Fricky Hecks

Kevin's O5 app again.

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I was told I could copy and paste old app, so if there's any missing details, tell me.


Your in-Game Name: Kevin Lowikeyes

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:102077624

Your Age: 15

Your In-Game Playtime: 7w 4d

Your Warns: 4

Rate Your RP Skills: like 7/10

What O5 Designation would you prefer (1-12) and what character?: O5-10 “The Catalyst” because i’m uncreative

How do you initiate a lockdown/unlockdown?: /lockdown /unlockdown or something

How do you Initiate a nuke?: The way to initiate a nuke is simple, however the process behind it is not, obviously the situation has to have reached a point of no return, such as multiple SCPs breached onto the surface or the entire surface constantly attacking the Foundation, a situation similar to that is IMO a good reason to initiate a nuke, the way to actually initiate it is to go to the nuke room, stand at the button and request that an event planner or member of hierarchy activate it, once the button has been activated, the nuke will eventually fly to the surface and kill everything up there. Once the nuke has been set off, it must be reported why it happened in site sitreps, if the reason is invalid, the O5 will be demoted and banned for MRDM.

Have you read and understand the rules of SCP-RP?: I mean, after about 2 years of being on this server, never being banned and only having 4 warnings, I’d say yes.

Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions):


Having been part of the council about 2 times already, I have had plenty of experience being an O5 member, I had felt that I was able to make reasonable quick decisions that have been able to save more people than kill. I had created a couple projects for some researchers to do and funded them accordingly so that they could complete the project quickly, one of my favourites was Project Avalon which is to create combat suits for Mobile Task Forces and maybe some O5s for better offense & defense. I feel I'll be able to create projects for researchers to do that will have an effect on future RP situations, and not just have them test on SCPs day in day out but instead actually try to understand and replicate an anomalys abilities such as SCP-2295s healing or SCP-106s dimension. When it comes to dealing with Forge (pleigs funny event storyline) I feel I'll do well in dealing with it, if some people saw the Operation Forge document I had made, then they should know I organised it entirely and gave tasks to all the O5s before it got purged, I feel I'd be able to do similar things if I get added back into O5 and maybe some new things since there are new features for O5.


I feel I'll be able to add RP to the server as O5 with the examples shown above and as I’ve done before the purge, instead of being an O5 that sits in their office or at EZ big all day collecting salary until an event comes along, and even then, events don’t come along that often, *unless it’s pleig*.


Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he himself differs from any other site Administration?: The O5 council in lore are what controls the Foundation and all of its operations, authorizing tests and clearances when need and the termination of some SCPs such as SCP-096 & SCP-682, Most of them are shrouded in mystery and only so many know who they are while some others are more public with their status as O5, wearing it like a badge. Most O5s are designated a department to oversee, providing permission to do so without it just being a large council vote for a small decision. The O5 oversees the site, making sure that everything runs smoothly, this will consist of guiding and correcting the SD in their tasks and making sure that they don't mess up, along with providing the SD with tasks to perform and complete to potentially assist in quality of life changes for all Foundation personnel, the O5 would also demote any SDs that continue to make dumb decisions even though they were told not to, not answering comms or ordering something completely stupid such as ordering the detainment of the E-11 CMDR for doing their job. They'll also assist all the other members of Site Administration such as the HoEA & ECM by providing permission/information for something and giving new orders ASAP in case of an unusual occurrence, but most of the time they’ll stay out of their way.

The O5 is one of the most important people inside the Foundation, so obviously they're a high value target for any GOIs that are against the Foundation. Killing one O5 could cripple the Foundation long enough for a Group of Interest to attack the weakened area of the Foundation to capture anomalies, personnel, information & god knows what else. That normally can't happen with an ordinary Site Director or Head of External Affairs as the O5 isn’t so easily replaceable.


What is the O5 Council?: The O5 council is the committee of the highest ranking members inside the Foundation, the group contains 12 members at all times, and sometimes a 13th to act as a tiebreaker for a decision. The Council is basically the group that controls the Foundation from the shadows, giving orders either secretly to an SD or publicly to an MTF, all depending on the circumstances, although it's not like they order every single thing inside the Foundation, it's not like some junior researcher needs to constantly go to an O5 everytime he wants to use the vending machine, so they're more like spectators in the Foundation, only making their move when they need to.


Some O5s have body doubles to protect themselves, these body double usually belong to MTF Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand", this MTF is under direct control of the O5 council, usually bodyguarding them, although if an operation needs to be silent even to the Foundation, A-1 is sent to clean up the mess left by whatever. Some of the A-1 are anomalous, normally being referred to as Factotum, this shows that some O5s are so dedicated on making sure they're safe, that they're willing to break Foundation code to turn their own members anomalous, normally to be an even better body double.

Explain what makes you special: I feel what makes me special is my unique perception to situations in which I have been dealt a bad hand, such as dealing with pleigs characters such as Azazel, Moth, Samuel & Forge by using items that I had known about previously, such as Miller's M.I.C.R.O or using Dr Shoguns armor suits to better defend myself. It normally works out in my favor, by being left alone or having that reality bender work with us. I feel I have a pretty good ability to bluff as well, some bluffs of mine had worked, and I was also able to stop a Chaos Insurgency Operative in their tracks just by outnumbering them and telling them to put the weapon away or else I'll kill them. *as a diff job obviously*, so I feel I can use speech and threats to my advantage in encounters. I feel I can prove myself again to be suitable for the O5 job, and if not then I atleast would've had a good time trying to be one.

What Department would you like to focus on? (Research, Mobile Task Forces, Ethics,...): whatever is avaliable, however preferably ISD.


just punch through his fucking head

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Seems to have a lot of experience, your application seems good and I think you’d be fit for it.

SCP-RP Positions

Sarkic Owner
24/02/2021 - 25/07/2021

20/02/2021 -> 22/03/2021

Senior Moderator
22/03/2021 -> 17/04/2021

17/04/2021 -> 01/05/2021

Lead Group Manager
1/05/2021 -> 26/10/2021

Senior Administrator
1/05/2021 -> 12/06/2021

Executive Administator
12/06/2021 -> 26/10/2021

MC&D Salesman

Site Director


Head of Manufacturing Department

Head of External Affairs

Unusual Incidents Unit Agent

Internal Security Department

Sarkic Thrall V5

Sarkic Karcist/Owner V6

MTF ZETA-0 Agent

Head of External Affairs V5

O5-3 like 3 years ago for 30 mins but i was demoted for erp with the HoEA 😞

other jobs i forgot 😞 i hope you enjoyed my signature


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+1 (Might be subject to change depending on the course of this thread)

Have played with him on numerous occasions as Alpha-1 and I never knew why he was removed, to me he seemed quite professional and I believe he'd be a good candidate for the role. The only thing I didn't like was his excessive bunny hopping as it was kind of hard to pursue and keep up with him but this was always something minor for me, other than that he's got the experience. 


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3 minutes ago, Isaac Miles said:

The only thing I didn't like was his excessive bunny hopping

I have a crippling addiction to bunny hopping, whenever I'm not bhopping I feel wrong.

I request that SMT adds an anti bhop script so that I may battle this crippling addiction.

Edited by Fricky Hecks

just punch through his fucking head

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