent's Hand members have been against GOC agents.


The Serpent's Hand seems primarily based in an anomalous location called the Wanderers' Library, a building accessed through portals found in many different parts of the world. Direct assaults on the Library have so far proven unfeasible, even when entrance could be found. However, initial intelligence seems to suggest the Hand has little understanding or control over the place.


Foundation Report #2


The Serpent's Hand is a small but formidable organization that seems to be growing at a rapid rate and is responsible for a number of security breaches.


The group embraces the use and existence of paranormal items, and in particular, embraces humanoid and sapient SCP objects. The Serpent's Hand has been highly vocal in criticizing the containment and destruction of these SCPs, especially those which are not particularly destructive.


At least one hundred and seventy-seven individuals belonging to the Serpent's Hand have been identified, of which several dozen have taken part in raids on Foundation facilities, many of whom used anomalous items for infiltration purposes.


The total number of members belonging to this organization is unknown, as is their level of technology, the number of possible SCPs held, or total level of threat. It is clear they are highly coordinated and often dangerous. Their numbers appear to be increasing faster as more anomalies appear in the world.


The Serpent's Hand came to Foundation attention after encounters with the individual known as L.S., who seems to be a leader within the Serpent's Hand, and is personally responsible for two security breaches in Foundation sites.


L.S.'s first breach resulted in the theft of SCP-268, an artifact that the Foundation had recovered during a raid of a Chaos Insurgency facility. The Foundation first learned of the Serpent's Hand after L.S.'s second breach of Foundation security (see Security Breach Incident X23/Site-19).


The identity of L.S. has yet to be conclusively verified, though evidence points to the person of interest known as the Black Queen (see linked files).


For a long time, the Foundation had very little information about the Serpent's Hand. Existing information was received mostly through leaks from Global Occult Coalition intelligence, and was limited or incomplete in nature. GOC intelligence did not seem to reflect the current status of the group, despite clear inside information.


A breakthrough was made with the Foundation's discovery of the Wanderers' Library, an anomalous extradimensional location accessed through portals (referred to as "Ways") found in many different parts of the world. The Serpent's Hand seems primarily based on this location, though they have no direct control over it.


Direct assaults on the Library have so far proven unfeasible, even when entrance could be found. Foundation agents presently do not seem to be able to access the Library without making use of anomalous methods, and even then with near-zero success rate. Foundation agents are attacked on sight by anomalous entities upon successful entrance.


This also seems to be the case for GOC agents (though some are merely escorted out, while others are killed immediately). The GOC seems to have some access to the Library through intermediaries, however. Foundation efforts to infiltrate the Wanderers' Library are ongoing.


Mobile Task Force Tau-9 ("Bookworms") has been assigned to specialize in the investigation, tracking, acquisition, and containment of individuals and artifacts related to the Serpent's Hand and the Wanderer's Library. Due to the general necessity of non-anomalous containment methods and other difficulties, progress has so far been slow, though many identified Hand individuals are presently under surveillance.


The Serpent's Hand seems to be extremely active in the general paranormal community. They have a high level of interest in the Global Occult Coalition (who they call "The Bookburners") and the SCP Foundation itself (referred to as "The Jailors" or "Jailers"), regarding both with animosity.


The Hand's relationship with the GOC is particularly hostile; most recorded cases of unprovoked violence by Serpent's Hand members have been against GOC agents. The Serpent's Hand seem estranged from the GOC's 108 member organizations, despite similarities in focus on thaumotology and other occultic practices, and a number of shared methods.


This situation seems to be due to the GOC policy of destroying most anomalous entities which are non-human in origin or which they cannot efficiently control. Additionally, the GOC treats Hand members as enemy agents to be engaged or killed on sight. The Foundation seems to be the focus of less anger from the Serpent's Hand due to the Foundation policy of containing and not destroying most anomalous entities; however, Hand animosity towards the Foundation is still high.


The Hand has unfriendly relations with the Chaos Insurgency (who they call "The Madmen") and middling relations with the Office for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts (sometimes hostile, sometimes cooperative; see files on House Afseneh) and the Horizon Initiative.


The Hand seems to have neutral-to-friendly relations with the Manna Charitable Foundation and is tolerant of non-violent Fifthist Church and Church of the Broken God members.


A few members of the Hand seem to be also members of "Are We Cool Yet?" though they seem to be among the more pacifist members of that collective; a number of non-AWCY anomalous artists ("anartists") have been identified in the Hand's ranks as well.


The Hand seems to have occasional interactions with agents of Marshall, Carter, and Dark (whom they call "The Merchants") within the Wanderers' Library, though these seem neutral rather than friendly. Outside the Library, Hand members have clashed with MC&D agents on several known occasions.


Hand raids on Foundation facilities have been steadily increasing in number, as has their ability to evade capture and to successfully "liberate" SCP items. Formerly, the GOC seemed to be able to keep Hand numbers in check, but this no longer seems to be the case.


Efforts to neutralize the Serpent's Hand in a more permanent fashion are ongoing.


“We're in a side area. You know, for other stuff. Relaxing and sleeping and, you know, stuff. The actual books are in a different area.”


Wanderers’ Library Information


The Library is a place that exists outside of normal space, containing almost every book ever written, and many that never were. There are doors that lead to it all around the world, and in other worlds as well. If you climbed to the top of the shelves, you'd see more shelves as far as you could see. There are walls, there are limits to it, but it's far larger than any man-made building.


The Library exists, so far as anyone knows, to collect and make available books and information. All are welcome to check out books or other materials. Much of the Library's workings are mysterious to its patrons. Some parts, known as the Archives, are accessible only to a select few, while others may only be accessed by the Librarians.


There are a few simple rules to the Library. Return your books on time. Don't damage books. Don't steal books. Don't damage Library property. Don't harm those within the Library. The ranks of the Librarians are filled with those who could not or would not follow them.


The Librarians are the care-takers of the Library, who oversee its day-to-day maintenance. A patron is most likely to encounter one of three types on a given day.


The Archivists serve at the desks in the Main Hall of the Library. They have no eyes, but they know instinctively where to find any book in the Library. They also distribute the Library cards, check books out to people, and keep track of who has which book. If you look behind the desk, you'll find they have no legs, but instead are connected directly to the chairs that are rooted in the marble floor.


Pages reshelf the books in the Library. They have anywhere from six to ten arms, bowed legs, and squat bodies, making them excellent climbers, able to reach the highest shelves without need for a ladder. They rarely so much as touch the ground.


The Docents guide patrons through the Library, showing them where to find books, as well as stalking the stacks for violations of the rules. They are perfectly silent, and in fact have no mouths. Where their left hand should be, a chain grows, connected to a brass lantern that never grows dim.


The Docents in particular serve as the first line of defense for the Library against hostile entities. Some say that they are able to sense the presence of hostile beings even before they enter through a Way, although this claim is controversial, to say the least.


The Ways are connections between various worlds and realities. The Library is a nexus of ways insofar as almost every world is connected to it by at least one Way.


Each Way is a door of sorts. It can be anything from a literal door to an arch to a mirror. To go through, you have to "knock" at it; that is, do a specific action or fulfil some specific criteria. Maybe whistle in the right way or bring a seven-leaf clover or unspool a VHS copy of Enter the Dragon. That sort of thing. You "knock" at the Way, step through, and find yourself in a new world.


Not all Ways lead to the Library. Some lead to other worlds, some lead back to different places in the same world. The greatest minds, including those in the Serpent's Hand, have been unable to figure out how they work. If there's a logic to how they function, no one has been able to discover it yet.


Wanderers’ Library Orientation


What is the Wanderers' Library? Most of you have probably heard of it, and know it's, um, a library, and that the Serpent's Hand uses it and we… don't.


"…And that's about it.


"The Wanderers' Library is a library containing almost every book ever written, and many that haven't been written yet, and many that will never be written.


"We've got some footage for this. Give me a second to cue it up.


"Alright, more than a second. Gonna … keep talking.


"We won't be showing you the outside of the Library because as far as we know, no one has ever seen it. The Library is a place outside space. "Extradimensional" is the technical term, though not very descriptive. The Library isn't on our world, though it's connected to it.


"You reach it through Ways. Ways are a network of… basically magic portals that take you from one place to another. They're scattered around the world. The Foundation contains a number of them, mostly classified as anomalous items — a few networks are classified as SCPs.


"The Library is a nexus of Ways. The largest one on Earth. A Way that connects to the Library is called a Door because they attach to doors within the Library. Pretty simple.


"Using the Ways isn't so simple. Okay, some of them are. Each has a trick to it, to make it work. Some of them you just need to be invited in. Others require some ritual — sneeze on a shadow, recite a code-word, befriend a fairy, follow your pet cat, kill a sheep, play the harmonica as you walk through a doorway. Sometimes these are called Knocks.


"A Way can be anything you can picture as a door. Or anything like a door. A cave, an archway, the back of a truck. Technically, every shadow or mirror could be a Way, just not a useful Way. Some of them are just art pieces — I once used a picture of a door to enter the Library, back when I still could. Some of them are corridors between the stars.


"They're more common than you'd think, too. At least a few in every major city. We know the locations of a few, but we know that many more exist.


"If someone from the Foundation or the Global Occult Coalition tries to use Ways, they either don't work, or the Library redirects them into … dangerous places. Other planets. Barren, hostile lands. Outer space. Someone reported that one literally opened into Hell — you can take that for whatever you think it's worth. More commonly, though, they just funnel us into the Library Archives and make us into Librarians.


"I'll explain that in a moment — we've got the footage working.


<The footage shows two women and one man, walking through a forest. One woman wears a skimpy Godzilla costume. The other woman wears full plate armor. The man is dressed in a red costume covered with plastic flames.>


"So this is a fairly typical — Question? — Why the costumes? Oh — this particular Way requires you to dress up as something you're not. So… cosplaying. These are our agents, by the way. In plainclothes. Er… I guess not… plainclothes.


"Godzilla is Agent Jones. The knight is Agent Liu. The last one's here today — Agent Navarro. The one in the, um, flaming outfit. Say hi to everyone, Agent Navarro. You know you want to.


<The footage shows the three agents walking between two trees which have grown closer together. As they pass between the trees, they vanish into thin air. The footage cuts out.>


"Anyway. These are three of our members of Sigma-3 who can access the Library. Out of the entire Foundation, generally, only members of Sigma-3 can get into the Library — and only some of them can, at that.


"We think the Library has some way of knowing who's going to use the Library to target its patrons — and not just in the present, but in the future. Yeah, the Library seems to have some limited ability to see the future. How? Your guess is as good as mine.


"This is, by the way, why Sigma-3 doesn't help the rest of the Foundation contain people in the Library. If they did that, they'd simply be kicked out. And then we'd lose our 'in' to one of the most important anomalous locations in the world.


<The footage resumes. It shows Agents Jones, Liu, and Navarro, now in ordinary clothing, standing in a huge hall, surrounded by massive shelves of books, going up, skyscraper-high, too high to see the top. In the hallway are many tables, and many people — well over a hundred, at least. As the footage plays on, it becomes obvious that not all of the people in the lobby are human. One person passes in front of the camera — their face is blue and covered in spikes. A thirty-foot-tall walking carpet sits down at a nearby table, with a book in each of its three tails.>


"This is the main hall of the Library. It's… even bigger than it looks. This is actually a pretty empty day — usually, there's at least a few hundred people around at any given time. And it can hold thousands just as comfortably.


"Spaces are deceiving, in the Library. For example, in the main hall, it takes half a day to reach the back walls… yet the space you've crossed is at least the size of a continent.


"Oh, and that's just the main hall. The Library has many wings. Some of them are small — only the size of a city. It just goes up from there. Some of them are actually built into forests and some of them have their own skies…


<As the footage continues, Agent Navarro appears to try to converse with a robed humanoid figure. The figure has no mouth. Where its left hand should be, there's a chain connected to a glowing brass lantern.>


"…Ah yes. That is a Librarian. Yeah, that one has no mouth.


"This is because being a Librarian is a punishment. Usually. There are a few voluntary Librarians, and they look particularly strange. But we won't be seeing those on this recording.


"The ones with no mouths are Docents. They guide people through the Library and… enforce the rules of the Library. They are scary as hell — just one can take out one of our paramilitary squads all on its own, with ease. When they've been involved in containment breaches, which has been incredibly, incredibly rare, the damage has been massive. And they're not even the Library's biggest defenses.


"The other two common Librarians are Archivists and Pages. You can see some of the Archivists in the background of this shot here — they're at the large desks to the left. They are attached to their chairs — they have no legs. And you can't see it from this angle, but they have no eyes. Don't need them to read, apparently. And —


<Something like a human spider scuttles across one of the shelves above Agent Liu's head. She doesn't seem startled.>


"—that's a Page. They take care of the books directly. I've never seen one touch the ground.


"All of these used to be people. Most of them were human. Now, they're not.


"See, the Library has rules. Don't damage books, don't steal books, return books on time. Don't damage the Library. And don't harm those within the Library.


"If you break rules too egregiously, you are forcibly made into a Librarian. And… yes. A number of Foundation agents are trapped in the Library right now, serving out sentences as Librarians. Given the nature of their offenses… if we're lucky, they'll get out in a few hundred years.


"Question in the back. No. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do for them. We don't even know which Librarians they are. Ah — more questions — alright, let's pause the footage.


<The footage pauses, as Agent Jones appears to be flirting with a floating, regal-looking mermaid, surrounded by a stack of green books floating in orbs of water.>


"Alright. More questions. You in the, um, shirt, go ahead.


"Can we use Sigma-3 to retrieve books from the Library? Um, no, not as such. First, the Library already has its eye — metaphorically, I assume — on us. If we start making plans like that, even seriously start entertaining them, we might lose access to the Library. We have to rely on whatever information can be filtered through our Sigma-3 agents. Whatever they can film, copy down, etcetera. Believe me, that's better than nothing.


"Second, I haven't yet talked about Library Cards.


"To check out books, to take them out of the Library, you need to have a Library Card. The Library gets a copy and you get a copy. On that Card is a magical signature that counts as your True Name.


"For the majority of you who don't get the significance of that — we don't have time to get into the True-Naming business, but what that means is, anyone with that Card can cast spells on you as if you're willing. They can do nearly anything to you if they're good enough, and the Library certainly is.


"Library Cards also confer the protection of the Library, to a certain extent. Killing Card-holders is part of why the Global Occult Coalition got kicked out of the Library — they were smart enough not to kill anyone in the Library directly, though they did end up killing — sorry, I digress.


"Point is, the Coalition used the Library to monitor 'dissidents' and execute them once they left. And you can't cheat the Library.


