
Razor's Battalion Application

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Out of Character Section -


Steam Name: Razor-0114


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:549466639


Current rank on the server: PLAT VIP


Age: 17


What is your playtime: (1 Week - Minimum) 03w 5d as of applying 


Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: Yes and yes

Have you read and looked through the Battalion Handbook: Yes I have read through on multiple occasions. 


Do you meet the requirements: Yes I meet the requirements 


Quick summary about you: I am 17 years of age from the United Kingdom, I like to see myself as a chill person who can get along with pretty much anyone and don't have much of a temper at all. I'm currently attending my second year of college studying coaching and physiotherapy where I attend 2 days a week. I love many things such as Star Wars, Most Music, Marvel, Sports and many more. I also play football for my college as a part of my course and also for a team from my local area, not going to lie most of my spare time is spent on the server


In Character Section -


In-Game name: DU LT COL Razor


Highest rank obtained: TEMP DU VC 


What current rank do you have: LT COL


What is your current regiment: DU 


What should we pick you for Battalion: I believe I should be picked for battalion as I am Very active, a good leader, Reasonably quick at adapting and serious when needed. For the majority of my 3w 5d on server i have been active within DU and on everyday bar the week I was banned. If I'm at a misunderstanding I'm not afraid to ask questions to get a greater understanding of any task or problem I encounter to better myself and improve where needed. 


As noted before I am very active on the server and will be able to put in around 65 hours a week on the server as I'm in college twice a week and spend pretty much all of my spare time playing on the server, my activity only usually drops if I'm ill or obviously something important in real life comes up. I may have spent all my time in DU but I am very familiar with other regiments as I have done a few training and interactions with them such as 74th CE and 327th. I will also strive to be the best I can in battalion by reaching my minimums and attending all the meetings etc accordingly and become a respected member of the community.




Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion: (100 Words - Minimum) Battalion have many roles and responsibilities I'll start with roles on defcon 5. On defcon 5 the job of battalion is to grant or deny in advert as well as hosting trainings for your regiment or open ones for everyone to participate in, it's important to make sure you supervise your trainings so it is held to a good standard and no one is messing around. When an event takes place and there is combat the roles change for example if you are leading you would be giving orders to all the other regiments as well as Granting and Denying. I shall go into further detail of the role of the co-leader later on the appropriate question.


Have you ever been demoted, banned or kicked: I was demoted from LCPL to CT in my short time in CE for inactivity during my first few weeks on the server and I was Banned for 1 week for AMRDM whilst being a Idiot late night and have learnt from my actions and do not endorse nor do i encourage this behaviour at any time on the server. 


Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank: I understand Battalion is very serious, Disciplined and respectable so no messing around will be tolerated and can result in a demotion or even a kick. 


What do Battalion do during Combat, when they are not leading?: If not leading or co-leading an event battalion members are expected to fight alongside and support the regiment you are supervising or have been assigned to by the leader. It is important that you do not act as a personal battalion for them or act as a member of their hierarchy, Relaying orders to this is acceptable to make sure they know their duty or what position they should be taking. 


What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted as part of his mentoring session?: 


  1. Successfully leading an event to a good standard.

  2. Host a Successful Debrief to a good standard 

  3. Host a training including faces, formations and Questions. 


What is the job of the Co-Leader during events?: A co-leader is to assist the leader with things such as Granting or denying in advert or to take over as the leader if the leader crashes or has to depart.


Anything else: No. 

Current Ranks
[ Community Modeller]

Previous Ranks
[SWRP Modeller]
[Discord Staff]


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Razor is a reliable, trustworthy and confident sort of guy. There's not any question about that for me nor his leading ability. 

His ban is a thing though. Put bluntly, it doesn't look too great hence my neutral.

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Neutral / +1

from what i know you are active mature

play time a bit low but its okay

I belive the are better candidates but good luck anyway

Current Ranks:

RC Commander F68

SWRP CWRP Staff Manager

Previous Ranks:

OS Squad Leader F68

21st Best Model
21st/GM Nova Corps Senior Commander

SWRP CWRP Super Admin
SWRP CWRP Lead Mentor

Jedi Champion
Jedi Specialist
Jedi Paladin

Plo Koon (Jedi High Council)

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Ban is still slightly fresh. However, I do believe in reform and I speak to Razor on a daily basis so I know he has changed. Besides that, he is more than competent, active, and experienced. His leadership ability is amazing and best of all, he currently holds the logging record for DU at 44 loggings. Within DU he is held in high esteem for his character. He is fun to be around, extremely approachable, and friendly/mature. I have not met a single person who hasn't hit it off with Razor to this day. If he did not have a ban I would wholeheartedly and genuinely say he would be one of the better candidates for Battalion.

