hurt Blecha the second

idk why i got banned by ching chongs

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Server you got banned from:scp-rp

Your name in-game:ching chongs or billy glen 

Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:567785962

Admins' name that banned you: IDK

Admin's steamID:idk

Why did you get banned?:idk 

Evidence(Un-necessary): i will show a pic 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:i don't if i do because idk why i got banned if i enter a sit i be pleased 

Anything else?:


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5 minutes ago, ching chongs said:

i was allied with CI and the CI was in a cell i killed the E11 and the NU-7 but you and the SA were witnesses and in the way i was released the CI the was 'allied' hey was the person that helped me enter the site and told me about the foundation 

Only CI Delta can recruit civs, you should be happy its only a week ban. Usually MassRDM is a permament ban

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Trying to be a CI while in civ job, and then RDM people on the surface? 

Nah, you should have been perma banned in my opinion. You could have just switched to CI operative to do so. But then again, you would still need to follow orders from delta.


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2 minutes ago, Makarov said:

Trying to be a CI while in civ job, and then RDM people on the surface? 

Nah, you should have been perma banned in my opinion. You could have just switched to CI operative to do so. But then again, you would still need to follow orders from delta.


it was not on the surface it was in EZ cells


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2 hours ago, ching chongs said:

if i enter a sit i be pleased 

You had already left the server by the time that I had been made aware of what happened (so this is why your ban is extended by 2 days for LTAP).

You were not raiding the site at the time, especially as civilian and without a CI Delta, so you couldn't just go round killing unarmed site personnel that could have witnessed you killing the E-11 and Nu-7 in order to free the CI. 

It's also interesting that you're not mentioning that you were "rping" as an Arab rebel which was reported by the majority of people that were in the area at the time which is considered FailRP.

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1 hour ago, Makarov said:

Trying to be a CI while in civ job, and then RDM people on the surface? 

I mean you can be a part of CI even though you're civilian. However, you need to be recruited by a Delta and then do /setjob Chaos Insurgency Alpha. Then you're a part of CI and you can help them. Yet that is not a real excuse to randomly RDM people on the surface without a clear valid reason.

For the unban request I will say neutral for now. I need Daniel Eclipse explanation of the whole matter before I can give a +1 or a -1.



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I believe I was the NU7 that you killed for no reason. You can’t just ally with a group without talking to them lol. You do know how alliances are made right? If you wished to ally with the CI then you should locate a high ranking CI to where you can set up a meeting to then create an alliance. Your excuse for MassRDM isn’t permitted. Maybe if in RP you had made the alliance ties or you were recruited as CI Alpha then it would if had an RP justification. Just once your unbanned man, make sure you create an RP alliance with CI before claiming your allied with CI. I would have no problem with you killing me if you had an RP reason. It’s just that you didn’t, so it has to be a -1 from me. Sorry, just make sure you learn from your mistake

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15 hours ago, LeadingRanger said:

I believe I was the NU7 that you killed for no reason. You can’t just ally with a group without talking to them lol. You do know how alliances are made right? If you wished to ally with the CI then you should locate a high ranking CI to where you can set up a meeting to then create an alliance. Your excuse for MassRDM isn’t permitted. Maybe if in RP you had made the alliance ties or you were recruited as CI Alpha then it would if had an RP justification. Just once your unbanned man, make sure you create an RP alliance with CI before claiming your allied with CI. I would have no problem with you killing me if you had an RP reason. It’s just that you didn’t, so it has to be a -1 from me. Sorry, just make sure you learn from your mistake

I was one who he RDM'd too, so this is basically everything I had to say. 


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Assuming this is the same individual that played as a civilian and outwardly claimed that you were "an arab rebel that stands against the UN" and then was shot for this and began complaining in OOC, I'd say this is quite deserved. We told you on that day to not RP as an Arab rebel as it's FailRP but you continued it and now you've also been banned for MRDM.

Hard -1.

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