
Fix breaching charges

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What your suggestion is: Change breaching charges so that they:

1. don't destroy destructible props so we could use them in breach trainings / only destroy destructible props if they are not guarded by a non destructible prop

2. when you use bacta gel tube it wont switch to them and switch to keys instead so people wont blow people up by accident

Scriptfodder/workshop link: N/A

Any additional information: pls pls 

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1. Its an area destruction. Not happening. 

2. Its a weight based system, in order to fix that the weight of dets need to be lowered really low same with all other weapons and keys needs to be made the highest, wont happen

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45 minutes ago, Nathan said:

1. Its an area destruction. Not happening. 

2. Its a weight based system, in order to fix that the weight of dets need to be lowered really low same with all other weapons and keys needs to be made the highest, wont happen

aight but about the other thing i said, can that be fixed?

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can't even understand point 1. But its a breach charge, it generally blows up everything. There are other issues that need fixing on the dets and none of these are that. Pretty sure Nathan knows the issues because we sent a few problems in weapon-feedback in discord a while ago. Just up to Nathan to find the time/figure out how to fix it.


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