Warden - Onyx

Wardens First Battalion Application

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Out of Character Section -

Steam Name: GraveMurky

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:70682021

Current rank on the server: Plat-VIP

Age: 21 

What is your playtime: (1 Week - Minimum) 2 weeks and 15 hours (edited as it was wrong)

Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: i have a microphone and yes its good quality

Have you read and looked through the Battalion Handbook: i have 

Do you meet the requirements: i believe i do

Quick summary about you: (70 Words - Minimum)

when I'm not on Gmod I am a security guard I've worked at multiple different places such as bars, retail stores, and concerts obviously with this job come with an assertive attitude and sophistication, people skills and a sterling view of right and wrong I am incredibly friendly as quite a few people can attest to I love to play games in my free time or spend time with my fiancee 

In Character Section -

In-Game name: (Regiment, Rank and then your name) CG Lieutenant Colonel Warden

Highest rank obtained: Temp EXO

What current rank do you have: Lieutenant Colonel 

What is your current regiment: Clone Guard

What should we pick you for Battalion: (200 Words - Minimum)  

 I believe that I would be a great addition to the battalion this would be backed up by my friendly nature my will to get stuff done and honestly my job and my experiences from that give me quite a few transferable skills such as my people skills the knowledge of how to deal with people when they are being hysterical my calmness under pressure my leading which is very important in what I do plus the fact of many places I have worked have a form of hierarchy so I'm very used to using sir last names that kind of thing. 

Then there is the in-game experience I've been in two different regiments both of which brought me to Lieutenant Colonel the 501st and Clone guard I have experience in the front line and defensive regiments giving me the knowledge of both situations and how they would like to be treated which is imperative while leading so you aren't putting them in danger for no reason when they could be useful elsewhere furthermore my time spent in these regiments have made me realize that I would be a good leader as if this doesn't work out I will continue working towards being Clone Guard hierarchy as I personally believe I would do great as I've always been taught growing up the first step to success is believing you can achieve it and hopefully my time in the server has made me friends who agree that I can do it 

Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion: (100 Words - Minimum)

While on base battalion should be walking/jogging around the base making sure everything is running as it should and if not it should be the priority to fix when nothing is happening however they are tasked to grant or deny adverts whenever it is needed. order people to train cadets when no one is stepping forward and making sure regiments are doing as they should be especially the one they are supervising if they are of the rank to be able to supervise a regiment. whilst in combat conditions, the battalion must be in command of all regiments making sure all their orders are clear and concise and adhered to at all times their other responsibility is to make sure that everyone understands what's happening by relaying information to the regiments either via voice amp or via advert depending on how many regiments will be receiving orders at that time and battalion must also decide which regiments to order first this will be dictated by what is happening on the battlefield

Have you ever been demoted, banned or kicked: (If so, explain why) I have never had any of these happen to me

Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank: I do i respect all battalion especially after writing and reading through this process you all had to pass and if i were to get this position I would present myself in an equally respectable and disciplined manner

What do Battalion do during Combat, when they are not leading? (IN DETAIL) battalion during combat are to stay either in the middle lines or the backlines to observe the regiments they command and to help them be able to see what everyone is doing so they can plan accordingly to deal with the threats whilst also keeping themselves alive and uninjured. whilst out of comabt they are to walk around the base/ship making sure everyone is doing as they should during Sims or Trainings and fixing any problems that should arise during Defcon 5 and granting and denying adverts when necessary 

What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted as part of his mentoring session? A debreif, succesfully lead a base attack and a mandatory training 

What is the job of the Co-Leader during events? A Co-leader is there to help make decisions take on some information from the battlefield so the leader isnt overwelmed by the constant stream of orders this helps to secure good and precise orders to get the job done

Anything else: Thank you for your time 

Edited by Warden
mistakes in first send out

Past T-RP/ICRP/IRP Ranks: Admiral, Army Vice Commander, 501st Lieutenant, SF Commander, Vice Manager

Past IORP/IRP Ranks: IC SQ40 Commando, IC Temp Vice Commander, DT Vice Commander, Shock Vice Commander

Past CWRP Ranks: 212th Colonel, 41st Sergeant, 501st Lieutenant Colonel, CG Executive Officer, 212th T Executive Officer



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. Low playtime
. Dont really see you on

. Decent App

                                        Current Ranks                                     Past Ranks
                                           DT SGT                                         327th Commander                501st Temp Major        

                                     Jedi Blade Warrior                            RRD Researcher                           CG SGT   
                                                                                                        41st SGT 


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I knew you in 501st and you were a nice guy and would make a good battalion if you were a little more active as your playtime will be taken into account. Good luck

Edited by Corn

Current Ranks
CT 8117

Past Ranks
a lot of things


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From supervising you in 501st I just need to say you have improved. You were a pain in the ass and did cause some issues but honestly you have become better but there are afew issues. For how long you have been on the server at this point, I expect around 3 weeks, so your playtime is an issue, which shows you could be inactive. And I think that shows from me hardly seeing you on. But good luck atleast

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great guy

bit low playtime

Current Ranks:

RC Commander F68

SWRP CWRP Staff Manager

Previous Ranks:

OS Squad Leader F68

21st Best Model
21st/GM Nova Corps Senior Commander

SWRP CWRP Super Admin
SWRP CWRP Lead Mentor

Jedi Champion
Jedi Specialist
Jedi Paladin

Plo Koon (Jedi High Council)

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2 hours ago, Breatoking said:


From supervising you in 501st I just need to say you have improved. You were a pain in the ass and did cause some issues but honestly you have become better but there are afew issues. For how long you have been on the server at this point, I expect around 3 weeks, so your playtime is an issue, which shows you could be inactive. And I think that shows from me hardly seeing you on. But good luck atleast

thanks for the constructive critisizm breato appreciate it 🙂

Past T-RP/ICRP/IRP Ranks: Admiral, Army Vice Commander, 501st Lieutenant, SF Commander, Vice Manager

Past IORP/IRP Ranks: IC SQ40 Commando, IC Temp Vice Commander, DT Vice Commander, Shock Vice Commander

Past CWRP Ranks: 212th Colonel, 41st Sergeant, 501st Lieutenant Colonel, CG Executive Officer, 212th T Executive Officer



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-1 /  Neutral

In Most of Minimum Word Sections arnt that Long just Bascially the Minimum

2 Weeks Like how do you have that Low Playtime

CG So Know Must Roles But IDK

                                                               Current Ranks                                       

  • IE Captain
  • IRP Junior Dev
  • IRP Event Planner

                                                               Previous Ranks 

  • Imperial Head Medical Officer
  • Pyke Syndicate Elder
  • T-RP Administrator
  • CE Colonel
  • Jedi Guardian/Consular
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2 hours ago, Barry said:


Please no.

The issue i had with you in 501st was you would be inactive for 3 days in a row, then jump on on your promotion day, talk about yourself getting promoted all day, then if you were promoted get off for another 3 days. You also dodged mandos, giving shit excuses as to why you couldn't be on just for me to catch you on sims 4 5 minutes later on steam.

I dont know if you've improved on the above but i dont think you would be a good fit for battalion at all, your quite power hungry and argumentative and not someone i would enjoy taking orders from.


EDIT: Also your playtime, you me and Key joined the server at the SAME time, yet Keys on nearly 7 weeks, im on nearly 6 weeks and your on 2 and a bit weeks, kinda reinforces my above point about inactivity.

thank you barry some of these accusations are true some false im just going to leave it at that

Edited by Warden

Past T-RP/ICRP/IRP Ranks: Admiral, Army Vice Commander, 501st Lieutenant, SF Commander, Vice Manager

Past IORP/IRP Ranks: IC SQ40 Commando, IC Temp Vice Commander, DT Vice Commander, Shock Vice Commander

Past CWRP Ranks: 212th Colonel, 41st Sergeant, 501st Lieutenant Colonel, CG Executive Officer, 212th T Executive Officer



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Just like what Barry said.

Also don't respond to your application unless necessary as It won't do you so good.

Edited by Victor

-Past Ranks

-No one cares




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Reading what Barry said, yikes. Sorry dude, dodging mandos does not give someone a very a good image. However, giving an excuse and then hopping on another game is worse. On top of that, the activity thing is another yikes. Then, replying to Barry like that, especially considering that Barry is not a person to lie about things. Cant say I see you having a chance at battalion. 

𝙍𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝘼𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙙
104th ET - 04/05/21 - ??/??/??
𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳 06/02/21 - ??/??/??



Previous Ranks:
35𝘵𝘩 𝘌𝘹𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘖𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘳
212𝘵𝘩/𝘚𝘛 𝘊𝘗𝘛
𝘑𝘦𝘥𝘪 𝘗𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘳 - 05/09/20 - 23/04/21

𝘋𝘜 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 - 26/07/20 - 03/05/21


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Reasons stated above

Maybe in a while with more playtime and showing that your more competent i would give a neutral or +1  but right now don't think your suitable for battalion


Current Ranks

Gambling Addict
McDonald's Employee

Past Ranks

Conscientious objector

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You seem like a chill guy, but I really don't know you too well. Personally, I have rarely spoken to you and haven't seen you on all that much. With a very low playtime, I would believe that you'll need to become more active and gain more experience before joining Battalion. In my eyes, CG compared to other regiments right now are doing fine, so with a loss of one SO, they should hold up very well. From what Barry has said, it doesn't seem too good. I understand that you haven't explained your side of the argument, however either way there aren't too many excuses for things like that. Hopefully, with you joining CG and ranking up to the rank you are now, you are more mature and disciplined. Either way, I'd say get some more playtime and experience, become more active and apply next time.



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-1 Barry explained it all

Current Ranks

Jedi Knight 501st SOF Captain Lord Inquisitor Engineering Corps SFC Medic


Past Ranks

SWRP Senior-Admin

Deathrun Admin

IRP Administrator
IRP Junior Developer

ISB Agent

Battalion Major


501st Captain

501st ARC Colonel

Dark Council
Head Medical Officer

DU Spec Ops Captain 




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Battalion Command has decided that you aren't currently fit for the position of Battalion. 

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.


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