"I bring that up as another reminder: this is why Sigma-3 cannot, ever, help the rest of the Foundation contain anomalies using the Library. We can get death cults and suchlike because they're also targeting other Library members and because other Library members are helping us do so, but even then, we have to be cautious.


"Let's keep going.


<The footage resumes. Navarro, Jones, and Liu head past more massive, endless shelves, and walk into an atrium. There's a coffee-house set up incongruously on the edge of a field of wildflowers. People perch laptops atop stacks of books. Liu gestures animatedly at an empty blue "couch" that looks like it was designed for something much larger than a human, and probably with a different limb arrangement.>


"Another question — Does the Library have free Wifi? Okay, I know you're joking, but the answer is actually yes. The Library has almost anything you can think of. People can live their entire lives in the Library — they typically don't, but it's possible.


<A massive, towering behemoth lumbers into view. Like a cross between a sauropod dinosaur and a Kraken. Its many eyes fix on each small humanoid in turn as it passes, blotting out whatever strange light source emanates from the top of the Library atrium. Its eyes seem to fix for an especially long time on Jones, Navarro, and Liu, but then it passes onwards, vanishing through an archway that's much too small for it to fit under.>


"…And that… is one of the Library's bigger defenses. This one didn't appear when we invaded. Worse things did. It might be some kind of Librarian, it might be something else. Who knows?


"They call it the Elephant God, even though it's not much like an elephant. The size, I guess.


<The footage ends, as the three Foundation agents gawk at the monster's disappearing tails.>


"And that's all we have for today. Keep in mind, all this is only a fraction of the Library. The parts that can easily be accessed from Earth. The Library has what they call Archives, which include the inner workings of the Library, as well as the wings of the Library where humanoids like us don't visit.


"None of the Sigma-3 agents who can get into the Library have access to the Archives. The Library doesn't like us enough. But we have people working with us who can go there. A very few, mind you. The Archives are not entered lightly. They have a manticore in there.


"And… the Archives are where things really went sideways when the Foundation forced their way into the Library. The strange-ways, the Boiler Rooms, the guards on the Roots, the… I'm sorry. It's hard to talk about some… aspects of this place without… sounding like you're speaking fairy-tale. Anyway, as I said, no one really knows what happened when the Foundation tried to take the Library.


"Alright. I really, really, need a break. So let's all have dinner, and then come back for our final discussion — about magic.


"The Serpent's Hand does want to change the world. And to some extent, though you won't hear most of us in the Foundation admit this, they've succeeded."


In-Character Section




The Serpent's Hand is a group of individuals who believe that the supernatural should not be suppressed or kept secret. Their individual ideologies can vary a great deal, as can their methods. They're more of a loose political movement than a concrete organization. The membership varies from normal humans who want to show what they've learned to others to those gifted with extranormal abilities, and even to non-human entities that desire the acceptance of human society.


While there is some debate about the age of the group, most agree that it has existed in one form or another since at least the late 19th century. For reasons that were unclear, the Hand was unable to access the Library for some time. It was only in 1967 that the Library was "rediscovered" by the Hand.


Despite the Hand's close association with the Library, there is no official link between the two. The Library serves as a base of operations and general meeting place for the Hand, but the Hand has no ownership over it in any meaningful sense.


There is no centralized command of the Serpent's Hand, with dozens of different factions and splinter groups each acting out their agenda under the name of the Serpent's Hand. This lack of organization is a function of the Hand's sole criteria for membership being "a willingness to consider oneself a member of the Hand." More than anything, the Serpent's Hand is an umbrella for those who wish to understand the worlds a bit better. It makes no demands of its members, nor gives any promises.


That being said, there are certain figures within the Hand who, through deeds, scholarship, or charisma, are more likely to have their voices listened to. One such figure is L.S., a leader of one of the more radical factions of the Hand. Engaging against, rather than just avoiding, groups like the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition, L.S. has made a name for themselves, despite never being seen.




- Small organization that embraces the use and existence of paranormal items and abilities as well as anomalous lifeforms

- Use anomalous items for infiltration and combat purposes.

- Is a loose collection of cells not acting as a group

- One has only to consider himself a member of the Serpent’s hand to be one

- Congregate in the Wanderers' Library, an interdimensional nexus, filled with books regarding the paranormal

- Hostile towards the Foundation, Open Combat with GOC.

- Try to protect innocents from harm, but no one else




Out of Character Section




The overall goal of the Serpent's Hand is to create a whitelisted Group of Interest which interacts with Foundation unlike current groups that are locked to the surface and groups such as the Chaos Insurgency who's interactions kind of suck. The idea for the Serpent's Hand is to also allow for creative roleplay considering the group allows for unusual characters, character development, and playstyles which should allow for unique roleplay (hopefully).




- Owner: Ludwig Ahgrin

- Co-owner: [Position Avaliable]

- Manager: [Position Avaliable]


Application Section:




- The preferred word count is 600 however that can fluctuate.

- Answer all questions.

- 3 days is the Minimum playtime required

- Answer the questions of how your character would.

You get a letter one day asking you questions, the letter is signed by "L.S". You decide to respond, answering each question at a time:



«                              »




Dear L.S.:

My official name [RP name] is...:

My Online Identities [Steam Name & Discord Name] are...:

My Library Card Signature [SteamID] is...:

The time I have spent inside of the Library [Playtime] is...:


My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was...:

I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as...:

I would describe myself as...:

My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with...


Edited by Norra


Link to comment

Applications are open.                                             


A woman in a black trenchcoat walks up to a man sitting on a bench near a lamppost. She sits down next to this man and passes a note to him. The note has a drawn SCP Foundation logo on the top, it writes out:

One of the Ways is nearby. Figure out a way to join the Serpent’s before something was to happen. This is an order from the Director.


-Agent Kali

Edited by Norra


Link to comment

Dear L.S.:

My official name [RP name] is Phil Kroonic

My Online Identities [Steam Name & Discord Name] are Kruni & Bobanindika#6392

My Library Card Signature [SteamID] is STEAM_0:1:92235527

The time I have spent inside of the Library [Playtime] is 5 weeks and 2 days


My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was to achieve wisdom the Library will offer to us, and use it to prevent Bookburners and Jailors, (even the Madmen and Merchants) to use humanoid sentient beings for their own advantage. I have little to no respect for those who support them.

I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as

It being a group of individuals who use and recruit anomalous objects and people into their ranks, with the purpose of making the anomalous the norm. They don't specifically have an organization but have a main base of operations known as The Wanderer's Library- an interdimensional, infinite library. Due to their nature, many of the larger organizations refer to them as terrorists.

Their mission - The Serpent's Hand is a political movement, and not an organization (similar to Are We Cool Yet?, instead being an artistic movement). The Serpent's Hand believes in anomalous rights and the mixture of normalcy and anomaly- something which directly contradicts the SCP Foundation and the GOC's mission. As a result of this, the SCP Foundation and the GOC have taken to calling The Serpent's Hand "terrorists," while The Serpent's Hand has taken to calling them "Jailors" and "Bookburners" respectively.

While The Serpent's Hand does not have a centralized leadership, multiple "cells" have formed, in which each displays their own levels of hostility to outsiders, acceptance of newcomers, etc. One of the largest and most aggressive cells is run by "L.S.," whose true identity remains a mystery (though, it is most likely The Black Queen/Alison Chao (L.S. - standing for little sister))

Their history - even though their past is mysterious, however, what I do know is that The Serpent's Hand didn't have a concrete start- due to their nature, they just grew. At one point, they had received access to The Wanderer's Library, however, had lost access to the Wanderer's Library for a while, until it was rediscovered in 1967. Following this, those who were part of the Serpent's Hand could access the Library once more.

I would describe myself as a very social and prominent man, capable of making you think twice before talking again. Never has he let a secret pass by , and never has he let it pass on. Once worked in a library in a high school, Serbia, but as the flames of war have reached my country , my library burned. NATO has destroyed homes, killed numerous people , obliterated artifacts, museums and objects of historic importance. I was dispatched to pull out and retrieve my fallen brothers , as per serving the military call. A legless man, I have cheered up. A paralyzed man, I have made smile. It was horrible but yet beautiful to give them hope. Never took pity on my enemies, or dushmans how we call them here in Serbia, they have aided NATO's actions and burned churches and homes, killed children and families. It was then that I grew responsible and aware of how the world really is, and I will never forget the cries and screams I would hear before it all going completely white, after a sound of a huge explosion somewhere close to me muffled their screams. As of this, whoever is a friend of mine, is who I love and have ultimate respect for. Whoever stands on my way to tie up loose ends is not a friend, and my blood will seal those who find themselves on my way for justice to be served.

My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with the end of the war, UN is now residing on Kosovo and yet multiple people are trying to retrieve what is not theirs. It was when UN arrived for the yet abnormal to come. Global Occult Coalition and Horizon Initiative have taken their efforts in locating these objects that were primarily on Kosovo's territory, all while fighting Albanians who were trying to steal our valuable resources, including the abnormal ones. The war was over and we took a few days there before going home to our families. My wife was in catatonic state and I wanted to visit her immediately , but was rejected and our trip home was postponed for tomorrow. We were all sleeping in the barracks when the gunshots  had awaken us. We all went out but soon the gunshots seized and we could hear multiple voices yelling to bring in the medical support. Apparently a few soldiers have rioted against the postponing of the trip home, even though it was supposed to happen in 6 hours. They tried to escape and fought their way out upon being noticed by guards . We were told to return to sleep and there's nothing to worry about now. In the morning, we line up in front of the barracks for report. Witnessing the 6 bodies being stuffed into bodybags, and then shoved into a truck are to be sent home towns for proper funerals, but one of them begins to move. This is followed by now 2 more, then 1, then all of them begin moving slowly but visibly enough. My memory from here on is really fuzzy. I remember giant outgrowths of heavily mutilated bodies now trying to attack us, and us hiding in the outpost trying to seek shelter from powerful beings. All in all, I received a fatal hit at one point to my head and was rescued by a still unknown-to-me individual. I was relocated about 20 kilometres from the original outpost, in a small town in Kosovo, hospital. Yelling, whistling and many many voices coming from the streets woke me up. I had a bandage wrapped around my forehead, but still felt pretty good. Looking near me, I saw damaged brothers lying nearby. I handled the remote to one of them who was awake and said I was going for a walk. I opened a small closet near our beds and found my wallet and cellphone in there. My goal was to get out of here and return home as intended, so I sneaked through the hospital and left through the window, still in hospital pijamas. People were starting to notice me , it was only the matter of time before someone reports a missing patient from the hospital, especially because of me being a warface. I found a nearby clothing shop, and bought myself a shirt , jeans and shoes to blend in the population a little bit. I also bought a cap to cover my bandages on head. I exit the suburban shop, and now I saw many people protesting against something. It was against the UN . Apparently they jailed someone and are planning to kill, my mistake - completely obliterate to no remains from this world, because of an anomalous property. The whole city was in ruins, UN soldiers everywhere beating up people. You'd be surprised but people seem to outnumber them, so they easily fought off the UN forces. I ignored all of this and went for a car on the street. After great amount of time wandering around and finding cars without gas , or corrupted ones, I managed to get a hold of one car to fit the road I was about to go. As I turned on the engine, I opened up my cellphone and dialed my wife - Hannah. A voice on the other line asked who it is, and I told that It's Phillip, her husband. The voice sounded surprised and asked how I was alive. She introduced her self as nurse Marina , and asked where I was and how I was still alive again. I told her that I survived through all of it and Hannah knew it because we were always in contact, but then the nurse said - "But we were told yesterday by military that the outpost you've been on is a massive casualty of a bombarding leaving no one alive". This all sounded very weird, I said that it is me and that I am alive, and "no there was no bombing casualty..." then  I stopped realizing what has actually happened. I told the nurse that I am coming for my wife and to remain in the hospital, but she replied saying that Hannah was transferred to a different hospital and she has been trying to find her to give her phone back ever since. She had no information on where she could be, I hanged up and had a trip to Aleksinac. My wife was no where to be found in the region, no one knew where she was. 

This is when it all changed for me - I receive a call one morning as to give info for my wife, the voice on the other line spoke: "Mr. Krunich , your wife is here. She is holding up , but she can't wait to see her husband. Aren't you supposed to be dead?"  "No, who I am is not important and shouldn't be at all, I am your little helper here. You want to see your wife don't you?" "Yes, I knew what answer to expect. Great! We will be expecting you in the hospital you managed to escape, don't let us wait too much" After which he hanged up. There was nothing to prove whether this was truth or just a very sick joke played by a madman. Either way a madman it is. I traveled all the way back there with my handgun in place. I found Hannah lying in bed , alive. I grasped and was able to kiss her finally. Then the door shut. Several sort of  men-in-black emerged from the corners of the room. One of them turned on the radio device "The fish took the bait" and they forced me into cuffs and pulled me away from my wife. They said it was a miracle  I survived , that they will find out how I did it , and make sure I don't repeat. As we reached outside, only then I noticed my dead wife being put in a UN truck. They killed her. I started to struggle and wanted to kill everyone involved in this, and a mass of rioters breached the UN blockade , killing several UN soldiers in the process. They killed my captors and set me free, after which I thanked them. "No need to thank the inevitable justice" my rescuer said. I opened the back of the truck and gave my final goodbyes to Hannah, saying I will kill whoever is responsible for this. I joined the rioters on my way back , breaching the headquarters of UN , I managed to regroup with my rescuer , we'll call him Dan since he refused to say his name the whole time and he properly informed me about the situation. He said that he knows me and what happened, and that bookburners are responsible for capturing innocent civilians who were struck by an unknown force. I asked him who are the bookburners specifically , and he informed me about the GOC operating under UN's arm, trying to destroy what is abnormal to our world and not accepted by the global community. He said that they have big plans to accept this abnormalcy as normal and that people would be safer from danger then. We stopped talking here and continued the riot through GOC soldiers who are throwing tear gas and shooting rubber bullets at us. I took out a real gun and took some of them down , which proved to be very sufficient. We made our way inside and killed the last of the soldiers left. Dan spoke to me again, saying that I look like a man of knowledge, and not war, and that I should visit a library sometimes. I smiled and said that I worked in a one, and he asked me if I want to see his library. I accepted, and he responded with "You shall find our Way once the riot is brought to an end with a victory. You and several others will seek wisdom in our library , and use it to prevent the bookburners from hurting anymore innocent lives and serve justice to this peoples. Just stay close" . This were the finals of the riot , and after breaching into the headquarters, GOC officials have surrendered. All of them were killed by our own hand.
The Serpent's Hand. 