𝙍𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝘼𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙙
104th ET - 04/05/21 - ??/??/??
𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳 06/02/21 - ??/??/??



Previous Ranks:
35𝘵𝘩 𝘌𝘹𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘖𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘳
212𝘵𝘩/𝘚𝘛 𝘊𝘗𝘛
𝘑𝘦𝘥𝘪 𝘗𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘳 - 05/09/20 - 23/04/21

𝘋𝘜 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 - 26/07/20 - 03/05/21


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One of the best boy's I've ever had the honor of being around. His mistake's have been dealt with and I believe he's learned from his actions. A man with a level head and a great attitude for any situation. If accepted he'd be a great addition to battalion.

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Razor is a all around funny, happy and good lad to be around. He has his recent ban, but i dont think its a big red flag as it wasnt for anything really serious from my point of view. Although Razor isnt perfect, he has what a good battalion member needs, and i belive it would be a beloved member because of his constantly positive way of thinking. Impossible to dislike a man that does nothing but cheer everyone up.

+1  (i really would hate to see you go tho 😞 )

Current ranks


ISF Sec. Sup. Lt. COL

Junior Developer

Previous ranks

DU Commander | Battalion Warrant Officer | CWRP

Fleet Commander + Fleet Temp Commodore | IRP

Super Admin | Lead Mentor | IRP v1 - IRP v2 (2 yrs)

Fleet Commodore & Temp Rear Admiral | IRP v2

Rebel General | IRP v1

T Shock Commander | IRP v1

Shock Captain | TRP

Moff | TRP

Rebel Major | TRP

CFU Deputy Director | HLRP

Vegilantes Lead Agent | Gamemaster faction | HLRP

Moderator | Gamemaster | Discord moderator | HLRP

"https://www.youtube.c om/watch?v=oy0TUwGba9Q"

Skjermbilde 2022-03-18 185218.png


Skjermbilde 2022-08-03 124245.png

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I know for a fact you are a great guy and have a personality that would really be enjoyed and appreciated within Battalion, which is such an important quality in my mind. And I know that as a DU member you are also incredibly competent, active and high-achieving. But that incident where you were banned may not have been entirely justified but there is no doubt that there were some very poor decision making which lead to a big slip up. Those mistakes stick unfortunately and you will really need to try extra hard to prove you are better than that to others.


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+1 Reasons already stated and I am too tired to type

Current Ranks

Jedi Knight 501st SOF Captain Lord Inquisitor Engineering Corps SFC Medic


Past Ranks

SWRP Senior-Admin

Deathrun Admin

IRP Administrator
IRP Junior Developer

ISB Agent

Battalion Major


501st Captain

501st ARC Colonel

Dark Council
Head Medical Officer

DU Spec Ops Captain 




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So well done for making an application. I personally loved to read it. Firstly your rank in DU is to be commended. Not easy being in a regiment which has had issues in the past and seeming that you have stayed and worked through them is a large thing and shows a lot about who you are. I also see you as a leader figure in DU, which coming from me is very respectable so hold your head high.

My negatives are short. To some people you can be a no body. I didn't know who you were, when I was in 501st. Only being in battalion and having good talks with you can I say the good things about you. Another issue I see is that you are very closed in how you are in DU. You only speak to DU and don't try to branch off and work with other frontline regiments in trainings. That would be my other things really bad.

Overall I would not have an issue if you joined battalion. Just make sure to keep your head up if you don't get it.

Good luck,


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1 hour ago, Breatoking said:


So well done for making an application. I personally loved to read it. Firstly your rank in DU is to be commended. Not easy being in a regiment which has had issues in the past and seeming that you have stayed and worked through them is a large thing and shows a lot about who you are. I also see you as a leader figure in DU, which coming from me is very respectable so hold your head high.

My negatives are short. To some people you can be a no body. I didn't know who you were, when I was in 501st. Only being in battalion and having good talks with you can I say the good things about you. Another issue I see is that you are very closed in how you are in DU. You only speak to DU and don't try to branch off and work with other frontline regiments in trainings. That would be my other things really bad.

Overall I would not have an issue if you joined battalion. Just make sure to keep your head up if you don't get it.

Good luck,


Thank you for your response! I see your issue with DU member not branching off and communicating with other frontline regiments but I am usually active within TS with 327th and some other regiments. Moving back to your point I also believe DU should branch off and communicate with other regiments more often.

Current Ranks
[ Community Modeller]

Previous Ranks
[SWRP Modeller]
[Discord Staff]


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Battalion Command has decided that you aren't currently fit for the position of Battalion. 

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.


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