Meep ็ ็ ็

Kashyyyk Base

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Any additional information: Its really nice looking map( Explore its yourself as the screenshots have got environmental mods ) the only downside with this map is their no really dedicated jedi spot, but  their can be places were it can be and it will work. The Map is extremely spread out from each main place meaning its highly optimised. The download is small with 200 MB. Its recently updated and the whole base flows extremely good. Their is 2 medbay and 2 cells one underground and one on to, 4 sim rooms and a lot places for trainings to take place. Its extremely good / cool base map what i think could work perfectly with WG. Their is a few  TP logos what can be covered by the WG logo or plastic. Please check it out and i hope yall enjoy it. Here some screen shots of the actual map i took myself . It also has a high skybox 

Edited by Meep ็ ็ ็
added screenshots
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+1 The map is a good and amazing, I like the base on it and would love to see this on the server. Download is small too which would make it easy for players to install if they haven't played it before. Cannot wait to see the verdict on this map.

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This map was denied before, the map is suprisingly small
Personaly I dont really like the layout of it, also no visable optimisation and water may cause perormance problems 

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8 hours ago, Pie said:

This map was denied before, the map is suprisingly small
Personaly I dont really like the layout of it, also no visable optimisation and water may cause perormance problems 

Its a different map then the one before / the more up to date one. The Map is actually quite large and the water maybe a little issue but dose not seem to cause large problems  in my testing

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Map looks pretty cool

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We have better base maps on the server already, meaning this one likely never get used so would just be an extra addon with no real purpose.

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