Edited by Kruni
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Dear L.S.: 

I would say that I am surprised to receive the prestige of this very letter. Perhaps you already knew. Regardless, that does not matter at the moment. It is a pleasure to converse in this manner with yourself and if you're not a singular entity, my greetings. Not many take to sending physical copies via pen and paper to acquaintances anymore, do they?

My official name [RP name] is...: Lord Samuel Alexander Craig, ruler of Craigsville, slayer of monsters and taker of souls. Fellow acquaintances and those with acceptable attention spans recall that I prefer to be called simply as, Sam. Excuse me; the crossed out title is simply self-given. It sounds egocentric, I know, but what's the harm it giving a little bit of fun in things, correct?

But if you must know, I was once indeed elected leader of a rural village of peasants simply for, well, 'elevating their poor conditions', if you could call it that by blessing them with 'holy water'. Want to know the secret? Well, i'm going to tell you anyways; I threw a can of coke (the contents) at a degraded statue of a monster that the locals believed to be plaguing the land and for whatever reason, causing them all to fall miserably to the ground and prostate in front of said statue.

After the rather embarrassing events of witnessing all of these locals bow before an inanimate object, I took it upon myself to see if I could snap them out of their simply idiotic mindset. Summed up, they handed me all of their worldly possessions!.. well, no, not really. I got to keep a shiny rock and a patchwork crown that doesn't even sit properly atop my head. Moving on. As for the monster slaying and taking of souls? I deserved it! I helped a mass of people in their times of need!

My Online Identities [Steam Name & Discord Name] are...: Sir Rose & Carson Smith / Sir Rose#9820

My Library Card Signature [SteamID] is...: STEAM_0:0:43258039

The time I have spent inside of the Library [Playtime] is...: Two weeks, two days and three hours.


My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was...: simply to join an entourage involved in the exploitation of those whom would shroud the world in the mundane. Once upon a time ago I was a conspiracy theorist working independently in the great country known as the United States of America. I did, though, stumble upon something that others would consider unnatural and no, it isn't the Dark Side bull crap that those Star Wars films make it out to be, but something that the shadowy organisations behind closed doors and high up in their government complexes call Anomalies!

To describe said anomaly, it was a book that gave paper cuts. No, really. It gave paper cuts every time a page was opened and a word read aloud. Fearing for my life due to excessive blood loss, I dropped the book splattered with my blood, and here's the most interesting part; the words began moving. They popped out of the book and just started roaming around, leaving crimson red footsteps before reducing themselves to dust.

So you see, I began thinking, and when I think, ideas begin to form. I did not believe for one second after that moment that this world was as it should; it was too mundane. You know those crappy ass alien pictures those other theorists procure? Those ones are fake. What I had was something concrete and real. I stored the book in my personal collection of oddities as one of what would be many, hoping to share what I had with the world so that we could co-exist with these anomalies. I knew I was ready to discover and share this knowledge among others things.

I distrusted my colleagues, however. Friends, rather, in terms of waiting for the right moment to reveal the collection I had begun amassing to the world. To explain it further; I had hired workers via the stone I partly sold, (turns out it was some rare mineral of sorts. Who would've known!), search and excavate areas which detailed 'rare artifacts' from suburban areas with local folklore and the whatnot. The more I uncovered, the more wary I become of these anomalies. It made me mature; I began understanding as to why these organisations would rather keep them secret; the world was not ready for it. Yet. And so, I began my search for someone who would understand; someone who would finally be able to accept what I had to offer, my ideas, thoughts, my collection, with the world in a sense that made people come together, and not push them away from each other.

I began uncovering secrets that would get me killed. Probably. Yes, killed is the right word; there was this Foundation that worked to hoard and shroud anomalies for their own use.. another which deemed them to dangerous and outright destroyed them. There was one that wished to rebuild a God from machine parts (as crazy as it sounded to me) and another that called themselves the Chaos Insurgency. I mean, what was with that, right? They literally call themselves 'Chaos!'. Anywho, revealing my knowledge to any of these individual organisations would probably mean the confiscation of my collection and my summary death. I knew to much, that was for sure; I was smart enough to know that.

It was at this time that a singular name began flowing in the corners of my vision, just out of earshot, just within sight. The Serpent's Hand'. I seeked knowledge, protection, the freedom to do as I please (for the most part), and to have the world accept anomalies for what they were. 

I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as...: your fabled Wanderer's Library. Apologies, I meant the Serpent's Hand's, fabled Wanderer's Library; a place in which every book exists; books that would, have been, and never have been written. I am something of a bookworm myself, but this is something far beyond my understanding. Their formality is appreciated, as a Library is expected to be with the need of returning books undamaged and having the knowledge free for all those who express interest in it. Perhaps i'll be able to jot down the correct word without having to cross it out after a few hundred books or so.

It is said that the Wanderer's Library is limitless and after the things that I have seen and the oddities that I had collected, I am somewhat inclined to agree with that thought.  Aside from that, it is mentioned in most scriptures of the Library that there are access points to other 'worlds', as they call it via a method of travel called a 'Way', a door, if you will. An extremely intriguing venture if I do say so myself. Something I would like to mention is how dangerous the Library can be to those that seek to go against it's rules or residents, that being the Librarians, Archivists and Pagers. Quite the characters those things are. Funny thing; as inhumane as they look, they were once like you and I. The Library Card's that are acquired are by no means normal. If you get one, it is what is considered as your True Name, whatever that means. I apologize for my rather informal, stream of consciousness-like wording, here, but I do believe it is a representation of an individuals soul.

I suppose I could note down as to what The Serpent's Hand's grand design is. I would know, it's something similar to my own ideology in a way, even if most are more barbaric or mundane in their methods. The Hand desires to repress that which suppresses the anomalous and otherwise unnatural from being seen and used in the world as we know it. I also know that The Serpent's Hand was responsible for a number of security breaches concerning the SCP Foundation and tends to recruit from all walks of life. The freedom they adhere too is impressive; who could say no?

I would describe myself as...: Sane as a bird, eccentric as Einstein. Ok, I admit; that was not very clever of me. Point is, I am a seeker, a finder, a taker of knowledge, and one whom shares with those whom deserve it. I'm not a picky person either; I did have pineapples on pizza at some stage. It takes a brave soul to pull that off.

My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with... an old yet functional toilet, sometime after I had begun amassing my collection of various artifacts of power and intrigue. I had heard stories from one of my employees in Texas that certain individuals within a bar's bathroom were periodically disappearing from time to time at a specific time of day. Not wanting to pass the opportunity up at potentially soiling my clothes in, well, feces.

I had setup a rather obscure monitoring station equipped with sound recording and video equipment, built to track any changes in the behaviors of the tenets and patrons of the bar. After much patience, my equipment began noticing something strange; the bar had one individual less, one less than the original amount. There was no possibility that anyone could of escaped via any other means; there was only one entrance. I made my move towards the bar.

Once I arrived at the toilet.. it did not appear out of the ordinary. Just a toilet. Apparently it was out of order too, so it couldn't function in the first place. In the name of uncovering that which should be uncovered and for my own personal gain, I did what had to be done. I sat down, pulled my pants down, and took a shit... and that was that. The shit was done, I reached for the handle, and that's when it happened - I was somewhere else; a place filled with books, walls that were as high as sky scrapers and with creatures of varying designs and horrifying makeup. All with my pants down. Suffice to say I was appropriately horrified by my inappropriate appearance, especially since three rather mundane individuals were staring at me with their brows raised high and eyes filled with scrutiny at my otherwise exposed position.

They didn't say anything, though, much to my relief. They simply walked away in a collective direction. Dazed as I was, I followed them. Several minutes of walking had me wide eyed at the vast collection of books surrounding me; I must have looked like a lost puppy. The three individuals said nothing as they suddenly stopped and turned to face a lamp, a desk and a chair. Each of them procured a blank piece of paper, a red apple and a knife. I was intrigued; their coordination was immaculate and almost frightening. They proceeded to cut straight down the middle of the apple, thereafter proceeding to place the halves of each apple underneath the lamp. Each of them took a seed, placed it in their mouths and swallowed. 

They stopped, briefly, looking towards me. One of them, a female Caucasian of unimportant features procured another apple, a piece of paper and a knife, before turning back to their duties. I was astonished; perhaps they wanted me to do as they did?

The three turned their attention back towards the items in front of them. The paper's began wrapping themselves around the cut apples, extremely cleanly if I must say so myself. They placed their hands on the now paper apple slices and, well, they were no longer there, including the items they used, but not the ones they had left for me. I felt sick; it was probably the sudden location change and overwhelming amount of alien-like monstrosities in the area, but I knew what I needed to do. Quickly, I repeated their actions, taking care to be as immaculate as them. Once I swallowed the seed, I was sitting in a chair, surrounded by people, all staring at me. The female was also there, closest to me.

She said only one thing.

"We are The Serpents Hand."


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Dear L.S...

If this is even you,

My official name [RP name] is...: Jason Dal, O5 11 The Liar, Agent Executive

My Online Identities [Steam Name & Discord Name] are...: Spectre, Spectre#2236

My Library Card Signature [SteamID] is...: STEAM_0:1:118119498

The time I have spent inside of the Library [Playtime] is...: 2 weeks


My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was...: to embrace the anomalous world. What has been opened to my eyes is that we now live in a world of lies. I can't decide what the truth is anymore, from my shower curtain to my coffee mug, the limit of our new world is indescribable. I joined the Serpent's Hand to understand the anomalous world. To show others that there is more then just going to a job that pays too less, and back to a house that is too expensive. The world is 100x more interesting and has more meaning when you embrace the anomalous world. Joining the Serpent's Hand was the first step towards taking a stand, a stand in showing people the anomalous world, a stand in fighting against disinformation.

Figures such as L.S who stand as a type of a figure head for the Hand sprung me into action. I have lived long enough in a world controlled by liars. I have lived long enough in a world where I go day by day and wonder if there is something more. I have lived long enough in a world where men in suits are "shadows." I have lived long enough out of the loop, it was time for me to get inside the loop. I used to go by my days and see suspicious things, things that were unworldly and dust it off, but that will stand no longer, it is time for me, and everyone else to embrace the world that so many of us have no idea is even there.

I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as...: its place in our world. The Serpent's Hand with its figure heads such as L.S or its anomalous ties such as the Wanderer's Library has so many things to discover and find out. The Wanderer's Library by itself is more then a person can handle, from its endless amount of books that has every and all books written and those beyond. It is a utopia of knowledge; you need to find something out? The Wanderer's Library will have it. Want anything as simple as a good read? The Wanderer's Library will have it. But I also know from the writings, and my own experiences that the Wanderer's Library is not a easy place to reach, and it exiles those it does not fit as worthy.

I also know what The Serpent's Hand is and what most of its opposition gets wrong. The Serpent's Hand isn't a coordinated group with a set of laws, rules. It holds no elections, no men are designated to a place of power, nothing is forbidden, and nothing is required to join. The Serpent's Hand has its tastes of the radical to the easy going. The Serpent's Hand is a group of cells, and as described above some cells are different then others. Some take direct actions to  those that oppose the ideals of releasing the anomalous knowledge. This is what keeps and makes the Serpent's Hand strong and whole. Anyone from a high school student to a CEO of a big business, anyone can join the Serpent's Hand. And as the days go by and more become informed about the anomalous world we grow strong, and that doesn't just count The Serpent's Hand but those who are embracing the anomalous world. Our message is getting out there, and that is the main goal of the Serpent's Hand, if you asked me what the duty of a Serpent's Hand member was, I would tell you that it is it keep the common people well informed.

I would describe myself as...: Fanatical. I am Fanatical for the Serpent's Hand and its ideals. Radical. I cannot stand by and let something that could be in my hands stay out of my hands. Scared. We all can admit it, we are somewhat scared of what the anomalous world can bring, it isn't all sunshine and rainbows, I am scared for my well being, those close to me, fellow Serpent's Hand Members. Obsessed. I am afraid and hate to admit it, but I believe that I have fell far into the rabbit hole. The anomalous world and its secrets has consumed me, I am half of the person I was before I embraced it. There is so much to learn, and it never stops and it never will. From possible world eaters to a chair that can adapt to the person that sits in it, it is a endless amount of information just like the Wanderer's Library. Everything from your car to your fork could be anomalous and you don't even know it. Shit, you, me, we could be anomalous. 

My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with... A Laptop. I had my laptop for about a year before its true meaning delivered itself to me. When i first got into the anomalous world and the Serpent's Hand I was using the Laptop to look into sightings of anomalous activity. I can remember the night like it was yesterday. It was late, I think 11:34 pm was the time on my Laptop. I was about to head to bed when the Laptop opened a tab and automatically put in a URL. The Laptop didn't send em directly to the site, but it left the url there and as it taunted me to hit enter to head to the website, I almost put it down. But my curiosity was too strong and I hit enter. I was shot to the website. The whole website was a picture of a book, and then words on the cover of it. The words wrote "would you give up something so dear to you, if you would grant you a unworldly gift?" I had goosebumps, I sat there, laptop sitting on my lap, my head resting on the bed stand. I must have sat there for 30 mins before I looked down at the ring on my finger. A ring that is passed down through generations of my family, it was written in the will of one of my ancient ancestors that the ring must be passed down to the first of kin. I knew that it was something very dear to me and those around me, but the obsession for knowledge was too great. I took the ring off my finger and placed it on the laptop. The ring dissolved and the screen acted like a tractor beam. It sucked me into the Library. The rest is history....

Edited by Jason Dal
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Dear L.S.:                                        

My official name [RP name] is...:  Avery Winters                   

My Online Identities [Steam Name & Discord Name] are...:  DLEtna#1630   

My Library Card Signature [SteamID] is...: STEAM_0:0:87998391

The time I have spent inside of the Library [Playtime] is...: 3w 2d 12h                                                      

(Arc Story for the Character “Avery Winters”)               

My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with…: 

Myself, sitting in the Wanderers Library in a self-imposed imprisonment for when I fear leaving the confines of this library would result in my death. My former station in life was a Researcher of the SCP Foundation. I wasn’t greeted kindly when I arrived as I held myself with bloodied arms donning a Foundation Lab Coat. 


My story isn’t a intriguing nor unique tale. As there is a long line of turncoats from the Foundation such as Ms Claire Pierce. I’m sure that you're familiar with the concept of Whistleblowing? Albeit it was not done out of the most noble intentions, merely that my hand was forced by the actions of others. 


I stand before you as a member of the Internal Security Department. An agent whom kept the Foundation turning despite the price. Most men have their limits. For me, it was when my employer had stolen my identity. My name. 


(OOC Note: Do note that i intend to follow server ruling on uniforms despite backstory) 


I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as...: 


Whom you dub as the “Jailors” which is quite a fitting name. This is what I've pulled from the passing visitors of this library within the first minutes of my arrival.


This also explains these mysterious markings I've found across my travels. One of your cohorts dropped this by the way. Although considering the nature of your group I don’t think this is too sensitive to end up in my hands. 


From merely asking a passby, The Serpent’s Hand is merely a collective from my view. People with aligning ideologies, which is that the supernatural should not be repressed which is the direct opposite to the Foundation's mission statement. 


Initially I thought you held ownership over the Wanderer's Library however I was informed that you rediscovered the library recently in 1967 which is remarkably recent. The library is a wonder within itself. This is also where I was informed about “ways” and that the nature of “ways” means that your collective are mere users of  Wanderer’s Library like others which explained the previous point. 


I inquired about leadership but got mixed responses. No clear leadership implies this collective is somewhat akin to the Chaos Insurgency. I also heard about criteria which is ”a willingness to consider oneself a member of the Hand”. Sounds nonsense to me. If i was to proclaim myself a member of this collective and boldly shout this out. Would passersby take me seriously?  


I round off my answer addressing the person I pen this letter towards. I’ve heard a great deal about you. A person that wishes to achieve the ideals envisioned by the collective with a direct approach. I think true membership is attained through action and will.              

I would describe myself as...:    

Shrewd and somewhat suspicious of others. I believe I could be akin to the King of Wei “Cao Cao”. I do believe in the famous quote that “I would rather betray the world, than let the world betray me”. 

But wouldn’t that be foolish to openly admit that to others? I should’ve instead claimed that I was akin to Liu Bei. Compassionate, honorful and duty bound. They are rare in supply. 

Yes.. I've been reading Romance of the Three Kingdoms in order to pass the time. It’s quite riveting. Specifically the ending..

I end my answer stating that I'm merely an actor. Molding and fitting the part when required. Whatever it takes to keep me going. It’s how the Three Kingdoms became one. For no-one saw Sima Yi coming for he concealed his true power from others. 

For no-one sees a hidden dragon approaching. A man that i aspire to be.     

My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was...:  

Out of mere self-preservation and for mere privilege of maintaining an acceptable living standard than begging from the visitors of the library. I sit here thinking that I would become akin to what Julian Assange was for when he was confined to that Ecuadorian embassy.  

It’s easy to subscribe to a set of ideals. To wave and march under a flag created by others. But it takes a true man to admit what lurks within his heart. To make a stance and yell it from the rooftops.   

I make a plea to you that you would permit me to carve out my own path in life free from the will of others. As do you wish to remake the world in your ideals. One that is free from suppression and tyranny. As our goals align I believe my statement rings truer than the words of others.   

Edited by Avery Winters


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Dear L.S.:

My official name [RP name] is...: 
Ronald Loren

My Online Identities [Steam Name & Discord Name] are...: 
Draco & Ronald Loren

My Library Card Signature [SteamID] is...: 

The time I have spent inside of the Library [Playtime] is...:
9w 1d


My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was...:
My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was to support their cause and goals,
goals like make the anomalous world known to the humanity we all know, unlike the anomalies.
I wanted to help TSH against other groups that hate, supress and what not the anomalous.
I want to show the world what is the anomalous, what can they do to defend themselves from dangerous ones and more.
From the moment I realized what is actually happening to anomalies, that some of them are actually just like us, I knew I had to act,
Which is the exact reason why I decided to join the hand.
I want the world to embrace the anomalous.

I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as...:
the Serpent's Hand would like to see all of the anomalies to be not dangerous out free with the public fully knowing about their existence, and this puts them at odds against groups like the foundation and the GOC.

TSH possess access to a extradimensional space known as the "wanderer's library", 
the wanderer's library is a huge repository of books, including every book that was ever written,
books that haven't been written yet, and books that will never be written.
TSH Does not own nor run the library, they mainly use it as a base for operations, 
as a side note: they only actually rediscovered the library in 1967 after being removed from it for some time.
the library is entered through the use of multidimensional portals, 
those portals are also known to be called as the "ways". Many entities use the library for various purposes.
the library is staffed by individuals that apparently broke the rules of the library,
rules such as;
No damaging books,
No stealing books,
No hurting anyone within the library.

Unlike other GOI's in the SCP Universe, TSH does NOT have any sort of "hierarchy", 
they function more as a loose political movement than a proper organization. 
And so, the group seems to be divided into a number of different smaller factions, with different ideologies and methods etc...

There is no actual "way" or "ritual" or any kind of those stuff to enter the hand, all it takes is to simply consider yourself one of them.
There is no actual leader to TSH - but merely leaders of different cells and factions. A person who is known as "M" is one of them,
as well as another that is known as "L.S" (or "Little Sister"). The actual identity of L.S is debateable - but the most known theory is that
she is actually "the black queen" - a title for the daughter of Dr. Gears, a noted foundation researcher.
The black queen is known to have access to the wanderer's library and have an irritation against her father and the SCP foundation.
It is believed that there are actually thousands of "black queens" across many universes, 
and some of them use the library is a meeting place - which leads to reffering to eachother as "L.S" (or Little Sisters).

An SCP related to L.S is SCP-268, a newsboy cap that causes the wearer to become unnoticeable by anyone around them.
The wearer is completely ignored - and observers will not be able to tell any specific details about the wearer.
If the wearer interacts in any way they WILL be noticed, but they will be quickly forgotten again.
The longer someone is wearing 268, the stronger the effect becomes, and even lingers after the removal of the cap.
The foundation doesn't possess the hold of this SCP anymore,
one day they discovered it missing with a note in it's place saying "Thanks, I needed my hat back ~L.S." and a lable connecting it to TSH.

TSH does not seem to mostly "get along" with other GOI's.

They mostly hate GOC - also known as "The Book burners", due to the GOC's general policy of destroying the anomalous.
GOC raided the library at least once, destroying some of it, and the GOC considers every TSH member to be a high level threat.

TSH gets just a little better with the SCP Foundation, also reffering them as "the jailers". 
TSH are against their policy of keeping the anomalies a secret - but they do acknowledge that not every anomaly should be free.

TSH gets along fairly well with MC&D - also reffered to as "the merchants"
due to their willingness to obtain anomalies from both the foundation and the GOC,
however they are still wary of them as MC&D rarely make fair bargains.

TSH are actually fascinated by the church of the broken god than anything.

TSH are against the Chaos Insurgency,
also reffered to as "the madmen" due to the damage they have done to the library and their general hostility.

In conclusion:
TSH believes that humanity is better off with full knowledge of the anomalous world, so that they can protect themselves better
from danger. TSH doesn't believe that EVERY anomaly should be left free and out in the open - so their beliefs are abit nuanced.

(I could continue but I feel like this is more than enough)

I would describe myself as...: 
I would describe myself as a man with a belief that the anomalous should be known by the entirety of humanity.
A man who wants to see freedom of the "odd stuff" - meaning every single thing, has a right of it's own.

Generally, I am trying to be a fair man, A honest person, Fairly kind and trustworthy.
I am getting along with alot of people, of any kind, and I am always listening to others - and observe.

My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with...:
My story about finding about the library and about The Serpent's Hand starts with me walking around the street,
I was simply about to go get some ingredients for a cake I was gonna bake, So I walked in the street - headed towards the closest supermarket near my house, I was a only a single block away - when I noticed an alley - it was looking abit weird, It looked like it had some sort of... particles? coming out of the left wall. I needed to get closer to see the entire wall,
So I walked closer - deeper into the alley, that is when I started hearing a very odd noise... It sounded like something you would hear as if you were about to enter a portal - well, next thing I know - IT WAS A PORTAL, I saw an actual - pitch black, portal with sparkles coming in - and out of it. I was freaking out - I didn't know what to do, I was curious - but scared at the same time - then I noticed that the portal started to go smaller - shrink , I realized it is going to disappear any time soon - so I decided I go for it, I took all
my bravery - and got into the pitch black void - looking portal. When I entered the portal - I felt a weird feeling in my body...
I can't seem to explain the feeling - even now.
When I got out of the portal - to the other side, I found myself standing inside a... huge, gigantic, an almost non-ending library.
I was so confused, and scared at the same time. I decided to travel abit further to see what I can find out - I didn't see a way back out,
So I figured that's the only option I've got.
So as I was travelling, exploring the library, I saw other people, at a table, sitting and talking about something, I was scared for my life,
I wondered if I don't belong in there, will be seen as an intruder? Will I get killed? I was so worried...
I decided to not go near those people yet, I decided to look for an exist - I gave up on the idea pretty fast, as I seen there was no way out in that gigantic library. After some time of me not knowing what to do, I went to the main hall, then - a figure came to me,
he was very peaceful... He asked me: "Good day sir, Are you looking for anything specific? Are you new around perhaps you want a guide to help you?"
I was feeling abit more calm, as I felt like I am not in any danger. I answered the figure, saying: "Uh hello.. I uh.. I think I accidentally got here - I- I don't think I belong here..."
The figure smiled and looked at me, in a kind of friendly way? He said: "I see, suppose you got inside a portal, haven't you?"
I answered: "Yes! I was very curious, I am truly sorry if I shouldn't have.."
The figure answered: "Don't worry friend, this place is for.. almost, everyone. I see you are a regular civillian, you don't have to worry about anything, you are welcome here at all times. So, what would you like to do?"
I answered: "In that case... I think I'll walk around for now. Thank you very much." He answered: "Understood, call me if you need anything." And he walked away.
I decided to go up to the people I seen earlier, I stood next to them, akwardly looking at them for a few seconds, they looked back at me, asked if I need anything.
I told them: "Excuse me but, what is this place?".
One of them told me to sit down next to him, he explained that this library is a extradimensional space known as the "wanderer's library".
He explained that he and his "group" come to this place for meetings and operation planning for stuff outside the library.
I found it interesting and asked: "Sorry for asking but, how did you get here? What group is that you are in?"
He answered that this place is accessable through portals, also known as the "Ways", he proceeded to explain about his little group,
He said:"We are The Serpent's Hand, Our goal is to let everyone know what anomalies are, help humanity embrace the anomalous and not supress it or keep it a secret".
I got curious and asked: "Anomalies? What do you mean by that?",
He smiled and said: "That is a story for another day, but those anomalies are entities who are supernatural in many ways, each in their own way. Some of them are innocent, some are evil, we want to help them out of being in the dark, and caged.. By the jailers - also known as the SCP Foundation. The SCP Foundation keeps many many of those entities in the dark, doing experiments on them as if they are test monkeys or some shit, they don't understand they should have their rights of being free, so we are trying to get most of them out of that place, and many other places."
I can't seem to explain it but, I could feel that I understand that person. I nodded my head - showing that I understand what he is saying, I felt like that group has a point, why would we keep those stuff a secret? We can embrace the anomalous.
I replied saying: "I understand, is there a way of entering your group?"
He said: "well, ask yourself, do you want to be part of us? If so... Welcome to The Serpent's Hand, However I recommend you go home now, and wait.. for a letter."
I said: "Hmm, I understand, thank you for your time. How do I get out?"
He looked at the floor next to me, and summoned a portal, a one that looks just like the one I got into the first place, I understood it will take me back to where I was, I thanked him again and got in the portal.
I found myself  in the same alley, at a different wall. I went to get all the ingredients I needed - and went back home. From there, I waited for the letter the person was talking about.

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Dear L.S.:

My official name [RP name]: Is Aaron Night (PFC Night, Agent Night)

My Online Identities [Steam Name & Discord Name]: Are [MTF- E11] Not Kingel and 𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝒦𝒾𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁#6655

My Library Card Signature [SteamID]: Is STEAM_0:0:211902533

The time I have spent inside of the Library [Playtime] is: 2 weeks 3 days

My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was that I wanted to be more involved in the anomalous world which has been kept a secret to me for a long time and now that I realise what the secret organisations were keeping from us I wish to spread the word and not be exploited through secrets like others. I wish to help out the anomalous, I wish to let the anomalous help us and be in daily to daily lifes with us, I wish for the anomalous to be respected like the extranatural beings they are, not be some jailed rats or be tortured and murdered without their consent.  Some people say those who do not want the world to embrace the anomalous, that the creatures which would like freedom and which would like to give help to others would instead cause mass panic and what not. I want to help the humanity out and the anomalies and I can only do that through knowledge of the anomalous. Another of my intentions are that I want to expand my knowledge on the anomalous and through the library I wish to learn more about the secret anomalies which wander around us and when I expand my knowledge I can help out fellow extranatural beings and oppose those who wish bad for them and bad for the world.

I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as they are a group who want to have the anomalous walk among us especially the safe anomalies and the helpful ones. They are a movement which would like to break suppresions of the anomalous from the other organizations such as the jailors and the bookburners as we rightfully call them. They oppose the bookburners and the jailors because both groups wish the destruction or the contaiment of the anomalous and also both want the anomalous to be kept a secret and not be revealed to the world. The serpents hand members have 1 base in which they meet and in where they learn more about the anomalous. The base which I am talking about is the wanderer's library, this is a anomalous infinite library which contains all knowledge on various anomalies. The wanderers library wanted to be destroyed because it is a anomaly, it is the serpents hand base and in the library they have the knowledge on the anomalous and another reason why the jailors and bookburners wanted to destroy the library was to suppress the anomalous. Through time the serpents hand grew massively and that created many different splinter groups which were lead by different individuals, why did that happen, because serpents hand doesn't have a main recruitment system but one must consider himself a serpents hand member to be one. The most known faction is lead by a senior member and a leader known as the L.S, it is assumed to be the black queen, but what I know about L.s that he/she caused destruction to the sites of the foundation and that L.s leads the most aggressive spliner group. The last thing I know about the serpents hand is that because they see the jailors(SCP foundation) and the bookburners(UN) as the enemy to the anomalous and the enemies of theirselves they have caused alot of damage to them through security breaches and through infiltration by L.S. But some factions of TSH rather hide from their enemies. This is all the information I know but I wish to learn more through the library.

I would describe myself as a very secretive person which does not stand out from others and a charismatic one. I am also a very aggresive person and am willing to use extreme force if it comes to the need of using it but I like to do missions very secretly and without detection. Some close friends describe me as a looker for knowledge and that I learn very quick if I find the right things and the right people. Some even said I can memorise alot of things without loosing track of what I knew. Curiosity was always important to me.

My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with my job. I worked with the chaos insurgency because I wanted to use the anomalous for my own reasons, those were using them. As I went day by day searching for the anomalous and going on missions to steal and destroy the foundation it soon got boring to me, the same job over and over. The reason I joined the group was to learn about the anomalous, though i remained loyal to the insurgency and I gained the higher ranks, I infiltrated alot of sites but I remained curious and I wanted to study more on the anomalous. You may wonder how didn't I know a good lot on the anomalous, that is simple to answer, I worked on the combat team such as I was a infiltrator. The last days when I got bored of my job I wanted to go into the insurgency's research department but due to my lack of education I didn't get accepted. Then one day when I was almost done with my job, I went to get some fresh air and I was alone in the night sky. Out of the nothing came someone which I did not fully recognise, the voice calmed me and said I have been wanted in the library for a long time. At first I felt an unease and a bit confused. The person calmly explained to me that a group of people but mostly a individual named L.S watched me on my missions and admired my skills. I asked the person back: "what is this library you are reffering to, are you some anomalous bookworm? ". The individual replied to my question  you will find the way, as it is near here. I abandoned my group and started looking around, I got lost but then I found myself in a library, I told myself this must be it, the thing that person was talking about. I looked around and then opened my first books in the library. The things what happen next, lets just say I abandoned my past and I found myself living the happy life with the anomalous.

Edited by [MTF- E11] Not Kingel
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Thank you for all your replies, you’re all true Serpents and I welcome you all into my grasp. Have you read the stories from all the Miyetlapallintlalli stuff? It’s one of my favorites and I recommend you check them out. The Library is certainly something of a mystery. That’s what I love about it.


Phil Kronc

Alexander Craig

Jason Dal



Edited by Norra


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Dear L.S.:

My official name [RP name] is...: 
Ronald Loren

My Online Identities [Steam Name & Discord Name] are...: 
Draco & Ronald Loren

My Library Card Signature [SteamID] is...: 

The time I have spent inside of the Library [Playtime] is...:
9w 1d


My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was...:

My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was to help the anomalous world be known by everyone,
I wanted to help TSH against other groups that hate, supress and what not the anomalous - and fight for their rights.
I want to show the world what is the anomalous, what can they do to defend themselves from dangerous ones and help them understand them better and embrace them.
From the moment I realized what is actually happening to anomalies, that some of them are actually just like us, I knew I had to act,
Which is the exact reason why I decided to join the hand.
I want the world to embrace the anomalous and understand them.
The world shouldn't keep a blind eye to the anomalous world.

I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as...:
the Serpent's Hand would like to see all of the anomalies to be not dangerous out free with the public fully knowing 
about their existence, and this puts them at odds against groups like the foundation and the GOC.
The Serpent's Hand embraces the use and existence of the paranormal and in particular the humanoid SCP entities.
The Serpent's Hand are against the containment and destruction of the SCP objects.
The Serpent's Hand is known to be responsible for many security breaches and the raids on the foundation - Using anomalous items.
The number of people that are in TSH is unknown, but it is known that the number is growing at a rapid rate, as well as their technology and number of SCP's that they have possession of.
The Serpent's Hand does not act as an organization, but rather "cells" of small amount of people, almost like a small faction, each with their ideologies.

TSH possess access to an extradimensional space known as the "wanderer's library", 
the wanderer's library is a huge repository of books, including every book that was ever written,
books that haven't been written yet, and books that will never be written.
TSH Does not own nor run the library, they mainly use it as a base for operations, 
as a side note: they only actually rediscovered the library in 1967 after being removed from it for some time.
the library is entered through the use of multidimensional portals, 
those portals are also known to be called as the "ways". Many entities use the library for various purposes.

Unlike other GOI's in the SCP Universe, TSH does NOT have any sort of "hierarchy", 
they function more as a loose political movement than a proper organization. 
And so, the group seems to be divided into a number of different smaller factions or "cells", with different ideologies and methods etc...

There is no actual "way" or "ritual" or any kind of those stuff to enter the hand, all it takes is to simply consider yourself one of them.
There is no actual leader to TSH. An individual known as "L.S" (or "Little Sister") - The actual identity of L.S is debateable - but the most known theory is that
she is actually "the black queen" - a title for the daughter of Dr. Gears, a noted foundation researcher.
The black queen is known to have access to the wanderer's library and have an irritation against her father and the SCP foundation.
It is believed that there are actually thousands of "black queens" across many universes, 
and some of them use the library is a meeting place - which leads to reffering to eachother as "L.S" (or Little Sisters).

An SCP related to L.S is SCP-268, a newsboy cap that causes the wearer to become unnoticeable by anyone around them.
The wearer is completely ignored - and observers will not be able to tell any specific details about the wearer.
If the wearer interacts in any way they WILL be noticed, but they will be quickly forgotten again.
The longer someone is wearing 268, the stronger the effect becomes, and even lingers after the removal of the cap.
The foundation doesn't possess the hold of this SCP anymore,
one day they discovered it missing with a note in it's place saying "Thanks, I needed my hat back ~L.S." and a lable connecting it to TSH.

TSH does not seem to mostly "get along" with other GOI's.

They mostly hate GOC - also known as "The Book burners", due to the GOC's general policy of destroying the anomalous.
GOC raided the library at least once, destroying some of it, and the GOC considers every TSH member to be a high level threat.

TSH is against the SCP Foundation, also reffering them as "the jailers" or "jailors". 
TSH are against their policy of keeping the anomalies a secret - but they do acknowledge that not every anomaly should be free.

TSH gets along fairly well with MC&D - also reffered to as "the merchants"
due to their willingness to obtain anomalies from both the foundation and the GOC,
however they are still wary of them as MC&D rarely make fair bargains.

TSH are against the Chaos Insurgency,
also reffered to as "the madmen" due to the damage they have done to the library and their general hostility.

I would describe myself as...: 
Generally, I am trying to be a fair man, A honest person, Fairly kind and trustworthy.
I am getting along with alot of people, of any kind, and I am always listening to others - and observe.
My loyality is very strong and nothing can break it.
I want to learn more and more about the anomalous and paranormal, and I think The Serpent's Hand would be the best place for me.
I am very friendly overall, unless people are crossing the line - then it makes me angry and probably aggressive towards them.

My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with...:
My story about finding about the library and about The Serpent's Hand starts with me walking around the street,
I was simply about to go get some ingredients for a cake I was gonna bake, So I walked in the street - headed towards
the closest supermarket near my house, I was a only a single block away - when I noticed an alley - it was looking abit weird,
It looked like it had some sort of... particles? coming out of the left wall. I needed to get closer to see the entire wall,
So I walked closer - deeper into the alley, that is when I started hearing a very odd noise... It sounded like something you would hear
as if you were about to enter a portal - well, next thing I know - IT WAS A PORTAL, I saw an actual - pitch black, portal with sparkles
coming in - and out of it. I was freaking out - I didn't know what to do, I was curious - but scared at the same time - then I noticed
that the portal started to go smaller - shrink , I realized it is going to disappear any time soon - so I decided I go for it, I took all
my bravery - and got into the pitch black void - looking portal. When I entered the portal - I felt a weird feeling in my body...
I can't seem to explain the feeling - even now.
When I got out of the portal - to the other side, I found myself standing inside a... huge, gigantic, an almost non-ending library.
I was so confused, and scared at the same time. I decided to travel abit further to see what I can find out - I didn't see a way back out,
So I figured that's the only option I've got.
So as I was travelling, exploring the library, I saw other people, at a table, sitting and talking about something, I was scared for my life,
I wondered if I don't belong in there, will be seen as an intruder? Will I get killed? I was so worried...
I decided to not go near those people yet, I decided to look for an exist - I gave up on the idea pretty fast, as I seen there was no -
- way out in that gigantic library. After some time of me not knowing what to do, I went to the main hall, then - a figure came to me,
he was very peaceful... He asked me: "Good day sir, Are you looking for anything specific? Are you new around perhaps you want a guide to help you?"
I was feeling abit more calm, as I felt like I am not in any danger. I answered the figure, saying: "Uh hello.. I uh.. I think I accidentally got here - I- I don't think I belong here..."
The figure smiled and looked at me, in a kind of friendly way? He said: "I see, suppose you got inside a portal, haven't you?"
I answered: "Yes! I was very curious, I am truly sorry if I shouldn't have.."
The figure answered: "Don't worry friend, this place is for.. almost, everyone. I see you are a regular civillian, you don't have to worry about anything, you are welcome here at all times. So, what would you like to do?"
I answered: "In that case... I think I'll walk around for now. Thank you very much." He answered: "Understood, call me if you need anything." And he walked away.
I decided to go up to the people I seen earlier, I stood next to them, akwardly looking at them for a few seconds, they looked back at me, asked if I need anything.
I told them: "Excuse me but, what is this place?".
One of them told me to sit down next to him, he explained that this library is a extradimensional space known as the "wanderer's library".
He explained that he and his "group" come to this place for meetings and operation planning for stuff outside the library.
I found it interesting and asked: "Sorry for asking but, how did you get here? What group is that you are in?"
He answered that this place is accessable through portals, also known as the "Ways", he proceeded to explain about his little group,
He said:"We are The Serpent's Hand, Our goal is to let everyone know what anomalies are, help humanity embrace the anomalous and not supress it or keep it a secret".
I got curious and asked: "Anomalies? What do you mean by that?",
He smiled and said: "That is a story for another day, but those anomalies are entities who are supernatural in many ways, each in their own way. Some of them are innocent, some are evil, we want to help them out of being in the dark, and caged.. By the jailers - also known as the SCP Foundation. The SCP Foundation keeps many many of those entities in the dark, doing experiments on them as if they are test monkeys or some shit, they don't understand they should have their rights of being free, so we are trying to get most of them out of that place, and many other places."
I can't seem to explain it but, I could feel that I understand that person. I nodded my head - showing that I understand what he is saying, I felt like that group has a point, why would we keep those stuff a secret? We can embrace the anomalous.
I replied saying: "I understand, is there a way of entering your group?"
He said: "well, ask yourself, do you want to be part of us? If so... Welcome to The Serpent's Hand, However I recommend you go home now, and wait.. for a letter."
I said: "Hmm, I understand, thank you for your time. How do I get out?"
He looked at the floor next to me, and summoned a portal, a one that looks just like the one I got into the first place, I understood it will take me back to where I was, I thanked him again and got in the portal.
I found myself  in the same alley, at a different wall. I went to get all the ingredients I needed - and went back home. From there, I waited for the letter the person was talking about.

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Dear L.S.:

My official name [RP name] is...: George Paladin

My Online Identities [Steam Name & Discord Name] are...: CD – Brain / Follower Paladin#3954

My Library Card Signature [SteamID] is...: STEAM_0:0:161593465

The time I have spent inside of the Library [Playtime] is...: 2w 4d


My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was...: It honestly depends. As most people join for the so called “Knowledge” But i am not restrained by this definition. As I would enter the library just for “Curiosity”. As I’m curious of all the people that I can find there, All these different races coming from different places of the universe unknown…

I cannot even imagine how many things i can write about these beings.  And I can also find out the answer to another question, If I write a book, And publish it. Will I see it in the Library?...  But of course another reason is that most people are robbed of the right to see all of these fantastic beings just because of some “Organizations” That deem these creatures as “Dangerous” Just because they retaliate when they try to contain them…

Quite the strange world we live in…

I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as...: Their wonderful library, But I’m more curious about the people that are In this library more than the library itself. But I think that the Serpents Hand are simply normal people that like me are attracted to the supernatural part of the world!. Why should we be punished for our curiosity in something so majestic? And if innocent people are getting punished, Then someone must step up to protect them! And let them know that what they are doing is not Wrong,  And who are these people that will protect them? They are the Serpent’s Hand. And it doesn’t matter if I have to risk my life. The people have to know the truth!

I would describe myself as...: A loner who was homeless for a while but then found the glorious world of Writing! Writing set me free, And gave me enough riches to survive in this painful world…  Someone would usually call me “Eccentric” Or outright “Crazy” But what do these words really mean in the current world? Everyone is “Eccentric” Or “Crazy” In their own way. I am just highly fascinated by the “paranormal” world so much that I write about it in most of my books!

My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with...

I don’t like to talk about my past, It’s a pretty hard thing to remember in the first place. But when I do, it's quite painful.

I was born in European soil. In Italy specifically. I stayed there for a while admiring all the Great and Beautiful art that have been created there. But the years passed, And the realization came that if I didn’t find somewhere to work in time, I wouldn’t be able to discover the rest of the world’s art!. So I figured I would save money and move to the most crowded city I could find. This was the worst yet best choice I’ve ever  taken in my life. As the most of the crouded places are cities without an hint of Art and Nature!. But of course, This is where I came in contact with the supernatural. And the way I came in contact with it is pretty ironic. I saw an “Hashtag” with the name of #Stormsite19.  I didn’t care about it at first, But then I saw that a lot of people wanted to join!. So i researched a bit on what is this “Site 19” And I found some leaked documents that were the perfect inspiration for my work. So I decided to join. Did we manage to get in? Well yes. But things went Really bad when they started firing and cuffing everyone. I was one of the people who were cuffed and brought in. What I saw was AMAZING! All of these blank white corridors. And all of these soldiers going around. This is until some people who looked quite different from the rest came. And started firing on the others to free all the people who were cuffed! These people told me that their name was the “Serpent’s Hand” I of course requested to learn more. And they gladly accepted! And the rest as they say. Is History.


Edited by George Paladin
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Dear L.S.

If this is you and not an imposter pretending to be you,

my official name [RP name] is Philips Keter.

My Online Identities [Steam Name & Discord Name] are Rusty and Rusty_Ze_Farmer#7730 .

My Library Card Signature [SteamID] is STEAM_0:1:211188625

The time I have spent inside of the Library [Playtime] is five weeks and one day exactly.




My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand were to show the people blinded by the lights of lies shone at them by The Jailors and The Bookburners the true scale in this world. I wanted to show to the innocent, the weak, the defencless against the good and bad anomalous entities how to stand their own ground without having to shiver in fear when seeing something ‘’impossible’’ and having the people who hoard this knowledge on how to protect their own lives keep it to themselves. I want to make sure the word gets out, I want to make sure that the public knows how to stand their own ground, I want to make sure the weak is protected while The Bookburners all become docents to serve their sentence in the library they so much wanted to burn to to ashes.


I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as how it works, I know we aren’t all connected together, everyone has their own beliefs, no one is in power really, most people are by themselves staying hidden while some make rituals to the Devil himself on live television. I realise the dangers of having knowledge of the ‘’impossible’’ aswell the benefits of it. I know the Library is still a secret on how it works yet every month something gets uncovered about it. Aswell I know about the horrors our enemies have done in secret without having to deal with the media. Aswell we aren't a huge organization like The Jailors or Apple Inc. we are more like freelancers who believe in plus, minus the same thing.


I would describe myself as quite rational as I don’t like to resort to violence unless its necessary in my view, and usually wouldn’t make  dumb decisions cause of my emotions. Im also decieving yet truthfull, I can lie about something if needed but will answer truthfully to a question if it won’t get me much trouble. I see myself as a quite confident and comptetent person in my view when it comes to interactions with people, I can talk with them and explain the anomalous without having any hesitation or anxienty about what i’m saying. Also im nice... unless im annoyed at a person.



My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with me, a friend and my girlfriend walking around an abandoned scrapyard near my house taking pictures with them for our social media. One of the pictures we were going to take was my girlfriend sitting on my shoulders while we stand in the doorway of an abandoned schoolbus. When we were going to take the picture and were in position me and my girlfriend Emily ‘’suddenly dissapeared into thin air’’ as said by my friend afterwards. Turns out it was a Way and to enter you needed to be on someones shoulders. The moment we were in the Library we were sitting there, shocked, but after looking at the Pages, Docents and whatever the hell other creatures were there we rushed through the door back out. As you know someone once said ‘’Curiosity killed the cat’’ but luckily curiosity didn’t kill us as we went to the library the next day. We found out that the anomalies in there weren’t hostile, and that every book ever was there, we looked around the seemingly never ending library for a while until we stumbled across another group of humans, we talked to them, asked them about the Library, they asked us some questions like ‘’Are you a Jailor?’’, and things. Then they introducted themselves as ‘’The Serpents Hand’’ and explained who they are and what they do. Me and Emily were truly fascinated we were blind to a whole’nother world right infront of us and how weak we truly were. That’s when we joined The Serpants Hand, we read a lot of books and studied the anomalous, aswell we tried to educate the world bit by bit on how one can defend themselves against what they thoughy was... impossible. And thats how I found TSH and The Library.

Edited by Rusty

Bing bong blan bind bin bo go bi b 




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Thank you for all your replies, but I'm taking over this batch of letters for L.S., fucker used the fact that I owed them to make me check their mail.  Anyways, I'm supposed to give you a personal recommendation from the Library, well mine is the "Archivist's Log", logs many groups within the anomalous world.  Interesting read in my opinion, surprisingly informative, even for a man like me.  Anyways, if your name is below you've been invited to whatever the fuck L.S. is doing in Oregon, and if  you aren't then write another letter or something.


"Draco" (gay ass name)



Also whichever fucking idiot sent in two letters making fun of the others can go summon an eldritch being to vore him, fuck you, I don't want to look at an IRA flag.  Never send that shit again or I'll "accidently" lead you to a Way that the Foundation is watching you ass-hat.


~ Mr. Hoxworth (T.V. Head)

Edited by Atomik

insert all my fucking wls here so i can prove i have worth in life


Earlier today I was really horny, and I saw what I thought to be a blank dvd. I thought, DVDs have a tight hole, they might feel pretty good. So I put my soft pp into the hole of the DVD, and for a few seconds as I started getting harder, it felt pretty good, but then, once I was fully erect, it started being painful. My pp was stuck in the dvd, and I had to break it in half to get if out. It was then when I flipped the broken dvd over and realized that it was not a blank dvd, but a copy of the movie UP. Well guys, guess I fucked up.

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Dear L.S.: 

My official name [RP name] is...: Bar Shar Tar

My Online Identities [Steam Name & Discord Name] are...:  Oil and Oil#2458

My Library Card Signature [SteamID] is...: STEAM_0:0:430615090

The time I have spent inside of the Library [Playtime] is...:

3w 3d 20h

My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was...:  To liberate and spread the word of the anomalous. Why should the supernatural be hidden? I desired knowledge after my original uncovering and understanding of The Serpent's Hand; I knew I wanted to be a part of it. I wish for the knowledge of the anomalous to be known for all. Why should life saving anomalies be hidden and used by few? Why should millions of innocent suffer without groups like the Jailers or the Bookburners doing anything about it? These questions will simply not be answered by groups such as them. This is why my intentions are to spread the word of the anomalous so that everyone can benefit from it and not just hidden institutes. 

I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as...:

I know about the Global Occult Coalition and the reason for their nickname “Bookburners”. They are called “Bookburners” due to their nature of destroying most anomalous entities they come and their role in partially burning an area of the Wanderer's Library. 

I know about “The Foundation” and their imprisoning of thousands of anomalous items and creatures, for this reason they are known as the “Jailers” 

I know about “Ways” which are portals that can be almost anything from a solid brick wall to a stall of a toilet. However you cannot just enter them you must fill the criteria needed to enter, this criteria can be literally anything such as a ritual or even jumping whilst spinning 10 times. Some of these “Ways” lead to the Library however others can lead to another planet or just a few miles from wherever the original “Way” was. 


I know about the rules and habitants of the Library. Rules of the library are as follows

  • Return books on time.

  • Do not damage the books .

  • Do not steal books.

  • Do not harm anyone within the library.

  • Do not damage library property. 

The inhabitants of the library known as “Librarians” have three different types with one key goal of fulfilling library maintenance.



  • Six to ten arms

  • Reshelf books

  • Excellent climbers, can reach the highest shelf without need of a ladder


  • Guide members of the library  by showing them where to find books

  • Look for rule violations

  • First line of defence against hostiles


  • Knows where any book is

  • Distribute library cards, check books out to people and keep track of who has a book. 

I know that The Serpent's Hand is a loose organization meaning that everyone has the same core belief yet everyone is individual in others, this means that most members usually have different methods and ideologies, this causes most members to form “cells” which are small groups with ranging beliefs. For example one “cell” can be extremely hostile whilst another can have a more peaceful approach. 

I know that there is no leader and ANYONE can be a member. To join The Serpents Hand all you must do is classify yourself as one, it is as simple as that. I know there is no leader within The Serpent's Hand but rather influential figures such as L.S who has made a name for herself within the group without ever being seen, she is a part of one of the most hostile “cells” that actively raid the “Jailers”. 

I know that The Serpents Hand wants to keep the innocent safe so in some situations they will help containing /terminating dangerous SCPs. 

Finally, The wanderers library has no link to The Serpents hand and it is just used as a base of operations. 


I would describe myself as...: Adamant. My mind will not be changed regarding the matter of the anomalous. Even if some are dangerous I will still pursue the liberation and equality of rights for safe anomalies, I will also not stop spreading awareness and the knowledge of the existence of anomalous entities. Views of other organizations will not corrupt those of my own, I will stick to my belief no matter the circumstance and the dangerousness of the situation. 

My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with… One day, I was approximately 18 miles from the city of Cairo in Egypt(At this point I was an Archaeologist and had no knowledge of The Serpent's Hand). We were uncovering a lost burial site from a cult hundreds of years ago, the excavation was going as normal with the occasional find of pottery or remains of what used to be a building when we suddenly hit something solid, under closer inspection it appeared to be a small-metal box. Me and the other 5 Archaeologists in the team gathered around this strange find preparing to extract it out the scorching sand that lay below us. We heaved the box out of the ground and decided that we must open it at once. I took a hammer to the box and smashed the lock clean off, the box instantly opened and an intense wave of heat was felt all around, inside was a stone tablet with a strange language engraved on it. We extracted this find at once and returned it to the museum halfway across the globe for analysis. It was late and I was the last in the museum studying this strange heat emitting panel. What I didn't know was that I was not alone in the museum I was being watched, I went to pack up and leave for the night when I heard something, a door opening. This was strange as I was the only one left inside the building, I went back into the lab and saw him, a man standing there in what appeared to be a thick leather coat as I approached him he took immediate notice and instead of running away he talked said something about a Serpent. I thought he was crazy and was about to call the police when a dove came out his sleeve instantly catching my attention, I put down the phone and decided to hear him out where he told me about the organisation and the anomalous world. Obviously I asked him for proof where he led me to another part of the museum as if it was a joke he started screaming at the wall but I didn’t question it. A portal opened, he told me to follow him. All of a sudden I was in what looked to be an endless library I studied for numerous days as he advised,  it felt so unreal. I thought I was dreaming, never would I imagine my life going this way. This is how I was introduced to The Serpent's Hand.


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Hello there, its me, Hoxworth again, answering these letters.  This time, I didn't owe L.S., I just kinda like doing this, lets me write to likeminded folk (ignoring different head shapes).


Anyways, there has been only, uh, one reply.


That one person isn't L.S. Material.


However, there is one fucker who keeps sending their IRA shit.  I will find and kill you.


IRA faggot, read ahead you moron, everyone else can do whatever I don't care.




Hey, I love that you are writing letters to me funny IRA man, but please stop, can't have this section filled up with an IC argument.  If you don't, i'll be forced to BL you, and norra may rape you or something weird idk.


Also, I support the IRA 😳




insert all my fucking wls here so i can prove i have worth in life


Earlier today I was really horny, and I saw what I thought to be a blank dvd. I thought, DVDs have a tight hole, they might feel pretty good. So I put my soft pp into the hole of the DVD, and for a few seconds as I started getting harder, it felt pretty good, but then, once I was fully erect, it started being painful. My pp was stuck in the dvd, and I had to break it in half to get if out. It was then when I flipped the broken dvd over and realized that it was not a blank dvd, but a copy of the movie UP. Well guys, guess I fucked up.

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Dear L.S.:
My earliest name is HANNIBAL LECTUCE, however, I go by many names, please don’t get confused. 

A new era, new names. My online identities are westend (Steam) and westend#2794 (Discord), excuse the repetitiveness.

My library card signature is,  STEAM_0:0:108381801. 

Frankly, I have never thought about my time in the Library, time is a complex concept. However, If I were to take a wild guess, I would assume it to be around 7 weeks and 4 days. 


Well, my initial affiliation with the Serpent’s Hand was totally accidental, however, everything that happens or will happen in your life is your destiny. I embrace my destiny, I reckon that one should hold onto their destiny until death, and I will do the same with the Serpent’s Hand until death and beyond. I’m an admirer of the anomalous; While some deem them as harbingers of doom and absolute threats and death to the humankind, I recognize them as art. A flawless and delicately made art and the only being who can do this is the one among us all. Indeed, calling them anomalous disgust me because they are not abnormal, they are nothing but perfect. 

Thanks to my accidental affiliation, I had the opportunity to cherish my admiration. I find the Serpent’s Hand particularly interesting as they have the courage to oppose the whole world. I believe that their vision of the anomalous world and impending future is enlightening, and it is the only true perception of reality. Either way, the anomalous will take over the world, the universe; Why resist? Why not accept and live? This is why I absolutely love the Serpent’s Hand. Among a world full of blinded people and ignorant forces, the Serpent’s Hand are the only ones who can clearly see the future that is approaching.

I had a boring life before the Hand, my surroundings defined me, I don’t even recall a purpose that guided me through life. It all ended when I found the Hand, I realized that I was living a life of emptiness, and finally, I discovered the purpose of my life. I admire uniqueness but I must admit not all uniqueness is admirable. I assured everybody, including myself that I will live this life uniquely and fulfill my duty thoroughly. 

Since the Serpent’s Hand saved me from the darkness of the world, I will sacrifice my time and effort to it, and I promise that my work will improve this establishment into something greater.


We are endless like the knowledge in this universe.

The Serpent’s Hand doesn’t coordinate as a group. Destiny has brought us together, hence, we will not break apart, or are we already broken? We don’t have superiors, we have people who we admire and take advice from. 

There is no special method of joining the Hand. If one wants to join the Serpent’s Hand, they just decide to join. Likewise, that is how I joined the Serpent’s Hand. 

We are constituted of ordinary people, like the ones you see walking down a street headed to their favorite deli. Though our enemies don’t comprehend this basic truth, this is the actual truth behind our identities. However, our existence is much complicated, we value the purpose of the Hand more than anything in our life. 

The Hand recognizes anomalous people as people, unlike any other organization, and the anomalous itself is not a threat merely for existence. Yes, it presents a danger but everything, in some way, presents a danger in a certain time interval as well. 

The home of the Serpent’s Hand, the Wanderer’s Library is the endless repository of knowledge in the universe. Endless? Not really, I’m sorry but wait… since it keeps expanding, it is endless you know. It is a sad truth that the SCP Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition regard it as a threat, no knowledge is a threat. We were exiled once too but we learned from our mistakes; we are humans, we make mistakes. 

Global Occult Coalition, the Bookburners, is an organization of pure ignorance. They might have destroyed a part of the Wanderer’s Library but what is destined to happen, will happen and along with it, GOC will crumble as well. 

The SCP Foundation, the Jailors, is somewhat reasonable. The anomalous must not be imprisoned, but some portion of the anomalous must not be free either. We do condone their actions, but we understand their purpose but not their methods. 

The Marshall, Carter & Dark, the Merchants, I like them. While their purpose is rather simple, they are certainly useful to us as they are willing to obtain the anomalous for us in exchange for money. 

The Chaos Insurgency, the Madmen, is an organization of hostility. Their damage to the Library is unforgivable.


I am a man who simply admires the entirety of the anomalous world. I am a man of art; I admire and I create. While I admire all, I want to end it all as well. I’m a hypocritic figure and I’m well aware of my hypocrisy. 

Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this world and this is the beauty of destiny. The longer you live and learn, the more you realize that in this reality only pain, suffering, and futility exist. Either you embrace the pain or end it all. There is no right or wrong, there is only reality.

My actions are not justified, my actions are not approved by anything. I live as I please or shall I say, how I’m destined to live like. That is why I alter my identity all the time because I reckon that identity was a prison created by the disgusting society. I live, but my actions don’t matter; I live every day, knowing the reality won’t ever satisfy me.  

If you would excuse me, I found this Japanese cartoon rather interesting. A lifeless boy, controlled by others, living to save the adults from death. What a harsh life, isn’t it?



I’m not a man who would speak the truth. I’ll pass on this one though. One of the terrible curses of the humankind is our duality. One day, I kill a man, and one day, I seek justice for a killed man. I would like to find a cure.

In the vast and endless desert of knowledge, I will find my answer. 

I promise to you, with all of my heart, when the dawn breaks and the greatly anticipated future arrives, I will be on your side. My pledge is that for once, I’ll oppose my destiny and seek the truth behind all.

Purged from my sins and selfishness, I will be beside you, watching the reality become perfect with our ideals of perfect logic. Knowledge will save us, we will create a reality of satisfaction or we will destruct the reality of dissatisfaction. 


“If love is just a word. Then why does it hurt so much, If you realize it isn’t there?”

To a world carved by our ideals… 


Hannibal D. Lectuce



Edited by Hannibal Lectuce

Warner Bros Dc GIF by The Batman


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Dear L.S.:

My official name is...: Melo Samue

My Online Identities are...: Nexx and Nexx#4711

My Library Card Signature is...: STEAM_0:0:175661881

The time I have spent inside of the Library is...: 5 weeks and 1 day


My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was...: knowledge. Knowledge is power, what you decide to do with that power it's a different matter tho, right now I just want it, why do I want knowledge? Well it's quite simple, because it's fun, no I don't mean that knowing EVERYTHING like you are Jesus Christ himself is fun, I mean the road to get there, every new discovery comes as a surprise and fills your heart with joy when you understand things, every new discovery you make can be either a completely new phenomena or a plot twist that just throws everything you kno out of the window.

However to gain knowledge you have to read, study and experiment, the problem is that a person can never hope to find all books that exist or have ever existed, unless you have access to the Wanderer's Library, an almost if not infinite library that has nearly all books that were written and even some that never were, I can't begin to imagine what marvelous books I can find there, how much knowledge!

Well that's one of the reasons, I'm basically a "bookworm", altough there is another reason which is... the SCP Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition or "Jailors" and "Bookburners", I have a serious problem with them, how can they so simply jail and destroy those mythical creatures so easily, by the way I'm talking about the friendly ones, I'm not saying that they should let the Lizard out in the world, but I believe that the ones that are friendly should have the right to be free, like that cute orange thing they have, I think they call it SCP-999, seriously it's so cute! And still they keep him locked underground, what a waste...

I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as...: that the Hand is not an organization like most outsiders think, we are more of a "movement", anyone can join the Hand if willingfully to do so and can leave whenever, also we don't have someone to call a "Leader", unless you are in L.S.'s faction or in the other many factions and splinter groups that are scattered trought our "movement", which to me is the best part! Everyone does what they want, how they want, we aren't restrained to orders or Command Centers telling us where to and where not to go, each and everyone is free to act how they think it's best.

The Serpent's Hand, when and where did it start? Altough I couldn't find anything about exactly where is started I could find some intersting dates of when it started, yes I said "dates" since nobody really knows when it did but most people believe it was in the late 19th Century A.C..

Now about the "trademark" of the Hand, the Wanderer's Library, most people know that the Hand has acess to the Library and that they even use for meetings, but it wasn't always like that, at a certain point in near mid 20th Century A.C. the Hand lost acess to the Library, altough I couldn't find out exactly why.

I would describe myself as...: good humoured, maybe even talkative when I'm debating with someone else, I love debates, it's like a War but instead of bodies and scraps it leaves destroyed arguments and ideas, or maybe just a draw.

I also find myself to be patient, there isn't really anything that sets me off to the point of bring blinded by rage.

Finally as I said previously, I think the word that better describes me is "bookworm", I love books, they are a way of storing so much knowledge in such small sized letters, not only that but it gives freedom to your imagination, while watching a movie, whenever you think of scenes from the movie you will have them stored with that specific look, while in books it can be however you want, cartoonish or realistic.

My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with... Alexylva University, I know what you are thinking, don't worry I'll explain.

Melo Samue is the name I adopted when I came to this reality, my original name was "Argento Aurel" but that's just past, anyways, I was a student in the renowned Alexylva University, the best University in the whole Empire, I originally was planning on graduating in Philosophy, how did I end up here then? Well I had a professor which I was friends with, we shared similar opinions and overall we got along with eachother, one day he told me about this "Wanderer's Library", a place with infinite knowledge, that gathered books from around all the worlds, realities and universes, I told him that it was unlikely if not impossible for such thing to exist, he still wanted to believe in that and he told me that he wants to find it one day.

When I was heading home that same day, I couldn't get that story off my head, it seemed like I had started dreaming of finding that place aswell, while lost in my toughts I didn't notice a strange ripple in the air infront of me and I walked into it, I then show up in a library like place that has bookshleves of heights I've never seen before, it takes me a while to process all that but then slowly I startd to think- "You know what? Maybe my professor wasn't dreaming at all.", it was painfully obvious to me where I was, to be honest I was surprised with my reaction, instead of fear and maybe worry about my situation it felt like I had never been so happy in my entire life, I started to open and read books, if I remember correctly I spent 10 minutes doing that, I had never seen so many unkown languages, symbols and other things like that, it was comfirmed to me, that was the Wanderer's Library, I picked a book in Latin and started to read it, a while later 5 people enter the Library, they were dressed drastically different from what I was used to, they stare at me before coming in my direction and talking to me, they were speaking English, however I only knew Latin back then, however luckly, one of them knew a little bit about Latin language and we managed to have a conversation, I told my story to them of how I got there and then they told me who they were, they were members of The Serpent's Hand and that they were a small splinter group that was mainly focused on attacking an organization known as "GOC" or "Bookburners" as they called them, of course I didn't understand what neither of those factions were so they caredto explain everything about their reality anomalous world, the factions, the anomlous objects and etc., they told me that there was this city called "OvisCity", a city where anomalies appear left and right, and because of that multiple organizations had set up there and that it was essentially a war zone, I asked them if I could come along since it seemed way more interesting than going back home, however they declined since I didn't know English, which was a huge problem for communication, so they said to learn the language and then they would let me go along and that's what I did, it took me a few monthsbut I managed to learn it enough that communicaton wasn't a problem anymore.

Then I finally stepped into OvisCity, it looks a lot different from my hometown, the buildings looks old, they also didn't seem to be as technologically advanced as my country was, but anyways they teached me where the Way was so I could go back to the Library at any given time, after a few hours of touring and explanation they gave me some money so I could rent an apartment, which is from where I'm writing this to you now.

Edited by Melo Samue
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Dear L.S.:

I’ve been through  3rd Library Cards this week, need to keep track of em don’t I haha! Anyways, I don’t have much time. Thanks for the letter n all but, we all know what’s coming. And for some fucking reason you think ima good candidate, well shit guess there is a God.

My official name is...: Lando Norris

My Online Identities are...: PurpleTunnel Tacocatzzz#6969

My Library Card Signature is...: STEAM_0:1:526501347 (3rd one!)

The time I have spent inside of the Library is...:3 Weeks 1 Day  


Well being honest here, first interaction with them was an accident. In fact more of an argument, it was the first day I discovered it. Haha Good day that was, another Follower began shouting at me and if I’m being honest, I don’t know why. He then sent me into a wall, it was like the force in Star Wars, I just felt a thrush of force fly through my body, I heard my spine hi the wall and make small cracking sounds. For a moment…. Everything went quiet all I could hear was the force flying through me and my spine, nothing else. I began researching into this, when I told my friends they called me a “Star Wars Fanboy”. I began tracing the sources of this what I thought at the time “Force” I later found that it was magic. The Serpent’s Hand a truly ‘Magical’ Thing (please, pardon the pun haha!) For some reason everyone fucking hates us, still trying to find out why, maybe because we are magic or maybe because we’re crazy? I’m not sure, maybe its just me that’s going crazy, maybe everyone is crazy EVEN YOU! Hahaha! Im not crazy, I promise! Oh I do love me some books, reason why I was that one kid in school the nerd if ya want haha! Hence why ive been beaten up many times, but I still knew deep down, words believe in me and the ink can protect me. My father told me that, if only he was still here

The Serpents Hand isn’t like an activist group, but not like an organization, but also not like a movement, CAN SOMEBODY EXPLAIN WHAT WE ARE, HAHA! Ahh that’s always a joke I like to chat to myself about, who we are! Good laugh, good laugh indeed. Oh look, im talking to myself on a letter in ink! Haha! Sorry, back to the point. We are somewhere in between the 3, again good luck finding it, we can be hostile if we want, but we are simply curious, we want to adventure OUT! Into the world and see all its dirty secrets being kept away, deep…deep Underground. We don’t really have a leader, everyone is really just a follower. Some of us say that they know the man or that they have seen him, is his name L.S is his name Bob, we don’t fucking know, nobody fucking does. My father found out, he died though, now gone

I hate taking these questions, it makes me sound so naïve! Haha…. I would describe myself as mentally sane, smart and somewhat funny! Haha! 1 Problem, I have a very fucking short temper, anyone and EVERYTHING annoys me there is nothing I like. I only liked 1 thing, my father, my life before. Haha!

Like I said before, I found you guys in an argument, ill pick up where we left off….


I had just found this magic, figuring I could possibly use it, I tried. And it didn’t work, I spent a long time searching my city, nearby towns, even farms for the man who had pushed me away. I never found that man, maybe he died. My father said he knew him, speaking of my father he was…uhh whats it called WHATS THAT GODDAMNED WORD! A-a Highman, yes a highman. I didn’t see him a lot, he always just said hes “going to the underground” as a kid I thought he was actually going to an underground station, Twickenham was my closest. When I was 14 I went out and tried to find him, I couldn’t, weird. When I was 17 my father came home one day, with papers in his hands, he seemed worried, he was wearing a different suit. He put another suit on, the logo read L.S. Now here we are. It was like it hit me, I went from writing a paper to having a sort of flashback, I remembered, on a website I was reading they mentioned L.S a lot…There it was, all along. It was like it was my destiny Haha!

I found some files, “Clearance Level 4+” it read. I opened it began reading. My father had wrote this… He was with some people he called “the Book burners” the fuck they are idk, heard it before. Somebody had said their name with it.(GOC) After a couple of years, my dad came back. He expected me to be happy, the next minute I see his head being blown off with a sniper and an orange man with their logo leaving. I picked up his L.S jacket and ran…I cried that night, for a long time. Although I didn’t like my father, I sure as hell loved him. Moving on from the depressing parts of my story. I moved to a town named Ovis, Ovis City if you want. Weird town, weird people, weird days, weird things. It was weird..Everything here was weird.

I found myself a good place, decent rent….


I looked out my window, it had been 4 weeks since I’d moved here, and my father was killed. I looked towards my father L.S written jacket,looked back and there he was….the man, the man who had pushed me away, the man who I had spent 2 years trying to find…There he was staring at me telling me to come. My mind immediately drew to the L.S jacket, it was like he controlled me. I took my book and chucked that jacket on. I went outside, followed him. The next thing I knew, I was standing outside a library, it stood over me like giraffe to a monkey at a zoo, he took me in, I began reading… He handed me a letter..Here we are

-Lando Norris


OOC Extras:

Character is diagnosed “mentally insane” but refuses to be treated as its his “way of life” also has PTSD, mainly from his fathers death and the jacket.

I wrote this at 2 AM, sorry for any grammar mistakes as im fucking tired, tried to show my characters personality in the questions.

if i do get accepted i have a fun idea for my character and general RP, he would keep a sort of diary. I have a pac (WIP) for a suit ive been using for jobs like MCND or ECM (dont like the basic PM's) i can modify that to represent my "Fathers Jacket"

Word Count 1103 Words


Thanks for reading, to avoid clogging up the thread contact me on Discord at: PurpleTunnel#6969 I  love application feedback


Edited by Lando Norris.

i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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Dear L.S.:

My official name [RP name] is...: Brook Lightning.

My Online Identities [Steam Name & Discord Name] are...: Opio -God-, Opio -God-#3424.

My Library Card Signature [SteamID] is...: STEAM_0:1:50756151

The time I have spent inside of the Library [Playtime] is...: 2w and 13h at the time of writing.


My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was...:
The anomalous was forced into containment and supression. I joined because I wanted to make a difference, the anomalous is precious and beautiful. It's a part of our world or universe as one would say, like it or not. I embrace the anomalous and have always done, the anomalous hasn't done anything but been abused by the Jailors, Bookburners and the Madmen. the human race has been the cause to several extinctions in the world, but yet we continue to act like we decide who lives and who doesn't. I was fed up with it, I wanted to know more about the anomalous, to learn how to embrace it in the best possible way and I found The Serpent's Hand and read a lot. The anomalous doesn't deserve to be used and destroyed, just cause the human race has decided to. That's why I joined.


I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as...:
The Serpent's Hand is a movement, with a common belief that the anomalous world should not be kept a secret, human or not. There's not any requirements like that, to join The Serpent's Hand, the only thing you have to do is consider yourself a member. The Serpent's Hand (TSH for short) doesn't have an official leader as there's many groups within the movement itself, but L.S is a leader of one of the known Factions that interacts with the Jailors. The members within TSH is not all just humans, but also anomalous people or entities. TSH has bad terms with the Madmen and hostile towards the Bookburners and Jailors, and The Hand is known to have performed numerous successful raids on the Jailors.

TSH is known to be active in fact a base of operations inside the Wanderers' Library - a building that exists in an extra-universal space, it's infinitely long (or close to), inside there's shelves every where, just like a library, but these shells are really tall and if you watched the library from above there it would be covered in shelves, filled with books, almost every book that exists and even those that hasn't even been written yet. 
There's actually a few rules to the library, I'll list them below.

1. Return your books on time.
2. Don't damage books.
3. Don't steal books.
4. Don't damage Library property.
5. Don't harm those within the library.

If you don't follow the rules you could end up as a librarian, a librarian is a worker inside the Wanderers' Library, a librarians job is to maintenance the library on a daily basis. There's also another worker called the Archivists, their job is to find books and hand out Library Cards which you need if you want to loan books, the card also gives you some magic abilities. another job within the Wanderers' Library is Pages. Pages are really good at climbing so they can put books back in place easier. Now, to get into the Wanderers' Library, you need to find a Way, these Ways are doors into the Library. The Ways require you to "Knock" which you achieve by doing certain things to unlock it, maybe if you spat in a cup or did a weird dance, you could walk through a normal doorway into the Library. The Library seems to predict who has ill intentions and who hasn't, so the Jailors can't enter, or if they do the Way will just open up and once they walk through, they might end up as a librarian or kill you by opening up somewhere dangerous, so TSH is really safe in the Library. The Library has one more worker, that also serves as a defence and the workers are called the Docents, they guide patrons around and help them find books and they also look for people that break the rules, they serve as first line of defence, in case someone should try to do attack the library.

I would describe myself as...:
I'm a silent guy, I don't really say that much, if I'm not spoken to, but I can talk a lot sometimes out of pure happiness. I don't use violence, only if I'm provoked or violence is the way to complete my objective. I tend to investigate a lot and just be the silent guy in the room. I'm good at confusing people.

My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with... Well, I woke up and checked my phone, I had gotten a text from a friend of mine, it said "wanna hangout??" I replied "yeah ofc" and he told me to go to the supermarket in our town. I put on some clothes, eat breakfast and took some pills for my headache, but I had no pills so I had to quickly text my buddy that I was gonna be 20 minutes late, but he just replied with "kk", so I walked to the pharmacy to get some pills for my headache. I was close to the pharmacy, when I heard the voice of a female "excuse me, sir?", I looked back and asked if she was talking to me and she said yes and explained that she was a member of a group she called The Serpent's Hand and then she started explaining that an anomalous world existed, I turned around and walked away, I had been walking for about 3 seconds when I turned to see if she was still standing there, she was gone like she had never been there, now the street is very wide and open and there weren't that many people around in the area, but anyways I bought my pills walked home, took some of the pills, then met up with my friend, I told him the story and he thought it was weird, cause a lady had asked him told him the same thing a couple days ago, so we seeked went out to look for her at the pharmacy, but she was nowhere to be found, we looked around town, but she wasn't anywhere to be found, so we returned to the supermarket, bought an energy drink each and walked to the bonfire house in a forest and drinked it while talking about life, when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up, there the lady was, she explained that she had seen us looking for her. We explained that she had talked to us both about a weird world of anomalies and she explained that The Serpents Hand was seeking new members and she had seen us and asked us. She explained the basic stuff about the Jailors, the Madmen and the Bookburners and why The Serpent's Hand didn't like them. She showed us a Way in our town and how to use it, so we could enter the Library. Ever since that experience I've been reading about the anomalous and it's world.


PM me if you wanna tell me anything about my app. Opio -God-#3424

sidenote: I know my grammar is shit.
Edit: Colour

Edited by Opio -God-
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Dear L.S.:
My official name [RP name] is...
: John "Synergy"
My Online Identities [Steam Name & Discord Name] are...: SynergyJohn & SynergyJohn#7592
My Library Card Signature [SteamID] is...: STEAM_0:0:213581846
The time I have spent inside of the Library [Playtime] is...: 3 days, 15 hours
My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was...: To further my goals in the cult of Sarkicism, attempting to get biological SCP's to freedom in order to attempt to find a way to free Yaldabaoth from her eternal prison forced upon her by Mekhane. I believe in The Serpent's Hand's goals to integrate anomalies into the world, however with limits. Robotic anomalies should not have this privilege. They are freaks of nature, exhibiting animal instinct or higher intelligence with no emotions and no mortal right. The Broken God must stay broken. Once the biological anomalies are integrated, free and can use their own instincts and movement for free will.  Diseases will spread and those who are not pure will be consumed by said disease and shall become offerings to Yaldabaoth. With the help of The Serpent's Hand, the GOC and Foundation's aggressive, technological means to both neutralize and contain SCP's must be eradicated. Although the goals of TSH must come first, integration. I wish to assist in this goal to get humanity to accept anomalies and for them to interact, as nature intended.
I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as...: There were many talks of it around both Sarkic cults and the Church of the Broken God. They all know that such a thing exists however they know not everything about it. I investigated into it from stray Foundation Personnel on the surface in alleyways, a few giving up their security credentials. This allowed me to investigate information and, by extent, the goals and actions of TSH. I then found "The Writer's Library". In this small building on the surface, I found books far more interesting than others in the world, and it fascinated me. I wished to know more, investigate more, do more. I will explain this more in another point.
I would describe myself as...: A calm, collected Sarkic believer. I consider myself to be valuable like many others as I exhibit traits like others in the cult. I am immune to disease, however I have found I can manipulate living matter to a certain degree. I cannot control the matter, however I can bend it. In other matters, I am quite diligent and forward-thinking. I believe that with this letter and the sacrifices I am willing to make, I'd also describe myself as loyal. There is not much else to put here, other than what has been said above, I could consider myself as a good asset and a good, dedicated worker.
My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with...: A lot. I have previously answered this partially in an earlier point, but I will elaborate further. Once I had heard talk about The Serpent's Hand, I investigated into it by a few illegal means, before coming across the Library. I was curious of a man in a black suit teeming with blue, bright lines on it. It seemed to be some other technological asset to the Foundation, until I saw this person waving away Foundation forces. With piqued interest I entered this building, before finding a large array of books inside. I was greeted by a man who called himself "The Writer", who I exchanged conversation with. We spoke endlessly on topics such as Sarkisicm and the belief in related gods. Then other things as important as literature. I was infatuated with the endless amount of mystical books that were contained inside, and chose one relating to a "Scarlet King". I hadn't seen it before, however it was such a good read that I stayed even longer, and spoke more with this man. He spoke so eloquently and in such a life-full manner (if that makes sense) that I couldn't help but listen. He lives through the books, I feel they are an extension of him. Every time I thought I would get a moment to look back at my book, he'd speak again on a beautiful proverb, catching my attention again. He told me that he wrote every single book and every copy in that library, and I didn't doubt it for a second. He seems exactly like the man who the Foundation considers the Librarian of "The Library", that infinite amount of books as far as the eye can see. He had a book that beat like a heart when he spoke to me. He told me the story of that book in relation to him, and I was even more enthralled by it. I knew this couldn't simply be some random occurrence, he embraced the abnormal.

I also met Camryn, an amazing, however strange Maxwellist, with a few issues that I had taken note of. I had met a Bird watcher and a... drunkard I think. These are all those single cells I remember reading about!


Edited by SynergyJohn
(Forgot to mention) Fixed the format so that it is centered on the left side, instead of in the center. Also extra information.
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Dear L.S.: I am intrigued. It is fair that this intuition comes naturally to me. I can't say no, can I? It feels true to me, weirdly specific for tastes but nonetheless you can call me interested and perplexed but I am definitely in. I don’t know what you expected me to say, but I hope that along the line of what you meant.


My official name [RP name] is...: Dr.Jason Jay Wu-Zhang


My Online Identities [Steam Name & Discord Name] are...: Fluffy Dah Fluffy #3356, and Fluffy


My Library Card Signature [SteamID] is...: STEAM_0:0:44488251


The time I have spent inside of the Library [Playtime] is...: 2w 6d 16h 15s




My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was...: I’m not going to lie. I crossed the Serpent's Hand a couple ages ago. I cannot deny their main attraction, if that's what you would call it, brought me in. A library, full of untouched or completely touched records of every...single thing that has, will, ever, or never existed. It interested me. Getting in through from such a median of a right activist group didn't bother me. They seemed educated enough, and they seemed to be able to put their feet in the right place to brace for a probable impact so I joined. I got developed into them. I joined at first just for the kick of unstoppable knowledge but the more I hear them speak the more I can't disagree. And, luckily it isn't a total uncontrollable mess. The Organization  wasn't a mess, the Library although not a mess, was an inconvenient disaster by itself. I found out quickly I wasn't going to absorb any specific knowledge unless I just pointed to beside me. So my original intention was gone. But, I developed an ideology with the organization. I think ideology is the wrong word, rather I think feelings in a better word? I didn't want to leave, I felt like I actually like being within the organization, without the gaining of  knowledge. It felt odd at first but eventually, I started to follow. The more I followed them, the more I became more and more interested, and now I stumbled into an abyss of loyalty. 


“My strange physiology  can now be explained through others' words. I didn't understand these confrontations with physics, science, time and space. They were the things that got me interested in the whole mechanics and forces of the universe, and got me into the studies. My effects on the universe- or rather the lack of my effects on the universe. How I don't exist but I am in this chair right now recording this audio, is a question wanted answered, and you gave it to me. I am forever grateful for that. But, I can't help that it's quite convenient that when I searched for answers I ended up joining the Serpent's Hand.” 


I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as...: The Wanderer's Library. A source of information about everything. Everything written, not written, things that will never be written, and things that can not be written. The things that exist outside of this universe, the things that exist outside of every plane of existence can be found in writing here.


Let's talk about a way to enter the Wanderer’s Library. The Hydra’s Spine. Built by a race from a ‘different’ place if you would. It's a way to enter various things, time, space, and reality that are very non existent in the Hydra Spine. Everything is linked with dark dirt tunnels. They link up practically every reality, universe, and time frame. It's quite strange.


But then we have the people I have encountered:


L.S, I have never met them. I have respect for them of course, whoever they may be. I understand they are quite a figure of our group. Not a leader, but certainly a key to locked doors. I guess that's why people like them so much.


John Morse, I believe he contains the big boys. The ones that destroy our reality as we know it. The official job title I have yet to understand but it has something to do with Esoteric beings beyond our understanding and for that, I wouldn't doubt his intelligence.  


The Wolke Brothers, Grauen and Gewitter Wolke, I don't know these two personally but I understand that they have comments in a few places here and there. They get around and that's all I can say about them.

The Birdwatcher, Met him in real life. His name does hold true, although I don't know if its somesort of reference. 

Crow Far-Walker, I hope this is a persona and not his real name, if so I feel very sorry for him. He has left some vulgar comments on certain things, I don't have much respect for the man, I think I have met him at a bar conveniently...Nope that was just a drunken Scot with a sailor tongue, I am sorry quite salty to people like Crow. 


Agent Camryn, Met him in a dream. We had a conversation about intelligence and how we can use our ‘powers’ to gain more of it. He manifests in dreams I guess, whatever supernatural type being he is. 


James Franklin, Who the hell gave god like powers to a psychopath. I mean, were fighting for the same cause here right? I am not fighting for killing my daughter. I mean who does that. Who kills like that, and abuses their power for no other reason but to cause chaos. 


David Mercer, A man of very anomalous and strange physiology. Stranger than mine for certain. I think he was a creation of something far grander than myself.


I would describe myself as...: I would say I am pretty alright. Some people might definitely hate me more than others but, I don't let those things hurt me as a whole person. Very few people feel that way. I am very critical but what do you expect? I’m a doctor.


My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with… Forums. And I am not talking about normal forums, we are talking about deep web forums. Eventually you get down to the point where the government doesn't even have watchers. It's dangerous down there, and I expected my answer to my question of who I really was, was dangerous. I never really found the answer I was looking for but I found a recruitment video on a JPG file. I found it weird that audio would be on an image file, it's usually a sign of a virus, but it didn't look like one. I clicked, hoping it wasn't the latter but I found audio. It was terrifying, a woman crying about a library of forbidden knowledge, that it contained everything, and that she ‘looked at something she wasn't meant to’. It piqued my interest and that when I got the invitation a few days later after a search history that could have landed me on a few watch lists. I joined, and started my search with no appeal.

Edited by Fluffy
Grammar, and also Added a few names to the list of Agents
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Dear L.S In the last letter you wrote to me, you suggested i seek help for my “Issues” i have then since gathered some money and found myself a good man who he calls himself a “Therapist” i can now tie my shoelaces, i thank you for this

My official name Lando Norris

My Online Identities PurpleTunnel PurpleTunnel#4691

My Library Card Signature STEAM_0:1:526501347

The time I have spent inside of the Library [4 Weeks 2 Days


In my last letter i told you the wrong things, apologize for my mistakes so here is the Full and proper given story. My intentions were to announce and spread the strange, the anomalous. Turn the normal into Havoc and overtake it with Strangeness. When one sun sets another rises, the one reading this could tell me day or night if one wonders where the light shines and where the water runs? As said sun rises and the water gets warmer, Colder as it sets and falls into the depths out of ones sight. I began reading and reading. Currently as i'm writing this i am halfway through my favourite book. I do suggest you read it, very intriguing indeed

Those People, the ones who hate the strange, the ones who want it dead, the GOC or the Bookburners as some may call. 4 Weeks in the library has taught me a few rules and kept those people away. 

The Foundation are also an interesting type, wanting to contain the strange, it makes me sick in the ways they complete their tasks

Or the Churchers, well referred to the CoTBG, an interesting sort. Not like Mr Synergy, a Sarkic delight. They worship….different things, also different “Factions' ' within them, The Maxwellists, the Cogwork Orthodoxy and The Last, im not really sure, some say its just a few thousand more factions bit oh well who knows. 

And just recently the “ACB '' These people also want to contain the strange, i joined them to see and it disgusts me what they do, put them in cages and take nots. One can only imagine what the Foundation does. They even and the nerve to move into Ovis city image.thumb.png.c0896e1a68b49a07112406f90d923436.png

We are not a group of hostile actors who want death to all who hate the strange, some may do, most dont, we are just a strange activist group who enjoy spreading the unordinary 

We spread the Knowledge of the Anomalous and those SCP's that are being kept far far underground. "they call us Environmental Terrorists" How could they.

Oh boy do we all love home, where is your home. Think about that...just for a second, Personally my home is the Library,  yours? Probably your place of living. 

Some say i am funny, some call me weird. Some even make fun of my certain assets and personalities, if you get to know me i can be a cool guy, if i like your presence that is. Yes i have a short temper and in fact, i have even killed some for it, but life does go on. One wonders? What do you think of me, be honest. Although i do not speak much, i am loud mouthed and will have a go at anyone on the street, whether that be a child or a fully grown adult


My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with…

Well again, i have lied in this, and i apologise, i know liars are not accepted but this story is too dear to me, in my mind you are lucky to hear it, i do not like sharing...really at all. 

Well it all starts with me finding the door…..

A big red door it was, creaky but blood red in its colour as i opned it i was blinded by a light, it lit up the entire road, i looked back with my eyes quenching hiding from the light so see a portal.

“Is this the end?” i said and then a voice said back to me “No Mr Norris, this is just the beginning” i was sucked into it, like a black hole. I wake up on the ground, a man in a suit looking up at me, “Hello? I said while my hands trembled, “Where am” I was cut off. “Welcome to the Library!” he replied back with a state of excitement. “Excuse me?”  “you are in the Wanderer's Library!” As he looked down on me with a huge grin, he took his hand out and i grabbed it it, the man pulled me up and handed me a book. I opened it and felt...almost loved, by the book and its presence, i look back up to ask what this book is...he was gone. I began reading and reading, ever book, new chapter, every verb was a new story. Where i was did not matter, all that mattered to me was this book.


I finished that book 6 hours later and left the place.       2 Days later i returned to hope to see the man who i had found out was the so called “L.S” Oh boy was i excited and proud  to meet him or..well met him. 2 Weeks later on my day out i met the Individual named as “Camryn” a fellow book worm. We met in the Library and from then became friends, They showed me things could have never imagined was real, books that could give diseases? Books that could revive loved ones. They explained to me that

The reason the library was so secret and only a few with the gift could ever know about it, was because of these Bookburners and the Foundation, if they ever found these items, they would steal them or destroy them. A book was gone what was known the the luck book now known as SCP 1025 had been stolen by a man in blue robes and a clown mask, reminded me of a game i had played, almost too cliche his outfits was, He was a field operative named “Jeremy Solinski” i found out he died when he read the book 3 hours after its Classification. Well that was it, the location of the library was exposed, or was it? They could not get in, oh the irony, with 1 book gone we had the confirmation the Foundation wanted us dead and our books gone.


Also met a man named “The Birdwatcher” and Girl? Named “Alice Winters”  

But thats all for now

Thanks for reading 

-Lando Pactor Norris 


Edited by Lando Norris
addin more detail

i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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